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Chapter 737 The way to get along!

Mayor Qingxiang of Haishan City is known as the mayor with personality.

Her character is a typical strong woman character, very strong and strong, and she is very famous in Haishan.

This series of corruption cases in Haishan has made Mayor Qingxiang very passive. It is said that she was personally interviewed three times by the leaders of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. After each conversation, cadres in Haishan were found to have problems.

Looking at the cadres in question in Haishan this time, they are basically cadres in the government line. This turmoil in Haishan has severely damaged Mayor Qingxiang's vitality and been greatly affected. This has become the consensus of everyone in Haishan.

But this woman is still tenacious. She chaired a government standing committee meeting and emphasized at the meeting that Haishan's human rights problem exists objectively. The province and the city should pay attention to it, which is what it should be.

But Haishan is not all corrupt officials. Haishan's rapid development over the years proves that Haishan's political scene is generally good. There are some bad apples and some problematic cadres, and the organization should eliminate them. This should be an encouragement to Haishan.

For her personally, this series of cases is also a learning process, a process of learning lessons.

She said that in the future, the selection and appointment of cadres in Haishan must change from the previous meritocracy to the aspect of both ability and political integrity. In particular, the selection and appointment of top leaders must be more cautious to avoid giving opportunities to the bad apples.

In addition, Mayor Qingxiang also interviewed the municipal bureau committees and all the top leaders of the lower-level governments to understand their ideological status, gave them individual instructions, and asked everyone to shift their focus to work as much as possible, and not to worry about this.

A storm in the sea affected my work.

Over the years, the Haishan Government and the Municipal Party Committee have fully respected the government's opinions in employing people. Basically, all the people promoted by Mayor Qingxiang have been promoted.

This is also an important reason why Li Qingxiang has high prestige and influence in Haishan.

After this turmoil, the intensity of organizing inspections must be strengthened in the future, and the selection and appointment of cadres need to be strengthened by the party committee.

On this point, Mayor Qingxiang expressed her firm support. Judging from her attitude, it seemed that she was seeking a compromise with Secretary Hongyuan.

But anyone who actually knows the inside story of Haishan knows that in Haishan's political arena, Mayor Qingxiang's influence on the Standing Committee is no weaker than Secretary Hongyuan's.

There are many key issues that Secretary Hongyuan often dare not bring to the Standing Committee for discussion. Many times he makes decisions through meetings.

Now Mayor Qingxiang supports him to strengthen control over personnel, which seems to be showing weakness, but is actually challenging him.

The Haishan Municipal Committee’s current intention is very clear. It is launching a rectification movement throughout the city, targeting the personnel rights of the party and the masses.

Mayor Qingxiang firmly supported the speech and secretly wanted to challenge Secretary Hongyuan. Mayor Qingxiang has absolute authority in the Haishan government work. Is Secretary Hongyuan capable of reaching out to this area?

Anyone who is familiar with Haishan's political scene can see the subtleties in it, so Mayor Qingxiang's withdrawal is not only not passive, but also has many bright spots, making Huang Hongyuan seem to be riding a tiger.

There is a conflict between the two bosses, and the real sufferers are the two secretaries-general.

Municipal Party Committee Secretary-General Zhou Guohua and Government Secretary-General Han Kai.

The two were originally friends, and in many cases they were responsible for coordinating the work of the government and party committees.

Zhou Guohua is older than Han Kai and is one level higher, so coordination is basically led by Zhou Guohua.

The two have worked together for many years, acting as lubricants for the municipal party committee and the municipal government, and have done a good job.

But recently, the relationship between the two has become somewhat subtle.

Han Kai is confused about one thing.

He couldn't understand why accidents happened one after another in Linjiao District. Chen Jing, the secretary of the Linjiao District Party Committee, repeatedly argued with Mayor Qingxiang. Why, with the character of Mayor Qingxiang, she insisted on being patient all the time.

Can you endure it any longer?

Even though Chen Jing has a rich background, Mayor Qingxiang has offended few people in recent years?

So many officials who dared to challenge her authority were subdued by her strong methods, so Chen Jing couldn't subdue them?

With this in mind, Han Kai and Zhou Guohua naturally kept their distance.

Zhou Guohua and Chen Jing had a fierce fight. They were close buddies together. Han Kai's views on Chen Jing were quite subtle. How could he dare to let Zhou Guohua figure out his thoughts?

As usual, Han Kai personally brought a cup of instant Nescafe coffee and knocked on the door of Mayor Qingxiang.

Mayor Qingxiang wore black-rimmed glasses and was sitting at her desk very focused. She was reviewing documents with such meticulous seriousness that Han Kai couldn't bear to disturb her.

But Mayor Qingxiang raised his eyes and saw Han Kai, and put down the document in his hand.

Han Kai respectfully placed the coffee in front of Mayor Qingxiang and said, "Mayor, would you like a cup of coffee to refresh yourself?"

