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Chapter 884 Official departure!

Lingnan Provincial Economic Cooperation Organization, Chen Jing held a plenary meeting of the unit today.

At the meeting, Chen Jing delivered a passionate speech, clearly announcing to everyone the upcoming structural changes and work direction of the Economic Cooperation Office.

He waved his hands and said loudly:

"Comrades, the provincial government will give us the greatest support. Governor Zhou and Vice Governor Qiao both stated that we want money to give money and people to give to people, as long as we can do a good job and do a good job. This time the provincial government

The General Office will come forward to help us replenish our staff, and it is initially expected that our unit will add another 20 people.

We have gone from being unavailable to having a strong army. This magnificent transformation will be completed within the next month.

After the reform and adjustment, the Economic Cooperation Office will become the most important coordinating unit for economic development cooperation in Lingnan. From now on, we will also end the history of no projects, no work to be done, and no prospects. Our Economic Cooperation Office will definitely become an important organization in the province.

One of the bureau committee members!”

Chen Jing held a meeting today to formally start adjusting the structure of the Economic Cooperation Office.

The Economic Cooperation Office will set up four working groups. The frameworks of the four groups will be set up first, and then staff will be added.

Recently, changes in the organization have been clearly felt throughout the Economic Cooperation Office.

Office Director Zhu Huazai frequently purchased office equipment from outside, and then he also began to renovate the yard, and the greening renovation of the boulevard also officially started.

The Economic Cooperation Office sign at the entrance has also been renovated, and manpower is being put into updating the greenery outside.

If we say that the previous Economic Cooperation Office was old-fashioned and lifeless.

Now the Economic Cooperation Office has a prosperous scene.

The person taking the minutes of the meeting today is none other than Zhu Hua.

She was very excited, and because of her excitement, her breathing and heartbeat were much faster than before.

She couldn't help but look at Chen Jing.

After Chen Jing came to the Economic Cooperation Office, she was fully aware of the changes he had brought to the Economic Cooperation Office.

There are breakthroughs, difficulties, doubts and determination.

But now, the Economic Cooperation Office has finally found a way. After Chen Jing's hard work, people can see the dawn of the future of the Economic Cooperation Office.

As an "old man" who came to work at the Economic Cooperation Office when it was first established, how could she not be excited when she saw this change?

Besides, lesbians are always very emotional, and Chen Jing was so energetic and passionate today. She was greatly affected. She wanted to stand up and call on everyone in the unit to applaud and pay tribute to Chen Jing.

Today's work was planned in advance and the meeting went smoothly.

The province agreed to the restructuring of the Economic Cooperation Office.

Chen Jing proposed at today's meeting to set up a special rectification group.

The work of the rectification team focuses on the internal work discipline of the unit.

Thanks to Chen Jing's several months of hard work, the working attitude of everyone at the Economic Cooperation Office has changed considerably from before.

However, there are still people who do private work during working hours and do odd jobs during working hours.

Especially when Chen Jing was on a business trip, it was said that there were still gatherings of people playing cards and chess.

Chen Jing felt that it was time to change his style of work, and this time he had the power to adjust cadres.

With power, you can determine the promotion of a group of people.

At this time, he proposed to rectify the office style and fully link the office style with the work performance of cadres. Chen Jing was confident in changing the current status of the Economic Cooperation Office.

Provincial Government Conference Room No. 1.

The provincial, municipal and state economic front cadre meeting was successfully held.

In addition to the normal schedule at the meeting, the General Office of the Provincial Government officially issued the "Notice of the Lingnan Provincial Government on Encouraging the Application for "Chinese Famous Enterprise" Qualifications" to all cities and states.

The "Notice" introduced the nature of the "Chinese Famous Enterprise" qualification to the participating cadres. It focused on the fact that the Chinese Famous Enterprise is a group of outstanding enterprises proposed by the Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of China to be screened nationwide. The purpose is to promote the Republic's outstanding enterprises to the outside world and support domestic enterprises in their development.

Go out, thereby actively responding to the relevant documents issued by the State Council on promoting outstanding enterprises to go out.

The notice emphasizes that the qualification certification of famous Chinese enterprises is highly authoritative and the approval and certification process is formal, which helps outstanding companies stand out and helps companies build unique corporate brands.

The notice explains in detail the process of evaluating Chinese Famous Enterprises.

The unit responsible for the entire project is the Lingnan Provincial Economic Cooperation Office. The Lingnan Provincial Economic Cooperation Office has resident leaders and experts dispatched by the Ministry of Commerce. The entire approval process includes preliminary review, expert guidance, review, final review and other processes.

The approval of Chinese famous enterprise projects mainly examines the enterprise's financial status, business scale, development prospects, management standards, as well as the degree of informatization and modernization, etc.

Finally, the notice also announced that the provincial government will give each company a reward of 300,000 yuan for the first batch of companies selected as famous Chinese enterprises.

After the "Notice" was issued, Chen Jing gave a special speech at the meeting.

In his speech, Chen Jing introduced the situation of the Economic Cooperation Office to all the officials attending the meeting. At the same time, Chen Jing also added that famous Chinese enterprises will be included in the Ministry of Commerce’s Excellent Enterprise List, occupy an important position on the Ministry of Commerce’s eight-language website for a long time, and provide information to the whole world.

Matters related to world recommendation and publicity.

