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Chapter 882 Qiao Zhengqing's thoughts!

The Ministry of Commerce’s outstanding enterprise selection project was officially named the “Chinese Famous Enterprises” project.

This project is being piloted in Lingnan.

According to the plan of the Ministry of Commerce, the Lingnan Economic Cooperation Office has implemented specific operations to select 30 to 50 outstanding enterprises from across the province in the initial stage and award these enterprises the title of "Famous Chinese Enterprises".

Targeted at companies that have won the honor of Chinese Famous Enterprises.

The Ministry of Commerce will include them in the list of well-known enterprises in the Republic and promote these enterprises on the website of the Ministry of Commerce of the State Council in up to eight languages. At the same time, the Ministry of Commerce will promote foreign economic exchanges and cooperation.

This group of companies will be promoted externally first.

For enterprises that wish to invest and develop overseas, the Ministry of Commerce provides necessary information, talents and other support.

The Ministry of Commerce aims to screen a large number of outstanding enterprises from across the country for this project. On the one hand, it hopes to build the "Chinese Famous Enterprises" brand into the most authoritative enterprise certification brand in the Republic. On the other hand, it also hopes to select these

A group of outstanding enterprises can play a positive role in foreign investment, cooperation, and the great movement of the Republic's economy to go global.

I have to say that the positioning of this project is very high and the purpose is very clear, because this project has gathered a lot of resources.

Everything is done to make this project a success and to become a golden signboard for the Republic's enterprise certification.

Qiao Zhengqing's home.

Qiao Zhengqing has an appointment with Chen Jing for a night talk tonight.

As for the provincial government, Governor Zhou expressed great concern about this project and assigned Qiao Zhengqing to be responsible for the supervision of the entire project.

At present, Chen Jing has "successfully" completed the tasks assigned by the province and snatched the project from the hands of the people in northern Jiangsu. While the provincial leaders are relieved, they also hope that the project can be put into operation as soon as possible.

Through this project, Lingnan Province aims to create a group of enterprises with international capabilities.

The evaluation and selection of projects must be fair, open and impartial. It is best to stimulate the province's outstanding enterprises to form a good competitive situation. Through the operation of this project, the province's economy will become more dynamic and enterprises more innovative.


The province has a high position on the project, and as the leader in charge, Qiao Zhengqing's attitude is quite positive.

In the past few days, he has been exchanging opinions with Chen Jing on issues such as project planning and launch.

And tonight, he invited Chen Jing to his home for a simple meal.

Qiao Zhengqing's wife Lin Qiao is a teacher.

I just took a break last year, and now I serve Qiao Zhengqing full-time at home and serve as Qiao Zhengqing's strong backing.

Lin Qiao is from the Central Plains and is good at cooking spicy dishes.

When Chen Jing arrived at Qiao Zhengqing's house, Lin Qiao personally cooked several special Central Plains dishes.

Spicy Chicken, Hot Kidneys, Shimen Sausage, etc. are all famous dishes from the Central Plains.

Qiao Zhengqing said with a smile: "Xiao Chen, I knew you were coming, but your aunt cooked the food herself. I have a good meal today because of you!"

Chen Jing hurriedly went to say hello to Lin Qiao.

Lin Qiao came out of the kitchen with a smile and said: "Sit down, sit down, your aunt and I are average in my craftsmanship, so I will just have a simple meal today. Your uncle Qiao always praises you for your ability when he meets others. He doesn't praise others often, it's not special."

He doesn't always talk about outstanding young talents.

I have been a teacher all my life, and what I like most are young people who are promising and academically successful.

You treat this place as your own home today, you’re welcome!”

With good food, wine is a must.

Qiao Zhengqing opened a bottle of Moutai, warmly greeted Chen Jing to sit down, and the two drank.

The wine table is such a wonderful thing.

Some things are inconvenient, impossible to say, or inappropriate to say when you are sober. Once at the wine table, the atmosphere is casual and the etiquette is appropriate. If you are half drunk and half awake, some intentions can be expressed more clearly.

Why is the drinking culture so prevalent in official circles?

It's because wine has effects that other formal occasions don't have.

When a subordinate invites his leader to drink, this is a sign of respect for the leader. He can be praised as much as he should be at the wine table, and it is a place where he can express his appeals where he should, so that he can express them tactfully.

After a round of drinking, strangers become friends, friends become relatives, and relatives become brothers.

A boss invites a subordinate to drink as a sign of appreciation and encouragement to the subordinate.

With this meal of wine, the subordinates will feel at ease and comfortable, and then they will naturally support the leader.

In fact, Chen Jing is most opposed to these bad habits in the sensory field.

But sometimes when you are in it, you have to cater to these things.

Just like today's drink, Chen Jing didn't feel very comfortable drinking it.

Some time ago, Chen Jing took the initiative to talk to Qiao Zhengqing about the project.

Qiao Zhengqing had too many worries at the time and did not dare to express firm support for Chen Jing.

Fortunately, now, Chen Jing not only has the project in hand, but also has the support of key provincial leaders.

This caught him a little off guard.

He felt very regretful.

Because this project could have been a major credit to him.

Now the credit is gone. The project was personally directed by Governor Zhou, and he was just the person who handled the work.

What's more important is that because of this incident, there will inevitably be some grudges between him and Chen Jing.

