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Chapter 807 Let's do it first!

The sun sets in the west and the red maples are picturesque.

Chen Jing pushed his wheelchair for a walk along the tree-lined path in the courtyard of the villa. Under the sunlight, he and Fang Lao, who was sitting in the wheelchair, both cast long shadows.

General Fang's legs and feet have long been inconvenient, and now he always sits in a wheelchair when he goes out for walks.

Chen Jing and he had a great chat this afternoon, and before they knew it, they had been talking all afternoon.

Chen Jing had dinner with the old general and then went out for a walk.

The sunset was infinitely beautiful, but it was almost dusk. Chen Jing and General Fang, an old man and a young man, were walking in the courtyard. No one said a word, they just walked forward quietly, and each other felt at peace.

In the afternoon, General Fang told Chen Jing the story of Wang Ruge.

Wang Ruge was a general of the Kuomintang uprising. He fought against General Fang on the Liaoshen battlefield.

Chapter 807: Take action first! At that time, his army was facing off against the old general Fang's division, but the old general used a surprise attack to break through the defense line. He abandoned his helmet and armor, and finally fled in panic.

Coincidentally, when the People's Liberation Army swept through South China, Wang Ruge saw that the situation was over and surrendered to the uprising.

As a general of the uprising, Wang Ruge received considerable preferential treatment, and he had a military academy background and later served as a professor of tactics at the National Defense University.

In another academic speech, Wang Ruge mentioned the Liaoshen battlefield. He said that the Kuomintang lost that battle because of the overall arrangement of troops and factional struggles.

Somehow, his speech reached the ears of General Fang.

General Fang immediately asked his secretary to counterattack in the military newspaper, saying that the battle on the Liaoshen battlefield was basically lost to the commander.

Commanders who are not decisive, timid, and do not have the courage to take a risk are the fundamental reasons for failure.

General Fang's counterattack was directed at Wang Ruge himself, causing a great shock in the Republican political circles.

At that time, the Central Military Commission was emphasizing the need for internal unity and respect for the former Kuomintang generals who surrendered to the uprising. General Fang's remarks hit the target at that time.

If anyone wants to talk about this, General Fang must be dealt with seriously.

Chapter 807: Chapter 807: Mr. Fang took the initiative! He backed down and said that since it was an academic discussion, science and facts should be respected. Mr. Fang believed that he was just telling the facts about that battle.

Later, this matter became a big deal, and finally even reached the old chairman.

The old chairman read the article published by General Fang in the military newspaper and laughed.

He said to those who came to complain: "Xiao Fang's analysis is reasonable. Don't forget that he is the most capable general in our army. When it comes to specific analysis of a certain battle, he is the authority and none of you can compare with him." He and I can't compare to him."

Old General Fang was spared from punishment because of the chairman's stance. After this incident, the relationship between him and Wang Ruge has been very delicate, and Wang Ruge's life and deeds have often become negative teaching materials for him to educate others.

As Chen Jing listened to General Fang's narration of these legendary past events, he suddenly felt as if he had returned to the days of bombardment. He listened with great interest, feeling unusually happy like a child immersed in the story.

Through these stories, he could feel the pride and ambition of the older generation of entrepreneurs.

The old general said it very well. They had nothing during the uprising, but they had a lot of energy and determination to do anything.

Now, after so many years of reform, the Republic has made world-renowned economic achievements, but on the other hand, our cadres are becoming more and more scrupulous and less and less motivated.

He expressed considerable concern about this.

Chen Jing and General Fang were taking a walk, digesting today's story in their minds and feeling particularly fulfilled in their hearts.

What encouragement can make people more excited than Mr. Fang’s affirmation?

Chen Jing has been working in the neighborhood for two years. How much pressure has he endured in the past two years?

But at this moment, his mood was completely relaxed, and all those pressures naturally drifted away with the wind.

Chen Jing has always been efficient in his work.

Once you have made a decision in your heart, you cannot delay it for a moment.

Under his direct command, the Linjiao Pioneer Park project was officially launched.

The Entrepreneurship Park aims to encourage entrepreneurship and provide small and medium-sized enterprises with a series of services such as talents, funds, and entrepreneurial guidance. The ultimate goal of Chen Jing's move is to invigorate the private economy, fundamentally improve the investment environment in neighboring corners, and attract more

A wise man invests in the next corner.

The Pioneer Park project is as envisioned by Chen Jing. The entire project enjoys special national policies, including tax exemption for new companies in the Pioneer Park for three years, land transfer in the Pioneer Park at a low price, and the government provides cash incentives and financing to companies with outstanding performance in the Pioneer Park.


Establish a friendly communication platform for financiers and entrepreneurs, enjoy national subsidized loans, etc.

Linjiao Pioneer Park went from conception to project approval and then to launch, all within one month.

Chen Jing attended the opening ceremony of the Pioneer Park and delivered a speech. In his speech, he emphasized that the establishment of Linjiao Pioneer Park is an important result of Linjiao’s attempt at cross-regional cooperation. Linjiao’s economic vitality is due to the existence of a dedicated platform for small and medium-sized enterprises

The platform for enterprise entrepreneurship has been further strengthened.

