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Chapter 686 Visit Secretary Hu!

Hu Junzhong, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, is a typical southerner.

Among the entire provincial party committee, he is the only one who was born and raised in Lingnan, and this also gives Hu Junzhong high prestige in Lingnan.

He served as secretary of the municipal party committee in Shunshan City, Lingnan City, and Guangdong City, and when he served as secretary of the municipal party committee in Yuezhou, he had already joined the provincial party committee.

When Chen Jing established a relationship with Hu Junzhong, he worked hard, and it can be said that he made several detours.

As for Chen Jing, it is not easy for him to establish connections in Lingnan with his status. After all, he is an outsider and his level is too low.

Almost all of Lingnan's office cadres are civil servants working in Lingnan. People like Chen Jing who are parachuted across provinces are the only ones selected for this public election.

More than 20 people spread throughout Lingnan Province, but there will be no reaction at all. Moreover, they are all a group of division-level cadres. Once they take office, everyone has nothing to do but look after themselves. Let alone helping each other, it is not easy to even meet them.

Chen Jing has learned through various channels that Hu Junzhong strongly supports the cross-regional transfer of cadres.

The last public election of provincial officials was also initiated by him and he personally led it. In this sense, Chen Jing was able to work in Lingnan because Secretary Hu had a good understanding of people and was able to get involved in the officialdom.

This is not enough. Another reason is that after the more than 20 cadres elected in the last public election took office, most cadres performed poorly and found it difficult to carry out their work. In extreme cases, some cadres encountered obstacles at every turn and had great mood swings, even to the point of giving up to the provincial government.

I filed a report and wanted to return to my original province.

And some leaders of municipalities and departments did not give face to this public election. If the publicly elected cadres working under them performed poorly and failed several consecutive evaluations, they were not merciless and asked these people to step aside.


Originally, according to the requirements, these cadres were selected to serve as leaders of the units, but in actual work, less than half of them can continue to stay in important leadership positions. It is already very few.

Among these people, Chen Jing is currently very popular in Haishan and has a great influence. He is naturally regarded as a very outstanding cadre.

Chen Jing's outstanding performance is, in a sense, gaining face for Secretary Hu.

Finally, there is another important reason, which is that Chen Jing put a lot of thought into establishing connections with Hu Junzhong.

Not only did he maintain long-term contact with Hu Junzhong, but he also worked with people around Secretary Hu. The relationship between Jiang Hengyun and Chen Jing has become very harmonious, and the two have become friends.

With him mediating in the middle, the relationship between Chen Jing and Hu Junzhong naturally heated up extremely.

Secretary Hu loves to play Go and is a standard chess fan.

When he was the secretary of the municipal party committee in Guangdong Province, some entrepreneurs funded many domestic commercial Go tournaments to cater to his hobbies.

In addition, there are quite a lot of chess halls and Go schools in Guangdong. The cultural atmosphere is very strong. Nie Qisheng, the number one Go figure in the Republic, talked highly of Guangdong Go when he mentioned it. He and Secretary Hu are also very good friends.


Chen Jing visited Hu Junzhong at a Go club called Lingnan Seven Gentlemen.

This Go club was co-founded by seven of the most famous professional masters of the younger generation of the Republic. When this Go club was established, the Guangdong Cultural Bureau paid great attention to it and opened the door to facilitate them.

The location of the club is on the bank of Bixia Lake. The environment is elegant and yet prosperous. It is hidden away from the city and makes the club very sentimental.

Chen Jing and Jiang Hengyun drove to the club together. On the way, Jiang Hengyun took out a book "Go Midgame Attack" and studied it carefully. Chen Jing laughed and said:

"Director Jiang, you can't sharpen your weapons in front of the battle. What's wrong? Are you nervous every time you play chess with Secretary Hu?"

Jiang Hengyun said to Chen Jing with a bitter face: "Secretary Chen, you don't know, where did I know this stuff before? I only started to learn it when I was with Secretary Hu, but this thing is easy to learn but hard to master, and we secular people are

If you can't calm down, you are really a stinky chess player!

Everyone who can go to the Seven Gentlemen Chess Hall is a master. A bad chess player like us would go in and be killed in tears, and Secretary Hu would say that I had disgraced him!"

He put the book away and said to Chen Jing: "Secretary Chen, you are versatile. Today you have to give me a thorough understanding. What level are you at?"

Chen Jing smiled and said: "Director Jiang, you have been around Secretary Hu for a long time, and you feel that your chess skills are not enough. I work at the grassroots level below as both a father and a mother. How much can you count on me?"

When Jiang Hengyun heard what Chen Jing said made sense, his expression changed and he said: "In that case, where should we go to the Go club? We might as well turn around and find a place to relax and soak our feet. Don't embarrass yourself!"

"It's too late now! It's already here!" Chen Jing pointed to Bixia Lake Park not far away, and drove into the park parking lot...

When Chen Jing and Jiang Hengyun arrived at the club, they entered the VIP area directly.

Here Chen Jing suddenly saw Mr. Xiaochun, a well-known Go master in the Republic. He was holding a folding fan in his hand and had a graceful demeanor.

There were five chessboards in the room. Hu Junzhong sat at one end of the chessboard and stared at the chessboard with a very focused expression.

There were people sitting at one end of the other three chessboards, leaving only one empty chessboard. Chen Jing suddenly saw an acquaintance, Tong Qiwei, the head of Tong's enterprise.

