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Chapter 622 Aventure on the plane?

In the early morning, the spring is chilly.

A Boeing 737 aircraft was speeding on the runway No. 1 of Chujiang Airport, making a thundering roar. It flew until the end of the runway before it soared into the sky. It gradually flew higher and higher, and finally disappeared into the blue sky and white clouds.


Chen Jing looked through the window at the Chujiang City that was getting further and further away below him. He felt quite uneasy.

During this trip, Chen Jing first went to Guangdong, the capital of Lingnan Province, to formally register for public elections at the Organization Department of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, then from Guangdong to Lingang, where he took a bus to Hong Kong to attend the University of Hong Kong.

Lingnan is the most developed place in the Republic and the forefront of the Republic's reform and opening up.

Chen Jing's understanding of Lingnan is largely based on books, newspapers, newspapers and television. He has never actually conducted research in these places.

His earliest understanding of Lingnan was when he was a child. Many people from Chujiang came to Lingnan to work. At that time, Lingnan was a very fashionable term. If anyone had been to that place, his neighbors would think that he had seen the world and was a powerful character.

The stories of those who went south to prospect for gold from poverty to great wealth are often heard from their elders or friends around them, and those stories can be said to have inspired the growth of a generation, and thus made Lingnan a

It has become a fertile ground for gold diggers and entrepreneurs.

There are great differences in culture and language between Lingnan and the mainland. In ancient China, this place belonged to the South Vietnam region and had a completely different culture from the Central Plains.

In such a place, it is a huge challenge for a cadre who comes from other places and does not understand local customs and local characteristics to govern.

Chen Jing still remembers that when he was applying for university entrance exams, many people were very enthusiastic about Lingnan in the south.

At that time, there was a concept that one should choose a city first and then choose a school.

Chen Jing did not quite agree with this concept at the time. He still believed that Chu had talents. He felt that although Lingnan's economy was developing rapidly, the place was too impetuous and its cultural heritage was not as good as that of Chujiang. Therefore, he resolutely applied for the job.

Chujiang Normal University.

Looking back now, I was a little angry about book business at that time.

Chujiang has the culture of Chujiang, and Lingnan, as a cultural province, also has its own culture.

Of course. Many things are not assumed.

If Chen Jing had gone to university in Lingnan, could he still have entered the civil service? This is probably a big question mark!

Thinking about the past, Chen Jing closed his eyes and rested on the plane.

"Hello, brother, can we change seats?"

A soft female voice sounded in Chen Jing's ears. Chen Jing opened his eyes and turned his head.

Only then did he realize that there was a girl sitting next to him. The girl should be in her early twenties. She had delicate eyebrows, a beautiful face, and a pair of very bright eyes. She blinked and was very moving.

Chen Jing looked at her. The girl was very generous. She nodded to Chen Jing and said, "Brother, I'm a little airsick. Sitting by the window can give me a wider view!"

Because it is a large aircraft, there are three seats in a row on each side, so the space is very small.

To change seats, all three people need to move.

The girl had such a sweet mouth that an old lady next to her couldn't resist her attack, so she agreed to cooperate.

The seats were changed, and the little girl took out a box of chocolates and handed one to Chen Jing. She smiled and said, "Brother, my name is Yin Tingting, thank you!"

Chen Jing usually doesn't eat chocolate, but he didn't refuse today.

He could feel that the girl next to him was not a young girl from the countryside who had never seen the world, or someone who had just graduated from college.

This girl is very capable and has seen the world. She should be someone who has been out there for many years.

Chen Jing wanted to know more about the customs of Lingnan during this trip. He was very willing to chat more with people who had lived in Lingnan.

The two chatted on the plane. Chen Jing learned that the girl worked in Haishan City, Lingnan Province. She was from the north and came to Chujiang on a business trip.

The girl was very talkative and said that she had been in Lingnan for more than three years and had long since adapted to the climate of Lingnan and learned the vernacular of Lingnan.

When he learned that Chen Jing had never been to Lingnan, he looked shocked and said:

"Brother, let me see you... look at you... um, how is it possible that you have never been to Lingnan?"

Strictly speaking, Chen Jing has been to Lingnan, but it can only be regarded as passing by. There is not much difference between whether he has been or not. He pondered for a moment and said: "Do you think I am very old?"

The girl was stunned, blinked her eyes and said: "No, no..."

The girl was very good at concealing her embarrassment, and immediately changed the topic and began to tell Chen Jing what he should pay attention to in Lingnan.

"When taking a bus in Lingnan, be sure not to put your handbag on your knees, otherwise speedsters will pass by the window and snatch your bag away."

"Don't mess with those people who post small ads, those people are liars most of the time!"

