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Chapter 603 Make a big profit?

This time, Chen Jing led a team to investigate several cities in the northern part of Chujiang River, focusing on matters related to cadre reform, which caused a huge response.

After Chen Jing’s investigation, the enthusiasm for cadre reform in Degao and Yongzhou cities was unprecedentedly high. In particular, some districts and counties began to propose that cadre reform should be combined with anti-corruption and integrity, and that we should truly start with the construction of cadre teams, so as to provide

This has laid a solid foundation for the region's economic development and social progress.

In Degao, the Municipal Party Committee officially promulgated a document to raise the threshold for civil servants' admission, abolishing the previous chaos in civil servants' admissions, requiring that future civil servants must pass a strict national civil service examination, and abolishing preferential treatment and differentiation for the children of civil servants and cadres.

Policies to control the quality of civil servants from the source.

In addition, in terms of cadre promotion and appointment, the Municipal Party Committee proposed that the selection of cadres must be open, fair and impartial, adhere to democratic centralism, pay attention to the public feedback and actual work performance of candidate cadres, and make decisions based on what is conducive to openness and what is conducive to the work.

Implement necessary reforms in the cadre selection and appointment system from the perspective of fairness and justice.

At the same time, the Degao Municipal Party Committee also announced several cadre public election plans that will be implemented soon. The most important plan is that the Degao Municipal Party Committee plans to select a group of deputy department-level practical cadres through public elections to be recruited into municipal units and units.

In the following counties and cities, this work will become the largest public election plan for cadres in the province.

The Organization Department of the Degao Municipal Party Committee attached great importance to this public election and specially drafted a detailed public election plan and plan, and submitted the plan and plan to the Municipal Party Committee and the higher-level organizational department for review and approval.

In addition to Degao, Yongzhou also attaches great importance to cadre reform. After Chen Jing’s investigation in Yongzhou, the Yongzhou Municipal Party Committee quickly convened a standing committee to study matters related to cadre reform. The Yongzhou Municipal Party Committee made the decision to continue to take Zhangxi County as the first pilot

Try plans related to cadre reform.

In addition, the Yongzhou Municipal Party Committee has decided to set up a special reform working group in the Municipal Organization Department. The Political Research Office of the Yongzhou Municipal Party Committee must participate in the work of this reform working group and seriously explore and study the methods and methods of reform. It must find out a set of

The emergence of effective methods and methods should provide a solid theoretical foundation for large-scale cadre reforms in the future.

It has to be said that the strong performance of Yongzhou and Degao cities made Chen Jing's light shine again.

A department-level cadre went to investigate and inspect. He was able to attract so much attention from the people below, and the results of the investigation were so good. This is absolutely unique in Chujiang political circles.

Compared with the success of Chen Jing's grass-roots investigation, several deputy ministers of the Organization Department were so embarrassed that they did not go out for a walk, and immediately there were a large number of applicants.

Chen Jing's ability to do this not only reflects his extraordinary ability. It also reflects his long-term concern and understanding of the grassroots, and he has a very solid foundation and prestige at the grassroots.

After Chen Jing returned to the provincial capital, he made a detailed report to Bian Qi on the relevant circumstances of his investigation and inspection. Bian Qi looked extremely complicated after listening to Chen Jing's report.

Chen Jing's relationships and contacts at the grassroots level made even Bian Qi feel inferior. Chen Jing came from Degao, and he focused on Degao. New terms such as organizational reform and cadre reform were repulsive not long ago.

, but now it has become a trend in Degao.

It has to be said that the general climate for organizational reform in the province has already taken shape, which no one expected at the beginning.

In terms of reform, leaders within the Organization Department have many doubts, especially Minister Mi himself, who believes that many of the problems cannot be properly resolved and that reform should not be attempted lightly.

After the provincial party committee made the relevant resolution, Mi Qian still did not make up his mind and handed over this aspect of work to the Supervisory Office to be responsible for supervision. In fact, he meant to treat it coldly.

But now, Chen Jing is in charge of the work of the Supervision Office. Not only has he not let the matter cool down, but he has made the reform winds blow faster and faster. Now the reform has become a hot topic in the province. Led by Degao and Yongzhou, large-scale reforms have begun.

Sing the song of reform.

Chen Jing's performance in this is quite amazing. And his personal ability and energy are also fully demonstrated through such things.

The home of Chen Zhidong and his parents is very lively.

Today is Chen Zhidong's birthday. All the relatives in the family came to wish him birthday. His brothers, sisters, nephews and nephews all gathered together, and the house was extremely lively.

The children were laughing and playing naughtily everywhere, the adults gathered together to play chess and cards, and some were sitting on the sofa drinking tea and talking.

When Chen Jing opened the door and came in, the whole room was silent for a moment, and then his peers stood up in twos and threes to greet him.

Yan Ming came over and smiled: "Jingzi, you are so busy! Everyone is waiting for you to come back and start dinner!"

His sleeves were rolled up, as if he was helping in the kitchen just now.

Yan Ming usually behaves like a boss wherever he goes. At home, he always has a mouth to eat and a corner to stretch out clothes. Only at his second uncle Chen Zhidong's house, he does all the work, showing the usual majesty of a boss.

