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Chapter 745: Chen Jing's Combination Boxing!

The Haishan Municipal Party Committee Standing Committee meeting was postponed for a week due to Mi Qian’s sudden attack.

Don’t underestimate the delay of this week. In one week, many things will change drastically.

As far as Lijiao District is concerned, the Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China visited Lijiao and fully affirmed Lijiao. In addition, Guangdong Southern Daily published a special statement of apology, citing all the articles published in newspapers some time ago that specifically attacked Lijiao.

Contrary to expectations, as an authoritative media, it made such a statement and also dealt with the main leaders of the society, which directly led to the reversal of rumors of questioning the neighbors.

And this is far from over

Another big news came from within Linjiao. Li Guowei, member of the Standing Committee of the Linjiao District Committee, deputy secretary of the District Committee, and district mayor, suddenly confessed to the Discipline Inspection Commission that an entrepreneur had accepted a bribe of 30,000 yuan from him, and he also confessed to the Discipline Inspection Commission,

The briber used the 30,000 yuan as a bargaining chip and repeatedly hinted, instigated and even threatened Li Guowei to do things for him.

Assist him in his work to smear his neighbors and help him deal with Chen Jing, the district committee secretary

I don’t know where this gossip came from, but as soon as this news came out, Haishan’s political world almost turned into chaos.

In addition, Chen Jing also presided over the National People's Congress symposium, the CPPCC symposium, and many other symposiums with veteran cadres and social celebrities. Chen Jing's intention in convening the symposium is very obvious, which is to let all sectors of society in the neighborhood jointly plan the development of the neighborhood.

Current situation and future

Through multi-party discussions, all walks of life in Linjiao expressed their support for the established development strategies of Linjiao District Committee and District Government. They spoke highly of the current work of Linjiao District Committee and Government and hoped that the policies could be continued so that Linjiao can truly develop.

getting better and better

At this time, the Haishan political circle discovered that Chen Jing could only move without moving, and whenever he moved, he would use a combination of punches. This combination of punches almost deceived the entire Haishan political circle.

It is not difficult to find out if Chen Jing’s actions are carefully analyzed

All his actions are interlocking

I don’t know what paragraph he used to get Nanfang Daily to drop its shelves and admit its mistake, but this apology statement was enough to offset the huge controversy caused by the article published by the daily newspaper some time ago.

Immediately after Li Guowei took the initiative to explain the problem, it was obvious that Chen Jing's shadow was behind Li Guowei's explanation of the problem, and he found the man behind the problem to smear the neighbor and attempt to create chaos in the neighbor. This not only gave an opportunity to alleviate the turmoil some time ago, but also allowed

Many people in the city have the opportunity to step down.

What exactly is the agreement between Chen Jing and Li Guowei is unknown to outsiders, but one thing is certain, that is, Li Guowei was beaten to death by Chen Jing. On the one hand, Chen Jing was presenting the facts, and on the other hand, he was letting everyone see his side.


Finally, Chen Jing held a symposium which was even more amazing.

Aren't there people everywhere talking about the problem of Neighborhood some time ago? Some leaders in the city even questioned the development method of Neighborhood in public. The posture of Haishan's conservatives is to return Neighborhood to its original position and return to its original position.

to the previous production and living conditions

For this reason, there were even incidents of "rebellion" by middle-level cadres in Neighborhood. Middle-level cadres in Neighborhood petitioned collectively, which made Neighborhood very passive and made people's doubts about Neighborhood seem more justified.

But this time Chen Jing used the CPPCC National People's Congress and the veteran cadres symposium to fight back against all these things.

Official rebellion cannot explain the problem. The voice of the people is the most important thing.

On the one hand, Chen Jing deals with problem officials and collects evidence that these officials are involved in business and are suspected of unfair competition. On the other hand, he also takes the opportunity to find a platform for all walks of life to listen to the voices of people in neighboring corners and let everyone see the general public's opinions.

Support and support for the work of the neighboring party committee and government

I have to say that Chen Jing's counterattack was very powerful. Recently, the wind direction of Haishan has changed drastically in a few days.

Linjiao Municipal Committee

Huang Hongyuan was sweating on his forehead

He made three calls to the Discipline Inspection Commission to find out how Li Guowei took the initiative to explain the problem, but the matter was so confusing that he couldn't let go.

In order to wait for news from the Discipline Inspection Commission, he waited until after get off work, before the Discipline Inspection Commission Secretary Bai Shao came over to report to him the details of the case in which Li Guowei took the initiative to explain the problem.

It is absolutely true that Yanjing Group Chairman Liu Sheng accepted bribes from Li Guowei, and Li Guowei has very detailed proof of this.

After Li Guowei accepted the money, he took the initiative to explain the problem to Chen Jing. Chen Jing asked him to donate the money to build five hope primary schools in the Chujiang mountainous area. Chen Jing has never acted on this matter.

Chen Jing's explanation for this is that he hopes to provide his neighbors with a good and stable development environment, and also hopes that both parties who made mistakes can realize their own problems and make up for their mistakes.

Chen Jing said that he was not afraid of taking responsibility for this matter, and he also insisted that Li Guowei was a victim and the organization should not deal with him.