“Be sure to use change when taking a taxi, otherwise it may turn out to be fake money if you change it in whole currency.”

"Be sure to lock the door when you go to your room, especially when you go to bed at night."


The girl said dozens of things, all about her experience of life in Lingnan, and most of these things were related to safety.

Indeed, the social security problem in Lingnan is relatively serious. After all, this place has the largest floating population in the country. People from all over the Republic are pouring into Lingnan. While developing and building Lingnan, it also brings a lot of trouble to Lingnan.

social issues.

Not only that, Lingnan still faces considerable challenges in terms of repeated construction and environmental pollution, which are the driving force for sustainable development.

As the forefront of the Republic's reform and development, this place began to develop first, and the various social problems caused by development are most obvious here.

The two chatted for a while, and the girl asked curiously about Chen Jing's work.

Chen Jing smiled and said, "Guess what I do?"

The girl looked Chen Jing up and down for a long time, then said abruptly: "Have you just graduated with a master's degree? Are you going to Lingnan to find a job?"

Chen Jing was stunned.

When he thought about it, he seemed to be behaving a bit like a country bumpkin coming to town by asking questions.

Thinking of this, Chen Jing smiled and said: "I didn't see it, you still have some eyesight!"

The girl smiled proudly, and the two started talking about finding a job again.

Nowadays, jobs in Lingnan are easy to find, but good jobs are hard to find. The girl taught Chen Jing to attend more job fairs. In addition, there is a large talent market in Lingang, where there are many good units. If you grasp it well, it is possible.

Find a good job.

Chen Jing suddenly asked: "Don't you work in Haishan City? Are there any suitable jobs in Haishan?"

The girl talked: "Haishan is a very suitable city for people to live in. The pace of this city is relatively slow, but there are still job opportunities. However, good units in Haishan still want to recruit talents in Guangdong and Lingang, so they found them in Lingang

The chances of a good job are greater than Haishan."

The girl magically took out a business card from her pocket and handed it to Chen Jing. She smiled and said, "If you don't mind your talents, you can also come to our company. Our company is the best place to train people!"

Chen Jing took the business card with both hands and looked at the name card which read: "Huaqi Power Co., Ltd.

Yin Tingting Business Manager.”

Chen Jing frowned and said, "Technology company? It's awesome. What does it do?"

The girl coughed and said: "Assuming you are discerning, our company mainly provides information services for enterprises, including building Internet platforms, providing e-mail, international Internet domain names and other services. We are the largest Internet service company in the Republic, with a network of

There are 68 branches, and the scale is still expanding.

Our company’s biggest goal is to become the largest Internet service operator in the Republic..."

The girl is very eloquent. When she talks about her company, her eyes shine even brighter and she is full of passion.

Chen Jing even saw a hint of fanaticism in her eyes, as if this company called Huaqi Power was really a Fortune 500 company that made people admire it...

Soon, the girl changed the topic to something similar to success studies.

Chen Jing has read a lot, and he has also read some of the books that he has successfully learned. The feeling of reading such books is always hard to describe.

Sometimes Chen Jing feels that the things described in such books have gone beyond the scope of personal struggle, hard work, pursuit of dreams and future, and seem to have a vague religious overtones.

That kind of fanatical pursuit of money and wealth, expressed in extremely inflammatory language, is definitely a huge storm for young minds.

But the biggest problem with this kind of storm is that it infinitely dilutes morality.

Chen Jing knows very well that competition is fierce in coastal areas, especially for young people, and life is not easy.

In such an environment, there is a huge market for success studies. In recent years, the craze for success studies in China has arisen precisely in big cities, and the most important cases in these success studies are often the speakers’ own experiences in selling cars.


Of course, when there was a little girl talking to him in an inflammatory language, Chen Jing was more just appreciative and amused...

He could feel that this little girl wanted to influence him and mobilize him to join their technology company, or to invest in their career.

Chen Jing was a bit amused by the girl's enthusiasm. He could only look at the girl with admiration and admiration, and his eyes naturally encouraged her to give her speech harder.

Finally, Chen Jing reached an agreement with the girl. If Chen Jing did not find a suitable job, he would go to Haishan City to join her and work as a valet for her department.

The girl also said the word "Mazi" to Chen Jing. It is a commonly used word in the Lingnan area and means subordinate.

While teaching Chen Jing these basic things, the girl opened her handbag enthusiastically and took out a booklet.

The title of the booklet is "Commonly Used Vernacular Learning!"

The name "Huaqi Power" is printed on the back of the booklet. It seems that this booklet should be used by the company to train employees. Chen Jing generously accepted such a gift. Indeed, he needs to understand Lingnan now!

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