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Chapter 720 The purpose is achieved!

In order to be more effective in political and legal work, Chen Jing used multiple swords to exert pressure at all levels.

First of all, he directly put pressure on Tong Xiaoli, adding burdens to the political and legal system and putting him under great pressure. Moreover, Chen Jing also made special requests to the Public Security Bureau, clearly intending to interfere in public security work.

Chen Jing's move put Feng Renguo under greater pressure. Tong Xiaoli reported all his dissatisfaction upwards to Municipal Law Committee Liao Zuhui, who then put pressure on Feng Renguo.

But in addition, Chen Jing worked hard to find connections in the province and worked hard to reach the top. Although he found a group of deputy directors of the provincial department, and the conversation between them was not congenial, Chen Jing's intention and determination were already shown.

Moreover, when Chen Jing was talking to Zhang Yiren, he directly mentioned the issue of the grassroots political and legal police not being left behind.

At that time, Zhang Yiyi also admitted that such a problem existed, and he made it clear that in the next stage of work, efforts should be made to carry out further reforms and truly make the political and legal systems of local party committees at all levels more efficient and reasonable.

Chen Jing greeted Zhang and his group, and then he looked for Huang Hongyuan.

Compared with Chen Jing's limelight in Haishan, Huang Hongyuan's work performance is mediocre.

The reason is simply that when he first took over the power of Haishan, he encountered great resistance in doing many tasks, and he was not yet able to fully control Haishan's situation.

In addition, there are many factions in Haishan. In the past, Huang Hongyuan and Mayor Qingxiang had always been about the same strength. Now that he is the leader, the conflict between him and Mayor Qingxiang requires more cooperation, which has caused great difficulties in Haishan's work.

negative impact.

But no matter how many reasons there are, it is a fact that Huang Hongyuan has no results in his work. As the top leader of Haishan, he has been talked to by several big guys in the province recently.

Huang Hongyuan was quite irritated by this conversation. He turned around to look at Haishan, and only his neighbor Chen Jing was able to gain face for him.

And his attitude towards Chen Jing has always been ambiguous. Secretly, he frequently showed goodwill to Chen Jing, but in public he showed a attitude of refusing to accept others. Now Chen Jing has taken the limelight. Others will not think that it is Huang Hongyuan.

Supported results.

He was a little helpless about this situation, but through Chen Jing's performance in the neighboring corner, Huang Hongyuan also realized that if Haishan wanted to develop, he had to implement his will in Haishan and could not continue to do things in a leisurely manner.

He must find ways to be more efficient, and he must make himself tougher.

Looking at Chen Jing's one-year work in Neijiao, it can be said that he made great efforts, made many big moves, and did things that many people did not dare to do.

Moreover, Chen Jing is good at taking advantage of opportunities, taking risks, and integrating resources.

Chen Jing integrated all resources from top to bottom, from inside to outside. He used external forces to rectify internal conflicts, and resisted external pressure through internal unity. He borrowed local resources to take the upper-level route. And through

Take the upper-level route to eliminate local resistance.

Chen Jing moves flexibly between provinces and cities. He is good at dancing and has shown extremely high public relations talents and abilities.

If you just think that Chen Jing's achievements are all achieved by his profound background, this is undoubtedly quite superficial. What is really great about Chen Jing is his own comprehensive ability. In order to develop his neighbors well, he does all kinds of things.

There are endless ways to use them, which make people marvel at them and at the same time, they have to be amazing.

Chen Jing intends to make a difference in political and legal work, which is exactly what Huang Hongyuan is concerned about.

In addition, Huang Hongyuan now attaches great importance to his relationship with Chen Jing, and he hopes to get closer to Chen Jing. He will use Chen Jing's momentum to carry out work and pave the way for the new year's work.

In addition, Huang Hongyuan wants to strengthen the intervention in political and legal work, but he is not capable enough now. The only effective way is to support Chen Jing first and let Chen Jing create a blueprint in the neighboring corner. This is a reflection on Liao Zuhui.

Heavy pressure.

Therefore, Huang Hongyuan absolutely supports Chen Jing on this issue.

Chen Jing took a three-pronged approach, and Huang Hongyuan finally supported him, and finally passed a resolution at the Standing Committee to promote Tong Xiaoli to deputy secretary of the district committee.

Liao Zuhui strongly objected at the meeting, believing that the work of maintaining political and legal stability in Neijiao was very important and could not be relaxed at this time, and the candidate for secretary of the Political and Legal Committee in Neighborhood was none other than Tong Xiaoli.

Huang Hongyuan resolved all of Liao Zuhui's objections with a single word.

He said: "Lao Huang, don't be so excited. You value Tong Xiaoli so much. He can do more work if he is capable. He can also be the deputy secretary of the district committee and the secretary of the political and legal committee! This can be handled flexibly!"

Once Huang Hongyuan said this, how could Liao Zuhui object?

But he knew in his heart that he still underestimated Chen Jing after all.

The first step for Chen Jing to make a difference in politics and law is to master the public security. As the deputy secretary of the district committee, Tong Xiaoli also serves as the secretary of the political and legal committee. It is impossible for him to also serve as the director of public security, right? And this is exactly what Chen Jing wants.

