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Chapter 85 Make up your mind

Zhu Senlin's initiative to explain the problem made Chen Jing very wary.

Based on Chen Jing's experience in reading people, he could see that what Zhu Senlin said was not groundless, and Zhu Senlin's fear was not fake.

This is the source of Chen Jing's vigilance.

Because Zhu Senlin’s incident illustrates at least two points. The first point is that the Forestry Bureau does indeed have problems, and the problems are complicated. As an official who occupies a place in Lihe’s political arena, Lin Zhong’s downfall was involved in many problems.

It won't be simple.

Secondly, the Forestry Bureau has reached a very critical point in people's hearts. Zhu Senlin's phenomenon may not be an isolated phenomenon, but when many people are frightened, they will adopt a similar method to Zhu Senlin. This is why Chen Jing is very worried.

Worrying issues.

If the problem in the Forestry Bureau is serious, how can the entire bureau work smoothly if we get to the bottom of it like this!

If we continue to let this status quo go unchecked, if something happens to a problematic person, for example, if someone escapes, the negative impact will be huge.

From this point of view, the Forestry Bureau is facing a dilemma, and Chen Jing is also facing a dilemma.

It seems that no matter whether you go left or backward, the results will be very bad, and Chen Jing's plan to ensure overall stability will be difficult to realize.

Chen Jing really did not expect that one day, the struggle at the county committee level would use such an inconspicuous bureau as the Forestry Bureau as the main battlefield between the two sides. Now it seems that the Forestry Bureau is becoming more and more like the focus of the competition between the two sides.

Based on the recent major events in the county, Chen Jing carefully analyzed the matter at the Yizhou Town Cement Factory. Ma Wenhua, who was investigated for forestry issues, was formerly the leader of the Yizhou Cement Factory. He came out of the Yizhou Cement Factory.

Later he started his own business and became rich.

This is the only link that Chen Jing can find connecting the Yizhou Town Cement Factory and the Forestry Bureau. Normally, Chen Jing would feel nervous if he found this link. But in recent times, especially not long after Ma Wenhua's accident, Lin

There was a problem in the middle, and then there was a fierce commotion on Yi Zhou's side. These things happened one after another, and it seemed that they could not be so accidental.

In addition, when Pingdong Township launched the Changping Bridge project, the project was established and initially constructed. At that time, the Party Committee Secretary of Pingdong was Huang Xiaohua, the current member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Director of the County Party Committee Office, and the project was completed when Wang Qingxian was the Party Secretary.


As for the Construction Bureau, when the Pingdong project was launched, the director of the Construction Bureau was Zuo Qiuming, currently a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Committee of Lihe Town.

Chen Jing connected all these things together and found that he could not judge at all what direction the situation would lead after an incident was triggered. In the competition among everyone at the county committee level, whose hands hold the final thread of these things, I am afraid only the hand can hold it.

Only those who hold the thread know it.

Chen Jing felt a strong sense of crisis, which he had never felt before.

He felt that now there were not only a few people who he had offended but also many people whom he had no contact with and had never interacted with before.

Take Zhu Senlin as an example. If Chen Jing had not been in contact with Zhu Senlin, he would never have known that Ma Buping was behind Zhu Senlin.

Zhu Senlin took the initiative to explain the problem. Is he warning Chen Jing, or is he afraid that Ma Buping will be implicated for his own reasons, or is there a deeper reason?

Human minds are the most changeable and complex. No one knows what others are thinking in their hearts.

The most elusive thing about politics is that when you see a person, you can't see his heart, and you can't even see the person behind him.

Everyone's heart is changeable, and no one exists in isolation. Various relationships go up one layer at a time. Behind people are people, and behind them are other people. This is a big network woven in this way. Who is in this network?

They all occupy one node, and if there is a problem with one node, a large part of it will be involved.

Chen Jing likes Mr. Jin Yong very much because Mr. Jin Yong has a concept that in martial arts, stillness is actually a very high state.

No matter how advanced your martial arts skills are, as soon as you use a move, you will have a flaw. You can use your moves to attack your opponent, and your opponent can also target your weakness with the right medicine.

Chen Jing himself also likes to play Go. There is a saying in Go called "reservation". The so-called reservation means that there are places where the boundaries between the two sides can be clearly drawn, but they are deliberately not made so clear, and the purpose of not moving or not moving is reserved.

It is necessary to keep the changes, because if you leave, the changes will be gone. The absence of changes sometimes means no opportunities.

Opportunities are changing, and change is retained. It can also be said to be static.

Just like the situation Chen Jing is facing now, it is complicated and confusing. He has no idea how many changes there are and how many directions there are. At such a time, in addition to responding to the changes by staying the same, Chen Jing can also

what to do?

