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Chapter 864 Reporting work

The Guangdong Municipal Government held an emergency meeting to study the issue of land expropriation and compensation for Yuezhou University.

Ma Shaohua attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Mayor Hou Yongyong and Vice Mayor Wang Zhan both looked very ugly.

Ma Shaohua felt weak, turned pale, and kept lowering his head.

As the mayor in charge of urban construction, Wang Zhan has a heavy burden on his shoulders and encounters many difficult and complex problems, especially urban construction planning and demolition, which are two huge problems.

The issue of demolition is a national problem, but for Guangdong, this issue is particularly sensitive.

Guangdong is a century-old city.

Even if a city installs a trash can, it will face many unexpected difficulties under the eyes of the public and public opinion.

Now the land acquisition issue of Yuezhou University has suddenly become such a big problem.

The original owners of some of the land pre-expropriated by Yuezhou University have already had a falling out. As for the areas that have not been expropriated for the time being, the people have clearly refused to be expropriated, and the matter has spread to the province.

Wang Zhan said to Ma Shaohua with a cold face: "Shaohua, is there a garage in the Economic Cooperation Office that is within the scope of demolition?"

Ma Shaohua nodded and said with an ugly face: "There is a small garage, which is less than 100 square meters in total. The land acquisition compensation agreement was signed last year, and the province was responsible for the arrangements. At present, that area has been demolished!"

Wang Zhan pointed his finger at Ma Shaohua, with an extremely gloomy expression on his face, and said, "You, do you know that you have made a big mistake? At this time, if you are going to trouble Chen Jing of the Economic Cooperation Office, who do you think you are?"

It's better now. I was beaten down by others. It was just a trivial matter like sesame seeds and mung beans.

Now it has become a big problem. Who will be responsible for completing the land acquisition for the third teaching building of Yuezhou University? Can you shoulder this burden?"

Ma Shaohua's face suddenly turned red. Mayor Wang Zhan had always been very kind, but today he was so stern. This showed that he was really angry!

Wang Zhan snorted coldly and continued: "I don't even have a clean butt, but I just want to make trouble for others. I don't use my brain to do things, and I got the current result. How can this matter end?"

Ma Shaohua lowered his head in shame and looked at Huang Hanyang, Director of the Municipal Demolition Office who had been silent.

Huang Hanyang's brows were knitted together, and the wrinkles on his forehead formed a big "Chuan" character.

He usually has a good relationship with Ma Shaohua, and the two of them call themselves brothers when they get together, and they have quite a brotherly spirit.

But today, he didn't even look at Ma Shaohua. You can imagine his dissatisfaction with him.

Ma Shaohua had no choice but to ponder for a long time and said: "Mayor, Mayor Wang, we have actively communicated with Guangdong University about this matter. Chen Jing's actions of the Economic Cooperation Office are very irresponsible. He is trying to tear down our Guangdong Municipal Government.

The station is going to embarrass us!

The consensus between us and Yuezhou University on this matter is to report it to the province. We, Lingnan’s political circles, are a black sheep, and we cannot..."

Mayor Hou Yongyong, who had been silent, interrupted Ma Shaohua and asked:

"Shaohua, tell me which of Chen Jing's actions is irresponsible? I have paid attention to media reports these days. I feel that every point and detail Chen Jing said has a legal basis and can withstand scrutiny. I

Now I ask you, what can you do to others?

As a unit of the Guangdong Municipal Government, your Urban Construction Bureau is a unit of the Guangdong Municipal Government. When others question your work, you just say that they are a black sheep?"

He pointed at Ma Shaohua and continued: "Fortunately, you can only say this in this room and can't spread it. If this word spreads, I don't think you, the urban construction director, will have to continue to work!"

Ma Shaohua felt a chill in his heart and quickly shut up.

There are some words in official circles that need to be carefully considered.

Hou Yingying said that Ma Shaohua did not need to continue working in the Urban Construction Bureau, although there was a condition added in front.

But is that condition necessary or unnecessary?

Ma Shaohua thought that if he couldn't resolve this matter and the city couldn't step down in the end, should he also take down himself to solve the problem?

These days, there is a price to pay for getting something done.

Sacrificing an individual's future can accomplish something valuable. This is all too common in the political arena.

There was a lot of turmoil about the Economic Cooperation Office some time ago. Isn't there someone who wants to push Chen Jing down to achieve his own success?

Things are changing, why can't someone push Ma Shaohua down now and settle things?

Thinking of this, Ma Shaohua felt a chill in his heart, and the cold sweat on his back soaked his shirt.

The Guangdong Municipal Government has encountered difficulties in its work.

But at the provincial level, Qiao Zhengqing is in good spirits and refreshed today.

It's going to be ** soon.

**After that, the teams of various provinces and cities will be adjusted frequently.

Specific to Lingnan, Lingnan Provincial Party Committee Secretary Miao Qiang will definitely leave.

The political landscape of Lingnan in the post-Miao Qiang era is currently full of variables.

During this period, all parties are ready to move and are making full preparations for the subsequent reshuffle of Lingnan's political arena.

