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Chapter 925 Hit the nail on the head!

He Jun and Chen Jing chatted while eating.

The identities of the two are not equal, but they are chatting as casually as friends.

Who is He Jun?

He is the best at controlling the situation at all times.

It was easy for him to try to lighten the situation, and in fact the atmosphere at tonight's dinner was very relaxed.

Of course, the ease was only on the surface. The more He Jun and Chen Jing chatted, the more surprised he became.

Chen Jing's growth is too fast.

In less than a year, Chen Jing has become quite mature.

Whether it is work ideas or development direction, he now has a very clear plan.

He has his own independent thinking on the economic development of Lingnan and has a clear understanding of the status of the Economic Cooperation Office.

During the conversation, He Jun even discovered Chen Jing's biggest shortcoming, and his connections were quietly made up for.

Chen Jing used his relationship with Huang Hongyuan to get in touch with Zhou Zibing's circle.

Zhou Zibing attached great importance to him, and Chen Jing quickly became acquainted with people in Zhou Zibing's circle.

In addition, Chen Jing's ability to dance well should not be underestimated. Chen Jing also used Jiang Hengyun to make use of the contacts left by Hu Junzhong.

After more than half a year of hard work, Chen Jing has been significantly less ostracized in Lingnan, and the political circles in Lingnan have almost completely accepted him.

It is so rare to find a cadre like Chen Jing who is capable, knows how to do things, has a firm will, is good at public relations, and is comprehensive both soft and hard!

Among the young cadres in Lingnan, there are few who can compare with him.

He Jun couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

How great would it be if Chen Jing was a young cadre cultivated by himself?

Of course, for a person of He Jun's status, this thought is only fleeting.

He went to Chen Jing. The key was to solve Li Qingxiang's problem.

This woman Li Qingxiang is such a headache. He Jun must find a way to solve his worries.

Li Qingxiang cannot be allowed to put pressure on herself again and again.

To do this, you need to be extremely careful. Even one wrong step may lead to serious consequences.

"Chen Jing, to be honest, it was Secretary Miao's arrangement for you to join the Economic Cooperation Office. This arrangement was a bit heavy for you. But fortunately, you survived, and now you are working in the Economic Cooperation Office.

You are on the right track and you have a firm footing.

To be honest, I didn't expect this, which is great!" He Jun said calmly.

He paused and then changed the topic: "But you still have to face a lot of difficulties. First of all, for yourself, your understanding of Lingnan is not deep enough. Your grasp of the economic development context of each city is still rough.

This aspect exposes many of your shortcomings.

As the top leader, apart from launching a famous enterprise project at the Economic Cooperation Office, you have yet to achieve any substantive work results. This cannot but be said to be somewhat unsatisfactory!"

Chen Jing nodded seriously and said: "Secretary He, you are right in your criticism! I do have a lot of work that I have not done well, and I have many shortcomings. Although I have been working hard, it is still not enough, and I need to work harder!"

Chen Jing was convinced by He Jun's words.

He Jun is a senior leader of Lingnan, and he sees the problem very deeply and hits the nail on the head.

Chen Jing felt very happy that He Jun could directly point out the problem, as it allowed him to find a direction for his efforts.

God knows why Secretary Miao Qiang let him serve as the head of the Economic Cooperation Office.

You have to clean up a mess by yourself, have many difficulties waiting to be solved by yourself, and all kinds of internal and external pressures need to be relieved.

Chen Jing tried his best, but after all, he only had that foundation. It was not easy to get to where he is now, but when it comes to his results, he is really lackluster now.

However, Chen Jing did not complain much about such an encounter.

While working at the Economic Cooperation Office, he worked at a high pace every day, and his mind never stopped for a moment.

Facing the difficulties that come one after another, he is always under a lot of pressure. Often when he solves a problem, he will soon encounter a new one, which makes him tired of dealing with it.

However, with such a high-paced work, he can clearly feel his own growth.

After coming to Lingnan, he grew from a director of the Organization Department to an independent district party committee secretary.

He has grown from district party committee secretary to director of the Economic Cooperation Office with an overall view of Lingnan.

Such a jump is not a big one, and it poses an unprecedented challenge to Chen Jing.

However, I finally came through step by step.

He sometimes drives by the Lingjiang River and parks his car by the river to look at the rolling water. He often feels an unspeakable sense of pride.

He had to admit that the hardships he had experienced in the past few years from Chujiang to Lingnan were something he would never experience if he worked in Chujiang for a long time.

If you pay hard and reap rich rewards, all your efforts will be worth it.

When he came out of Lingnan, he was ignorant and confused at work, but now he is basically able to do it with ease. This transformation has greatly tempered and grown his character, and he is very proud of this growth.

Chen Jing and He Jun had a good conversation, and he was not shy about talking about his own journey.

He Jun's point of view was to the point, and he accepted it humbly and sincerely.

He cherished the opportunity to communicate with He Jun very much.

He didn't even know He Jun's intentions.

