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Chapter 907 Top 100 announced!

An ordinary private house in the western suburbs of Guangdong Province.

A traditional southern Cantonese building with a big banyan tree in the yard.

The banyan tree branches are dense with leaves, which is a paradise for birds. The birds are chirping in the shade of the trees, which is full of life.

Chen Jing and Tang Yu carried fruits into the yard.

When an old man in the yard saw someone coming, he shouted into the house in Lingnan dialect: "Mr. Qi, a guest is here!"

There was no response from the room.

Chen Jing and Tang Yu went straight into the living room.

In the living room, a short, fat man was curled up on the sofa watching TV.

When he saw Chen Jing and Tang Yu coming in, he was slightly stunned, with a harmless smile on his face.

"Third brother!" Chen Jing greeted him with a smile.

The short and fat man nodded, the smile on his face not diminishing, and said: "My surname is Qi, and my name is Qi Meijie!"

He put on his slippers and stood up to pour water for Chen Jing and Tang Yu.

Chen Jing squinted at the short and fat man in front of him.

He really couldn't connect this person with the cold-blooded and tenacious man who held a long knife in the dark and heavy rain that day, and was as strong as a man without a man in the chaos.

He is so ordinary that if you see him casually on the street, you will immediately forget him.

He doesn't have the well-trained sharp eyes, nor does he have perfect body curves, and his bloated appearance looks very uncoordinated.

That day, under the dim light, Chen Jing saw with his own eyes that this man had been chopped to pieces, leaving no trace of his body intact.

But now, he doesn't have any signs of injury.

Chen Jing had many imaginations about "Third Brother" before coming here.

He had imagined that the third brother was in despair because of the last serious injury, or was depressed and depressed, or was filled with grief and anger.

He also thought about how to comfort him and guide him to live a normal life again, and stop engaging in those things like fighting and killing.

But now it seems that all Chen Jing's imagination is far from reality.

The third brother is very indifferent and calm, as silly as the big brother next door, and his smile is sincere.

Regarding the news of Shen Beiwang's accident, Chen Jing had someone give a detailed introduction to the third brother.

But today, no pain could be seen on his face, as if that incident had never happened and did not exist in the first place.

Chen Jing took a sip of water and said, "Third brother, has your injury healed?"

The third brother nodded and said with a smile: "Thank you, everything is fine now!"

Chen Jing wanted to ask some more details, such as what happened to Shen Beiwang, or the fight that day, or some problems during the treatment of injuries, etc.

But he pondered for a moment and said nothing.

He suddenly felt that the man in front of him was very mature. His harmless smile and the ease with which he talked and laughed could not be innate.

Even after something huge happened, he could still be so open-minded, so natural, so ordinary. How much inner strength does this require?

After a long silence, Chen Jing said: "Third brother, what are your plans?"

The third brother smiled and said: "Looking for a job, Reporter Tang contacted me about a job as a security guard. The salary is one thousand two thousand a month, including food and accommodation."

"Have you been working as a security guard?" Chen Jing asked.

The third brother chuckled and said: "I don't have much education, so I can only find this kind of job at the moment. Having a job and being able to live is satisfying!"

Chen Jing wanted to ask him why he didn't go to Hong Kong, but it was obvious that the third brother was from mainland China.

Everyone in "Beishen" is an elite trained by Mr. Shen, but because of the word "北", this word means that these people are from mainland China.

Chen Jing has no way of knowing what the third brother has planned.

But if he can find a job and make a living for the time being, with his maturity, he will surely make his own plans gradually.

Chen Jing felt that all his previous thoughts might be redundant...

"Third brother, how about driving with me? It's easier than being a security guard, the salary is more, and the time is more free!" Chen Jing suddenly said. He wanted to test the third brother's future plans.

The third brother was stunned and said: "Then...Reporter Tang, the work contract over there..."

Tang Yu smiled slightly and said: "There is no problem there, I can reject it at any time!"

The third brother gave a toothy smile and said, "Thank you, Mr. Chen..."

Chen Jing was stunned. He didn't expect him to agree so readily.

The Economic Cooperation Office is currently short of drivers. If the third brother comes in, he will definitely be a temporary worker and cannot be staffed.

Chen Jing was not sure whether he could do things with peace of mind, but that night, after all, everyone had gone through adversity together, and Chen Jing was absolutely assured of the third brother's character.

Since the third brother agreed to drive for him, Chen Jing also felt very relieved.

At the same time, he also thought that with such a powerful character beside him, his salary would be comparable to that of a national leader.

If something happens in the future, your safety will definitely not be a problem.

As soon as the matter was settled, Chen Jing immediately asked the third brother to follow him.

Chen Jing greeted Zhu Hua at the Economic Cooperation Office and asked her to make arrangements.

It's not a big deal for the top leader to say hello to a temporary worker, and it's done in half an hour.

