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Chapter 553 Important task!

Mi Qian's purpose of looking for Chen Jing surprised Chen Jing.

When Mi Qian and Chen Jing were talking, Lian Qiang was present.

After he asked Chen Jing to sit down, he asked Lian Qiang to make a cup of tea for Chen Jing and said: "Xiao Chen, that's it! Our provincial party committee will hold a plenary meeting soon, and the organization of this meeting is an important issue! At this meeting

, I want to speak alone.

As the Minister of Organization, I spoke at the plenary meeting of the Provincial Party Committee. This is a very important matter. It is no exaggeration to say that this may represent the direction and direction of our province's organizational and personnel work in the future.

There have always been considerable controversies within our provincial party committee regarding the reform of organizational work and the reform of the selection and appointment of cadres. These controversies have greatly promoted the progress of our provincial organizational work.

For example, we have creatively organized a large number of outstanding cadres to study abroad for gold plating, and we have implemented new standards for cadre selection and promotion throughout the province, proposing that cadre promotion must be pragmatic and based on performance. These practices all mark the

Our organization is moving forward."

Mi Qian's tone was steady but serious, and his face, which was always expressionless, was full of emotion when he said this. It was obvious that he had put a lot of effort into the provincial organization work, and he was very devoted to the provincial organization work.

The future of work is also full of expectations.

He took a few sips of tea in his cup, brewed it for a while, and said:

"However, we cannot continue arguing like this forever. We have passed many attempts and experienced more than one failure. It is time to confirm the direction and policy issues. At this time, we can no longer hesitate. In this province

We will make a decision at the plenary meeting of the committee!”

Chen Jing listened carefully to Mi Qian's words. He nodded while listening, but he was quite confused in his heart.

He didn't understand why Mi Qian told him about the plenary meeting of the provincial party committee.

Convening a plenary meeting of the provincial party committee is a matter of concern to the members of the provincial party committee. How much does it have to do with them?

Just when he was confused, Mi Qian said:

"I said this, you should understand the importance of this speech! For this speech, I have arranged for the office and Lien Qiang to prepare several speech drafts for me. But so far, these drafts have problems.


Mi Qian nodded to Lian Qiang, who awkwardly brought over a stack of materials.

Chen Jing took the materials in his hands, and Mi Qian continued: "These materials were made by them. I always feel that they are not the same. I always feel that I have not scratched the itch. It is quite different from what I thought. I thought about it carefully.

I'm going to ask you to take the lead in preparing a speech for me, and ask Lian Qiang to cooperate with you.

You have to remember that this speech must have a clear stance and be realistic at the same time. It must be combined with the current status of organizational work in our province. It cannot be too high or deviate too far from reality. It cannot change the soup without changing the medicine.

Nothing substantial.

You have to make sure that it is refreshing and feels like a big step forward, but it should not be too abrupt or weird!

How is it? Do you have any difficulties?"

Chen Jing was immediately stunned!

Is he responsible for writing a speech for Mi Qian? He is the director of the Department of Supervision and Supervision. He is neither an office secretary nor a member of the Secretariat of the Provincial Party Committee General Office. In what capacity does he write a speech for Mi Qian?

Mi Qian is a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee. The Provincial Party Committee has a huge secretariat dedicated to serving the Standing Committee. It is full of talents and has countless pens. Can he compare with them?

Mi Qian is completely ignoring Liangyu around him and insisting on looking for him as a half-hearted person. How can Chen Jing be sure?

Mi Qian's speech at the plenary session of the Provincial Party Committee. This is not an ordinary small material. It is a big material. It can be said to be an important big material for the province. Materials like this need to be checked by at least the Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee.

Sometimes, the deputy secretary-general even does it himself. With his own two brushes, it is completely overestimating his own ability to make such materials.

Chen Jing pondered for a while and said sincerely:

"Minister, it's good that I have some experience in secretarial work, but I have never been exposed to such a large material. I'm worried that I won't be able to handle it well!"

Mi Qian frowned and said, "You say it's not good before you start doing it. I think there's something wrong with your mentality. What's there to worry about? If what you do is good, I'll adopt it. If it doesn't work, the worst I can do is not use it?"


When Mi Qian said this, Chen Jing knew he couldn't refuse. He took a deep breath and suddenly felt the pressure on his shoulders suddenly increase.

Minister Mi asked himself to write the speech he gave at the plenary session of the Provincial Party Committee. If he can complete such a large material, does it mean that he has the potential to become the gold medal secretary of the Provincial Party Committee?

Mi Qian said again: "Xiao Chen, you have to relax your mind. I have no doubt about your ability! You write very well. If your theoretical article can be published in "Qiuzhen", it means that you still have something in your stomach.

Something. Regarding this material, you should write boldly and seriously.

Give you a week, write it and send it to me, and then I will revise it myself, or we can discuss the revision together."

