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Chapter 511 What are the countermeasures??

[Please vote for me! The second update is here!!]

Gao Wei was woken up by Chen Jing in the middle of the night, and Gao Wei's eyes were puffy with sleep.

Chen Jing reported Zhao Dalin's situation to him, and Gao Wei frowned. He didn't speak for a while, and after a long time he said:


He sat down on the sofa and said, "Look at how well you are doing this job. I see that you have no experience as a leader! You are not able to grasp some important tasks. You are derelict in your duty!"

Chen Jing pursed his lips tightly and said nothing. Thinking about it now, he was indeed negligent and inexperienced.

There should have been a re-division of labor in the department long ago. Some important and critical work should be personally responsible for it. Zhao Anshan has ruined a big thing. It is too late to regret it now!

"Don't be like a boring gourd. When something happens, you must face it bravely! You must be calm and control your emotions. Making mistakes at this time is truly fatal!" Gao Weidao.

At this time, he was completely awake. After a while, he stared at Chen Jing and said:

"You will go back to Chucheng immediately, but let me tell you clearly that since you have taken over Zhang Xi and Guo Weiquan's case this time, you must handle it from beginning to end! Don't even think about making a mistake midway!"

Chen Jing was stunned for a moment and said: "Gaobu, I am now..."

Gao Wei raised his hand to interrupt Chen Jing and said:

"I think you are confused by this unexpected incident! Now that we have done this in Yongzhou, it is just right!

A smart person should learn to use time. Your conversation yesterday was very successful, but this success needs time to ferment and the clues will emerge slowly. If you act too hastily, you will not be able to solve this matter!"

He paused and said:

"Also! Have you ever thought about it, Yongzhou is not our home field. We are investigating in Yongzhou, but what is the status of the investigation and the conclusion? We cannot do it in Yongzhou. If this thing happens, it will not be the same.

It's a small matter, because it involves the appointment of important leaders of the prefectural and municipal teams.

It is much more convenient for us to deal with problems in the provincial capital than here, and we have many advantages. This must be clear!"

Chen Jing sighed, and had to say that Gao Wei had thought about the problem very carefully, and now Chen Jing had laid out the situation. He was not worried about Guo Weiquan, and Jiang Ping and others were not in a hurry. They were more anxious than Chen Jing, and they were related to these two people.

Some relationships may be anxious about this matter.

As long as they are in a hurry, there is no need to worry about them not making any moves. As long as they make moves, Chen Jing will have the initiative.

"Okay! Time has settled, that's it! I'll leave immediately and you can continue the investigation!" Chen Jing said.

Gao Wei chuckled and said: "Of course I will stay in Yongzhou for a few more days. If I go back in a panic like you, Zhao Dalin's stinky thing will soon be unstoppable. Once exposed,

It is a great damage to our entire Chujiang image."

He stood up, patted Chen Jing's shoulder and said, "Just take care of yourself, it's time to test you!"

After several hours of bumpy journey in the provincial capital, people were already calm when Chen Jing arrived in the provincial capital!

There is an old saying in Lihe that you cannot die if you are in a daze. Now that the matter has been done, any impatience and lack of calmness are the enemy. This is very clear in Chen Jing's mind.

At this time, excessive self-blame or blaming others will not have any positive effect. The focus of the current work is to deal with things as soon as possible, and all responsibilities must be settled later!

Chen Jing's car parked downstairs in the Organization Department, and Bian Shuolin hurried over to help him open the door.

As soon as he opened the car door, he saw Chen Jing taking a nap in the back seat of the car.

He was stunned for a moment, thinking that Chen Chu was really good at it. At this time, how could he still fall asleep?

Chen Jing woke up with a start. He rubbed his eyes, squinted at Bian Shuolin, and frowned: "What? Why didn't you go to work?"

Bian Shuolin said: "Director, I am waiting for you here specially!" He took a breath and said: "Uncle Zhao arranged it!"

Chen Jing nodded and got out of the car. The sky in the provincial capital today was a bit gloomy, just like the atmosphere in the organization department now. I guess after something like this happened, the organization department is also in the spotlight now, right?

Without returning to the office, Chen Jing went directly to Bian Qi's office.

We had only reached the door of the office when we heard Zhao Anshan say from inside: "Bian Bu, what happened this time is my responsibility. I am willing to take full responsibility. I..."

Bian Qi's roar came to mind, and he said: "You take full responsibility? Even if you shoot Zhao Anshan, can the negative impact of this matter be reversed? For such an important work, you dare to make the decision in private without asking for instructions and reports. I think

You, Zhao Anshan, have taken the courage of a leopard these past few years!

You, you...you are making our entire organization department suffer with you!"

Zhao Anshan's voice was filled with tears as he said, "Bianbu, I'll explain the situation to Minister Mi, and I'll take full responsibility!"

"Bang!" Bian Qi didn't know what he hit, and the floor inside the room shook violently.

Chen Jing stood outside and took a deep breath. This Zhao Anshan is really stupid.

