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Chapter 693 Outstanding achievements!

Executive Vice Mayor Feng Renguo was very angry.

There are rumors everywhere that he likes to show off his pomp and reputation, and even invites Vice Mayor Feng to inspect and attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony. If the pomp is not good and the media he invites is not high enough, he will definitely not be invited.

This is precisely the characteristic of Feng Renguo. Indeed, he cares about these conditions very much.

As a member of the Standing Committee of the Haishan Municipal Committee and the executive deputy mayor, Feng Renguo has limited time and energy, and it is impossible to cover everything.

When it comes to attending events, he naturally has to be selective, and he cannot attend all events.

It's just that he cares more about the situation than other leaders. Therefore, there have been many rumors that Feng Renguo cares about ostentation.

The weakness of human nature is like this, the more painful it is, the harder it is for others to poke at you.

This time, someone spread rumors to cause trouble, which undoubtedly touched his sore spot.

He immediately asked someone to call the Linjiao District Government and said that he would definitely attend the enterprise settlement ceremony in Yuyun Town.

But he had an attitude, but the irritability in his heart did not diminish at all.

After thinking for a long time, he decided to inform Li Guowei. He wanted to know what his neighbor was like now, and why it seemed that the other side couldn't hear Li Guowei's voice?

Li Guowei ran to the city hall in a hurry. As soon as he entered Feng Renguo's office, Feng Renguo asked in a face-to-face manner:

"Guowei, how do you guys do your work? You have been stuck on other people's projects for several months? Haven't you figured it out yet? You have to be merciful and merciful, and sometimes you have to take the overall situation into consideration. You can't act on impulse!


The project Feng Renguo is talking about naturally refers to the Mid-Levels Palace project.

Originally, this project had little to do with Feng Renguo, but today he was angry and had to find a reason to vent it, so he could only find this point.

In addition, the Banshan Haoting project cannot be started. Now there are more and more discussions in the city, and many of them are even pointing at Feng Renguo.

There is no objection to the fact that Chen Jing took the initiative to seize the project.

But it has been closed for so long and has never been able to be reopened. Is this someone who is causing trouble and deliberately causing trouble?

Because if the project is not reopened for a day, the pressure on Chen Jing will be greater. Are some people wishing that the project would never be reopened?

In the neighboring political arena, Chen Jing is a newcomer. He is an airborne soldier.

Li Guowei is a local snake and should be the one who can control the situation in the neighboring corner. And Li Guowei is Feng Renguo's man.

The project that has been blocked for so long is now getting further and further out of reach. Is this because Feng Renguo has not done anything? Or is Feng Renguo using this matter to try to suppress some people?

So the current situation is already quite delicate, and the Mid-Levels Palace project should move forward, but why is there no movement now?

Couldn't Li Guowei understand his intentions?

When Feng Renguo asked him about the Mid-Levels Palace, Li Guowei was not mentally prepared at all. He immediately blushed and was speechless.

Regarding the issue of this project, Li Guowei is also in quite a dilemma now.

Wenhai Real Estate has done everything and the project can be released.

But the problem is that Chen Jing didn't nod. No unit dared to take responsibility or jump out to shoulder this responsibility.

Neighbors are no longer what they used to be. Chen Jing was ruthless in Neighbors and dealt with several cadres. The people below were all afraid.

What is even more frightening is that Chen Jing's skills are superb, killing people without blood, and he is so cruel and accurate that he is hard to guard against and can't hide even if he wants to.

Before figuring out Chen Jing's attitude towards the project, no one was willing to take a stand, so the matter continued to be delayed.

Li Guowei is very embarrassed. The key is that he can't ask Chen Jing's attitude yet. Doesn't this question show that he is very anxious and has something going on with Wen Hai?

"Mayor Feng, Secretary Chen has not expressed his position on the Banshan Haoting project. The heads of the bureau committees below are very cautious..." Li Guowei considered his words and answered carefully.

Feng Renguo was stunned and stared at Li Guowei for a long time without saying anything.

Li Guowei's answer was beyond his expectation, because the meaning revealed in Li Guowei's words was that if Chen Jing did not express his position, the matter would not be resolved.

When did the neighbors become Chen Jing's world? What does Li Guowei do for a living?

On government matters, it's not enough for the top leader of the government to take a stand, but the secretary must also take a stand?

Li Guowei secretly smiled bitterly. He could understand Feng Renguo's mood, but he had to report the situation truthfully today. It would be extremely detrimental to him to pretend to be fat.

The current situation in Neighborhood is like that. To be honest, Li Guowei cannot express his position on the Mid-Levels Palace project, and it will not work if he expresses his position.

This matter needs to be solved by the person who tied the bell. To solve the problem, we have to find Chen Jing.

Feng Renguo slowly closed his eyes, feeling a little disappointed in his heart, disappointed with Li Guowei.

He knew that Chen Jing was an extraordinary person and had some abilities.

