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Chapter 429 The exam for the secretary of the provincial party committee!

In the thick of autumn, Yushan Hot Spring Villa and the small building where Secretary Sha of the Provincial Party Committee lives are still brightly lit!

After a busy day, Sha Mingde was a little tired sitting in the living room. He lay his head back on the sofa and closed his eyes slightly.

Secretary Wang Mingfeng sat opposite him, with a very respectful expression, and slowly reported to him all the major events that happened in the province today.

Recently, there has been a movement to bring order out of chaos in Chujiang Province. The problem of over-investment that was previously criticized has now been effectively curbed. The entire Chujiang economic structure is now being optimized. Every city and even every county is looking for suitable solutions.

the path of one’s own development.

It is no exaggeration to say that in Chujiang now, Sha Mingde is gradually grasping the overall situation. A lot of negative news about him in the past has been gradually eliminated. Chujiang, where Sha Mingde is in power, is now receiving more and more attention from the central government.

The greater the expectations.

The Chujiang political arena and all walks of life are gradually recognizing Sha Mingde's governance. It must be said that the future of Chujiang Province is worth looking forward to.

Wang Mingfeng admired Sha Mingde very much.

As a foreign cadre, Sha Mingde worked in Chujiang for a short time, but he had a great influence on Chujiang.

Unlike some cadres, he pointed out new theories and new ideas as soon as he entered Chujiang. All he said were empty words, but in the end they could not be realized. In the end, Chujiang was still lagging behind, and there was still no hope.

Sha Mingde is a very pragmatic leader. The strategy he adopted when he came to Chujiang was to suppress first and then promote, and he was able to tolerate different opinions.

If you think my opinion is wrong, then fine, I will act according to your opinion.

But after doing the work, the effect is not good, then I'm sorry, since your method doesn't work, then you have to listen to me.

Sha Mingde chose Degao as a pilot project and asked Wu Daming to develop a characteristic economy in Degao. He achieved great results and made a large number of people jealous.

After suffering from pinkeye, many people tried to imitate him and wanted to take the path of quick success. At that time, some people even openly shouted against Sha Mingde. They thought that Sha Mingde was too protective of his own shortcomings and only cared about his direct descendants.

In the face of doubts, Sha Mingde's performance has attracted much attention.

Just when some people thought that Sha Mingde would be tough, Sha Mingde behaved very mildly.

He did not slap the table and scold the mother, but respected the opinions of these people and allowed everyone to "play freely".

This free play caused chaos in the economic development of Chujiang Province and unreasonable structure, which ultimately led to the province being named and criticized by the State Council.

At this time, Sha Mingde stood up again and once again put forward his own ideas. He convinced people with his reasoning and left people speechless.

In fact, according to Wang Mingfeng's observation, Sha Mingde is more than just that.

Sha Mingde handles things like a typical blunt knife cutting flesh, which looks boring but is actually surprisingly efficient.

So far, the leaders of all provincial departments in cities and provinces have quietly completed the reorganization.

The old team that was left behind in the past has now been updated and adjusted by Sha Mingde to be more reasonable, more effective, and more energetic.

As Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, the core is to control personnel power. Sha Mingde's work in this area can be said to be quite good, leaving people speechless.

The art of leadership is particularly prominent in Sha Mingde.

Wang Mingfeng seriously reported the day's work in the provincial capital to Sha Mingde. Sha Mingde nodded gently and said: "I have been in Chujiang for so long, and my life has always been very tense and I am under tremendous pressure.

Only recently have I felt more relaxed.

I see that all the work is now in good order, the fighting spirit of the whole province is getting higher and higher, and everyone’s enthusiasm is unprecedentedly high. From the bottom of my heart, I am very happy and relieved!”

Wang Mingfeng said: "This is all thanks to you, Secretary. Now everyone says that Secretary, you came to Chujiang and brought great changes to Chujiang!"

Sha Mingde smiled lightly and said, "Stop flattering me! I know very well how much work I have done."

He paused and said: "Okay, after talking so much about work, you can talk about some relaxing things! Let's relax too!"

Wang Mingfeng said: "Okay, let me make you a cup of coffee first!"

Sha Mingde said: "There is no need for coffee, just pour me a cup of tea! Last time, the kid from Degao sent tea. He said it was pure natural and pollution-free. What else could he say? This kind of tea grows in Yunwu."

Deep in the mountains, there are temples around where monks pick and process it.

There is a Zen flavor in tea, and tea is Zen!

It’s very quiet here today, let’s enjoy this wonderful place of tea and Zen!”

Wang Mingfeng smiled relaxedly and said: "Okay, just tea and Zen! Speaking of Chen Jing, I think this kid is quite pragmatic, but when it comes to tea, he is a bit cloudy, which is inconsistent with his character!"

While Wang Mingfeng was talking, he took out tea leaves from the cupboard of the tea house and started brewing.

Sha Mingde said: "You can't say that. This kid can write very well. He is a literati! Literary people always have romanticism. If you don't have this kind of mentality, you will spend all day in this secular world.

How can we transcend the real world?