He was also sitting upright on one end of a chessboard with his hands on his chin, thinking seriously. There were dozens of words on the chessboard in front of him.

Black stones and white stones blend and intertwine, and you can feel the intensity of the battle just by looking at the chess shape.

Chen Jing saw this posture and knew that it was Mr. Xiaochun who was playing a multi-faceted chess game.

Mr. Xiaochun knew Jiang Hengyun. He pointed to the position of another empty chessboard. Jiang Hengyun waved his hand quickly, pushed Chen Jing and whispered:

"Secretary Chen, this is a rare opportunity. Today is Mr. Xiaochun's instruction on chess. Go quickly..."

When Chen Jing was about to speak, Jiang Hengyun had already said to Mr. Xiaochun: "This is the amateur expert that our Secretary Hu has hired. You can let the two of you compete with me!"

Mr. Xiaochun put a smile on his face and reached out his hand. Chen Jing extended his hand and the two of them clasped their hands. He said: "Hello Mr. Xiaochun, I am so honored today!"

He no longer refused, sat down on the chessboard and placed two black stones, and then the chess game between the two sides began.

One-on-five multi-faceted play is actually very easy for professional chess players.

Chen Jing hasn't played chess for a long time. He has been sparse in battle formations for a long time and plays very slowly.

He started at the end, and the chess was played slowly. Gradually, other chess games ended, and people came to watch the chess.

Since Tong Qiwei's game was a two-sided game, he was obviously no match for Mr. Xiaochun. He was the first to finish. After watching Secretary Hu's chess for a while, he came to Chen Jing's side.

Secretary Hu didn't last long before surrendering.

As soon as he saw Chen Jingzai, he walked straight over.

The chess game between the other two players ended immediately, leaving Chen Jing alone in the multi-faceted game.

Chen Jing played more than a hundred moves in this game, and both sides were evenly matched. Due to the advantage of handicap, Chen Jing still had the advantage of taking the lead.

Chen Jing knew that when playing chess with professional masters, he couldn't fight head-on, so he tried his best to seek stability and stability. Unknowingly, a game of chess turned into a waste of time!

When it reaches 180 moves, the situation enters the most difficult official stage.

After a few high-ranking officials failed, the game seemed to be in ruins.

Chen Jing stood up and said: "Mr. Xiaochun, this chess piece..."

Hu Junzhong waved his hand at the side and said: "The game is over! Are you and Mr. Xiaochun still fighting for the outcome? Only a game of chess that has a beginning and an end can you see your own shortcomings!"

Chen Jing had no choice but to sit down again. The two sides went back and forth, and the chess game ended for almost half an hour.

Naturally, the result was that Chen Jing failed. Mr. Xiaochun fought one-on-five against multiple opponents and won all the matches.

It seems that there are rumors in the world that Mr. Xiaochun has an upright character. This statement is indeed true. It would not be a big deal to defeat Secretary Hu in a one-on-five fight. However, he refused to give up any ground and shaved the heads of five people.

After the chess game ended, Tong Qiwei laughed and said: "Oh, I originally thought that Xiao Chen was young and could stand up to the challenge, but in the end he surrendered. Today we have our heads shaved!"

Mr. Xiaochun pointed at Chen Jing and said: "His chess is very strong. If the five games of chess start at the same time, he will probably win!"

Chen Jing waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Mr. Xiaochun complimented me. I used to play chess when I was in college. Now I am very unfamiliar with it. I made a lot of mistakes during a game!"

Hu Junzhong was obviously very interested and said: "Xiao Chen is our biggest discovery today. If we have any activities in the future, you will be the one to do it!" He pointed to Jiang Hengyun standing aside and said: "He was fired because his level is not good enough.

, it’s not like I really love it, I’m just playing chess to study with the prince!”

Jiang Hengyun blushed and felt extremely embarrassed. Chen Jing was also embarrassed!

Today's move was supposed to be played by Jiang Hengyun, but he came over to make a move, and even got him criticized!

Tong Qiwei came to the rescue and said: "Okay, I have ordered a meal in Nanguo tonight. Mr. Xiaochun finally came to our Guangdong province today, and we have to fulfill our friendship as landlords!"

Mr. Xiaochun said cheerfully: "Guangdong cuisine is famous throughout the country. It seems that I am in good luck today!"

Tong Qiwei was very loyal and called Chen Jing over to introduce him to the other two people, who were also famous.

One is Mr. Kang Qin, a member of the Lingnan CPPCC, vice president of the Lingnan Calligraphers and Painters Association, and a famous calligrapher and painter.

Another person is Zhou Jing, vice president of the Taiwan Lingnan Chamber of Commerce and a well-known social activist on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

Chen Jing greeted them one by one and shook hands with him in a very respectful manner.

He knew very well that these two people had considerable power in Lingnan. Although they were not as powerful as Tong Qiwei, the circles they interacted with were all powerful people in Lingnan.

Think about it, how can someone who can play chess with Secretary Hu be an ordinary person?

Chen Jing thought about this, and then thought to himself that it was a coincidence that he had the opportunity to meet several well-known people in Lingnan today. It was really an unexpected bonus!

In the evening, Tong Qi was treating guests, and a sumptuous dinner could not be missed.

After dinner, Mr. Xiaochun took out a fan and asked Mr. Kang Qin to write an inscription. Everyone talked about chess and calligraphy. It was as if everyone in the room had become aliens. Chen Jing felt a long-lost tranquility!

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