Otherwise, Mayor Qingxiang would not tolerate him. Chen Jing dared to directly contradict Mayor Qingxiang, and Mayor Qingxiang chose to tolerate him. This shows that this person has cards in his hand.

But Feng Renguo still didn't expect that Chen Jing was so powerful, Li Guowei was no match for Chen Jing, and the situation in the neighboring corner turned out to be like this...

Li Guowei added: "Mayor Feng, I will report to Secretary Chen about the issues with the Banshan Haoting project. This project must still be carried out!"

Feng Renguo shook his head and said: "Okay, I will find a way to solve this matter. There will be a way to solve the matter after all!"

He paused and said: "As for the external environmental problems in your neighborhood, as the district chief, you must seriously find ways to improve it, and have a good relationship with all units in the city, and with all brother districts and counties. This is very necessary.


If you are in the right way, you will get more help, but if you are in the wrong way, you will get less help! I think you should be able to understand this truth.

Li Guowei nodded and moved his lips to speak, but finally shut up.

Li Guowei originally wanted to explain a few words to Feng Renguo about the Yuyun Town activities, but then he thought about it and realized that he was wrong the first time he opened his mouth.

Could it be that he said that Chen Jing deliberately spread rumors to stimulate Feng Renguo?

What basis does he have for saying this? If there is no evidence, wouldn’t it be a false accusation against Chen Jing?

Besides, what did Feng Renguo think when he heard this? Would he think that Chen Jing was hateful, or would he think that Li Guowei was incompetent?

The thoughts of leaders are elusive, and Li Guowei knew this very well, so after much thought, he still felt that it would be safest to keep those things in his stomach.

Fourteen towns and villages in Neijiao received frequent good news in attracting investment in the third quarter.

According to the plan of the district committee, Linjiao District focuses on building the furniture industry and develops the furniture industry as a leading industry.

In order to build this leader, the district has concentrated the most advantageous resources and the greatest human, material and financial resources. The party committees and governments at all levels have been unprecedentedly enthusiastic, and the companies in the furniture industry have also been unprecedentedly enthusiastic.

Data from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau shows that in the third quarter, Linjiao completed more than 800 investment projects, and more than 700 furniture companies invested in Linjiao to build factories or branches.

The corner area has changed from focusing on traditional furniture in the past to now covering a variety of furniture subdivisions such as traditional furniture, office furniture, children's furniture, antique furniture, etc.

The total amount of investment has reached more than 8 billion yuan, which has jumped into the top five in the ranking of Haishan City. It can be said to be quite an achievement.

In addition, Lijiao also completed nearly 2 billion yuan in infrastructure investment in the third quarter, including government investment in the establishment of the huge Lijiao Furniture City.

The government invests in improving roads in the district and greening roads, and most of the investment is invested in supporting key furniture and core enterprises.

Help and support enterprises to establish their own design centers.

Help and support companies to establish their own marketing networks and product brands, government investment helps companies achieve scale, etc.

A wide variety of projects and various active and effective stimulus policies can truly benefit enterprises and gain confidence and motivation for development.

With such remarkable results achieved in the third quarter, Chen Jing also officially put forward the slogan of building Neijiao into an international furniture capital.

And the government has planned to organize the first Furniture Expo in Neighborhood. After several meetings, it was agreed that the Furniture Expo will be held early next year.

The expo will invite merchants from all over the world to attend the expo. According to the pragmatic work of the district economic and trade bureau, the final statistics are that tens of thousands of invitation letters will be issued, covering almost half of the furniture marketing companies in China, the United States, Europe, and Southeast Asia.

Traders, dealers.

The government budget for the entire expo amounts to more than 20 million yuan, striving to make the Neighbor Furniture Expo the largest and most influential furniture industry event in the country.

From Chen Jing's perspective, it can be said that there is only one place in the entire Republic where furniture brands and furniture industries are so concentrated like Neighbor.

However, there is still great potential for the entire industry to be tapped, and it cannot be said that economies of scale have truly been achieved yet.

In the next step, the government should increase investment in marketing support, logistics support and other aspects. In addition, Lijiao also needs to be at the forefront in formulating and standardizing standards for the entire industry.

Concentration in an industry can, on the one hand, create scale effects, but on the other hand, it may also trigger malicious competition.

Once malicious competition is triggered, the result will be chaos among everyone in the industry. Product quality, own brand, etc. will be lost in the chaos. In the end, the credibility of the entire industry will be seriously damaged. The consequences are naturally imaginable.


All in all, the adjacent angle is now at a critical node.

Crisis, crisis! Danger and opportunity coexist.

But no matter what, Lijiao has taken a solid step! The development focus of Lijiao has its own characteristics and characteristics, and does not engage in homogeneous competition with any other place. This is also the core competitiveness of Lijiao itself.


This step is of great significance, because it marks that Neijiao has embarked on a brand new road.

As long as this road is walked steadily and solidly, the future of Lijiao will be unlimited, and it is entirely possible for Lijiao to stand out from the sea and become the most dazzling furniture capital...

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