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Chapter 804 Raise the whip!

Fang Wanqi called.

She told Chen Jing an important news.

General Fang has come to Lingnan for recuperation. He has been recuperating for about three months and has been here for almost a week now.

She asked Chen Jing to go to Guangdong to see the old man when he had time.

Chen Jing was shocked when he heard the news and quickly blamed Fang Wanqi for calling too late. Why did he call so late for such an important matter?

Fang Wanqi smiled and said: "Husband, you don't know that the older our father is, the more popular he is. I just learned from my father that he has been in Lingnan for a week. There is an endless stream of people coming to visit.


Even if medical staff and service staff came to stop it, they still couldn't stop people's enthusiasm.

The old man's place is very lively, why are you joining in the excitement?

Now that he has calmed down a bit, you can go over and stay with him sometimes to prevent him from being lonely, right?"

When Chen Jing heard that Fang Wanqi's statement was quite reasonable, he stopped arguing with her.

And he happened to be going to Guangdong, so he simply didn't wait any longer, simply packed a few things, and invited his secretary Zhuo Feng to go straight to Guangdong.

Chen Jing’s recent work focus has been on promoting cooperation between the two districts.

Starting from the second half of this year.

Chen Jing re-optimized the adjacent team.

After almost two years of running-in, Chen Jing believes that the team has basically matured!

Considering this factor, Chen Jing boldly delegated power to the team members.

Chen Jing requested at the Standing Committee meeting that in the future, any issues that fall within the scope of government work and do not involve general direction or decision-making should be made by the government itself without reporting to the Party Committee for discussion.

Chen Jing demanded that the government be fully decentralized, especially that government leaders in charge should be pragmatically responsible, and that all of them should have authority and authority. At the same time, they should be bold in making decisions and doing work boldly.

At the same time, Chen Jing emphasized.

The government's decision-making and management mechanism needs to be reformed more scientifically, which includes listening more to the opinions of the people, soliciting more opinions from the CPPCC, the National People's Congress, retired comrades, etc.

In the future, for decisions involving the national economy and people's livelihood, more hearings must be held and the media should play a greater role.

Government policies must be promoted through the power of the media, and voices from the grassroots must be listened to through the media.

Any cadre needs an effective supervision mechanism for the exercise of power.

There should be no decision-making on the head. Any decision-making behavior that does not follow the process can be characterized as an abuse of power.

There should be zero tolerance for officials who abuse their power.

Officials who abuse their power and cause serious consequences must be dealt with seriously.

Those who should be dismissed will be shown no mercy, and those who should be transferred to the disciplinary inspection and judicial organs will be transferred to relevant units as required. There must be no shielding behavior and no one will be shielded.

Fully delegating power to the government was the first job Chen Jing did.

The second task is to make the Standing Committee fully accountable.

Each member of the District Standing Committee is responsible for the development of a township, and must ensure that the decisions of the District Committee and the District Government are fully implemented through the Standing Committee's responsibility mechanism.

At the same time, through this mechanism, it is ensured that all township and district committee governments maintain a high degree of consistency.

The third task Chen Jing did was to require organizational departments to strictly regulate the selection of grassroots officials, especially the selection and election of village-level cadres, and to formulate effective methods to ensure that the election is open, fair, and impartial.

We must find ways to get people to truly vote for grassroots cadres they trust.

Chen Jing emphasized that the village-level team is the most important grassroots structure. The construction of the village-level team must focus on building each village branch well and ensuring that each village branch can convey the instructions of the district committee in a timely manner, while at the same time

Able to provide timely feedback to public requests.

For village-level branch elections, there must be zero tolerance for unfair electoral practices such as vote-buying and forced voting.

It is necessary to severely criticize the party committee at the higher level for daring to work on grassroots elections.

Chen Jing has been in politics for so many years.

He has always had a creed, that is, to deal with foreign affairs, we must first settle the domestic affairs.

No matter what the external environment is, there must first be absolute stability and unity internally.

As long as there is internal unity, there is no fear of external storms. For so many years, Chen Jing has been pursuing this theory, and he himself has also acted according to this.

In terms of handling internal conflicts, Chen Jing has accumulated rich experience in his many years of political career.

Chen Jing’s experience is mainly a combination of soft and hard tactics.

The so-called softness means that internal officials at all levels and in various positions should have their duties and powers. They should not be able to monopolize power.

We must dare to delegate power to capable and talented officials.

If you seize all the power in your own hands, what you will lose is the human heart.

Returning rights to their respective positions will gain support.

Officials at all levels, no matter how inconspicuous their positions are, once they enter the system, they are not the masters of eating fast and chanting Buddha's name. Who is an official who does not yearn for power?

If you have no rights at all, who will be an official?

This idea may be a bit extreme, but this fact is what it is, and the fact cannot be denied, so decentralization is very important.

On the other hand, the hardness cannot be ignored.

Chen Jing is famous for being tough.