All these issues have been recorded in detail, including the five newly built Hope Primary Schools. These parties can prove the flow of funds.

At the same time, Chen Jing also expressed to Mr. Bai

Compared with Li Guowei's positive attitude, Yanjing Group Chairman Liu Sheng was quite negative.

Chen Jing warned him more than once, but Liu Sheng not only failed to learn his lesson, but instead intensified his arrogance in Haishan.

Among them, Chen Jing came to the villa properties of Banshan Palace. Chen Jing pointed out for the first time that Liu Sheng owned most of the villa properties of Banshan Palace, and he also used these properties to pay bribes. Many of the cadres found in Haishan last time were

Falling into Liu Sheng’s trap

Some of them are obsessed with themselves, and they deserve what they deserve. Others may be completely misunderstood, or they are victims of people who don’t know the truth.

Through this, Chen Jing successfully found a good head for the political turmoil in Haishan in the past period.

After listening to Mr. Bai's report, Huang Hongyuan didn't say a word.

At this point, he was finally sure that Chen Jingshang had always had a good deck of cards, but he was hiding this one and had never had it before.

The timing of Chen Jing's card was Mi Qian's sudden visit.

He was forced into a desperate situation, and with the help of an opportunity, he finally played some sharp cards, which not only turned the situation back, but also made him shine again.

Now Neighbor is still the same as before, and even Li Guowei's work cannot be adjusted. Regardless of the municipal party committee or the municipal government, the attitude towards Neighbor must be changed, and this is exactly what Chen Jing needs.

He needs the support of the city. In order to achieve this goal, he has used both hard and soft skills, and is ruthless in both soft and hard ways. Now he can say that he has succeeded!

"Humph!" Huang Hongyuan snorted, feeling a little uncomfortable.

For him, what is unbearable is the arrogance in Chen Jinggu

Chen Jing looks young and easy to talk to, and he is very respectful to his leaders, but deep down he doesn't look down on others.

Huang Hongyuan is self-aware. He knows that even Chen Jing, the municipal party committee secretary, may not think highly of him. Huang Hongyuan can clearly feel this, and this makes him very annoyed and difficult to balance in his heart.

In Huang Hongyuan's view, with the help of the last wave of sea and mountain shocks, he can completely control the situation of sea and mountain.

His original intention was to let Chen Jing be his pioneer and fight his way to the front so that he could pick peaches from behind.

But he never expected that Chen Jing wouldn't do what he did.

Chen Jing ended his vacation before his marriage. He had not taken the initiative to communicate with Huang Hongyuan for such a long time, and had not even reported on his work. Huang Hongyuan's ideas and intentions were completely blocked from reaching him!

Huang Hongyuan is already very sensitive. As the municipal party committee secretary, he does not have the dignity of the municipal party committee secretary.

Chen Jing, an outsider, didn't even listen to his greetings, which made him very angry.

Because he was angry, he lost his cool and misjudged the situation. Unknowingly, Huang Hongyuan was used as a gun by others.

"Ding, ding!"

Huang Hongyuan frowned. It was already off work. Who would come over?

"Please come in!"

He stared at the door. He could see clearly who was coming at the first glance. It was Secretary General Zhou Guohua.

A complex emotion flashed across his face, and his expression was a little embarrassed

On the issue of dealing with Chen Jing, Zhou Guohua gave him advice more than once. Zhou Guohua did not want a rift in the relationship between Chen Jing and Huang Hongyuan, so he suggested that Huang Hongyuan have more patience.

But at that time, how could Huang Hongyuan have imagined that Chen Jing would have such a bad temper and be so powerful?


Huang Hongyuan shook his head secretly, and asked Zhou Guohua calmly, "Guohua, it's time to get off work, what else do you have to report?"

Zhou Guohua came close to Huang Hongyuan and lowered his voice: "That's it. Chen Jing, who is next door, wants to report to you. You see..."

Huang Hongyuan's expression changed, and Zhou Guohua hurriedly said:

"Remember, I know Chen Jing. He is reflecting now, and he is also deeply aware of his mistakes. He sincerely expressed to me that he did not pay attention to the correct methods at work, and did some extreme behaviors, which aroused the feelings of his neighbors.

internal conflicts, causing a series of disturbances

In addition, during difficult times and critical moments, he failed to strengthen communication with the city leaders and failed to listen to the spirit of the city leaders’ instructions..."

As the secretary-general, Zhou Guohua is the most eloquent

What he said to Huang Hongyuan was all about Chen Jing surrendering. After he said these words, Chen Jing felt ashamed and blamed himself, and the image of Chen Jing who dared to admit his mistakes became extremely lively.

Huang Hongyuan's face improved a little. After a long while, he said calmly: "Okay, let him come over and have a chat when you are free! He has ambitious goals this year, and I hope he won't disappoint us!"

Seeing Huang Hongyuan relent, Zhou Guohua secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought again of Chen Jing's calm and composed expression, as if Chen Jing had long known that Huang Hongyuan would accept the olive branch he extended.

Chen Jing has such a thorough understanding of Haishan politics. Even Huang Hongyuan, the great butler, doesn’t know about some places. It’s really embarrassing! Welcome, your support is my biggest motivation.

{PiaoTian Literature www.PiaoTian.com thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our biggest motivation}

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