He and Bian Qi are so close. If he takes all the responsibility, can Bian Qi get away with it?

On the contrary, the heavier the responsibility of Zhao Anshan, the greater the impact on Bian Qi. As the deputy director of the Organization Department, if the people closest to Bian Qi make serious mistakes, this problem is quite serious.

Bian Qi's secretary hurriedly came out of Bian Qi's office and said in a low voice:

"Chen Chen, Minister Bian is angry. Can you wait a moment?"

Chen Jing shook his head and said, "I'll be angry later!"

"Then go in!" The secretary was a little helpless, but felt a cold sweat for Chen Jing in her heart.

When Chen Jing entered Bian Qi's office, he saw only shards of glass on the ground. Obviously, in his rage, Bian Qi could not fully control his emotions. He just threw things to vent his anger!

Bian Qi's eyes were like lightning, staring straight at Chen Jing.

Chen Jing nodded calmly and said, "Hello, Minister Bian!"

Bian Qi stared at Chen Jing's face for more than half a minute, and then his expression gradually softened. He nuzzled at Zhao Anshan and said: "I will give you the materials transferred from the Discipline Inspection Commission, the Public Security Department and the National Security Bureau.

Take a long look?”

Zhao Anshan had already approached Chen Jing, holding a stack of materials in his hand.

Chen Jing did not look at Zhao Anshan's face, but Zhao Anshan's hands were shaking violently.

Chen Jing read the materials calmly, his expression became serious, and he looked up at Zhao Anshan again.

Zhao Anshan's head has been lowered. His face is very haggard, and his hair has turned gray obviously because he hasn't dyed it for several days.

What's even more ugly is that his eyes are as red as a rabbit's and covered with bloodshot eyes.

His lips were trembling. How could he face Chen Jing?

He handled this matter single-handedly, and now it has led to such serious consequences. There is no way to shirk his responsibility and there is no way to escape. Even if he makes excuses in every possible way, it is all indefensible!

Chen Jing quickly looked away from his face and said: "Zhao Chu, something happened, stay calm! There is no difficulty in this world that cannot be solved. You must adjust your mentality first!"

Zhao Anshan trembled, nodded hurriedly, and said yes.

Chen Jing read the materials page by page. After a long time, he raised his head and said to Bian Qi:

"Minister Bian, what does leadership mean in this matter?"

Bian Qi looked gloomy and said: "Zhao Dalin may have left Hong Kong at this time. Once his departure is completely confirmed, it must be reported to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and let the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection handle this issue through diplomacy..."

Chen Jing raised his head and said: "No..."

He picked up the materials in his hand, walked to Bian Qi and said: "Bian Bu, look at these materials. The information provided by the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Security Bureau shows that Zhao Dalin probably doesn't know about his absconding yet. We

Already informed.

And Zhao Dalin has a mistress in Hong Kong. He went to Hong Kong just the day before yesterday, maybe she hasn’t left yet!"

Bian Qi put on his glasses and carefully stared at what Chen Jing pointed out to him. He stared at it for a while, took off his glasses and said:

"So what? Hong Kong is a place that operates in accordance with the Basic Law. Now we have one country, two systems. We cannot take any action in Hong Kong. Otherwise, who can bear the charge of undermining one country, two systems?"

Chen Jingdao: "Now that the matter has come to this, we can only treat a dead horse as a living horse. We can consider going to Hong Kong to persuade Zhao Dalin to return!"

Bian Qi was stunned for a moment, then became happy and said: "Persuading you to return? How about you take charge of this job? Do you think this action can be useful?"

"Besides, Zhao Dalin has become a frightened bird now. As long as we make a little move, he will be in trouble immediately. Where can you persuade him to return?"

Chen Jing took a deep breath, and after a long time, he said:

"But Bianbu, we can't do nothing! At the least, this incident is a serious blow to us. At the most, it will have a very bad and bad impact on the image of our Chujiang Province and even the country's image.

negative impact.

I feel that this is not just us, but also the Discipline Inspection Commission, the Department of Finance, and the National Security Bureau. Everyone is very anxious!

We all have to think of countermeasures, otherwise if something happens, we will be helpless and may become even more passive!"

Bian Qi stared at Chen Jing, nodded for a long time and said:

"Today, Minister Mi will go to the Provincial Party Committee for a meeting. This matter should be discussed. I will report your opinions to Minister Mi!"

He changed the topic and said: "From now on, our mobile phones must be kept on 24 hours a day, ready to be on call at any time. In addition, the approval and issuance of all situation certificates for leading cadres will be stopped immediately, unless there is the signature of Secretary Sha or Lu

The governor’s signature is required, otherwise this window will be completely closed!

Finally, Chen Jing! You must reorganize the work of your office and re-examine the situation of issuing exit certificates. In the past three months, all exit certificates that have been issued are invalid. You must contact the relevant departments in person to implement this notice.


There must never be a second Zhao Dalin!"

Chen Jing nodded solemnly and said: "Yes, I will get to work immediately!"

{Piaotian Literature www.piaotian.com thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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