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Chapter 556 Crazy overnight!

After staying up all night, Chen Jing smoked two packs of cigarettes, but he still couldn't write a single word.

It's not that he can't write, it's that he has never worked on such a large material before. He always feels that his thinking is not thorough and that what he writes is too simple, and it may be difficult to satisfy Mi Qian.

There is a large amount of materials on his desk, including all of Mi Qian's speeches in the past two years, as well as speeches written by several other secretaries for Mi Qian for this meeting, Mi Qian's views on organizational reform

Attitude, concepts and his consistent speaking style are all things that Chen Jing needs to consider.

Now Chen Jing works during the day and comes back to write manuscripts at night. He has stayed up until past two o'clock tonight, but he is still hesitant in his heart.

The more he hesitated, the more he thought in his mind, the more worries he had, and the more he hesitated to write.

The manuscript is submitted in one week, and such a large amount of material is completed within one week. This is not a big pressure. However, this is a hard task, and it must be completed no matter how stressful it is. Chen Jingdu has thought about it and simply asks for leave from tomorrow.

My family specializes in this material.

Chen Jing was thinking about the materials. His mind became swollen, and he began to think about other things.

Just after get off work today, Wang Mingfeng called him and it was Sha Mingde who wanted to see him.

Chen Jing rushed to Yushan Villa in a hurry. He and Sha Mingde talked for half an hour.

Sha Mingde mainly talked about that article, and he asked Chen Jing many questions.

One of the questions he asked Chen Jing was about the learning methods of cadres.

This time the Provincial Party Committee organized a group of cadres to study in Singapore. Can the methods of organizing cadres to study abroad be more diversified in the future? Are there any other ways that can achieve the desired results?

To this question, Chen Jing gave an affirmative answer.

Moreover, Chen Jing also said that there is a simpler way, which is to transfer cadres from the inland across regions to work in developed coastal areas, and to find ways to transfer cadres from developed coastal areas to inland or even border areas for training.

This method is very useful for cultivating middle and low-level cadres and can form a long-term mechanism.

Sha Mingde listened to Chen Jing's idea. He immediately nodded and said yes, Chujiang can try this method, but the competition for cadres in the coastal areas is fierce, and if there are too many cadres from the mainland, they will not be able to digest it.

In addition, this approach may lead to the loss of some outstanding cadres.

People go to higher places and water flows to lower places. After sending outstanding cadres out, they are likely to take root along the coast and may never come back again!

Sha Mingde asked Chen Jing again, where did the inspiration for writing this article come from? Did it come from the return of cadres assigned by the provincial party committee after their studies?

Chen Jing replied that he wrote this article because after chatting with this group of returning students Ma Buping, he suddenly understood the scope and content of his own work, and then carefully summarized it and wrote this article.

After he wrote this article and delivered it to Hu Yue, he also reported to Sha Mingde.

Chen Jing was not sure whether Sha Mingde was really angry because of his article.

But Sha Mingde was able to meet with an unknown person like himself in his busy schedule and talk about the issue of the article, which at least shows that Sha Mingde attaches great importance to this article. Perhaps he is also thinking about the direction and direction of the organizational reform in Chujiang Province.

and other issues.

After meeting Sha Mingde, Wang Mingfeng personally saw Chen Jing out.

He patted Chen Jing on the shoulder and said: "Xiao Chen, you are really good! Fortunately, Secretary Sha is not angry. If he was angry, I don't think you would have to do this as the director, and prepare to do some business."

, you can’t go on this road now!”

He paused and said to Chen Jing: "This time you have a heavy responsibility. Go back and write your big material carefully. I hope you can succeed. I wish you good luck!"

Chen Jing's mind was running wild. Thinking about these things, he suddenly stood up from his chair.

He suddenly thought, how did Wang Mingfeng know that he was writing big material?

Does he know that he is helping Mi Qian write a speech?

Chen Jing immediately became excited when he thought about it.

If Wang Mingfeng knew something, then Secretary Sha of the Provincial Party Committee must know it. Secretary Sha knew what he was about to do now, but yet he interviewed him at this time. Is there a deep-seated reason for this?

Chen Jing thought about this, and then turned back to think about Mi Qian.

The Provincial Party Committee Secretariat is full of talents. Among them, there are so many powerful pens that Mi Qian does not use, but he uses himself. Is he also considering the close relationship between himself and Wang Mingfeng?

Chen Jing knew that his idea was groundless and purely subjective, but as soon as this assumption appeared, Chen Jing stood up and started pacing.

He walked back and forth in the study with his hands behind his back. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. This must be what happened.

Now the provincial party committee has a very firm attitude towards Hengzhou, and at the same time, there are reports of the intensification of the conflict between Secretary Sha and Mi Qian.

It even came out some time ago that the Provincial Party Committee intends to adjust the team of the Organization Department, and Sha Mingde wants to adjust the team of the Organization Department. It is obvious that the conflict between him and Mi Qian has become uncontrollable, and he is going to be tough.