In this area, Qiao Zhengqing's current influence in Lingnan is not enough, and his energy is still small. He thinks of some things he can do, but he is unable to do so.

According to the above meaning, striving for Qiao Zhengqing to join the Standing Committee this time is the key task of the Northwest Department.

There were activities above, and Qiao Zhengqing felt confident, but he himself had to take action in Lingnan.

From the official level to the provincial level, everyone respects each other.

Who has no one on top? Who doesn’t have their own systematic network of connections?

Therefore, putting aside these external factors, the cadres ultimately selected by the organization are often comrades who have outstanding achievements in their work.

Qiao Zhengqing's current work does not have many highlights. The key is that within the provincial government, his voice is not strong enough. He was originally responsible for regional economic cooperation and was responsible for contacting Haishan and Nangang for cooperation. This job has great potential.

However, this job is much more complicated than he imagined, and there are often constraints later on. His current progress is not ideal.

Qiao Zhengqing walked into the office as usual. The secretary had already made tea for him. Qiao Zhengqing waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay! We will discuss the schedule later. I will go to Governor Wan to report my work immediately.

Please notify the West City side that the ribbon-cutting in the afternoon may be slightly postponed. I will definitely be there. The specific time can only be determined at noon!"

Secretary Pei Xiao was stunned and said: "But Governor Qiao, my schedule has been sent out, and the logistics department has arranged the car!"

Qiao Zhengqing frowned and said unhappily: "You can change the arrangement after it's been arranged! I've told you so many times that things should be prioritized. There are some unexpected situations in the province these days. Governor Wan's work

The report cannot be delayed any longer..."

Qiao Zhengqing slowly walked out of the office with a stack of files under his arm and went straight to the Standing Committee Building.

Executive Vice Governor Wan Aimin was angry with Government Secretary-General Jiang Mingren in his office.

He held a new issue of Nanfang Daily, pointed at Jiang Mingren and said angrily: "Look at these things, who ordered this to be reported? Wanyou Software is involved in a big scandal, who is **?"

Do our provincial government leaders have any big **?

Talk nonsense and play the piano randomly!

These media outlets follow the wind and report indiscriminately without considering the truth at all. They are only seeking novelties and attracting attention.

Our party newspapers and periodicals will soon become entertainment sections!"

He threw the newspaper on the table, still angry, and said: "Go on, this matter must be investigated strictly. Those responsible for Nanfang Daily must be dealt with seriously, and the motives for their reports must be found. This unhealthy trend will not stop.

, there will be no organizational seriousness to speak of in the future!”

Wan Aimin pointed at the name of the reporter who wrote the article and said: "I have heard of this Tang Yu. It is said that he is a very unreasonable reporter. This time, we must rectify the situation, severely criticize and educate him, and even suspend him."

I will immediately call Director Lu of the Propaganda Department to report this situation, and you should also actively communicate.

You should boldly take care of the things that the government secretary-general should take care of without any worries. Ensuring the harmony of the internal and external environment of the government is your central job!"

Jiang Mingren lowered his head and smiled bitterly, pondering for a long time and said:

"Governor Wan, I have carefully investigated this report! The leadership of Nanfang Daily has objections to this report and was not prepared to publish it. But..."

Wan Aimin frowned and said in a low voice: "But what? Let's go on, I want to hear the reason!"

Jiang Mingren smiled awkwardly and said: "But Reporter Tang insisted, and Secretary-General He of the Provincial Party Committee expressed his position, saying that as long as the report is objective and well-documented, it can be reported..."

Wan Aimin was stunned.

Isn’t Secretary-General He He Jun?

He Jun has now been promoted to deputy secretary, but the position of secretary-general is vacant, so he still holds the concurrent position.

It is no longer appropriate for Jiang Mingren to call him Secretary General.

Wan Aimin is an important and influential leader in the province, but compared to He Jun, he is still inferior.

He Jun was good at dancing and was very close to Secretary Miao, winning the Secretary's trust.

And what He Jun is best at is building small groups and winning over people.

Throughout Lingnan Province, he has disciples and former officials all over the country. He is the godfather of Lingnan officialdom, and his reputation is not in vain.

He Jun? Tang Yu?

Wan Aimin thought about the two names in his heart, and then started to think about something wrong.

He, Wan Aimin, and He Jun had never had any bad blood. Why would He Jun suddenly come out and do something like this this time?

Wan Aimin gradually calmed down.

He realized that things might be more complicated than he expected.

Don't underestimate a report. Every detail in a report from preparation to publication is meaningful.

Wan Aimin has been involved in Lingnan politics for so many years, so he is naturally very sensitive to these issues.

In his opinion, the issues of the Economic Cooperation and Development Organization are trivial matters.

But this little thing suddenly took an unexpected turn, and the problem may have changed.

"Governor Wan, Governor Qiao are here to report on their work!" Secretary Qin Lin called.

Wan Aimin frowned, took a deep breath, waved his hand to Jiang Mingren, and then lowered his voice and said: "Invite him in!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to register as a member of Piaotian Literature

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This chapter has been completed!
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