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Chapter 31 Beauty Dinner

[Brothers who gave rewards yesterday: Ningxia Petrochemical, Qingfengwu, History Envoy, Duijie Baiwa, Yuwen Chengye, Lao Zhou and Lao Zhou. Thank you for supporting me!

The official recommendation votes are steadily increasing every day, which Nan Hua is very pleased about. As long as he can make a little progress every day and the new book list is retreating steadily, Nan Hua will not be too hurt.

"Official Policy" We compare ourselves with ourselves. Nan Hua firmly believes that we can write good works without taking the route of rebirth, brothers! Do you think so? 】

The fragrance of tea overflows.

The little beauty is eloquent.

"Let me meet you. My name is Du Qing. You are our idol. Many people admire you!" The girl squinted her eyes slightly and looked at Chen Jing with a thoughtful expression.

"Hello! You are also very nice!" Chen Jing said.

"You are only 25 years old. Many people say that your family background is very tough, is that true?" Du Qing was a bit gossipy.

"Yes!" Chen Jing smiled and nodded: "My parents are both teachers, and my grandfather is also a teacher. Do you think the background is strong?"

"Teacher?" Du Qing frowned: "That's not necessarily tough. Some people outside really like to talk nonsense!"

While Du Qing was talking, Jin Lu kept smiling, because she was doing all the making of Kung Fu tea, making the tea, and adding the tea. Her hands were slender and white, and her movements were elegant and flexible. In line with her calm and beautiful temperament, the tea she brewed seemed to

They all smell better than usual.

"Mr. Jin is very good at craftsmanship. This tea tastes much better than usual!" Chen Jing praised.

"Then you weren't here just now?" Du Qing muttered, "I can tell you, looking at the entire Lihe River, anyone who wants to drink my sister's tea will have to queue up from here to the west of the city."

"You little girl!" Jin Lu said angrily, her hand trembled and a teacup fell on the coffee table.

Chen Jing sipped her tea carefully, thinking about the woman in front of her. She was beautiful and charming, there was no doubt about it.

But a woman who can run a top-notch restaurant in a place like Lihe cannot be a simple woman.

Therefore, Chen Jing purely admires the woman in front of him. In fact, it feels good. At least he who has little experience in dealing with women can be very calm when facing such a special woman.

The tea cup fell, and Jin Lu raised her head unnaturally and glanced at Chen Jing. Chen Jing looked calm, but her eyes quickly moved away.

"Hey, Bureau Chen. I heard rumors from outside that you targeted Zheng Shuang and sealed the Hexi local restaurant because of women, right?" Du Qing was very courageous. After getting to know each other, she directly raised the issue of gossip.


Jin Lu frowned slightly, feeling that this question was a bit excessive, but she lowered her eyebrows and listened attentively.

"I'm not from Lihe, and there are no women in Lihe!" Chen Jing didn't care about this problem. "The issue of style doesn't exist at my age. I don't even have a girlfriend!"

Jin Lu raised her head and glanced at Chen Jing again. Du Qing, the ghost spirit on the side, said: "Sister, why are you always looking at Director Chen? Do you think Director Chen is a good person? You don't..."

"You damn girl..." Jin Lu blushed a little, but her expression became calmer.

After all, she is not an ordinary woman. When faced with embarrassment, she is very good at handling it. Sometimes being more candid on purpose can actually help control the situation.

Chen Jing pursed his lips in a funny voice and said: "Mr. Jin is a celebrity in our Lihe River. You just said that the queue is very long, but I am not competitive! Nowadays, we are the most embarrassed.

The future, where is the prospect but I can’t see it..."

What Chen Jing said later was quite touching.

Many of his classmates, like Lao Fan, now have a car and a house in the provincial capital, and their wives will come over immediately. They live a carefree life. Isn't it better than Chen Jing living in this mountain nook?

Jin Lu's eyes wandered around Chen Jing's face, and she said: "Bureau Chen, at your age, why do you sound bleak when you speak? Do you have to make yourself look miserable in front of us people?


Now the whole Lihe River knows that you are the most promising young cadre, and the Organization Department has listed you as a key cadre to train, and many people are envious of you!"

Chen Jing waved his hand: "I don't mean that at all, I'm telling the truth! It's what I feel!"

Jin Lu pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes extremely smart: "You have never eaten at Jinyu Restaurant, is it because you want to avoid suspicion?"

"To avoid suspicion?" Chen Jing laughed loudly: "Avoiding what suspicion? Between men and women or some other suspicion?"

Du Qing giggled at the side and said: "There is no need to avoid suspicion when it comes to men and women. You are not married and my sister is not married. Why do you need to avoid suspicion?"

Even though Jin Lu was a generous person, her face burned when she heard Du Qing's words, and said: "You girl, you are always causing trouble! Director Chen avoids suspicion because he avoids contact with restaurants like us with criminal records, for fear of being exposed..."

"That's nothing!" Chen Jing denied Jin Lu's words: "How much does a meal at your Jinyu Restaurant cost? How many meals can I eat with a monthly salary? Speaking of which, our bureau is Qingshui Yamen, and I am a deputy

The director is not the person in charge, so I am not responsible for the reception of the bureau!"

Jin Lu pursed her lips and said nothing. Du Qing smiled and said, "If you are not responsible for reception, what are you responsible for? Are you specifically responsible for law enforcement and sealing other people's restaurants?"

