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Chapter 654 The three giants meet.

[This is the second update, and I will continue with the third update today! I hope brothers can support me with monthly votes, thank you very much!]

"Pop!" Jiang Wei lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

Chen Jing laughed and said: "Lao Jiang, it's not good to have female colleagues talking and smoking together. We have to be more polite!"

Jiang Wei was stunned, and the embarrassment flashed across his face. Luo Yan quickly stood up and said: "Okay, okay! The work I need to report has been completed. The specific decision needs to be checked by your leaders. I will

Resign first!"

Luo Yan stood up to leave, and Chen Jing said: "Okay, you can go down first. You have done a great job in this public election, and you should be encouraged!"

Luo Yan left, leaving Jiang Wei and Chen Jing in the room. Chen Jing took out a cigarette from the drawer, lit one for himself, took a deep breath, and said:

"Old Jiang, don't mention it. We are addicted to smoking. Sometimes we feel uncomfortable without smoking for several hours. Now it's better. Minister Luo is gone. We can open our two old smokers and smoke!"

As Chen Jing spoke, he walked to the window and opened it.

After he sat back down again, his face gradually became serious, and he said:

"Lao Jiang, the public election of cadres we conducted this time has had a great positive impact. Its significance far exceeds the significance of the public election itself. In my opinion, this shows that we can still be innovative in many working methods.

The decision-making of our party committee and government can be more efficient and accurate, and this public election has made us realize this more comprehensively."

Jiang Wei took a puff of cigarette and nodded.

He had known that Chen Jing was not a fuel-efficient person, but he still didn't expect that Chen Jing's way of doing things would be so unexpected.

After a public election, Chen Jing visited the National People's Congress, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and retired senior cadres living in the neighborhood. These people have always been a headache for the party committee and government. Many of them are veteran comrades with senior qualifications. There are also some people who are in the society.

have an important impact.

Chen Jing took the initiative to contact these people, which not only expanded his influence, but also challenged the current inherent party and government decision-making mechanisms among his neighbors.

A month ago, few people in the neighborhood knew Chen Jing's name, but now, Secretary Chen Jing's name has become quite loud, and his influence is gradually being exerted.

The party is in charge of personnel, but in the specific operation process, personnel issues within the government need to go through the National People's Congress process.

Against this background, Chen Jing was able to maintain a good relationship with the National People's Congress, which was a considerable boost to both his personal authority and the organizational prestige.

Jiang Wei has always been wary that Chen Jing would reduce his power in the party and the masses.

Now it seems that Chen Jing's vision is much broader than he thought. Jiang Wei's rights remain unchanged, but in fact, Chen Jing's control over the entire situation has been greatly strengthened. This is why Jiang Wei feels very

A helpless place.

After pondering for a long time, Jiang Weidao said: "This time, Liao Yongyong and Qin Lan, who were elected by our public, are both very good cadres. I personally suggest that we meet in a small area and reach a consensus. If we don't agree, we can

We still have to go to the Standing Committee.”

Chen Jing smiled. He picked up the two documents in his hand and looked at them carefully. Liao Yongyong and Qin Lan were both outstanding cadres trained by the neighbors in the past few years.

The two were classmates before. They entered the neighboring political circles in the same batch, and they have always been competitors. The competition between these two people was secretly intense.

"Lao Jiang, let me meet these two people sometime. As young cadres, I'd better talk to them personally to understand some of the young cadres' thoughts and concepts!" Chen Jing said.

Jiang Wei just laughed in his heart. Chen Jing himself was only in his twenties, but he said that others were young cadres. This was really surprising.

But the meaning is different when the candidates are interviewed by the secretary in person. Jiang Wei is well aware of the subtleties and said:

"Secretary, it is such an honor for you to talk to our candidate cadres in person! I have already told them that regardless of success or failure, being able to participate in this selection will be a success for them."

Three days later, the secretaries met and the big three, Chen Jing, Li Guowei and Jiang Wei, met.

Li Guowei first reported the situation in Baishi Town. He said with a look of shame: "Secretary, Lao Jiang, the problem with Baishi was my mistake. Fortunately, there was no big trouble. Otherwise, the consequences would have been disastrous. We are continuing this matter.

Regarding the investigation, I have already told Tong Xiaoli that he must get to the bottom of it and find out who was the instigator."

He paused and said: "The secretary is still decisive and neat in his work. In the past, he solved the matter three times, five times, five times and two times, avoiding a turmoil."

Chen Jing shook his head and said: "Old Li, please stop saying that. Many people now have opinions about me, saying that I have made a very bad start. Nowadays, mass work and land work are difficult to do. Others regard Baishi

Let’s use the incident as a case study!”

He paused and said: "Old Li, there are many opinions like this within the government. The government may have encountered considerable difficulties in its work. I still firmly believe in the ideological consciousness of the comrades. Go back and tell these comrades who have complaints.