He also respects every leader of the provincial party committee. Regardless of factionalism, these leaders have reached such a high position because of their experience that Chen Jing cannot yet match.

The sea is open to all rivers!

A person's achievements are often determined by his mind.

Being too careless, thinking only about your own interests, and lacking tolerance and acceptance towards the outside world will inevitably lead to a narrower and narrower path.

Just like General Fang, the optimism and pride in him make people feel a lot.

After finishing the meal, Chen Jing found an opportunity to mention the West High-tech Development Zone project to He Jun. He Jun did not give a clear answer or any opinions.

He just said: "Xiao Chen, regarding the issue of large projects, everyone from the central to the local governments are very cautious now. I am not an economic cadre. If you report this to me, I cannot give a clear answer. But I can tell you very clearly,

For such a big project, Secretary Mo’s support is very important. You need to think more about how to make Secretary Mo confident!”

Chen Jing smiled and said: "To be honest, Secretary He, we are very resourceful on this issue. I am eager to report to you. I just hope you can give us some pointers. It is difficult to start a project now, it is difficult for us to do it down below, and it is difficult for us too!"

But the value and significance of the project in the West Development Zone is absolutely huge. We have put a lot of effort into the feasibility analysis of the project, and we all have confidence in the project!"

He Jun waved his hand and said: "Let's discuss it again, let's discuss it again! We have all talked about this today. If you have to go and do it in advance, we will find another opportunity to communicate in detail!"

He Jun issued an order to expel the guests, and Chen Jing could only stand up and say goodbye.

He said sincerely: "Secretary He, I have benefited a lot from talking with you. I have many problems at work, and you can point them out to the point. I am very happy and encouraged. I really thank you. I

I must work hard to make up for my shortcomings and live up to my leadership’s expectations of me..."

Chen Jing went out in a neither humble nor overbearing manner, and He Jun's eyes gradually narrowed.

Chen Jing's sincere attitude surprised him, and at the same time, it also made him feel that Chen Jing had a very promising future...


He Jun smiled coldly and felt that it was really inappropriate to put Chen Jing and Li Qingxiang together and let Chen Jing and Li Qingxiang cooperate.

Provincial Party Committee small-scale meeting.

The main leaders of the Provincial Party Committee attended the meeting. Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Mo Zheng, Governor Zhou Zibing, Deputy Secretary He Jun, Executive Vice Governor Wan Aimin and Minister of Organization Qin Lan also attended the meeting.

Mo Zheng personally presided over the meeting.

The meeting mainly conducted research and discussion on the important work of the provincial party committee in the recent stage, including the report on the recent work of the government, the adjustment of the provincial departments, including the prefectural and municipal teams, and the determination of the province's work priorities in the next stage.

Secretary Mo has a very flexible governance style and likes to hold such small-scale meetings.

According to the rules of procedure of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, some big issues are discussed at the Standing Committee, but Mo Zheng likes to let the main leaders reach a consensus in a small area, and then just discuss it at the Standing Committee.

This way of working is conducive to improving efficiency and is also conducive to flexible decision-making.

This reflects the different characteristics of Mo Zheng and Miao Qiang.

Miao Qiang's work style is very generous, and he pays attention to rules in everything he does. Lingnan's standing committee rules of procedure and Lingnan's scientific decision-making mechanism are Miao Qiang's important breakthroughs in Lingnan's political reform.

Use the system to make decisions, use the system to manage people, and use the system to supervise. This is Miao Qiang's philosophy.

Mo Zheng's style pursues more efficiency and flexibility.

In terms of form, Mo Zheng has very few requirements.

Mo Zheng's style is simple and neat, and often effective, and is no worse than Miao Qiang's.

"We should study the work in Guancheng carefully. I think we have paid too much attention to economic data in recent years. We have neglected several key tasks. Among them, we have paid close attention to the work in Lingang, Guancheng and Yuezhou.

Not detailed enough.

Precisely, these important and influential cities are what we should attach great importance to.

The problems that broke out in Guancheng this time show that due to our long-term laxity, Guancheng has accumulated too many problems.

This is true in Guancheng, is it the same in Lingang and Yuezhou?

The more economically developed regions are, the more we need to think about innovation and problems. Our development in Lingnan needs to be balanced, but what is even more important is that our developed regions must consistently maintain their advantages and not let the rising stars catch up!"

Mo Zheng's tone was quite stern. This was the third time he mentioned Wancheng.

Obviously, in Mo Zheng's heart, he was very worried about Wancheng.

On the surface, the turmoil in Wancheng has passed, but in fact the internal problems have not yet been resolved.

He Jun was in charge in Wancheng and made decisive and powerful decisions, but he could not fundamentally solve the problem.

Guancheng is a large city with a population of tens of millions, and problems accumulated from so many years of rapid development are piling up.

These mountains of problems are like time bombs. Once they explode, it will be unthinkable.

Mo Zheng hit the nail on the head in today's meeting and pointed his finger at this point. It can be seen that his goal is very clear!

This chapter has been completed!
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