The old chairman is a master of romanticism. Let’s read the old chairman’s poems. At that time, the Red Army’s 25,000-mile Long March was so arduous and difficult. To put it another way, it was embarrassing! Especially when crossing the snow-capped mountains, how much we sacrificed


But how to write the words of the old chairman? "I am even more happy about the thousands of miles of snow in Minshan Mountain, and the three armies are all happy after the passing."

When we read this poem, our state of mind will be improved countless times. That kind of heroism and optimism can be seen clearly on the page!"

Sha Mingde sighed a few words, then suddenly stood up from his chair and said: "No, no, you can't use Sancai cup for green tea. Green tea tastes its fragrance. If you make tea like this, it will be covered, which is equivalent to re-fermentation. Then

Or some green tea?

Use a glass cup or a porcelain cup to let the aroma of the tea spread out and make it taste better!"

Wang Mingfeng hurriedly changed cups and said with a smile: "Secretary, you are also a romantic! You are also an expert at drinking tea!"

Wang Mingfeng laughed loudly and said: "Then I don't dare. When I was in school, I happened to catch up with the Cultural Revolution and didn't read many books. Compared with today's intellectuals, there is indeed a big gap. Have you read Chen Jing's article?

, I have seen it, it is very sharp and sophisticated.

The writing style is simple and unpretentious, yet heroic. It is really not easy to write a theoretical article like this.

Wu Daming himself is a good writer, and he has a keen eye for recognizing talents, so he immediately fell in love with this kid."

Wang Mingfeng brewed the tea and handed it to Sha Mingde. Sha Mingde put the cup under his nose and sniffed it gently. He closed his eyes with enjoyment and took a long sip of tea.

"Good tea!" Sha Mingde opened his eyes and said, "It is indeed good tea!"

Wang Mingfeng said: "I don't understand tea, I just think it's very astringent. I really can't drink tea and feel Zen!"

Sha Mingde waved his hand and said: "You are a vulgar person, you are such a vulgar person!"

Wang Mingfeng took another sip of tea, frowned and said, "By the way, Secretary, you just told an interesting story. I really have one thing, let's talk about this Chen Jing, he has been in trouble recently!"

Wang Mingfeng has been paying attention to Chen Jing, so what happened in Deshui recently cannot be hidden from his eyes and ears.

He told Sha Mingde the whole story in detail, and finally said: "Secretary, do you think this is a troublesome matter? It seems that this matter is really a scholar encountering a soldier, and it is hard to explain clearly.


Sha Mingde frowned slightly and slowly put down the teacup!

When Wang Mingfeng saw the secretary's reaction, he also put down his cup!

"Have you investigated this matter? What exactly is going on?" Sha Mingde said seriously.

Wang Mingfeng said: "This matter is untrue. Chen Jing was not responsible for this work before. It may have been a trap. He was too young and got in accidentally! Looking at the current situation, if he wants to come out on his own ability, I'm afraid

It’s a bit difficult!”

"Why do you say that? How much information do you know?" Sha Mingde asked.

Wang Mingfeng said: "I have mastered the basic situation, but I still don't know some details. However, if I check it, I can quickly grasp everything!"

"Then go and investigate and get everything under control!" Wang Mingfeng said seriously, "But one thing is, you can't interfere in this matter, do you understand?"

Wang Mingfeng shook his head and said: "I don't understand this. This matter is very critical for Chen Jing. If I don't help him, I'm afraid it will be a big blow to him. In the future..."

"There is no future!" Sha Mingde said coldly: "If you can't experience the slightest storm, what future will there be?"

He paused for a long time and then said: "At times like this, don't think that Chen Jing will definitely be in crisis. Besides, even if there is a crisis, this is exactly an opportunity to test a cadre's ability to deal with the crisis. When we select cadres, we are just rushing through the sand, and we don't want to be overwhelmed by everything.


There are 1.3 billion people in the Republic. After all, only a few people can achieve great things, while most people do nothing. What is the reason for this?

This is like a tidal wave, and only those who are most suitable for survival can stay!"

"Pay attention to this matter, let's treat it like a good show!" Sha Mingde stared at Wang Mingfeng, "Report to me the progress of this matter at any time, don't ignore every detail!"

"Yes!" Wang Mingfeng said, "But Secretary, if Chen Jing can't handle this matter, will we let those guys do whatever they want?"

Sha Mingde frowned and stopped talking.

Wang Mingfeng hit a soft nail and couldn't ask any more questions.

In fact, Wang Mingfeng also knew that he was a bit imbecile in asking questions. There were some matters in officialdom that he should not ask and could not ask.

Just like in this matter, the winner takes all, and Sha Mingde asked him not to interfere. This has made it very clear. To temper a person, there is always a price to pay, and sometimes the price is higher.


After figuring this out, Wang Mingfeng couldn't help but sweat for Chen Jing. This was a big test!

"It tastes very good! It's truly a Zen tea. Remember, don't use this tea to entertain guests. I want to keep it for myself and taste it slowly!" Sha Mingde said loudly.


This chapter has been completed!
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