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Chapter 336 Departure!

Lingnan Provincial Government, Huang Hongyuan, Secretary-General of the Provincial Government, presided over a general office meeting.

All cadres from the provincial government general office and above were required to attend the meeting.

The atmosphere of today's meeting was rather subtle. Originally, the focus of this meeting was to welcome the new Deputy Secretary-General Zheng Hua.

But as soon as the meeting began, the participants felt something else from Huang Hongyuan's conversation.

Everyone looked at the gloomy face of Deputy Secretary-General Jiang Chu and naturally reacted quickly.

Huang Hongyuan is going to attack Jiang Chu in today's meeting.

In just six months, the Provincial Government Office has gone through many ups and downs.

At first, there was a strong clamor for Jiang Chu to be the Secretary-General, but then Huang Hongyuan came out of nowhere and took the Secretary-General's position as his own.

Then Jiang Chu defeated Huang Hongyuan in the Provincial Government Office. The deputy secretary-general made the secretary-general very embarrassed and his position was in jeopardy. This was something that had never happened before in the provincial government office.

But Huang Hongyuan is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

In the past month or two, he has gradually taken the initiative and started to launch a sharp counterattack against Jiang Chu.

And today, this meeting has brought this counterattack to a new stage.

Huang Hongyuan said in a serious tone: "What is the core of the work of our general office? The first thing we have to do is to serve the leaders well, pass on all kinds of accurate information, and at the same time convey the leaders' intentions.

Doing this job requires us to be very serious and careful!”

He changed the topic and said: "But are we really serious and careful? Let me give you a simple example. This time, Secretary Mo of the Provincial Party Committee inspected the list of entourage personnel from the four cities in Lingjiang and Triangle. The list was changed many times.

Governor Wan held a meeting in advance for the entourage of the government system. However, we did not notify anyone at all. Director Chen of the Economic Cooperation Office was personally ordered by the secretary and should be an important person accompanying the secretary during this inspection.

But why weren’t we notified?”

Jiang Chu's face turned pale. He expected that Huang Hongyuan would target him in today's meeting.

But he didn't expect Huang Hongyuan to take action on this matter.

As the Secretary-General, if he is criticized for his work mistakes without naming them, what can he say?

The only thing to blame for this is that Secretary Mo changed so quickly that it caught people off guard!

The first level of officialdom suppressed people to death. As his deputy, Jiang Chu was very passive in the face of such a situation.

In the past, Jiang Chu always relied on his talents and his advantage of working in the provincial government for a long time to create embarrassment for Huang Hongyuan at every turn.

Suppress Huang Hongyuan’s prestige.

However, recently Huang Hongyuan has been blessed with divine help. He has personally grasped many materials quickly and well, and he understands the leader's intentions quite well.

With Huang Hongyuan having this foundation, Jiang Chu has no advantage at all.

This time, Wandcheng City Mayor Zheng Hua was transferred to the provincial government as deputy secretary-general at the department level. This will obviously further squeeze Jiang Chu's living space.

If Jiang Chu hadn't been following Wan Aimin closely, he might have faced a desperate situation.

Huang Hongyuan is in a very happy mood today.

Chen Jing was very embarrassed. He was appointed by Secretary Mo when he was in the capital.

This made Huang Hongyuan feel that the small circle he belonged to had the upper hand.

Given such a rare opportunity, he would not let it pass based on his character.

He could never forget the embarrassment Jiang Chu gave him when he was organizing materials when he first entered the provincial government.

Now that he has gradually adapted to the work of the provincial government, he will soon establish his authority in the provincial government office.

And the establishment of this authority must be based on suppressing Jiang Chu.

Although there are thousands of people behind Jiang Chu, Huang Hongyuan can't really do anything to him.

But being able to give him a beating at the critical moment is the best and fastest way for Huang Hongyuan to establish his authority...

After drinking a lot of wine, Zheng Liodeng, deputy mayor of Guancheng City Standing Committee, stayed quite sober.

On the contrary, Vice Governor Wan seemed to be slightly tipsy.

The two sent off Minister Qin Lan of the Organization Department together. Wan Aimin patted Zheng Liaodeng on the shoulder and said: "Liaodeng, you have to grasp the critical moment. Minister Qin is very satisfied with you today, which is a positive sign. In recent times,

You have to work hard and don’t make any mistakes!"

Zheng Liodeng said humbly: "Thank you, Governor Wan, I will definitely remember your teachings!"

Wan Aimin laughed and said: "Tomorrow I will accompany the secretary to inspect the four cities in the Lingjiang River Delta. We may not arrive in Wancheng, but we do not rule out that there will be a surprise attack. Secretary Mo's leadership style is very solid and he often takes surprises, so you have to do a good job

Be prepared and don’t be caught off guard when the time comes!”

Zheng Liaodeng was startled and immediately understood.

Wan Aimin's words conveyed a very important message.

This information is that Secretary Mo is very likely to make a sudden visit to Guancheng.

When is it now? It is a time when Guancheng is in crisis, and the provincial party committee and the provincial government attach great importance to the work in Guancheng.

At such a critical moment, Secretary Mo's heart was always concerned about Guancheng, and this time he chose four other cities for research. Several cities are connected by expressways and the driving distance is short.

He can easily cross the line and conduct research.

Zheng Liaodeng is also an old official, so he can naturally understand the significance of this news.