"I am responsible for part of the law enforcement. In addition, I am also responsible for running errands, helping the leaders write articles, and deliver documents. After you join the organization department, you will also be our leader. Speaking of which, I will have to rely on you to take care of things in the future.

!" Chen Jing joked.

Du Qing has a casual personality and is not very mature mentally. When she heard Chen Jing's words, she knew that Chen Jing was teasing her, so she was not angry. Instead, she turned to Jin Lu and said:

"Sister, I feel so much pressure. I will be the leader of the director soon. From now on, no one will dare to do anything to me if I walk sideways in the Lihe River!"

Jin Lu was laughing. She fiddled with the teapot elegantly and filled Chen Jing's cup with tea. She looked at Chen Jing with a pair of eloquent eyes and said: "Director Chen, the Forest Police Bureau has been established. The place where Brother Meng is treating guests."

It's my place, you won't tell me, you won't be there, will you?"

"I...uh..." Chen Jing smiled coquettishly. The Forest Police Bureau was established and Meng Hu was appointed as the first director of the Forest Police Bureau. This is a gratifying thing.

Meng Hu himself was also very happy. He told Chen Jing about the treat.

But Chen Jing happened to have no time that day. He had to go back to the provincial capital to attend his sister's wedding. Originally, this matter was not a big deal, but now it has just come to this point. If Chen Jing said he couldn't go, it really made people think that he was doing it on purpose.

Don’t go to Hexi local food restaurants.

"The time was wrong on the day of Captain Meng's treat. I had to go back to the provincial capital that day to have something to do..." Chen Jing said.

Du Qing wrinkled his nose and said: "That means we still can't go. You are a dignified director. You have been in Lihe for several years, but you have never been to my sister's restaurant for dinner. No one believes you even if you tell me!"

"Come on! I'm going to treat you later today, and I'm going to see the scenery of our No. 1 restaurant in Lihe!" Chen Jing waved his hand casually.

Jin Lu was stunned and glanced at Chen Jing in surprise, but Du Qing clapped his hands and said, "That's good, I'm hungry. We can go now!"

"Are you hungry?" Chen Jing looked Du Qing up and down, "You seemed to have just eaten bread just now!"

"Uh... I didn't eat breakfast, so the bread can be regarded as breakfast! What we are going to eat now is a serious lunch." Du Qing said seriously.

Chen Jing asked Jin Lu what he meant with his eyes.

Jin Lu didn't give any feedback, but she had cut off the power supply to the electric teapot and put the teapot aside.

Seeing this, Chen Jing stood up and said, "Okay, let's go! Let's visit Mr. Jin's restaurant!"

"Welcome the leaders to inspect our restaurant!" Jin Lu said with a smile...

There's not much story to be told about a meal.

After all, Chen Jing, Jin Lu and Du Qing were just acquaintances for the first time. Although they were young people, it was impossible for them to truly become friends in such a short period of time.

Chen Jing has passed the age where he is full of fantasies about women. Jin Lu's charming style makes it difficult for any man to control himself. However, Chen Jing is very aware of the distance between himself and the other party, so when facing Jin Lu, he always maintains his attitude towards her.

Very calm, at least on the surface.

As for Du Qing, Chen Jing treats her as a child.

Although there is not much difference in physical age between the two, in terms of mental age, Chen Jing feels that he is no longer of the same generation as the little girl.

Maybe after a few years of working in society, Du Qing will mature quickly, but that will happen in the future, not now.

She drank a little wine during the meal. After drinking, Jin Lu's cheeks turned a rouge red color, and her eyes were as lively as water and as hazy as mist. She was really charming to the extreme.

For a few moments, Chen Jing had a strong impulse in his heart. He wanted to hug the other person and show love and affection to him. Chen Jing knew that that kind of impulse had nothing to do with reason. It was the most primitive and truest feeling of human beings.

The impulse of desire.

After the meal, Jin Lu naturally wouldn't really let Chen Jing treat her.

At such a time, Chen Jing was not overly pretentious. In Du Qing's words, having a meal today is considered acquaintance, and when we meet in the future, we will be friends.

Chen Jing believed Du Qing's words. This girl was as innocent as a blank slate.

But Chen Jing's inner feelings towards Jin Lu are much more complicated, because strictly speaking, he and Jin Lu belong to two different worlds.

The lives of the two people are basically on two parallel lines. A meal is just a node where the two parallel lines stop. After eating this meal, the two people will lead completely different lives.

More importantly, Chen Jing knew better than anyone else that it was almost impossible for two men and women of the same age to become friends because they were neither relatives nor friends, classmates or colleagues.

Chen Jing finally saw the Jinyu Restaurant today. It is indeed one of the best restaurants in Lihe. The facilities and services are comparable to restaurants in the provincial capital. Chen Jing is ashamed that a woman like Jin Lu can run such a restaurant alone.

After seeing the Jinyu Tower, Chen Jing couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart, "You are a scholar who is useless."

He rejected Jin Lu's suggestion to send him away, and went home alone. From Jinyu Tower to Dongcheng, he walked along the river. Looking at the winding and rippling blue water of the Li River, the sentimentality of Chen Jing's literary people came back again.

What is the ambition? What is the ideal? Where is the dream? These questions that once made people excited, but now are full of helplessness, troubled his thoughts...

This chapter has been completed!
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