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Chapter 683 A delicate situation!

Mayor Qingxiang did not ask Chen Jing any more questions about the project.

During this period of time, the most negative news he heard about Li Qingxiang was that Mayor Qingxiang was a man of evil and must retaliate, and that if Chen Jing offended him, there might be serious consequences.

It is also said that Mayor Qingxiang may violate regulations and disciplines, and that this person is extremely protective of his shortcomings. Chen Jing may encounter many difficulties in coordinating work with the municipal government in the future.

Chen Jing has always listened carefully to these rumors.

Today, he went directly to the city government, which also contained elements of probing.

After all, Mayor Qingxiang is a senior cadre, and his broad-mindedness and magnanimity are definitely not as bad as the outside world says.

Of course, Chen Jing also realized that maybe Mayor Qingxiang had a high prestige during the years she had been in power in Haishan, and it was inevitable for the people below to form a group.

As a leader, especially a higher-level leader, sometimes you need to spend a lot of energy to control the people below you.

Chen Jing has been in the officialdom for a long time, and he has seen many situations where subordinates use chicken feathers as arrows to make random statements and actions on behalf of the leaders.

When there are more such situations, sometimes leaders are bound to be implicated. If some leaders have stronger personalities and protect their shortcomings, the situation will be more complicated.

The current situation of seamounts is very complicated.

When Chen Jing stopped the construction of Wenhai Real Estate's Mid-Levels Villas project, he felt pressure from all sides.

Guan Jiwu, chairman of Wenhai Real Estate, is a local snake.

This person has good personal relationships with many people in the political circles. There may also be interests involved.

So as soon as Chen Jing used force against him, some of Guan Jiwu's brothers in the political arena were immediately dissatisfied. Some of the brothers' district and county leaders went to the city to cause trouble, saying that their neighbors were taking up too many resources and that the city was facing development problems.

There is no bowl of water on the table that is flat.

There are also some functional departments that have begun to set up checkpoints in various aspects of work. Take this project of the National Development and Reform Bureau, if Chen Jing and Xia Chaonan had not done a good job in public relations, it would be difficult to get the project approved.

But where is the only development and reform bureau in the city?

If we talk about this single project, we will immediately have to deal with the Economic and Trade Bureau and the Finance Bureau.

Chen Jing would not be so naive as to think that since he had the mayor's signature, the subsequent work would go smoothly.

In today's society, it is difficult to get things done because all the Bodhisattvas have to be worshiped. If the Bodhisattvas along the way are not offered good incense, things may not get done.

Sometimes, when funds are allocated from the city, the city leaders in charge of this area have to express their opinions. When it comes to the bureau, the main leaders of the bureau also have to express their opinions. From top to bottom, everything has to be opened up.

Taking this project as an example, Chen Jing got the signature of the mayor, and then the Development and Reform Bureau passed it without any problem.

However, the implementation of the project requires funding from the Finance Bureau. Chen Jing took the signature to the Finance Bureau, and someone else could make Chen Jing return without success with just one sentence: "No money!"

It’s not like the leaders of the bureau don’t implement the leaders’ requests. But if they don’t have the money, how can they allocate funds?

No matter how eloquent or powerful Chen Jing is, there is still nothing he can do to him.

If matters within the party really have to be handled according to the rules, there is no need to do things because they will never be done.

Of course, Chen Jingdu had anticipated all these reactions. Nothing is perfect these days.

Chen Jing had always been mentally prepared when he went crazy over Wenhai Real Estate. He wanted to use this incident to complete his control of the situation in his neighborhood. Of course, he had to accept some of the negative impacts brought about by this incident.

As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot suppress a local coward. The Guan brothers of the Wenhai Group are standard local cowards. If Chen Jing touches them, they will naturally cause some trouble.

But Chen Jing’s character is afraid of many things, the least of which is trouble!

Being in politics and serving as an official, isn't it a struggle between man and man, man and heaven, and man and earth?

These days, if you want to be steady and do everything in a bowl of water and be a good gentleman, you will not achieve great results in the officialdom, and you will be a mediocre official.

If you want to make a difference, if you don't have momentum, you don't have a strong personality, you are afraid of wolves in front of you, and you are afraid of tigers in the back, then you won't be able to accomplish anything at all.

Chen Jing is also a person who doesn’t have diamonds or porcelain.

What kind of difficulties did he not encounter during his growth?

In his dictionary, there is no difficulty in the world that cannot be solved. As long as you have determination and grind an iron pestle into a needle, you are afraid that you will not have determination and courage!

A fierce physical fight, the man's breathing, and the woman's moans filled the room with beauty.

Peng Zhaohui sprinted with all his strength, and after the last essence spurted out, he fell onto the bed with a plop like a toad that had been drained of blood, with only his big white belly exposed.

Lately he has become obsessed with making love.

Not to mention, only by being in contact with people who have seen the world for a long time can you learn new things and gain knowledge.

In the past, Peng Zhaohui never knew that there were so many interesting tricks between men and women, and there were so many things to play with. Only by playing with these women could he truly appreciate the fun of being a man.