He immediately said with tears of gratitude: "Thank you, Governor Wan, for your guidance. We in Guancheng are always ready to accept the leadership's inspection and investigation at any time!"

Wan Aimin smiled reassuringly and said, "Well, as long as you have this confidence. If you have this confidence, you will be a good candidate to be a deputy secretary."

When Zheng Liaodeng heard Wan Aimin's words, he was immediately elated.

Deputy Secretary of the Guangzhou City Party Committee, a position he has coveted for a long time, and now he is just around the corner.

Wan Aimin said such a thing, which shows that he is very confident about this matter.

Governor Wan is confident that the matter will be more than half successful. In addition, Qin Lan was entertained today, and the relationship between Qin Lan and Wan Aimin is quite strong.

The relationship has been smoothed to this point, and the secretary has so much trust in Governor Wan. How much suspense is there about this matter?

After respectfully bidding farewell to Wan Aimin, Zheng Liaodeng strolled in the quiet garden of the villa, feeling more comfortable than ever before!

Early the next morning, the cars in the provincial party committee yard were ready.

The media gathered here on a large scale, and the interview vehicles alone occupied a large number of parking spaces.

Wan Aimin is in good spirits today. He is wearing a crisp suit and a sky blue tie. He looks particularly energetic.

Jiang Mingren was busy arranging an inventory of his entourage.

Wan Aimin walked over and said: "Old Chiang, get in the car when everyone is here! Don't crowd together!"

Jiang Mingren waved his hand for everyone to get on the bus.

This time Mo Zheng only arranged a Coaster and a media car for his trip, and did not arrange any small cars.

This arrangement was specially ordered by Mo Zheng.

A Coaster only has so many seats.

The secretary's inspection is extremely important, so it is very difficult to arrange the accompanying personnel.

Chen Jing was the last person appointed by Mo Zheng. With the addition of one more person, the position was one less.

As a last resort, Jiang Mingren could only delete one more person from the list.

Everyone got on the bus one after another. Jiang Mingren and Wan Aimin were quietly waiting for the secretary's arrival in front of the Standing Committee Building.

Jiang Mingren looked at his watch from time to time, looking anxious.

Wan Aimin frowned and said, "What's wrong? Is there anyone else who hasn't arrived yet?"

"Chen Jing hasn't arrived yet. Isn't this guy too tired from flying last night and still lying in bed?" Jiang Mingren said.

Wan Aimin's face darkened. He chuckled and said, "What's the decency of this? Are we going to have so many of us waiting for him later? What kind of concept of time does he have?"

Just as he was speaking, a black Passat slid through a beautiful arc and stopped at the door of the Standing Committee Building.

The driver opened the door and quickly got out of the car, then opened the rear door, all at once.

Chen Jing got out of the back seat of the car. He looked a little anxious.

Wan Aimin and Jiang Mingren both looked at him.

He quickly picked up the pace and rushed over: "Governor Wan, Secretary-General, I'm sorry, there was a traffic jam on the road, I was almost late!"

Wan Aimin was about to speak with a gloomy face, but Jiang Mingren was the first to say with a smile: "Chen Jing, if you are late, we will have to walk around without food. You are the one ordered by the secretary himself, and the others will not go if they are late.

Yes, you are late, I will be jointly and severally responsible!"

He waved his hand, "Get on the bus! Get on the bus and take seat five. Don't sit in the wrong seat!"

Chen Jing nodded and quickly got in the car.

He didn't know about the seat arrangement, but Wan Aimin looked at him deeply.

The seats for this trip are arranged from the middle to the front and back, and they are numbered 1 to 22.

The three standing committee members must sit in seats one, two and three respectively.

The top leader of the National Development and Reform Commission sits in position 4.

Chen Jing takes seat 5?

Wan Aimin didn't raise any objection, but he was very careful in his heart.

Jiang Mingren is famous for being rigorous in his work. There must be some consideration in arranging Chen Jing to sit at the fifth position, and it is definitely not a reckless move.

The only explanation may be that this is what Secretary Mo meant.

Secretary Mo was traveling, and all members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee came to see him off.

He Jun, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, almost walked out of the Standing Committee Building with Mo Zheng.

Mo Zheng was very happy today. He waved to the people behind him and said: "Okay, okay, don't make it too grand, it's just an inspection. You can leave and go do your own work!"

He shook hands with He Jun and others one by one, and then He Jun shook hands with Wan Aimin and Jiang Mingren one by one.

Wan Aimin took the opportunity to shake hands with He Jun and said, "Secretary He, Guancheng needs to make arrangements!"

He Jun smiled lightly and said: "This matter is decided by the secretary, and everything is decided by the secretary, haha..."

He made a hahaha and said inscrutably: "Bon voyage!"

The two of them clasped their hands, but Wan Aimin felt a sudden shock in his heart.

Wan Aimin asked He Jun, there was a pun in this.

He Jun replied that all the secretaries must be determined. What does this mean?

Is it up to the secretary to decide whether to go to Guancheng this time, or is it that the situation in Guancheng is changing and the secretary has already made a decision?

He raised his head and glanced at He Jun.

He Jun smiled and looked kind, and Wan Aimin couldn't find any clues on his face.

"Old fox!" Wan Aimin cursed in his heart, feeling a hint of gloom in his heart for no reason.

He has dealt with He Jun for many years and is well versed in He Jun's deceitful ways.

He Jun's words were too meaningful, and he was a little unpredictable... (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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