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Chapter 562 Absolute secret!

Chen Jing acted quickly and chose two places as pilot projects for organizational reform.

One place is Deshui District, Degao City, and the other place is Zhangxi County, Yongzhou City.

Zhangxi County in Yongzhou City was chosen because of Wang Fengfei. Wang Fengfei had not been able to find the feeling in Yongzhou for a long time. This time Chen Jing aimed to carry out reform pilots below, and he immediately took a fancy to this opportunity.

He made a request to include Zhang Xi as one of the pilots, and he personally came to catch it.

Chen Jing understands Wang Fengfei's plan. In the current Yongzhou, both Ji Xiaoping and Jiang Ping are cadres who have been operating in Yongzhou for many years. Compared with them, Wang Fengfei is obviously at a disadvantage.

Wang Fengfei's strength lies in his relationship with the provincial capital, and he is very familiar with the Development and Reform Commission.

He has a unique advantage when it comes to asking for money and resources.

But Wang Fengfei knows that unless he has sufficient political interests, he will not easily play all the cards in his hand.

At this time, neither Ji Xiaoping nor Jiang Ping have much trust in him. Under such circumstances, if Wang Fengfei wants to find a space to display his talents, he needs to develop it himself. Wang Fengfei aims at Zhang Xi and prepares to start from the reform

Starting from the pilot project, this is based on his long-term plan.

Chen Jing was also satisfied when he was able to select Zhang Xi and Deshui.

This time, Mi Qian made a statement at the conference. Chen Jing was able to find two pilots so quickly. It can be considered that his statement was not nonsense, and he did it by organizing the minister's speech.

When Chen Jing came back from Zhangxi, he felt restless and agitated on the way. The driver, Xiao Zhang, didn't know the reason and thought that Chen Jing's work in Zhangxi was not going well.

He turned to Chen Jing and said: "Director, please be more relaxed. I think the weather is good this time. I guess our chance to show off is coming."

Chen Jing frowned and said: "Drive seriously and don't think nonsense."

Chen Jing and Zhang Cheng were thinking wildly. In fact, he himself had some wild thoughts.

I have been very busy at work recently. After this busy period, the emptiness and loneliness in Chen Jing's heart was indescribable.

It's been a long time since I played with Fang Wanqi. As for Jin Lu, both of them were busy, and they hadn't been intimate with each other for a long time.

Especially thinking of Jin Lu, Chen Jing felt even more irritated.

As a normal man, it is really hard to live without a woman with whom he can be romantically involved for a long time...

But under the current situation, Chen Jing has no way to change this problem.

On Fang Wanqi's side, the two were privately engaged for life. Fang Wanqi was fashionable and avant-garde on the outside, but very conservative on the inside. The two of them hugged each other and kissed each other. But the final step was not smooth.

Not broken.

On Jin Lu's side, both of them were busy, and Chen Jing couldn't be too unscrupulous. He had to consider Fang Wanqi's emotional factors, so sometimes it was really awkward and difficult.

Returning to the Organization Department, Chen Jing reported to Bian Qi about the outing. Bian Qi frowned and said, "You are quite active. Now everyone outside. You alone occupy half of the Organization Department. I think you are worried too."

It’s troubled half of the organization department.”

Chen Jing smiled coquettishly and said: "Anything within the scope of my work, I will definitely do my best. I worry a lot, and I admit it."

Bian Qi chuckled and said: "Did you know that some leaders in the department have different views on the rapid development of your cadre and supervision department, especially since you have an office in one department and also have a general manager?

The editorial board has not approved the establishment of deputy director."

Chen Jing smiled softly and said nothing.

Now Chen Jing has no scruples about the so-called opinions of the Ministry.

He now knows his identity very well. He is a pawn sandwiched between Mi Qian and Sha Mingde. He must take into account the requirements of both sides.

This balance is like walking a tightrope. Going a little to the left or a little to the right is quite dangerous.

This danger is not only a personal danger, but also involves the maintenance of the relationship between Shami and Shami.

The current environment requires two people to compromise and cooperate. In the case of compromise and cooperation, the two people can maintain consensus on key and important decisions involving the entire province. This is the current top priority.

Although Chen Jing is not in the current situation voluntarily, it is passive.

But now that things have come to this, he can only try his best to maintain this balance and do his job well. He also hopes that his work can have a positive effect on the entire Chujiang River.

The mailbox of the director of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee. This is a very old mailbox.

This mailbox has a special status in the Organization Department, because letters from this mailbox go directly to the minister.

No one else, including the deputy minister, has the key to the mailbox. Only the minister has the means to open the mailbox.