I really can’t tell that this Liu Sheng is very famous. How come there are so many beauties in the company?

Whenever he thinks about this problem, he feels extremely envious. He, Peng Zhaohui, has been around for so long and is only the CEO of a consulting company, with not many people at his disposal.

Although he was living a relatively comfortable life, compared with a boss like Liu Sheng, his life was really shabby.

He always fantasizes in his mind that one day he can be like Liu Sheng and form a group for fun. That kind of life would be wonderful.

Liu Sheng once said that if Peng Zhaohui wants to live a prosperous life, Li Guowei's position must be higher.

After all, a district chief is still young and lives in a corner. What's more important is that the district chief is not the top leader, and there are people pressing on his head in the district. This is the most uncomfortable thing.

The day District Chief Li becomes Secretary Li, Peng Zhaohui will be more than just like today!

"Boom, boom!"

"Who?" Peng Zhaohui asked impatiently. He winked at the woman, put on his clothes, walked through the living room, and walked to the door.

Opening the door, there was Liu Sheng standing outside the door!

"Liu...Mr. Liu, you...why are you here? What's wrong with you?" Peng Zhaohui was quite embarrassed. After all, he was sleeping with a woman from his company just now. It would not be good to bump into him like this.

Liu Sheng came in and said: "Lao Peng, take it easy! Sometimes you have to do some business, you know, today District Chief Li was wronged again, and now Chen Jing is gaining power in the neighboring corner and is not merciful.

So pressing, so aggressive!"

Liu Sheng looked quite regretful and shook his head repeatedly.

Peng Zhaohui snorted and said, "This Chen Jing is too bullying!"

"It's not that he bullies people too much. These days, good people are bullied and good people are ridiculed. It's because District Chief Li has too many worries and too little courage! Otherwise, if Chen Jing is alone, how will he get his turn to show off his power?" Liu Sheng said coldly.

Face said.

When he said this, Peng Zhaohui looked embarrassed.

The last time he came forward to invite Li Guowei, he allowed Li Guowei and Liu Sheng to meet and have a meal.

At the dinner, Liu Sheng and Li Guowei had a few glasses of wine. He told Li Guowei that the Yanjing Group wanted to increase investment in Linjiao and acquire some land in the area bordering Linjiao and Nangang. He hoped that their idea

Can get support from the district government.

At that time, Liu Sheng showed his chest and said: "District Chief, our Yanjing is now settled in the neighboring corner, and our goal is to target the city's leading enterprises. In terms of land acquisition, we do not follow the actual situation of the population. All compensation is in accordance with national requirements. We will never do it."


Li Guowei said at the time: "Mr. Liu, the land acquisition is very good. I personally support it. But you have also seen the current situation in neighboring corners. All major issues involving direction and strategy must be discussed and decided by the district committee. If

You are expropriating land in other places in the neighboring corner. I will express my position immediately without saying anything.

But if you want to acquire land near Nangang, the district committee has just made a plan to cooperate between the two places and rely on the special zone for development. I am afraid there are many uncertainties in terms of policy. If you want to acquire land now, it must be decided at the district committee meeting...


Liu Sheng was stunned for a moment and said hurriedly: "Then let's think about it carefully. We are still in the brewing stage anyway."

Having said that, Liu Sheng added that he supported his neighbors in developing a tourism economy. The Yanjing Group was also pursuing diversified development. He proposed that he would invest in Baishi Mountain and develop Baishi Mountain's tourism resources. He sought Li Guowei's opinion.

Li Guowei rejected Liu Sheng's land acquisition, and now he dropped this bomb. The atmosphere at the dinner table was very awkward.

Chen Jing attaches great importance to Baishi Mountain now. He even went so far as to quarrel with Wenhai Real Estate for the protection of Baishi Mountain. Now he wants to invest in Baishi Mountain tourism. How can Li Guowei express his position on this matter?

After a meal, someone else's company was interested in investing, but he couldn't express his position on everything. You can imagine his cowardice and embarrassment.

It was originally a sumptuous dinner, but because Li Guowei was in a bad mood, everyone was not enjoying the meal.

After Li Guowei left, Liu Sheng couldn't help but complain when he saw Peng Zhaohui the next day.

In order to do public relations, he gave Peng Zhaohui five million for nothing. Let alone five million yuan, even five hundred cents. If he spent it, there would be no reflection.

He has money and wants to do something, but he keeps pushing back. This is really unreasonable.

When Liu Sheng said this, Peng Zhaohui was naturally ashamed. He immediately talked about Li Guowei's difficulties and how Chen Jing made trouble in the district.

Liu Sheng immediately said, what's so great about Chen Jing? That guy is a bully and fears the strong. The softer Li Guowei is, the worse it will be.

At the critical moment, as long as Li Guowei could stand up and dare to confront Chen Jing, Chen Jing would fall down in two seconds.

In Neighbor, District Chief Li has been running the business for so many years, but his foundation is not as good as Chen Jing’s? The key is courage. Whether you have courage is the most important thing.

If you don't have the guts, you can only let Chen Jing encroach on it step by step, becoming more and more passive, and finally give him all the power you have... ^-^^-^

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