Li Qingxiang smiled softly and said: "Han Kai, don't be so petty with me. You delivered the coffee five minutes early today. Isn't that for no reason?"

Han Kai said: "Mayor, you have a burning gaze, do I really have something to report to you?"

He paused and said: "I just received the following news. It is said that a large number of middle-level cadres in Haishan are now rebelling. They jointly wrote letters of complaint and jointly petitioned. It is said that they all went to the central government. Chen Jing's work last year

It was done too radically, and no one felt anything when things were going smoothly.

Now whenever a problem arises or the environment changes, its unstable foundation will be exposed.

To be honest, it is difficult to deal with such a thing, not easy..."

Li Qingxiang frowned slightly and glanced at Han Kai.

With just a glance, Han Kai stopped talking.

In Han Kai's eyes, the mayor is unfathomable. As a woman and a strong woman, Mayor Qingxiang does not look like a strong woman.

On the contrary, Mayor Qingxiang is very dignified and delicate, and is also relatively petite.

If they hadn't been dealing with her for a long time, if they hadn't seen this woman's powerful skills and strong personality, it would be hard for most people to believe that her petite body could contain such powerful energy when they first meet her.

Deep down, Han Kai admires Mayor Qingxiang and is also afraid of her.

Mayor Qingxiang doesn't need to speak, just a look can often silence him.

"You have asked for a lot of information! Do you know everything? According to you, the situation in our neighborhood is irreversible?" Li Qingxiang said in a deep voice.

Han Kai was stunned and didn't know how to reply.

He was anxious because the current situation was very passive. If Mayor Qingxiang didn't act decisively, would she be able to control the future situation?

However, he didn't dare to express these things, so he could only suppress them in his heart. It was really not pleasant to hold them in.

Li Qingxiang added: "As the secretary-general of the municipal government, you can't be like the people outside, who only follow the rumors and make noises with others. You have to use your brain to think about the problem..."

"Yes, mayor!" Han Kai replied respectfully, but his mind was so confused that he couldn't figure out Li Qingxiang's intention at all.

Seeing Han Kai go out in despair, Li Qingxiang frowned even deeper.

Regarding Chen Jing, Li Qingxiang wanted to take a good look at Chen Jing more than once, and tried to find a way to give this kid a taste of hardship.

But what annoyed Li Qingxiang was that every time he had such an idea, he would immediately encounter problems. These problems made her weigh the pros and cons, and in the end she had to change her original intention.

Li Qingxiang knew at that time that Chen Jing was not only the benchmark for publicly elected cadres established by the provincial party committee, but also had a deep background and could not easily compete with his opponent.

Li Qingxiang endured this for several times.

But this time, according to Li Qingxiang's character, she was determined to show Chen Jing some color.

However, what she didn't expect was a notice from the province, saying that a leader from the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China had inspected Lingnan, and that leader would go to Haishan to take a look, hoping that Haishan would have a good appearance.

Li Qingxiang was puzzled. He couldn't figure out why the leader of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China came to Haishan at this time. She inquired privately and was shocked.

It turns out that this leader was a cadre who left Chujiang.

Back then, this leader was Chen Jing's immediate boss and he thought highly of Chen Jing. This time, he took the opportunity to investigate Lingnan and came to Haishan to have a look, and it was probably Chen Jing he was looking at.

Such an idea made Li Qingxiang have to give up the countermeasures he had thought of again.

At this time, she was even more annoyed than Han Kai, but he couldn't show it easily.

In the past few days, Li Qingxiang has been thinking about how to get along with Chen Jing.

She calmed down and thought about it carefully, and he suddenly discovered that some of the rumors outside might be inaccurate.

Is Chen Jing really the key person who stirred up the political turmoil in Haishan?

Li Qingxiang has always been skeptical about this, she doesn't believe it.

It's just that Li Qingxiang didn't think it was important before, because Chen Jing was close to Feng Renguo and Huang Hongyuan, and he was unconventional and built a very glorious political achievement project in the neighboring corner.

All this done by Chen Jing and Li Qingxiang looks flashy, and it is simply counterproductive.

But now, none of this seems important.

Because of the public opinion, Chen Jing is no longer as relaxed as Li Qingxiang. Li Qingxiang is targeting Chen Jing. How many people in Haishan are not targeting him?

After thinking like this, Li Qingxiang felt a little calmer, and she even vaguely hoped that Chen Jing could be more outrageous and involve more conflicts in various aspects.

Li Qingxiang is not afraid of being bitten by lice now, but are the other leaders of Haishan like this?

After thinking wildly for a while, Li Qingxiang lost her temper again. She firmly inserted the pen for approving documents, stood up from the chair and started pacing back and forth in the room.

On her wrist hung a panoramic map of the sea and mountains.

She glanced across the map with sharp eyes, and her sight naturally settled on one place - the adjacent corner!

Update as soon as possible, please.

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