When Chen Jing first arrived in Lingnan, he severely cracked down on some naughty and mischievous officials who acted in a secretive manner.

The most fatal thing to attack an official is to strip him of his power. Most of those who are naughty, arrogant and domineering are those who like to exercise power.

He holds power in his hands and others are afraid of him.

And once he loses his rights, others will hate him, even punish him, and add insult to injury everywhere.

Therefore, Chen Jing's toughness also contains flexibility.

To deal with those officials who like to exert power, Chen Jing does not need to take action himself. Sometimes he can create conditions for them to go to the road of no return. Such examples abound in Chen Jing's political career.

As the leader of the party.

Chen Jing never forgets to rectify and build the team.

Without a good team, there would be no economy or even everything.

Chen Jing fully delegated power to the government, and at the same time, Chen Jing also fully delegated power to the party committee.

Now the adjacent corner has a special configuration, with two full-time deputy secretaries.

Chen Jing authorized the party committee's division of labor regarding propaganda, organization, party and mass, etc. to Jiang Wei and Tong Xiaoli respectively.

They each bear their own responsibilities and have authority and authority. At the same time, they compete with each other and feel a sense of crisis for each other.

Chen Jing joked within the team that the current division of labor in the team is that everyone is responsible for internal work, while he is only responsible for external work.

Regarding Lijiao's external public relations work, the cooperation between Lijiao and Nangang, etc., Chen Jing personally followed up. He did not want the team to let him have any worries.

It has to be said that Chen Jing's bold decision made the neighboring team more effective than ever.

Now everyone in Lijiao is united, with the goal of being the best, doing the best in the economy, and doing the best in other aspects of work, so that Lijiao can truly become the first district of Haishan.

Chen Jing asked everyone to focus on this goal. He stood at the front of the team and rushed forward, while everyone else followed closely behind.

The cars were traveling at high speed, and the traffic was extremely noisy.

The countryside in the South is the most beautiful.

Because of the warm climate and humid environment, the plants in the suburbs are lush all year round.

Running along the highway, you can not only see the glorious achievements of Lingnan's rapid development in recent years, but also occasionally appreciate the natural scenery of the southern suburbs.

But today, Chen Jing has no intention to appreciate these things.

He was preoccupied with thinking about the current cooperation between Lijiao and Liwan districts.

After many exchanges recently, it should be said that the two parties have quite a lot of consensus on cooperation.

Whether it is the two top leaders, Chen Jing and Tu Yichu, or the two district teams, everyone has a considerable consensus.

With the strengthening of various exchanges between the two districts, the frequent exchanges of various personnel, the non-governmental foundation of cooperation is also being consolidated step by step. It can be said that everything is developing in a good direction.

But Chen Jing is still not satisfied with the current situation.

There are directions for cooperation and much consensus, but progress is slow and the lack of mutual trust cannot be concealed.

The most important thing is that Tu Yichu has too many worries. It may be because of some internal disputes and disagreements in Nangang City that Tu Yichu dare not take big steps in many tasks and make decisive decisions.

Faced with this problem, Chen Jing must find a way to break through the status quo.

Chen Jing knew very well that the water in Nangang was very deep.

If Chen Jing went directly to Nangang to do work and plunged headlong into the favorable whirlpool of Nangang, his ignorance would probably make things self-defeating and ultimately lead to very bad consequences.

Chen Jing thought carefully and gave up the idea. Finally, he decided to use a roundabout strategy.

Chen Jing believes that in order to resolve and coordinate the internal relations in Nangang, Tu Yichu must do it himself.

For an inappropriate analogy, if Tu Yichu is compared to a cow, Chen Jing can only use a whip to think of ways to get him to plow the fields. The person holding the whip cannot do the work of the cow.

Chen Jing's whip is also very simple.

That was something I had concerns about at the beginning. If I didn’t express my opinion, I would just do it myself.

For example, regarding the Pioneer Park project, Chen Jing went directly to the provincial public relations this time to win over the policies that belong to the special zone.

First, draw a circle for the entrepreneurial park, then implement the policies and get the project started.

This is Chen Jing's whip.

If a whip is not enough, Chen Jing will be followed by a whip.

Anyway, now that we are moving closer to the special zone, he has used the tiger skin as a banner. Policies that used to belong to the special zone, he now goes to the province to publicize policies.

It is not required to win all ten projects, but to win three or five, and do each project.

Chen Jing didn't believe that Tu Yichu could still keep his composure.

The two places are cooperating, and things are going very well in Neighborhood, but Neighborhood is still a stagnant water, where can he put Tu Yichu's face?

As for the doubts and opposition within Nangang, if Chen Jing doesn't contact them anyway, they can't cross the border and find Haishan.

They really came to the door. When Chen Jing turned around, he slapped him with the label of sabotaging cooperation. Not many people can afford to pull this off... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (this site)

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This chapter has been completed!
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