This mailbox is usually opened once every two weeks, on Sunday afternoon. Because no one is at work at that time, it is not easy for others to find that this mailbox has been opened.

The last time Chen Jing met Mi Qian, Mi Qian gave him the key to the mailbox and told him to take good care of the mailbox, sort out every letter in the mailbox, and then select the most important ones.

The most sensitive letters were reported to him.

Chen Jing didn't pay much attention to this matter at first, but soon he felt that this mailbox was very powerful.

The reporting information in the mailbox is generally directed at cadres above the department level. Some of them report problems existing in cadres and question their promotions, and some even directly report problems. Such reports are very sharp. Generally, colleagues use specific methods to report problems.

Talk about issues.

For example, at a certain time, what mistakes did such and such a leader make and what instructions did he give in handling this matter? It was the first time Chen Jing read such materials, and he was sweating profusely and horrified.

He thought to himself that this kind of material was fatal. It was probably someone close to the leader, or an opponent who knew the leader extremely well, who could compile it in such detail.

Otherwise, how would ordinary people know so many inside stories?

After this experience, Chen Jing paid special attention to this mailbox, and today he opened this mailbox for the second time.

There is not much in it during these two weeks, only three letters in total.

Chen Jing took out the letters, restored the mailbox to its original state, went straight upstairs, opened his office and started reading these letters.

The contents of the two letters are not too important. They mainly contain opinions and suggestions on organizational reform and opinions on the division of labor within the Organization Department. These two letters can be summarized into a few sentences to report to Mi Qian.

But when Chen Jing opened the third letter, he sat upright from his chair and his heart jumped.

This is a report letter, and the target of this report letter is Tang Jianping, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee and Secretary-General of the Provincial Committee.

The content of the report letter was to report Tang Jianping's promiscuous relationship between men and women, saying that Tang Jianping had maintained a long-term abnormal relationship with a well-known former TV station host.

The content of the report letter was extremely detailed, reporting the detailed time when Tang Jianping and the host met and had a relationship.

It was also recorded that Tang Jianping and this host gave birth to a daughter. The daughter is already six years old this year and should be in the first grade of a primary school in the provincial capital.

Moreover, the report letter also reported that Tang Jianping would visit his daughter at least once a month.

At that time, he basically chooses Saturday, and does not bring any entourage. He just goes there alone, and then leaves after one to two hours...

Chen Jing read the report letter twice. Judging from the content of the report letter, the information reported in this report letter is intertwined and can withstand scrutiny. It is definitely not forged.

Because if someone could fabricate such a report letter, then the person who wrote the letter would not be an official, but should be a TV drama screenwriter or a family member, otherwise it would be impossible for these contents to be written so closely.

Chen Jing lay on his back on a chair, put away the report letter and locked it in the drawer of his desk.

He pulled the drawer open several times like an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Only after he was sure that the drawer was locked tightly did he stand up.

Tang Jianping and Chen Jing have met several times. The secretary-general is not young, but he is still very elegant and personable. Judging from Tang Jianping's face, this person seems to be a person in a high position, because Tang Jianping can give people a very

I have a strong sense of being pampered and pampered for a long time, and I have that luxurious air about me.

There are many rumors about Tang Jianping in Chujiang Province, and most of them say that he was a powerful man and was good at dancing.

The provincial party committee under his control is extremely strict, and no needle can be inserted or water can be poured out. The top leaders often appreciate him, but the people below and other leaders hate him, but do not know how to deal with him.

In addition, Tang Jianping was nicknamed the "Political Tumbler". He wandered among various factions in Chucheng, but his destiny was not affected by the rise and fall of these factions. He kept going up, from a semi-illiterate to a

, to grow into the current member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, this has to be a big miracle.

In fact, after Chen Jing heard Tang Jianping's story, he admired him very much and felt that a person should be like Tang Jianping, always working hard and fighting bravely.

However, Chen Jing never expected that he would see such a detailed report about Tang Jianping today.

Such a report letter is already quite accurate. If Chen Jing conceals this report letter and immediately conducts a secret investigation, he should be able to find out the authenticity of this thing very quickly.

Once the situation is cleared up, what does it mean?

Chen Jing shook his head vigorously. He remembered a saying that everyone has weaknesses. Even if Tang Jianping is a political roly-poly, if he makes this report letter true and then finds a way to create some impact, this incident will bring

Tang Jianping's troubles were enough to stop him from moving forward.

Maybe he will retire early. When Chen Jing thought of this, he felt a little scared. He always felt that he had received a hot potato today... (Your support on this website is my biggest motivation.)


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