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Chapter 727 The ending of Zheng Guohua!

Something happened to Haishan, and it was no small matter.

The media revealed that Zheng Guohua, secretary of the Party Committee of Haishan Blue River District, owns multiple luxury residences. Immediately afterwards, it was revealed that Zheng Guohua was suspected of taking bribes to protect heavily polluting enterprises and interfering in environmental protection law enforcement during the Blue River Economic Development Project.

The Haishan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection set up a special investigation team to investigate the case. After a short investigation, the news came out in Haishan that Zheng Guohua had been double-regulated.

Zheng Guohua was shuanggui, and Haishan's political world was shocked.

Immediately, Zheng Guohua's various misdeeds during his tenure in the Blue River District were revealed, including Zheng Guohua's many irresponsible speeches on the relationship between economic development and environmental pollution.

When reporters from Linjiao District interviewed him about introducing a chemical plant in Ma Tau Ping, his series of speeches became even more popular.

And for this reason, rumors began to spread in Haishan political circles, claiming that Zheng Guohua's downfall was directly related to Chen Jing.

It was Chen Jing who conducted a detailed investigation and evidence collection on Zheng Guohua's misdeeds, then made a real-name report to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and then used the power of the media to hype it up, finally letting Zheng Guohua come to light and the problem was finally found out.

I have to say that this statement seems to be more marketable.

Everyone in Haishan's political circle knows that Chen Jing and Zheng Guohua are at odds, and Chen Jing has a real motive for reporting Zheng Guohua.

Besides, Chen Jing is now very ambitious, but Zheng Guohua is constantly stumbling upon him and resorting to tricks. Blue River is adjacent to Neighborhood. Neighborhood has always been affiliated with Blue River. The deterioration of Blue River's environment will directly affect Neighborhood.

Corner, this is what annoys Chen Jing the most.

Chen Jing is now on leave. But this is just an opportunity for him to unseat Zheng Guohua. He took advantage of his absence from Haishan to plot against Zheng Guohua. Isn't this unknowing?

When Chen Jing learned the news, he was still on vacation in Bali.

Zhou Guohua called him.

During the phone call, Zhou Guohua asked him at the outset: "Xiao Chen, were you involved in Zheng Guohua's matter? Was it you who made the report?"

Chen Jing was shocked and said: "Secretary-General, why did you say this? What happened to Secretary Zheng?"

Zhou Guohua was amused on the other end of the phone and said: "You kid, do you really not know or are you pretending not to know? Zheng Guohua has been double-regulated by the Discipline Inspection Commission. Now the gossip in Haishan says that you reported it. Is that what happened?"

Chen Jing's face changed drastically and he said: "Secretary-General, this is absolutely nothing. I am busy preparing for the wedding. I am extremely busy. Where can I take care of these things?"

"It's really not you? Then let me ask you, what happened to the reporter named Tang Yu? Don't tell me you don't know her!" Zhou Guohua said.

He paused and then said: "Chen Jing, let me tell you what you are good at! Now you have a great opportunity for development. You also have clear goals. As long as you live smoothly for a year or two, your neighbor will be the best."

It is entirely possible to stand out in Haishan.

At that time, if you have outstanding political achievements, will the organization not consider your development?

At this time, you have revealed such a big hole, you have lifted the lid too harshly!"

Chen Jing's heart suddenly sank. His body leaned back unnaturally and lay on the sofa.

Zhou Guohua said these words, letting Chen Jing roughly understand that the matter might be serious.

Zheng Guohua's accident is probably related to Tang Yu.

Tang Yu is a woman with a strong personality and hates evil as much as she hates it.

She had long wanted to expose the evil deeds she knew about Zheng Guohua. Chen Jing knew about this situation at that time and had an in-depth talk with her.

Chen Jing told him that if the water is clear, there will be no fish. Zheng Guohua has been operating in Blue River for so many years, and Blue River's economy has always been the first in Haishan, which shows that he is quite capable.

As for the issues regarding working methods and development concepts, some may really be issues with his understanding, while others may be bluffing.

For example, regarding the construction of a chemical plant in Ma Tau Ping, Zheng Guohua was completely bluffing.

Although Ma Tau Ping is just a mass grave, if it is really developed, the resistance is not small.

Many of the older generation of Blue River locals are buried in Ma Tau Ping. Normally, that place seems to be neglected. If we really want to take action, it is estimated that public opinion must not go against it, and there will definitely be many people who oppose it.

In addition, in terms of environmental protection, Ma Tau Ping is upwind. If a chemical factory is built in Ma Tau Ping, pollution will spread to almost the entire neighborhood.

Even if the people in the neighboring corner speak softly and don't have enough weight, the Nangang Special Administrative Region is farther south than the neighboring corner.

The dignified Special Economic Zone has been turned into a mess by a chemical plant. This sounds like a joke. How can the tens of millions of people in Nangang agree to this?

Therefore, Chen Jing told Tang Yu that he should not listen to everything Zheng Guohua said, let alone believe everything he said, and he should not lose his cool just because Zheng Guohua was talking nonsense. Instead, he should protect his own development environment and avoid causing trouble!

When Tang Yu heard what Chen Jing said, she had already revealed it, but why did she suddenly take action again?

After ending the call with Zhou Guohua, Chen Jing immediately called Tang Yu, but no one answered the phone.

