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Chapter 763 True and False Lu Tao!

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Municipal Party Committee member, Huang Hongyuan opened a new issue of "Qiu Zhen" magazine and read the article "Innovative Thoughts on Cross-Regional Cooperation" written on it. The article was signed by Huang Hongyuan and Chen Jing, and he felt extremely happy.

In the morning, he received several congratulatory calls.

The magazine "Qiuzhen" is indeed different. It is worthy of being a central-level theoretical publication with great influence and attracting many people. Publishing theoretical articles in such a magazine is a huge breakthrough in theoretical level. Haishan has encountered quite a lot of development in recent years.

of difficulties.

Since Huang Hongyuan took over as secretary, he has always wanted to make a good turnaround. Now cross-regional cooperation is a good idea, and he finally sees new opportunities.

The general trend is that those who follow it will promote it, and those who go against it will perish. Cross-regional cooperation in Lingnan is now the general trend. Huang Hongyuan believes that by grasping this general trend and taking action early, Haishan will be ahead, and a new round of greater development is waiting.


Because he was in a good mood, Huang Hongyuan asked his secretary to open all the windows for ventilation and play light music when he went to work. The atmosphere in the entire office was very good.

Huang Hongyuan also took a watering can and watered several pots of green plants with great interest, feeling very happy.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Jiang Zhu, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, came over to report on his work, but his face was a little gloomy.

Huang Hongyuan asked him to turn off the music and said to Jiang Zhu: "Lao Jiang, what's wrong? If something goes wrong at work, you can relax a little bit! Difficulties will always exist. If we face them with a smile and be optimistic, it will be easier to find solutions to the problems.


Jiang Zhu shook his head and said: "Secretary, it's not me, Lao Jiang, who is complaining. Neighbor's office is also doing a terrible job. Other districts only have one full-time deputy secretary, but Neighbor's office insists on being special and has two full-time deputy secretaries.

Secretary, this is completely ignoring the organizational regulations!

As a coastal region, we need to maintain a high degree of consistency with the central government at all times.

The central government has always emphasized the need to streamline organizational structures, but our neighbors have made a very bad start!"

Huang Hongyuan frowned slightly, smiled and said nothing.

Jiang Zhu has always been in charge of party and mass work. He is used to looking for opportunities in the cracks between Huang Hongyuan and Mayor Qingxiang.

Since Huang Hongyuan took office, Jiang Zhuzai has basically been in control of party and mass work, which has also given Jiang Zhu a considerable status in Haishan. He has suppressed Feng Renguo.

Jiang Zhu was dissatisfied with Chen Jing for a long time.

Chen Jing enforced unity among his neighbors and eliminated dissidents in both the party and government ranks. He promoted those who were obedient and kicked out those who were disobedient.

Nowadays, the party and government teams in the neighboring corners are silent, which is very different from before, but Jiang Zhu did not play a role in it.

Not only that, Chen Jing asked the Public Security Bureau to investigate Huaqi's suspected fraud case, which involved Shu Yibo, deputy prosecutor of the Wangjiang District Procuratorate.

Shu Yibo is Jiang Zhu's close nephew, and Shu Yibo's problems were exposed, directly threatening Jiang Zhu himself.

This makes Jiang Zhu feel a sense of crisis, so he has interfered a lot in Neighbor's organizational work recently.

But Chen Jing is not an easy man. He now manages both the party and the government in neighboring areas in a very opaque manner. He knows all the tricks Jiang Zhu wants to make.

Jiang Zhu tried to do it several times, but Chen Jing pushed him back, making him feel both humiliated and uncomfortable.

Jiang Zhu also struggled in the political arena for most of his life to achieve what he is today. The power in his hands is now unstable, and it still hurts to be slapped in the face.

The last time the conservatives encircled and suppressed their neighbors, Chen Jing escaped from death. Jiang Zhu felt that if he didn't earn some face this time and come back, would he still have a place in Haishan's political arena in the future?

Jiang Zhu was full of complaints and had no place to express them, so today he said everything he wanted to say to Huang Hongyuan.

Huang Hongyuan squinted his eyes. He was secretly amused.

Chen Jing is a person who doesn't play by the rules. He is talented. If he uses it well, he is a sharp sword. If he uses it poorly, he will hurt himself.

If you want to use Chen Jing, you have to control the situation. It is not a good thing to let him have smooth sailing.

However, Huang Hongyuan can no longer cause any trouble with him. To use a good sword, you have to let him encounter difficulties from time to time. Only in this way can Huang Hongyuan be valuable to Chen Jing, and Chen Jing will not dare to act recklessly.

Huang Hongyuan looked at Jiang Zhu's fierce eyes like a falcon, and his violent attitude as if a big wild boar's territory was being invaded by its own kind. No matter how he looked at Jiang Zhu, he seemed to be qualified for the role of a troublemaker.

That being the case...

Huang Hongyuan thought that he would often ignite the situation and make excuses, making Chen Jing tired of dealing with it and having to beg himself. Wouldn't this thing become perfect?

"Okay, okay! Lao Jiang, don't complain so much. Now Linjiao is the star of our reform and development in Haishan. It can be said that one handsome man covers all the ugly ones. We can slowly solve some problems!" He sighed


"Lao Jiang, we don't have many bright spots in Haishan's development. This puts a lot of pressure on our entire Haishan team. When facing external pressure, our internal conflicts have to be resolved behind closed doors. Neighboring corners are the bright spots.