Chen Jing made a fuss about the selection of the Public Security Bureau Chief to achieve the purpose of taking control of the Public Security Bureau first.

As for Tong Xiaoli, he could not defeat him with two fists. Chen Jing now had a high prestige among his neighbors. Giving him a deputy secretary was not a promotion, but a restraint.

Tong Xiaoli will definitely be severely suppressed by Chen Jing. If he wants to fight against Chen Jing on his own, he will undoubtedly be trying to stand in his way.

Even a fool can see this situation clearly. Naturally, the majority of people voting at the Standing Committee supported Huang Hongyuan’s proposal. Just like that, Tong Xiaoli’s fate was decided!

Chen Jing is destined to be a person who can bring surprises to people, and the news that Chen Jing had promoted Tong Xiaoli from high to low spread like wildfire at the meeting the next day.

Chen Jing is indeed a restless person. In order to finally and thoroughly grasp the situation in his neighborhood, he finally reached into the political and legal system. Obviously, his approach has the support of the city's main leaders, and his approach will

If it won’t succeed, will it cause other places to follow suit? I’m afraid there will be no answers to these questions for the time being.

People outside are watching the fun, but as a person involved, I have no mood to watch the fun.

Liao Zuhui was greatly stimulated. After the meeting, he couldn't hold it any longer and reported the situation to his superiors. His general message was that there were major leaders in the Haishan District Committee who wanted to undermine the established rules of political and legal reform and the high degree of coordination between the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Public Security.


This report to Liao Zuhui was not enough. He also made a special report to the leaders of the provincial department on the relevant situation in Linjiao District, Haishan City. In the report, he focused on a series of things Chen Jing had done in Linjiao that were not conducive to the high coordination of the province's public security.

Chen Jing's approach is very dangerous, irresponsible and disregards the overall situation.

He reported it, but when there was no result the next day, he called the leader to ask about the situation.

Finally, the provincial department called him on the afternoon of the next day. This call made Liao Zuhui extremely surprised and felt incredible at the same time.

The provincial department leaders’ view on this matter is that the neighboring parties’ situation is special and they can respect the opinions of their party committees as appropriate. In addition, the provincial department leaders also warned Liao Zuhui to be careful not to be too emotional in the wording of reporting issues in the future.

In other words, we must always pay attention to unity and put the overall situation first.

When Liao Zuhui heard this conversation from the provincial leader, he almost collapsed immediately. Tong Xiaoli, who was waiting on the phone with him, also saw the abnormality in the leader's face. He suddenly became nervous and his heart instantly fell into an ice cellar.

I don't know how long it took before Liao Zuhui hung up the phone with difficulty. A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his mood was extremely complicated.

Now he understands that Chen Jing has connected all aspects of the relationship, and he has done all the preparation work from top to bottom before others start.

Once someone takes action, the matter is a foregone conclusion. Any counterattack is in vain. Liao Zuhui's so-called counterattack can only further prove his incompetence.

Everything needs to be prepared for a rainy day, and taking action only after the matter is finalized is an afterthought. Such people are not liked by leaders in the officialdom, and Liao Zuhui obviously played such a role.

"Ding, ding!"

The phone on the table rang again, Liao Zuhui frowned and picked up the phone.

A very familiar voice came from the other end of the phone. Feng Renguo, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Executive Deputy Mayor, said haha ​​on the other end of the phone: "Secretary Liao, yesterday's Standing Committee meeting was really unexpected. As you saw, the matter has nothing to do with me.

It’s the secretary’s intention to adjust the team of the neighboring corner.”

When Liao Zuhui heard it was Feng Renguo's voice, he immediately wanted to hang up the phone.

He snorted softly, and Feng Renguo said again: "Secretary Liao, don't be angry! The matter in the neighboring corner may not be what you imagined, we can continue to discuss it! Chen Jing just called me, in the personnel department

I was asked for my opinion, and you said this..."

Liao Zuhui was stunned for a moment, and a bright light suddenly flashed in his eyes. He lifted his lips and was about to speak, but suddenly realized that he quickly closed his mouth again.

What Feng Renguo said about discussion was obviously teasing himself!

How could Chen Jing let the duck fly again? The so-called solicitation of Feng Renguo's opinion on personnel issues is probably more symbolic. Feng Renguo may not have the ability to influence the personnel structure of his neighbors.

Who is Chen Jing?

He can do such big things in a neighboring corner. If Feng Renguo can control him, he may just be like Li Guowei. How can he cause so many annoying things?

"Old Liao, just calm down and don't take everything personally. Your neighbors are pointing at you to find a good police chief!" Feng Ren's Mandarin is not amazing and he will die!

But when he said these words, Liao Zuhui was stunned on the spot as if he had received an electric shock.

Feng Renguo's words are very warning. It is best for Liao Zuhui not to set up obstacles when it comes to the selection of the neighboring police chief. Can Liao Zuhui create obstacles?

He suddenly realized that he really didn't dare to do that. Now he and Chen Jing were fighting too hard and it was very disadvantageous for him. Chen Jing is not scary, but what is scary is that there are more than a dozen districts and counties in Haishan. If everyone imitates Chen Jing, Liao Zuhui

Can you withstand it?

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