"You must keep calm!" This is Chen Jing's advice to himself.

He talked with Zhu Senlin for an hour. He mainly talked about two points. The first point was that Zhu Senlin was able to take the initiative to explain the problem, which Chen Jing fully affirmed.

But on the other hand, Chen Jing does not advocate Zhu Senlin to take this issue to the outside. The current situation is not suitable for anything to happen again. If anything happens again, it will be detrimental to the overall situation! Chen Jing told Zhu Senlin that the decision was made by him and he takes all responsibility.

It's up to him.

If the Discipline Inspection Commission finds out about Zhu Senlin, Chen Jing will definitely stand up and help Zhu Senlin explain the situation, tell the fact that Zhu Senlin took the initiative to explain the problem, and strive for a lighter punishment.

Finally, Chen Jing encouraged Zhu Senlin, especially encouraging him to strictly inspect the wood and make sure to keep it tight...

Chen Jing was already prepared. He knew very well that a severe test was about to come.

The injured ship of the Forestry Bureau is temporarily in his hand, but he has difficulty grasping the rudder. His current goal is to control the ship to travel on a normal channel, but there are many difficulties ahead, with obstacles on all sides.

People stared, and smoke filled the air.

With just one small cannonball, the ship might be sunk. The moment the ship sank, Chen Jing might be shattered to pieces.

The problem of trouble in the development zone was finally resolved. Zhao Yiping returned to the county committee with a somewhat disheartened look. Huang Xiaohua was waiting downstairs to report the situation to him.

Zhao Yiping waved his hand towards him and said: "You are still very capable of dealing with such a situation. You should pay more attention to the actions in the development zone in the future!"

He changed the subject and said: "We need to have people investigate this matter as soon as possible. Why do so many people suddenly appear to make trouble? When we build development zones, haven't the land compensation policies been implemented? Why do such serious problems occur?


Zhao Yiping was a little angry when he said this, and he used a questioning tone.

When he turned back to talk to Huang Xiaohua, he saw the government building opposite again. When he saw the government building, he remembered what Ma Buping once said eloquently at the government executive meeting: "Our Lihe is a county mainly based on agriculture. How can our county be so successful?"

Called development? I think farmers’ lives are better and their incomes are increasing. This is real development!

What kind of development zone should a county like ours build? Nowadays, development zones are being set up in every place in the country. Development zones seem to have become a fashion. What I want to say is, can we in Lihe avoid this fashion?"

As soon as Zhao Yiping thought of these words, he felt like someone was pricking his heart with a needle. Ma Buping's arbitrary look was swirling in his mind, and he couldn't help but feel excited.

"This matter must be investigated to the end! The mastermind behind the scenes must be found! Investigate strictly, investigate strictly!" When Zhao Yiping walked to the door of his office, he seemed to be getting increasingly irritable.

Huang Xiaohua had been following Zhao Yiping cautiously. When he reached the door, the mobile phone on his waist rang.

He smiled apologetically at Zhao Yiping and said, "Secretary Zhao, wait for me to answer the phone!"

Huang Xiaohua took the mobile phone, turned around and looked at the end of the corridor. He put the phone to his ear and a deep voice came from the phone: "Secretary Huang, someone is going to trespass on the Changping Bridge. Wang Qingxian ran in Pingdong recently.

Qiaotou Village is more frequent, I'm worried..."

Huang Xiaohua's hand holding the phone trembled, and his steps paused.

But his tone was still very calm, and he said: "What's there to discuss about that matter? It's just Chen Guzi's messy affair. Just let them discuss it. Just tell me the situation at any time!"

He hung up the phone gently, and his face turned extremely ugly in an instant!

"Pingdong, Changping Bridge!"

Huang Xiaohua thought about these two place names in his mind, and an extremely irritable mood grew in his heart. He vaguely felt that he was being stared at by a pair of eyes, which were absolutely annoying eyes!

"You must pinch out these eyes!" Huang Xiaohua's eyes narrowed into slits, and he seemed to be making some determination in his heart!

"Director Huang, Director Huang! The secretary is looking for you." Huang Xiaohua suddenly woke up. He took a long breath and turned around to see Shu Zhiguo's secretary, Zhao Wenzhuo, walking over, looking a little impatient.

His heart suddenly sank. He could tell that something had happened. He quickly straightened his clothes, found the stairs and quickly went downstairs, heading straight to Shu Zhiguo's office.

[The brothers who gave rewards yesterday were: Dream Time Traveler, Tang Guyu, ying3282720, Ningxia Petrochemical, and Watching the Sky by the Sea. Thank you to the five brothers for generously giving rewards!!!]

This chapter has been completed!
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