Chen Jing arranged accommodation in the city for the third brother, and everything went smoothly. After everyone had a meal together, the matter was completely implemented!

The list of top 100 candidates who have passed the preliminary review by the joint venture has been released.

The Economic Cooperation Famous Enterprise Studio chose to hold a grand press conference to announce the list.

To Chen Jing's expectation, there were hundreds of media attending this meeting. Not only did most of the media in the province come over, but also media from outside the province and even Hong Kong and Taiwan came to learn about the matter.

This fully shows that the publicity work of famous enterprises has been done well and it has considerable influence in Lingnan.

The top 100 list announced this time not only has the list, but also the reasons for selection.

There are fifty qualified and fifty quasi-qualified companies, and the preliminary review materials of each company were grandly announced at the press conference.

In order to highlight the professionalism of the preliminary review work.

The press conference also announced many problems such as the company may conceal its financial situation or may engage in fraud, as well as the analysis of the competitiveness of the company's products, the analysis of its industry status, and even the analysis of the company's future development potential.

The materials released at the press conference were all scratchy.

Chen Jing said that the preliminary review materials of the top 100 companies will be managed by the Economic Cooperation Office as important files and strictly confidential because they involve important business information.

However, Chen Jing also emphasized.

If the company has financing intentions, the preliminary review materials can be used as proof of the company's qualifications and strength.

This press conference was very grand and received a good response.

The fair, impartial and professional image of the preliminary review work of famous enterprises has been recognized by enterprises and the media.

A group of CEOs from top 100 companies who were successfully selected were very positive when interviewed by the media.

Everyone believes that selections like Famous Enterprises are the government's way of helping companies shape their brands and establish credibility, which has great positive significance for their production and operations.

The government pays attention to business operations, economic construction, and the establishment of corporate brands. The famous enterprise project is a practical work. They are all happy that the government has such an authoritative review!

Chen Jing himself also wrote articles and published them in many media such as Nanfang Daily and Lingnan Metropolis Daily.

He elaborated on the positive significance of working in a famous enterprise to business operations. He also accepted an exclusive interview with Lingnan TV and talked about corporate brand building and regional economic cooperation.

During the interview, Chen Jing emphasized the slogan of "encouraging private enterprises and establishing famous brands".

In the interview, Chen Jing placed private enterprises in a very important position.

Since the 1990s, when state-owned enterprises were in the throes of reform.

After years of integration and mergers, a number of large, monopolistic state-owned enterprises have re-emerged, especially in coastal areas. There seems to be considerable friction between the strength of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises.

In coastal areas, the issues of coexistence and fair competition between private and state-owned enterprises have been increasingly discussed in recent years.

On this issue, many scholars, experts and government officials have ambiguous attitudes.

State-owned enterprises are a powerful interest group. They have unique advantages in terms of human resources and other aspects.

And because state-owned enterprises have obvious advantages in capital, financing and other aspects, it is difficult for private enterprises to compete with them.

Against this background, Chen Jing stood up clearly in the interview and put forward the slogan "encourage private enterprises and build famous brands", which is very eye-catching and very popular.

Of course, the work of famous companies cannot satisfy everyone.

This time Chen Jing crossed out all companies in the three industries of mining, real estate and energy during the selection process of famous companies.

Chen Jing’s explanation for this is that Famous Enterprises is selected by the Ministry of Commerce to provide outstanding domestic enterprises with better and more professional opportunities for external development and recommendation.

Among them, mining companies, real estate companies and energy companies do not need to occupy the quota of famous companies.

In addition, Chen Jing also explained that enterprises such as mining, real estate and energy cannot be regarded as pillar industries in Lingnan.

Chen Qi mentioned minerals and real estate, and he severely criticized the current mining boom in Lingnan.

Chen Jing believes that the consequences of the mining boom in Lingnan are the destruction of national resources and the disordered development of resources. Relevant departments should consider standardizing management.

Regarding real estate, Chen Jing also issued a stern warning.

He said that some local leaders have begun to regard real estate as a pillar industry and land sales as an important source of local fiscal revenue. This is quite dangerous and worthy of vigilance.

The Chinese Famous Enterprise Project will never include real estate companies. This was Chen Jing’s resounding speech during the interview.

Chen Jing's speech naturally received a lot of doubts.

Some real estate companies even questioned why they accepted registration in the first place since these three industries were not included in the selection.

Is the Economic Cooperation Office relying on famous companies to make money?

Faced with such doubts, the Economic Cooperation Office officially stated that it would not respond.

Chen Jing is well aware that his speech may touch some interest groups, but he believes that such touching is necessary.

On the one hand, due to the necessity of responsibility, Chen Jing felt that it was necessary to express his concerns.

On the other hand, it is also necessary in the current environment.

After the initial review of the famous enterprise project, it will be immediately guided by experts and then reviewed. In this process, it is very critical and important to continue to maintain the previous state!


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