We have to protect this bright spot, don’t you think?”

Huang Hongyuan spoke with sincerity and a sincere expression.

The Municipal Party Committee Secretary lowered his face and said nice things, and Jiang Zhu couldn't keep up his pretense anymore. He snorted softly and said:

"Secretary, I'm afraid that some young people can't understand your painstaking efforts. The more arrogant you are, the more unbridled they will be. As a party member and cadre, without the concept of superiors and subordinates, without the bottom line of the organization, and being too domineering, this is really a catastrophe!


Huang Hongyuan said with a smile: "We still need to be more tolerant to young people. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. We all died on the beach!"

He looked up at Jiang Zhu and said, "Oh, by the way, Lao Jiang, you are six or seven years younger than me. You won't die on the beach just yet, haha..."

Jiang Zhu smiled unnaturally and sighed in his heart.

Sometimes people often have imbalances in their hearts. It is said that comparing people to others can make people angry. Jiang Zhu struggled all his life and only climbed to the position of deputy director when he was in his forties or fifties.

Chen Jing is less than thirty, but he is already in his prime. According to this momentum, he will probably reach the level of deputy director in one or two years.

Sometimes Jiang Zhu looked in the mirror and looked at the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, the white hair on his temples, and his waist that was no longer straight, and then looked at Chen Jing's young face, and how he held his chest high when he saw everyone.

Confidence in him, there was a hint of jealousy in his heart.

Chen Jing can be said to be very aware of the fact that he has great talent but is jealous of others, and he has great achievements. He knows that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at him from behind, but he is very calm about these things.

Keep an eye on others when you have the time, and this is still a spur to yourself.

You have to do your work as you should, open roads when encountering mountains and build bridges when encountering rivers. This is how work is done. We are always constantly overcoming difficulties, and there are always new difficulties arising. Once everything goes smoothly, then everything goes smoothly.

It's basically impossible.

However, the troubles Chen Jing has encountered since taking office in Haishan are still greater than ever before.

Often, before one trouble is solved, new troubles arise, and the troubles continue.

Take the Huaqi incident as an example.

When that matter was resolved, the whole country was shocked, and Chen Lizhong became popular.

He was good at propaganda. He hired a gunman within the Public Security Bureau to concoct an article about Huaqi's downfall, with a horrifying title: "The Republic's No. 1 IT fraud case was solved, and Lingnan's first criminal, Lu Tao, was captured."

This article mainly reflects how meticulous the work of the Public Security Bureau is. Starting from receiving the report, Chen Lizhong personally set up a task force to conduct in-depth investigation and evidence collection.

Of course, Chen Lizhong did not forget Chen Jing. Chen Jing's instructions and deployment played a very key role in the solving of the entire case.

The pen used by the public security bureau is of first-class quality.

A very coincidental and unexpected event was written like a novel and legend, which is very readable. Moreover, the article was published in important newspapers in the province, and even quoted by well-known media and websites outside the province, and it was widely disseminated.

And this brought an unexpected trouble to Chen Jing.

There is more than one Lu Tao in Lingnan. The CEO of Huaqi Haishan Company is named Lu Tao. The boss of Mining Industry in Western Guangdong, a well-known entrepreneur in Guangdong and one of the top ten young people in Lingnan is also named Lu Tao.

After the article was published, Chen Jing still realized that he did not know about it.

It was Tang Yu who saw this article first and was shocked before calling Chen Jing.

On the phone, Tang Yu smiled and said: "Chen Jing, you are amazing! Lu Tao can be said to have nothing to hide in front of you. Now you are in the limelight! I can tell you, everything in Guangdong has been in chaos recently.

After a pot of porridge, rumors even spread that Lu Zishan, member of the Standing Committee of the Guangdong Municipal Party Committee and Director of Public Security, was implicated and was under investigation by the organization!

You are so cruel, this Lu Tao is not the other Lu Tao, but you have a real and fake Monkey King, you did this beautifully!"

Chen Jing was shocked when he heard what Tang Yu said. He quickly found this article and read it. Only after reading it did he realize that this matter was really big.

Both Lu Taos are influential. Now that the media reports that Lu Tao was captured, why don't people think of the other one?

He called Chen Lizhong, scolded him severely, and explained the situation to him.

Chen Lizhong looked innocent and said: "Secretary, I really don't know about this. I just think that this kid Lu Tao deserves it. His capture should be highlighted. How could I have known that it would cause ambiguity and bring you so much trouble?"

When Chen Jing saw Chen Lizhong's sincere attitude, he couldn't say anything else.

But one thing he knew clearly was that this time he and Lu Taoliangzi from Guangdong Province were really engaged, and there would probably be trouble in the future.

Just when he was thinking this, Tong Qiwei's call came over.

Tong Qiwei was also affected by this article, because the two Lu Taos are one and the phone call to Chen is true or false at this time.

Others may not be aware of the conflict between Chen Jing and Lu Tao, but Tong Qiwei is a well-known person. If there is a conflict between the two, Chen Jing has always been willing to take action and is known for his daring. Could it be that Chen Jing opened up Lu Tao in anger?

The boss just brought him down?

After receiving Chen Jing's explanation, Tong Qiwei was also deeply amused. He chuckled and said:

"Chen Jing, Chen Jing! What you do is really...what should I say in the future? You can do it for yourself!" To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is mine.

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