Chen Jing called three or four times in a row, but no one answered.

He sat on the sofa a little annoyed and said nothing.

Fang Wanqi was very sensitive. She rushed to Chen Jing like a cat and said, "What's wrong? What's the problem at work?"

Chen Jing took a long breath, stood up and called Li Guowei.

When the call was connected, he said with a livid face: "Old Li, what's going on? Such an important thing happened in Haishan, why didn't you make a call?"

Li Guowei was stunned by Chen Jing's anger. He was stunned for a long time and said: "Secretary, everything is normal in the neighboring corner. The only problem may be the Banshan Palace. The most worrying thing for us may be this place. Now there are media reports

Criticizing us for destroying the ecological resources of Baishi Mountain may..."

As soon as Li Guowei spoke, Chen Jing knew that this person had misunderstood.

Li Guowei still thought that these things were all caused by himself! Chen Jing felt angry, but he couldn't take it out on Li Guowei anymore. He took a deep breath, and gradually calmed down, and said:

"I will come back as soon as possible. You must remember that you must keep the team stable, don't cause trouble, don't talk nonsense, and hold a meeting to convey what I said. No one should add fuel to the fire at this time!"

Li Guowei heard something wrong on the other end of the phone and said:

"Secretary, the media came for an interview today. Secretary Jiang accepted the interview..."

"What did Jiang Wei say?" Chen Jing asked anxiously.

Li Guowei paused and said: "I don't know what he said specifically, but he must have talked about the issue of Mid-Levels Palace. He called me yesterday and said that there was a problem with the Banshan Palace project and that the Discipline Inspection Commission was investigating. He thought we should take the initiative

, we cannot wait until the results are found out before expressing our stance, that would be too passive!"

"Play the piano randomly! I'm afraid the world won't be in chaos!" Chen Jing said angrily, and he hung up the phone.

Banshan Haoting is a project developed by Wenhai. If there is a problem with this project, the target of the blame will be directed at Mayor Qingxiang.

Zheng Guohua is a direct descendant of Mayor Qingxiang, and when problems arise with Zheng Guohua, the finger is pointed at her.

This was good news, because Chen Jing and Mayor Qingxiang had unknowingly deepened their grievances, which were completely irreconcilable and had no room for maneuver.

Who is Mayor Qingxiang? She has traveled across seas and mountains for so many years, how can she be someone like Yi?

Zheng Guohua and a real estate project can hurt her muscles and bones?

This is obviously impossible. Now the blame for these things is on Chen Jing's head. How will Chen Jing get along with Mayor Qingxiang in the future?

As the leader of the lower-level party committee, the relationship with the party and government leaders above him is so tense that it is irreconcilable. How will Chen Jing carry out his work in the future?

Also, what do superior leaders think of Chen Jing?

Chen Jing snorted softly, an evil fire rising in his heart.

What kind of bullshit is this? Why can’t it stop? Even if I want to have a quiet and happy honeymoon, I can’t. It’s really troublesome!

"Wanqi, let's go back early tomorrow!" Chen Jing said, his expression full of apology.

According to the schedule, the two of them planned to go for a ride on the sea in the next few days. They planned to enjoy a green and romantic trip. Now it was good, but when something happened, all their plans were ruined.

At this time, Chen Jing was not worried about himself, he was worried about his neighbors.

The development environment of Neighborhood is very important. Now Chen Jing is in a race against time to control Neighborhood. However, if things don't work out as expected, there will always be loopholes, which is really helpless.

Fang Wanqi didn't say anything, but gently leaned over and said, "My husband is very capable of traveling to Lingnan alone!"

Chen Jing smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Don't ridicule me. If I were so capable, why would I rush back in such a panic? Your husband and I are already exhausted and running around!"

Chen Jing flies directly from Bali to Guangdong.

At the Guangdong Airport, he heard the second shocking news.

There are more than 20 officials in Haishan City who own luxury villas. Nearly half of the luxury villas in Haishan City are owned by officials. The Discipline Inspection Commission has intervened to investigate the matter. According to the current investigation, Haishan City has taken control.

Eight cadres above deputy director level.

This includes leaders of the Municipal Construction Bureau, Development and Reform Bureau, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau and other important science and bureau offices, as well as Haishan Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee member and government deputy mayor Xie Jun, who is involved in the case.

The current investigation of the entire series of cases has alarmed the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Sheng Zhongjie, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, personally gave instructions on this series of cases, requiring the investigation team of the Provincial Discipline Inspection Commission to strictly investigate and investigate to the end!

Nowadays, Haishan is in turmoil. The person responsible for the Haishan Banshan Haoting project has been controlled, and Haishan's political arena is even more clouded. From top to bottom, many officials are in panic all day long, as if the sky is about to fall.

When Chen Jing arrived in Guangdong, Liu Qufeng, member of the Standing Committee of the Linjiao District Committee and director of the committee office, came to pick him up personally.

Liu Qufeng looked anxious and gloomy at the VIP exit, and it looked like he was in a heavy mood.

When Chen Jing saw Liu Qufeng's appearance, his heart suddenly sank. He knew that things might be troublesome.

The bigger the incident gets, the less Chen Jing can stay out of it. Perhaps an unprecedented and dangerous situation has quietly taken shape. As a newlywed, Chen Jingyan faces a severe test.

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