In order to enhance the persuasiveness of the project, Chen Jing also invited Deputy Director Liao from the Market Construction Department of the Ministry of Commerce to give a detailed explanation.

And the honorary plaque and qualification certificate of "Chinese Famous Enterprise" were displayed to the participants.

Chen Jing made his final speech by saying that the economic level of cities and states in Lingnan can be well reflected through this selection of famous enterprises.

Which city has more companies with the review qualifications will indicate which city has a strong economic foundation. Therefore, the honor of China's famous enterprises not only belongs to the companies, but also to the leaders of the city.

Chen Jing hopes that city and state leaders can take this matter seriously.

Encourage local enterprises to participate in the competition among famous enterprises.

The competition for famous enterprises is a competition. Select the best enterprises in the competition, understand the opponents, understand the market and correct yourself in the competition. This should be the correct attitude for enterprises to declare.

Chen Jing promised that the entire process of famous enterprise declaration will be absolutely fair, open and impartial, and that the entire declaration process will be subject to intra-party disciplinary inspection and impartial supervision.

Chen Jing welcomes reports from all over the abnormal phenomena of bribery, bribery, and backdoor connections.

Enterprises and units that engage in election bribery must be severely investigated and punished. While canceling their declaration qualifications, the facts of their disciplinary violations must be announced to the whole society.

In serious cases, judicial means should be used to investigate and deal with the matter.

The entire conference gave Chen Jing an hour to introduce the famous enterprises, which was unprecedented in similar provincial conferences.

This time, the publicity and promotion work achieved the results Chen Jing expected.

Summarize this promotion work.

First, the provincial government issued a red-headed document calling for it, and then allocated time for an important meeting for Chen Jing to make an introduction. In addition, the provincial government also stated that it would provide material rewards to the licensing companies. The high standard of this promotion and the huge impact are definitely extremely high.


The facts also confirmed Chen Jing's judgment.

After this meeting was held, provincial television stations and provincial mainstream print media rushed to report the news.

Nanfang Daily also opened a famous enterprise column to analyze the famous enterprises in each city from a media perspective, and simulated the list of enterprises in each city that are qualified to enter the famous enterprise industry.

At the same time, the manpower of the Economic Cooperation Office has finally been fully staffed.

Chen Jing ordered the liaison team to take action immediately and began to enter various cities in groups to receive declaration requests from various places.

The preliminary review team, the expert team, including the main members of the review team, began to rush to Beijing to receive training and study from relevant experts from the Ministry of Commerce in Beijing for a week.

This time the project is mainly directed by the Ministry of Commerce, and the Lingnan Provincial Economic Cooperation Office is only the execution unit.

Chen Jing made this relationship very clear.

For this project to be a success, it must be strict, standardized, and have influence and authority.

In addition, through the operation of such projects, Chen Jing’s ultimate goal is to make the real functions of the Economic Cooperation Office come into play.

Through the application of famous enterprises, the purpose of expanding contacts, building a team, straightening out ideas and enhancing authority is achieved.

This is Chen Jing’s work philosophy with me as the main focus.

The so-called "self-centered" means that you don't have to go out to ask for help, and you don't have to passively look for connections, ways, and projects.

Instead, you should use a project to get others to come to you proactively.

The current Chinese Famous Enterprise Project is such a project.

The province's outstanding enterprises are selected and screened, and various cities and states compete with each other. The Economic Cooperation Office plays the role of review and review.

Judgment is authority. To successfully obtain the honor of a famous enterprise, it must be recognized by the authority of the Economic Cooperation Office.

This is Chen Jing's long-planned grand turn.

This is also Chen Jing’s trump card in order to get rid of the embarrassing situation where the Economic Cooperation Office is beleaguered from all sides.

With this trump card, the work of the Economic Cooperation Office can successfully achieve breakthroughs, and the advantages of the Economic Cooperation Office can be fully brought into play.

The weak aspects of the Economic Cooperation Office, including weak connections and difficulty in positioning, can be avoided.

Exploit strengths and avoid weaknesses, and you will be able to see the hope you deserve in your work.

That night, Chen Jing once again visited Ma Jinzhu, the old director of the Department of Commerce.

The two played chess in Ma Jinzhu's study until late at night.

While playing chess, Chen Jing introduced to Ma Jinzhu the many current changes in the Economic Cooperation Office, including the situation related to the famous enterprise projects that are about to be launched.

Ma Jinzhu listened attentively from beginning to end, but did not say anything.

The only thing that surprised Chen Jing was that he actually won several games in today's chess game.

I don’t know whether his chess skills have made great progress or whether Ma Jinzhu is in poor condition today. Anyway, today’s situation is different from the past.

After playing chess until late at night, Chen Jing said goodbye and Ma Jinzhu walked him outside for the first time.

The two were walking in the yard, and Ma Jinzhu suddenly said: "The Economic Cooperation Office sees hope in your hands! Lingnan needs the Economic Cooperation Office. Our previous generation of leaders had this awareness, but they have never been able to

Let the Economic Cooperation and Development Office play its due role.

Now in your hands, we finally have to prove that the vision of our previous generation of leaders was correct.

The prospects for economic cooperation are broad, and the prospects for economic cooperation are also very broad. You are capable, and this unit will get better and better!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Piaotian Literature Register Member Recommendation

This work and your support are my greatest motivation.)

This chapter has been completed!
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