Even if Chen Jing doesn't care about this, Qiao Zhengqing himself feels sorry for it.

Although Chen Jing is not from the Northwest Clan, he is the son-in-law of the Fang family. Chen Jing is facing difficulties in Lingnan. As the elder of the Northwest Clan in Lingnan, he has no active support.

Now that Chen Jing has overcome the difficulties by relying on his own ability, he has jumped out as a supervisor. What kind of thing is this?

After three drinks, Qiao Zhengqing filled his glass and raised his glass:

"Xiao Chen, you, Uncle Qiao, and I have been running around in the world for the past few years, and sometimes I have become less courageous. I don't know enough about this famous enterprise project to dare to make the right decision."

To be honest, I feel quite ashamed now that I think about it!

You, a young man, have a flexible mind and dare to fight hard. I should learn from you in many aspects!"

Chen Jing hurriedly said: "Uncle Qiao, your words are very flattering to me. I am now working under your leadership. I hope our project can have an impact."

Qiao Zhengqing laughed and said: "Come on, Xiao Chen, let me toast you. May our cooperation go smoothly!"

The two clinked glasses, and Qiao Zhengqing drank the wine in one gulp.

He drank alcohol and his face was already red with the sunset glow all over the sky.

Chen Jing drank all the wine, thinking that this was the end of the day.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Zhengqing took out another bottle of wine from under the table.

"Xiao Chen, we have never drunk before. Let's do this. We won't get home until we get drunk today. We must drink enough. We must have fun!" Qiao Zhengqing said slightly drunkenly.

Now Qiao Zhengqing is very conflicted.

On the one hand, at the provincial level, he is the leader responsible for coordinating projects.

But in fact, this project is a project of the Ministry of Commerce.

The Ministry of Commerce has fully authorized the project to the Economic Cooperation Office and is only responsible to the Economic Cooperation Office.

Therefore, from this nature, Qiao Zhengqing can only assist Chen Jing in the project and provide support to Chen Jing at the provincial level.

There is a problem here.

If the project is completed, and the Economic Cooperation Office has the greatest credit, Chen Jing will definitely open up the situation completely and his influence will skyrocket.

But if the project is not done well, Qiao Zhengqing will definitely face criticism.

If the project is not done well, there is only one possibility, and that is the lack of support from the province.

As for the reason for this lack of intensity, Qiao Zhengqing must definitely bear the main responsibility.

Therefore, Qiao Zhengqing was quite troubled by this matter.

And for him, he has just been elected to the Provincial Standing Committee. He ranks low in the Standing Committee.

He now needs to establish his prestige and increase his influence as soon as possible.

But how much can this project help him?

It's still a big question mark now.

Therefore, for him, the project is an opportunity and a challenge at the same time.

If he is unable to control Chen Jing during the entire project operation, he will most likely achieve nothing.

This is what he fears most.

He has been in contact with Chen Jing for many years, and Chen Jing has always been very close to him.

However, Qiao Zhengqing couldn't control him, and he didn't have the confidence to control Chen Jing.

Chen Jingxing is very decisive in doing things, and he is very tenacious and has a fierce temper. Once his temper breaks out, even the three cows can't get him back.

What can Qiao Zhengqing do to him?

Therefore, the only thing he can do now is to hope to close the relationship with Chen Jing. If something happens, it is best for Chen Jing to discuss it and ensure that the matter is under his control. This is the most important thing.

Finished the second bottle of wine.

While drinking, the two of them determined a series of operational ideas for the project.

Qiao Zhengqing expressed his position to Chen Jing that when the Economic Cooperation Office requires people to give people and money to give money, it should first enrich the internal staff of the Economic Cooperation Office.

According to the current project arrangement.

Several offices should be established within the Economic Cooperation Office, one is the preliminary review team, one is the expert team, the other is the review team, and finally the liaison team.

The preliminary review team will first screen the list of companies and conduct a preliminary review of companies that initially meet the requirements in terms of company size, company financial status, business status, and company prospects.

The purpose of the preliminary review is to select the shortlisted companies.

After passing the preliminary review, a group of experts will provide guidance based on a series of problems existing in each enterprise.

After the expert group's guidance, the company carried out surprise rectification.

After the rectification reaches a certain level, it will be reviewed by the review team.

For enterprises that pass the reexamination, the Economic Cooperation Office will comprehensively submit the relevant information of the enterprise to the Ministry of Commerce for final approval.

Only with the final approval from the Ministry of Commerce can the Chinese Famous Enterprise brand be displayed.

At present, there are not many people working in the economic cooperation field.

Qiao Zhengqing promised Chen Jing that he would choose experts from finance, economics, information industry and other related units across the province.

As long as Chen Jing likes it, the provincial government will issue an order to transfer manpower to the joint operation. Chen Jing will organize the personnel of the three groups as quickly as possible.

It was night, and the two of them drank until one o'clock in the morning.

After drinking, the two talked all night long.

Through one night, all aspects of project operation were refined. In many aspects, the two exchanged opinions and studied each other.

From the beginning of the entire project to every detail of the operation process, the two of them have conducted deductions to ensure that everything is flawless... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Piaotian Literature Register Member to recommend this work, you

Your support is my biggest motivation.)

This chapter has been completed!
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