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Chapter 656: I actually know each other?

He is indeed a big shot.

This can be seen from the formation.

Chen Jing only saw reporters carrying long guns and cannons pouring into the parking lot like a tornado, and the parking lot of Nuo University was suddenly filled with flash lights.

At this time, the human wall security line constructed by the airport security was extending outside the parking lot. A large number of people poured into the parking lot. There were a lot of screams and shouts. Various fluorescent sticks that glowed at night were dotted.

Make up a splendid picture.

It's an artist!

Chen Jing had a judgment in his heart. Looking at these crazy star-chasers, Chen Jing felt uneasy in his heart.

The fashionable middle-aged man just now had gone to greet the guests. In the passenger seat, the girl was obviously a little uneasy.

The crowd arrived faster than expected, but before they arrived, reporters had already surrounded the car. Chen Jing secretly cursed himself for taking this job when he had nothing to do.

Besides, the car we drove today was wrong. An official reception car that the district committee had put under the name of the Venus Hotel came here. It was an Audi A8. If they hadn't driven this car, I guess these two people wouldn't have used such crooked ideas.

However, it was obviously too late to regret at this time. Chen Jing lowered his head, looked at his nose, and kept calm.

Just when he was meditating with his eyes closed, he suddenly heard a loud roar: "Rose, I love you... Chen Jing was startled, and quickly turned around to find that the back door of the car had been opened, and a huge sound came out uncontrollably...

...This name is very familiar. Haven't you seen it in Hong Kong? The queen of Hong Kong and Taiwan's music scene, her beauty and popularity are unparalleled. Last time I was in Hong Kong, I relied on her help, and finally I got the thing done smoothly. I'm so grateful today.

, he even served as her coachman for a time.

Just as Chen Jing's thoughts were turning, two tough bodyguards came over to protect a tall girl wearing sunglasses and got into the car.

Chen Jing looked behind him through the reversing mirror. The girl was wearing sunglasses. Her hair was pulled up, and her clothes were shining like fish scales. It was very dazzling and dazzling.

Although the sunglasses covered most of the woman's face, Chen Jing was very sure with just one glance that this woman was Rose.

The hustle and bustle outside continued. The girl in the passenger seat turned to greet Rose and her manager. Then she nodded to Chen Jing and signaled to drive.

Chen Jing started the car, turned on the lights, suppressed the flashing lights outside, and then slowly started the car.

Many crazy fans followed behind him, and some even threw things and hit the car windows. After a lot of effort, Chen Jing walked out of the parking lot. He quickly drove to the corridor, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't say hello to Rose because he believed that the other person definitely didn't recognize him.

After all, we only had a one-on-one relationship last time, and the other person was an artist. We interact with so many people every day, how can we remember someone we met only once?

Besides, Chen Jing doesn’t want to have more contact with artists. His life and the artist’s life are two completely parallel lines without any intersection. If there is an intersection, then it is most likely that some officials have made a mistake.

I really like to interact with the entertainment industry, but many of these people fall into this trap.

The distance from the airport to Nanguo Hotel is not far. We missed the traffic rush hour at this time, the road was not congested and the journey was smooth.

Just as Chen Jing was driving on the road, he suddenly heard a voice from behind: "People's Liberation Army?"

Chen Jing was stunned and unnaturally slowed down the car. He saw Rose looking at him carefully in the rearview mirror.

He shook his head, turned around, grinned, and said, "You have such a good memory, you actually recognize me!"

Chen Jing turned around, and Rose opened her eyes wide. His eyes were very bright, maybe because of his Western ancestry, and they were not very dark. She pointed at Chen Jing in surprise: "Sure enough, you are, I know you, you are Ye's

Friend, you...how..."

Chen Jing turned back to concentrate on driving, smiled, and said: "It's just a coincidence. The car they picked you up with broke down and they asked me to help temporarily, so I'm honored... He said to the girl in the passenger seat: "Liu, it's

Is that so?"

The girl was very embarrassed, and said with a blushing face: "I'm sorry, Rose, our car did have a temporary problem, and this gentleman happened to be willing to help, so... I hope you can forgive me."

Rose smiled and said: "No, no, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter! I'm honored, I'm honored!"

She looked at Chen Jing again and said: "That's right...explanation..."

Chen Jing said: "Miss Rose, my surname is Chen and my name is Chen Jing."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Chen Jing, it's like this. I kindly invite you to have dinner with me tonight. I hope you won't refuse!" Rose smiled. She has a lively and cheerful personality, and she is extremely charming when she smiles.

Chen Jing was stunned for a moment, a little surprised. He was surprised to receive this invitation. He didn't know whether to agree or reject.

After a while, he nodded and said: "Okay, I can treat you as well, but it's a pity that there is no wine for you here!"