He changed the subject, stared at Lian Qiang and said: "Aqiang, during this period, you must try your best to cooperate with Director Chen. You are responsible for arranging for him what he needs to know. If what you write is not good, you can do logistics services."

One piece is always okay, right?”

Lian Qiang blushed as red as a monkey's butt, nodded awkwardly, and said: "Minister, don't worry, I will definitely support Director Chen. I firmly believe that with Director Chen's talent, he will be able to write materials that you are satisfied with..."

After leaving Mi Qian's office, Chen Jinggang walked to the door of the Standing Committee Building when someone called him from behind.

As soon as he turned around, Wang Mingfeng stood at the elevator entrance and waved to him.

He quickly came over. Wang Mingfeng stared at him and looked him up and down. After a while, he said:

"Come with me, I have something to talk to you about!"

Chen Jing followed Wang Mingfeng up to the third floor and found a reception room.

Wang Mingfeng pulled Chen Jing in and said, "Chen Jing, what's going on with that article you wrote? Where did you get the inspiration to write those things?"

Chen Jingzhang was confused and said: "Director Wang, what inspiration? I...I..."

"What are you and me? Do you know how much pressure Secretary Sha has received from the outside world this time when the provincial party committee sent a large number of cadres to go abroad? It would be better for you to write an article and talk nonsense, saying that you do not advocate treating students who have returned from school.

We do not agree to treat these cadres in a special light because they want to specialize them.

I asked you, do you know Secretary Sha’s intentions?

Nowadays, our Chucheng cadres are backward and outdated in their thinking. Secretary Sha wants to use this method to change the system and structure of our cadres, so that more capable, talented, and world-experienced cadres can take important leadership positions, thus fundamentally changing the system and structure of our cadres.

to enhance the quality of our province’s cadres.

This is a question of leading from point to point. This group of cadres is the point, the seedlings. Secretary Sha means to let this group of cadres influence more people, educate more people, and let all party members and cadres in the province understand and broaden their horizons.

, the importance of going out.

I’m telling you, it’s fine for you to write and write, but you’ve danced on Secretary Sha’s head, what do you want to do?”

When Chen Jing heard what Wang Mingfeng said, his face suddenly turned pale. He was stunned for a long time and said, "Director Wang, I wrote this on a whim, and I didn't expect it to be published. But who knew that Hu Yue would recommend this to

"Seeking Truth".

This thing has been re-edited by the theoretical masters from "Qiu Zhen", won't it be released now?"

Wang Mingfeng's face was green, he pointed at Chen Jing and said: "You...you...what do you want me to say about you?"

Wang Mingfeng sat down on the sofa. In the past few days, because of Chen Jing's article, he couldn't eat well or sleep well, and his hair was almost turning gray.

He originally wanted to call Chen Jing over and give him a harsh criticism.

But if Chen Jing said this now, how could he criticize it? This was completely unintentional. Besides, if Chen Jing specifically wrote an article to attack Sha Mingde, Wang Mingfeng would not believe it even to death. He had many contacts with Chen Jing and knew

Chen Jing's character, Chen Jing is not arrogant to this extent.

But something went wrong and it resulted in the current result. What should we do?

Wang Mingfeng paced the room. After a while, he sat on the sofa again, staring at Chen Jing and saying, "I have something to tell you. Are you familiar with Hengzhou?"

When Chen Jing heard Wang Mingfeng mention Hengzhou, he quickly shook his head.

Wang Mingfeng frowned and said: "Let me give you a shot first. Secretary Sha's attitude towards the Hengzhou issue this time is quite resolute. After Vice Governor Xu came back, Secretary Sha gave special instructions and asked the provincial party committee to set up a special

The investigation team used to investigate problems in Hengzhou.

This investigation team is composed of the Provincial Party Committee Organization Department as the main body, and the Provincial Party Committee Supervision Office and the Discipline Inspection Commission cooperate.

You are now in the limelight in the organization department, and your subordinates are strong. I guess this matter may fall on you.

You have to be mentally prepared!"

Chen Jing stood up from the sofa and said, "How could it fall on me? Hengzhou is about to adjust its team. What does this have to do with my work?"

"Why doesn't it matter? Don't forget that the problems in Hengzhou are very prominent now. If these things are not investigated clearly, how can we adjust the team? Therefore, clarifying the situation is the first step, and adjusting the team is the second step. There is a

One after another!" Wang Mingfeng said.

Chen Jing took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

Wu Daming's warning came to mind again, and he patted his head and said:

"Director Wang, it is unlikely that this matter will fall on me. I just met with Minister Mi, and now the Provincial Party Committee will convene a plenary meeting. Minister Mi has an important speech that has not yet been completed. He has instructed me to take charge of this matter.


I'm not Sun Wukong, and I can't change one into two. It's impossible for the department leaders not to consider this issue, right?"

"What did you say?" Wang Mingfeng stared at Chen Jing with wide eyes, "Are you here to draft a speech for Mi Qian?"

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