If the struggle between Sha Mingde and Mi Qian becomes prominent, will Sha Mingde still have the ability to solve the problem in Hengzhou?

Various ideas without much basis were intertwined in Chen Jing's mind. He suddenly thought boldly, were Mi Qian and Sha Mingde looking for some kind of balance and compromise?

After all, if the battle at the provincial level really turned into a life-and-death situation, the impact would be too great, and no one would want it.

Sha Mingde and Mi Qian are both senior cadres, so it is impossible for them not to understand this principle.

Moreover, the main reason for the differences between Sha Mingde and Mi Qian is that both of them have stubborn personalities. Both of them insist on their political opinions and are unwilling to take a step back.

If the two of them could each take a step back and strengthen communication on some differences, would the differences between the two still be so big?

When Chen Jing thought about this, he suddenly became excited.

He lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and let the thick smoke stay in his lungs for a long time before spitting it out.

He suddenly felt his mind clearing up.

He sat down at the desk again, picked up a pen and carefully wrote down the words "Speech at the plenary meeting of the Provincial Party Committee..." on the paper.

He felt that his mind had never been clearer before. He started writing as soon as he picked up the pen. As soon as the pen moved, various ideas came to him in a steady stream...

In two hours, until four o'clock in the morning, I finished writing a manuscript of several thousand words.

Chen Jing didn't feel sleepy at all, and started deleting and revising seriously again. It wasn't until it was bright outside that Chen Jing stretched himself and walked downstairs, had a simple breakfast outside, and fell down on the bed with a loud sound when he came back.


When he woke up, it was already afternoon, and his father, who had recently become obsessed with fishing, was not at home.

At this time, my mother should have gone to pick up Ling'er and Zaozao's two children. Chen Jing couldn't count on anyone, so he had to go to the kitchen and prepare a few meals by himself, making up a random meal to fill his stomach.

"Boom, boom!"

"It's coming, it's coming! Who is it?" Chen Jing said, running quickly to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, there was a middle-aged man in his early forties standing outside. He was born obese and had a paunchy look, which was a bit funny!

"Excuse me, is this the home of Director Chen Jingchen?" the middle-aged man asked politely, leaning his head forward slightly. His hair was sparse, but it was neatly and meticulously combed, making mosquitoes want to rest on it.

It's probably hard to stop.

Chen Jing asked: "Excuse me, are you..."

"My surname is Yu, and my name is Yu Honggang! I came here specifically to visit Director Chen today!" the middle-aged man said with a smile.

Chen Jing nodded and said: "You come in first and sit down!" Chen Jing called Yu Honggang over and stared at the big gift bag he was holding. The contents inside were quite valuable.

Chen Jing just accidentally saw an authentic Changbai Mountain wild fourth-grade leaf ginseng inside. This thing looks inconspicuous, but in the market, this ginseng alone is worth tens of thousands.

It's good for Chen Jing to accept gifts, but how dare he accept such an expensive gift indiscriminately?

Yu Honggang is particular about the time he chooses to give gifts. If you send gifts at this time in the afternoon, there may be children at home. In that case, it is inconvenient for the gifts to be given away. The recipient of the gifts is not at home at this time, and it is difficult for family members to refuse.

Too much.

Besides, Yu Honggang had gotten to know Chen Jing a little before and learned that Chen Jing was not a pedantic person, and he would not be disrespectful to others when giving gifts.

Therefore, today Yu Honggang came over generously, with gifts in hand.

He placed a large bag of things on the coffee table, looked Chen Jing up and down, and said, "This little brother, you belong to Director Chen..."

Chen Jing smiled softly and said, "Don't bring gifts in. You must carry them out after you bring them in. You come to visit Chen Jing, but you don't even know Chen Jing. This is why you are here to give gifts!"

Chen Jing paused and said: "No matter what kind of gift you give, it is unacceptable!"

Yu Honggang was stunned by Chen Jing's words. He quickly reacted and said:

"You...are you Director Chen?"

Chen Jing nodded and said: "I am Chen Jing! Regarding your case, it is currently under investigation. You said you came over to give me a gift at this time. Do you think it is appropriate? Take the things back, reflect on them carefully, and prepare

Get organized talk!”

When Yu Honggang heard what Chen Jing said, he felt a little impatient.

He is also a division-level provincial cadre and a well-received figure in Linjiang District. Today he came to give some gifts in person, but he was severely criticized by Chen Jing. How could he keep it on his face?

Speaking of what happened today, it was Secretary-General Su who pointed him here. If it hadn't been for Secretary-General Su's guidance, he wouldn't have done such a stupid thing. But this Chen Jing is so awesome. He didn't even care about Secretary-General Su's face and just did it directly.

Give yourself an eviction order... (This site...,.

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