Chen Jing has reason to believe that the Pioneer Park will become the most powerful driving force for the prosperity of private enterprises in Linjiao. And because of the Pioneer Park, Linjiao will also become the most valuable place for investment in Linjiao. In the next three years, Linjiao will become the most valuable place for investment.

Inner and adjacent corners will usher in a spurt of development.

Looking to the future, Lijiao is confident and has the ability to become the first district of Haishan, and it is also confident that it has the ability to become the first district of Lingnan. None of this will be a myth. This is the so-called infinite possibility proposed by Chen Jing.

In addition to the start of the Pioneer Park project, the bidding for the Grand Ring Expressway from adjacent corners to adjacent bends has also been completed, and construction can start immediately by the middle of next month at the latest.

Taking advantage of the current pilot project in Linjiao, Chen Jing has made a clear decision that this year Linjiao District will hold a national furniture fair.

The exhibition will be held in the recently completed Furniture City in Linjiao. At present, the Linjiao government has invited more than 180 furniture companies at home and abroad to participate in the exhibition, and has sent invitation letters to more than 20,000 furniture industry dealers.

Moreover, during the furniture fair, Nejiao will carry out large-scale promotion activities to promote the image of Nekoo District and the city of Nekoao Furniture.

There will be many celebrities from both sides of the Taiwan Strait and three places to join in. In order to successfully organize this cooperation, Chen Jing once again took up the banner of special zone policy and asked for more than 8 million support funds from the provincial party committee. What Chen Jing is doing now

, is an all-round attack, and Nejiao has since entered the stage of all-round development.

A series of large-scale projects have caused a sensation not only in Haishan.

As a neighbor of Haishan, Nangang was also quite shocked.

Chen Jing is now using the banner of cooperation everywhere, calling for policies and asking for money. In just a short time, he has prepared several large projects. If these projects are all successfully implemented, the future will be repaid.

have to?

Compared with the quick reactions and actions of the adjacent corner, the actions of the adjacent corner are obviously much slower.

Now there are two pilot projects. The neighboring corner is shining brightly, but the neighboring corner is still indifferent. It is no different from before becoming a pilot. Why are the people of Nangang not anxious?

Nangang Mayor Chen Qiang went to Guangdong to protest against Chen Jing's use of tiger skin as a banner.

But when he arrived in Guangdong, he discovered that the public opinion indicators were now all tilted towards the highlights of cross-regional cooperation, and Chen Jing did not know what kind of propaganda method was used.

Nowadays, the media is praising cross-regional cooperation, and Chen Jing is striking while the iron is hot, frequently giving high hat to the Special Administrative Region.

He was even more affectionate about learning from and moving closer to the Special Administrative Region.

He even said that since he entered politics, he has always liked the development model of the special zone.

The SAR has the courage to try new things, innovate, and challenge. These are excellent qualities currently lacking in other regions.

But now Neighbor is taking the path of innovation, taking the path of challenge, and doing so without hesitation. All this comes from the encouragement and support of the brothers in the SAR.

Chen Jing is now using two methods of propaganda, one is to exaggerate the advantages and extraordinary value of cross-regional cooperation.

The other hand is trying every possible means to raise the Nangang Special Administrative Region to a high place so that it cannot be lowered.

Chen Qiang went to the provincial capital and wanted to protest. How could he protest? Who should he talk to to reason with him?

It doesn't matter if he doesn't protest. Once he does, he will immediately become a controversial figure.

Nowadays, the media is talking about cooperation as a major situation, a major trend, and the general trend. Those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish.

If Chen Qiang makes a disharmonious sound at this time, what negative impact will it have?

After careful consideration, Chen Qiang did not dare to act according to his original intention, so he had to return to Nangang.

Then in the next few days, the main leaders of the Nangang Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government gathered together to inspect Linwan District. During the inspection, Secretary Yao Junhui spoke in an extremely tough tone, demanding that Tu Yichu must get out of his arms and take action. Now there are two cities and one pilot area.


In the two pilot areas, you should be chasing each other and racing forward.

Cooperation cannot be hot at one end and cold at the other. Neighbors are now using the banner of cooperation to desperately reap benefits.

If Tu Yichu continues to be so tepid, by the end of this year, Neijiao District will truly be a standout.

Tu Yichu was also panicked by Chen Jing's sudden action.

He had several phone calls with Chen Jing, blaming Chen Jing for violating the agreement between the two of them to work on projects and actually going it alone, which put him under tremendous pressure.

Faced with Tu Yichu's complaints, Chen Jing laughed loudly and said: "Secretary Tu, I am impatient and I can't wait even a moment for the things I am sure about.

I came over last time to discuss many projects with you, and we will continue to cooperate with you on any project that you expressed your support for.

However, I have been involved in many projects and you have not expressed your stance. Since you have not expressed your stance, we have to do it ourselves."

He paused, pretending to be serious and said: "I said Secretary Tu, when we are engaged in economics, we have to race against time. My style of doing things is to do things first if there are conditions, and if there are no conditions, I will do things even if I create conditions! Now

Now that our cooperation has begun.

We use our brains to come up with projects together. As long as we can complement each other, we can cooperate on any project.

Let me tell you the truth, I have just taken the first step, and we still have big steps to take in the future. We need our brothers and sisters to move forward together!" (To be continued!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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