Rose smiled happily and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, there is wine in the car behind. They are the best wines in the winery..."

Chen Jing pursed his lips and said nothing, and continued driving.

But the atmosphere inside the car was a little weird. The girl sitting in the passenger seat couldn't help but look at Chen Jing. She didn't know who Chen Jing was, but she actually knew Rose and even invited Rose to join her for supper.

In addition, there is a pair of eyes staring at Chen Jing from behind.

Rose's manager Luo Qin is not an easy person. She is about the same age as Rose, but she entered the industry earlier.

As the manager of a well-known female singer, Luo Qin is very knowledgeable about young talents in China. Among the people he knows, Chen Jing cannot be found.

Endless questions arose in her mind. She didn't know how this person could have a relationship with Rose. She wanted to remind Rose because she was originally scheduled to meet with a well-known mainland media tonight, but she hesitated and closed her eyes.


She could feel Rose's happiness, as if meeting Chen Jing was like meeting a friend of many years.

Nanguo Hotel is very famous. This hotel was invested and newly built by Gao Tianlou, the richest man in Lingnan. It is the earliest hotel in Guangdong and it is also a hotel that has maintained great influence.

In the hotel's VIP restaurant, the restaurant has an elegant environment, and the huge floor-to-ceiling windows allow guests to have a panoramic view of the lights of Guangdong at night through the windows.

The enchanting beauty of the South can be experienced without any distance while sitting at the dining table. This environment is very comfortable.

Rose was very hospitable. She ordered a lot of dishes and opened wine for Chen Jing herself. She asked a lot about Ye Haiyuan. How did Chen Jing know how much? She could only regretfully tell him that he and Ye Haiyuan were colleagues rather than friends. Ye Haiyuan's

He didn't know many private things.

Rose giggled, shook her head and said, "Mr. Chen, please don't lie. Last time we had a cocktail party, I asked Ye to bring my other half over, and she brought you over. Could it be that this was an inadvertent mistake?"

Chen Jing frowned slightly, shook his head, and said rose: "Ye Ren is very good. She has helped me a lot, especially when I first entered the mainland for development. She helped me when I encountered a lot of troubles.


Chen Jing smiled, nodded and said, "Then I'm honored to be honored by her today..." He was stunned, and hurriedly waved his hands: "No, no! Don't get me wrong, you like my red wine and know the taste of red wine.

We are friends. When I treat you, I treat you as a friend, and it has nothing to do with Ye."

Rose is very serious and nervous.

Chen Jingdao: "It's okay, I can feel your sincerity, I was just joking!"

He paused and said: "To be honest, today's food is very good and the wine is even better. I am a good wine lady. I can eat this meal and feel very good. Thank you very much!"

Rose was very happy and smiled, with a little shyness on her face.

But soon, the shyness disappeared, and Rose returned to her calm and generous posture.

Rose is an internationally renowned artist and has seen big events. What kind of occasion has she not experienced? So she can handle everything with ease.

Chen Jing was also in a very relaxed mood. He knew in his heart that a big star with an international reputation like Rose and the little domestic singers who rely on hype and scandals to rise to the top are people from two different worlds. They are completely different.

The comparison between fireflies and sun and moon is almost the same.

Speaking of which, Chen Jing has actually listened to several classic songs sung by Rose. To be honest, he still likes this singer in his heart and is considered a fan.

The two drank and chatted. Rose was very good at communicating. She basically asked Chen Jing.

She admires Chinese studies very much and has studied a lot about Chinese studies, such as some structures of ancient Chinese architecture, taboos, etc., as well as some ancient traditional schools of thought, ancient people's understanding and understanding of the world, and some of their attitudes toward life.


At first, she asked a question casually, and Chen Jing happened to read a lot, so he immediately gave her an explanation.

This made her very interested, and she quickly brought out a lot of things and asked Chen Jing for advice one by one. Chen Jing understood a lot of things, but some didn't, but the two of them had a common interest in talking about this, and they didn't know each other for a while.

There will be nothing to say.

The two of them had a meal for more than an hour. Rose was still a little unfinished. She said:

"Mr. Chen, it feels great to chat with you. Unfortunately, we are both very busy and it is difficult to have the opportunity to talk as freely as today. I hope we can have opportunities like today in the future..."

Chen Jing nodded and said: "I hope so. I feel very good too. Being able to communicate with an outstanding artist like you is the dream of many male compatriots."

Rose laughed loudly, called her manager Luo Qin over, gave two VIP tickets to the concert to Chen Jing, and said:

"Mr. Chen, I don't know if you are free, but I will give you these two tickets. I hope you can come to my concert. There are new songs this time, very Chinese style. I also ask for your advice!" (Unfinished)

to be continued)

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