, just say that I, Chen Jing, apologized to them!"

Li Guowei was stunned, and the embarrassment flashed across his face.

Under his leadership, the government formed its own system, and Li Guowei held power very firmly, which was his advantage.

But Chen Jing was very good at avoiding the important and taking the easy. After Chen Jing came up, he used his brains in organizing personnel, publicity and cadre ideology. After a short time, Li Guowei gradually felt that the neighbors were quietly changing.

This change is mainly reflected in the attitude of many cadres towards organizational departments and party committees.

The party committee determines their future, the overall situation and direction. Now Chen Jingyou has proposed strengthening the supervision function of cadres and gathering a group of senior comrades in the National People's Congress and the CPPCC to create difficulties in the work of functional departments and lower-level governments. Recently, everyone's complaints are relatively

A lot, and the nerves are a little tight.

Li Guowei felt the pressure from Chen Jing, and he was also vaguely dissatisfied, but he couldn't oppose Chen Jing. Chen Jing acted upright and followed the rules. Can you say that he did something wrong?

Besides, regarding the incident in Baishi Town, some people were already saying that Li Guowei was retaliating. Qi Maolin and Hu Shengli in Baishi Town didn't listen to Li Guowei's greetings. Did Li Guowei secretly instigate the trouble? Under such circumstances,

, Li Guowei did not dare to take it lightly.

He knows a group of his subordinates very well, some of them are thorny, and some of them are very gangster-like. He, Li Guowei, has not given any instructions. Who can guarantee that these guys are not provoking trouble on their own initiative?

Therefore, the relationship between Chen Jing and Li Guowei is quite subtle now...

The three people discussed together the issue of selecting the mayor of Huanggongmiao Town, and then studied several so-called strategic decision-making issues currently faced by their neighbors. Chen Jing changed the topic and said to Jiang Weida:

"What happened to that thing you mentioned last time? Lao Li is here today, can you tell me more?"

Jiang Wei pondered for a moment and said: "That's right, the Municipal Development and Reform Bureau has a project. The project is mainly to select several pilot areas in our city, and invite our Central Economic Research Institute and other famous economic experts to take stock of the economy.

This is a good opportunity to increase visibility and expand regional influence, so we should strive for this project."

Chen Jing was secretly amused. The Municipal Development and Reform Bureau had this project, and he was the one who came up with it.

Now Xia Chaonan has matured the planning of this project, and then started to compete and create influence in the city. This was all the advice given by Chen Jing. Fortunately, Chen Jing did not think about it, and the news about it had already spread.

Jiang Wei learned about this project two days ago. He called Chen Jing to report it. It seemed that he was ready to make some moves.

Today, Chen Jing took this opportunity to talk about the project through Jiang Wei and study it with Li Guowei.

Chen Jing said to Li Guowei: "Old Li, do you know about this? What do you think?"

Li Guowei had long tentacles and was good at dancing. He naturally knew about this. He coughed and said: "I know about this. It is an opportunity. I think we can fight for it. The economic development in our neighboring corner has just begun to take off, and it is still very plastic.


Under such circumstances, I think it would be very useful if we could get expert opinions and suggestions."

He paused and said: "What's more, the Provincial Development and Reform Commission has also filed a record for this event. I also heard that quite a few economists and scholars have expressed concern and interest in this matter. Our neighbors are currently not well-known.

, this is also a great publicity opportunity for us!”

Chen Jingdao: "Okay, Lao Li! You are responsible for following up on this work. You are familiar with the Development and Reform Bureau. If you can follow up, this will be a great thing!"

He paused and then changed the topic: "Lao Jiang, you have to organize the publicity work well and work hard to win this opportunity. Our party committee and the government work closely together and unite seriously. I firmly believe that we can stand out.


Li Guowei was overjoyed. He had been paying close attention to this matter recently, and he had privately asked the District Development and Reform Bureau to follow up on the matter.

However, the feedback from the district development and reform bureaus is that many districts and counties are jealous of this opportunity. Others are mainly led by leaders to follow up. In several districts, the secretaries personally go to the development and reform bureaus to engage in public relations. Compared with those districts

As far as the county is concerned, it seems that the neighboring corners are not paid enough attention to.

After Li Guowei heard the news, he was very anxious. He wanted to take action personally, and also considered the delicate relationship between him and Chen Jing.

If he reported this matter to Chen Jing, he was worried that Chen Jing would step in and take charge of the matter, and the good thing would be taken away by Chen Jing.

It just so happened that Jiang Wei raised this matter, and Chen Jing handed over the matter to Li Guowei with full responsibility. Li Guowei can now boldly engage in public relations work in this area. If he can win this opportunity, the credit will be his.

It is bound to stabilize his position in the team and increase his prestige, which is precisely what Li Guowei values ​​​​very much.

[Recommended book "Guan Piao" If you like official books, you can read it...] (To be continued)!~!

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