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Chapter 931 Unexpected change!

Governor Zhou rarely smokes.

His life, like his work, has strict rules.

Zhou Zibing loves playing cards, but he often strictly controls the frequency of playing cards, sometimes only playing once every few months.

The same goes for him smoking. Whenever he encounters major difficulties and thinks about important issues, he usually smokes.

Often a pack of Chinese cigarettes would be placed there, and he would smoke one cigarette after another until the pack was finished.

The room was airtight, so smoking made the room full of smoke. When Huang Hongyuan entered, he choked to tears.

He opened the window and walked slowly to Zhou Zibing's side, moving his lips repeatedly but not saying a word.

He knew very well that Zhou Zibing must have encountered a very difficult problem today, otherwise he would never smoke like this.

The problems that can trouble Zhou Zibing are definitely not small ones, and Huang Hongyuan may have difficulty solving them.

As the Secretary-General of the Provincial Government, Huang Hongyuan served Zhou Zibing exclusively, but he was unable to solve Zhou Zibing's problems. You can imagine how he felt.

He slowly backed away, made Zhou Zibing a cup of green tea and placed it on the coffee table, then sat opposite him.

Zhou Zibing glanced at him and gently tapped the armrest of the sofa with his hand.

Huang Hongyuan said: "Governor, what aspect of work are you thinking about? It's about..."

Zhou Zibing shook his head and said: "I'm just thinking nonsense. I can't rest assured about the work in Guancheng. Guancheng is too important and too complicated. If the work in Guancheng is not done well, the work in Lingnan will be very difficult."

.After all, Guancheng's economic aggregate is comparable to that of Guangdong, accounting for one-sixth of the province's total.

In such an important place, if we cannot adjust the current problems as soon as possible, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Huang Hongyuan sighed in his heart.

He knew the situation Zhou Zibing was facing now.

Faced with the pressure from the provincial party committee, it was very difficult for Zhou Zibing to fully implement his will.

On the one hand, Zhou Zibing needs to shoulder the burden of economic development. On the other hand, there are many differences of opinion within the provincial party committee and the provincial government, making it very difficult for him to implement his will.

Of course, the most important thing is his concern about the situation in Lingnan as a whole.

But this time, a fierce game between the Provincial Party Committee and Zhou Zibing forced Zhou Zibing to abandon Guancheng, although the benefits gained through this compromise were huge.

But Wancheng was too important and too uneasy for people to rest assured. Zhou Zibing was very worried in his heart.

Huang Hongyuan said: "Governor, I heard that the Discipline Inspection Commission has grasped many problems in Guancheng. Is Guancheng's cadre team really so bad?"

Zhou Zibing snorted and said: "The investigation by the Discipline Inspection Commission is just a drop in the ocean. The real problem in Guancheng is the deterioration of the investment environment, rampant smuggling, underground gangs, underground casinos, banks, adultery establishments, etc. that have flooded the entire society.

The entire society is experiencing problems, but can our cadre team be fine?

In such a place, if there is no strong leadership and no revolutionary changes, how can people be reassured?"

Huang Hongyuan sighed and said: "Yue Yunsong is still very capable. We should believe in his ability. He has only a short time to arrive in Guancheng, so we should give him more time!"

Zhou Zibing chuckled and said: "Yue Yunsong's work is reassuring, but his working methods are too single. When faced with complex problems, he lacks ways to deal with them. This can be seen through his several months of employment in Guancheng.

come out.

In addition, it is difficult for Yue Yunsong to support the overall situation by himself.

This time, Secretary Mo was so angry that he changed all the officials in the government system. Will the newly formed government be better than before?

Furthermore, the rectification of the political and legal system involves a wide range of interests, not just in one corner of Guancheng, but also involves some vested interest groups in the entire Lingnan and even the Republic.

With so many interest groups entangled together, how much confidence can I have in them?"

Huang Hongyuan was silent, lost in thought.

Indeed, Guancheng cannot make people feel reassured.

It is really not easy for Zhou Zibing, the provincial governor, to give up his influence on such an important place.

Although, there is reason to believe that the Provincial Committee will make a series of personnel adjustments in Guancheng and will make great efforts to solve the problems in Guancheng.

However, as a leader of Zhou Zibing's level, how could he place his hopes on others?

Who doesn’t want to be in control of everything?

This is a huge contradiction.

Now in order to cope with the current situation, Zhou Zibing must compromise in order to obtain the greatest benefits.

On the other hand, he felt very sad and uneasy about abandonment.

You can't have your cake and eat it too, how can you solve this pain?

Huang Hongyuan bit his lip. As secretary-general, he had been working in the provincial government for a long time.

From the very beginning when I was struggling at work, now I have basically established myself and am gradually becoming more comfortable.

In this process, Huang Hongyuan's recognition of Zhou Zibing also increased day by day.

Now the whole Lingnan knows that Huang Hongyuan is Zhou Zibing's confidant and Zhou Zibing's arm.