Scattered to the sky.

Chen Jing held a package of gifts in his arms, and behind him, Fang Wanqi held a bouquet of flowers. The gifts and flowers were all for Chen Zhidong.

Chen Zhidong was wearing a Chinese tunic suit today, and he looked energetic and refreshed.

He took the flowers from Fang Wanqi's hand and smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed. The uncle Chen Zhihua on the side said: "Zhidong, you are very lucky. You have two daughters and one son, who are all filial to you. In the past, you always called your daughter-in-law

No whereabouts, now Jingzi has brought you a good daughter-in-law!"

Chen Zhidong laughed loudly. He is usually a very low-key person, but today he was really happy and could not hide the smile on his face.

Chen Jing sat down, and Chen Zhe, who was playing chess at the side, lost the chess game and came around, handed Chen Jing a piece of Chinese, and said: "Jingzi, your vision is so accurate! That mp3 you gave Cancan and others guidance on this year

The factory makes a lot of money.

A conservative estimate is that it should be no problem to earn 10 million by the end of this year.

Brother Zhe, I have been having bad luck these past few years, and I still need you to give me some advice!"

Chen Jing frowned slightly and said, "Really? Ten million is a bit exaggerated! Where is Cancan?"

Chen Can said with a smile on the side: "Brother Zhe, do you think that my brother just gives advice to people casually? Wisdom is priceless! The factory we built was invested with my brother. If you want to find a way to make a fortune, you can do it.

If my brother joins the team, he will definitely be able to give you some good ideas."

Yan Ming on the side said: "Cancan, are you serious? If you are serious, I will get Jingzi to join the team. I only take 30%, and he takes 70%. I'm afraid Jingzi won't want to!"

Chen Jing waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay! None of you are short of money now. In terms of money, you should not be too high. Take a longer-term view and broaden your horizons. I believe your career will be better."

Getting better and better!”

Chen Jing has exposed this topic, so it will be difficult for others to talk about business matters.

The news that Chen Can made money by starting an MP3 factory this year has spread in a small circle. This young couple is amazing. The scale of the factory has now expanded to thousands of people, and all the millions they earned previously have been invested in it.

, now their orders are still flowing in, and their profits are rolling in. It can be said that they are making money every day.

In the third quarter, Chen Can withdrew 3 million and deposited it in Chen Jing's account. This was the dividend for the first half of the year. Chen Can and Shi Jian made a lot of money this year.

Originally, they wanted to expand the scale, but Chen Jing stopped them. Chen Jing understood that the MP3 craze would only last a year or two. After this trend, the situation behind it would not be good.

Just like VCD a few years ago, when a manufacturer made money, the whole country immediately invested in VCD. Later, most VCD manufacturers went bankrupt. This is vicious competition and the consequences of repeated investment.

MP3 also has no technical barriers. Chen Can seized the golden opportunity and made a profit. Now there are so many people who are jealous of this piece of cake. Many people have invested heavily in this business. It is foreseeable that

, this industry will soon be saturated, and the era of huge profits will come to an end.

Instead of talking about business, everyone chatted back and forth, and the topic came up about Chen Tingyue and his wife.

Chen Tingyue and Wang Guorui both teach, and have always been relatively poor among the sisters.

But this year, Wang Guorui competed for the position of vice principal, and his salary was improved. Chen Tingyue was also transferred to the city's Noble Primary School, and her salary was even higher than that of her husband. The couple planned to buy a house near their parents' home and live a prosperous life.

Let’s not talk about Chen Can’s business.

But the matter between Wang Guorui and Chen Yueting has Chen Jing's shadow behind it.

A few years ago, Wang Guorui had been competing for the position of school leader, but he failed every time, and he was even retaliated against on several occasions.

But today, the Inspection Office of the Municipal Party Committee organized a special investigation into the shady recruitment of Chucheng School and the Education Front. It was at that time that Wang Guorui was confirmed as the vice principal, and thus rose to the top.

Chen Jing and Director Shan of the Provincial Party Committee's Inspection Office have a close relationship, which is well known in Chujiang political circles.

And the city inspection office is investigating the shady story of the competition, and the target is obviously Wang Guorui's repeated defeat. No matter how stupid the people below are, they will understand that some people are very dissatisfied because of Wang Guorui's matter.

Wang Guorui suddenly grew from an object of rejection to a cadre trained by the district education bureau. This magnificent turnaround was impossible without the shadow of his brother-in-law behind him.

After Wang Guorui succeeded in taking the position, Chen Yueting was immediately transferred to teach in the Noble Primary School in Chucheng, which has the best teacher salary. The salary level, bonuses and benefits have risen to a big level. This is obviously someone who is trying to flatter Chen Jing.

Is it so easy to get into an aristocratic school? Some people spend tens of thousands of dollars and give gifts but can't get in. Chen Yueting transferred him in without spending a penny. If it is because of Chen Yueting's high level of education and teaching, I am afraid only a fool can do this.

I will believe this statement. (To be continued)

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