The relationship between him and Zhou Zibing was one of mutual prosperity and loss.

Huang Hongyuan has always hoped that he can have better work efficiency and better progress, so that he can better solve Zhou Zibing's problems.

But so far, he has not found such an opportunity.

Today, he is keenly aware that he is facing such an opportunity.

His mind was running wildly, and various ideas were running through his mind over and over again.

He has worked at the grassroots level for many years and also served as secretary of the municipal party committee. Although there are many doubts about him in Lingnan political circles, his many years of leadership have allowed him to accumulate many extraordinary skills.

The characteristic of Huang Hongyuan is that he is not very good at conspiracy, but he is quite proficient in deception, hiding killers, and secretly plotting against Chen Cang.

If political skills are compared to martial arts.

Huang Hongyuan is not good at the kind of big opening and closing, strong and powerful boxing skills, but he is extremely proficient in those small skills and the ability to dodge and move.

Isn't this the situation that Zhou Zibing is facing now?

Huang Hongyuan's mind was filled with thoughts, while Zhou Zibing was still smoking and thinking.

The two of them fell into silence, each running along their own train of thought.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Huang Hongyuan's mind and he blurted out:

"Governor, I have an idea. Do you think it will work? Chen Jing, what do you think? He can go to Wancheng!"

Zhou Zibing was stunned and said: "Chen Jing? Go to Guancheng? He has done a good job at the Economic Cooperation Office. Is he willing to go to Guancheng? Besides..."

Huang Hongyuan said confidently: "Governor, you know Chen Jing's difficulties. The current situation of the Economic Cooperation Office is like this. On the one hand, he does not have a deep foundation, and his understanding and research on Guancheng is not enough. Although there are many ways to work

, but the results are not much.

In addition, his relationship with the leaders of the Department of Commerce is also relatively delicate, which is also a factor that is not conducive to his work.

In fact, in my opinion, placing Chen Jing in the Economic Co-operation Office is a bit of an inconvenience because he is not good at giving full play to his characteristics and strengths.

I know Chen Jing very well. Chen Jing is a good person in local work.

What kind of place was Linjiao Haishan back then? It was so backward and had so many difficulties, but he managed to find a way out. Now Linjiao has become a top-ranked district in Haishan. This is all the foundation laid by Chen Jing!..."

Huang Hongyuan talked eloquently and introduced Chen Jing's various characteristics and abilities to Zhou Zibing in detail.

Of course, much of this is exaggerated.

When he was in Haishan, the relationship between him and Chen Jing was not good and was very subtle.

At that time, Huang Hongyuan often created difficulties for Chen Jing.

But now, he has established a very strong relationship with Chen Jing, so it is naturally completely different from before.

Introducing Chen Jing, the more he talked, the more confident he became.

What is Chen Jing good at? He is good at dealing with complex problems.

If Chen Jing goes to Guancheng, Huang Hongyuan fully believes that he will be able to handle things there well.

As for the Economic Cooperation Office, Zhang Ning has now joined the Department of Commerce as executive deputy director.

After Chen Jing leaves, Zhang Ning can exert influence in the Economic Cooperation Office, but won't Governor Zhou still be able to maintain complete control over the Economic Cooperation Office?

Not only that, this time the West High-Tech project is ultimately under the control of the province, and the provincial government will definitely set up a special working group.

The role of the Economic Cooperation and Development Office may have to be weakened...

Huang Hongyuan explained these ideas to Zhou Zibing one by one.

Zhou Zibing was also slightly moved.

With this, Huang Hongyuan became more confident. He said: "Governor, Chen Jing is now an alternate member of the Provincial Party Committee and has a certain say in the Provincial Party Committee. His qualifications and level are definitely qualified for the work in Guancheng. Since

So, what are the obstacles for him to go to Guancheng?"

He paused and said: "When it comes to obstacles, the most is that some leaders of the provincial party committee are opposed. But some people will definitely support it, and I think Secretary He will definitely support it!"

The relationship between Huang Hongyuan and He Jun is not good.

But he had worked with Secretary Qingxiang for such a long time, so he still knew He Jun very well.

He Jun was unable to control Secretary Qingxiang, and the conflict between the two was deep.

Deep down, He Jun definitely didn't want to see Secretary Qingxiang complete the West High-Tech project so smoothly.

Now judging from the current situation, the success of the project seems unstoppable.

Under such circumstances, if the key person Chen Jing suddenly changes his job, how big of a change will there be?

If there are any changes, He Jun will certainly welcome them.

He can achieve his goal without competing head-on with Li Qingxiang. What reason does he have for not supporting it?

He Jun did not interfere, and Secretary Mo successfully implemented his will in the adjustment of the main team in Guancheng. As for the specific personnel arrangements, the transfer of a deputy department cadre may not be in his sight.

At this time, Chen Jing was in the capital. He never expected that his fate was being discussed in the governor's office of Lingnan. Where would he go? (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, novels are better.

Update faster!)

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