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Chapter 1070: Ren Yingying is tied up

In short, during the three days, there were many opportunities for the two of them to have physical contact. At first, Feng Sizhe felt a little awkward, but as time went by, he got used to it. He just regarded Ren Yingying as his sister like Bai Caixia.

When I looked at it, I suddenly felt awkward.

Within three days, the relationship between the two people invisibly warmed up quickly. However, this warming was subtle and slowly implanted into the human body. If you don't think about it carefully, you can't think of it.

Three days later, after some mistakes and problems in Quan County were resolved, Feng Sizhe returned to Lotus City.

In these three days, Bei Jinlong also found out Ren Yingying's identity. In fact, it was easy to find out, because she had been here once, and many people would remember such a beautiful girl.

So just after asking around, I found out that she was a reporter from Xinhua News Agency.

Of course, with Bei Jinlong's ability, he could only find out this point. They couldn't find out the rest. For example, they didn't know who Ren Yingying's father was. All they knew was that he lived in Kyoto.

After listening to his brother's report, Bei Lianxiang nodded, "I'm just a reporter. This is easy to deal with. Then you have to send someone to keep an eye on this girl. I want to see if these two people are related."

As long as there is any shady relationship, you will have it confirmed. In that case, Feng Sizhe will be doomed."

Bei Jinlong and Feng Sizhe had already turned against each other over the matter of Wang Zhi's approval. Now that his sister is saying that he wants to do something against Feng Sizhe, of course he supports it. "Don't worry, sister, you can leave this matter to me.

I will definitely check it out clearly, hehe, even if I didn't have this kind of thing, he would still have it."

Listening to what his younger brother said, Bei Lianxiang warned again, "Second brother, your younger brother has already gone in. I don't want you to make any mistakes, so you must be cautious when doing things. Do you understand?"

"Don't worry, sister, I know it in my heart." Bei Jinlong nodded. To say that my sister is good at everything and that she loves them is unspeakable. It's just that as a woman, she is a little timid when doing things. She is exhausted these days.

There is nothing impossible for the brave and the timid, only things that are unimaginable.

Once Feng Sizhe and Ren Yingying returned to Lotus City, it was impossible for the two of them to be together every day like they did in Quan County. Feng Sizhe needed to have meetings and find people to talk to, and Ren Yingying could not be around for these things, so the two

There are naturally fewer opportunities to meet people.

Ren Yingying saw that Feng Sizhe was busy from morning to night and had no time to spend with her. For this reason, she became a little depressed and thought about going to the street to relax and take a walk to pass the time. In this way, she

She walked out of the Lotus Hotel arranged by Feng Sizhe and walked to the streets of Lotus City.

Regarding Ren Yingying's security work, Feng Sizhe had already told Li Shuang to send someone to keep an eye on it. For this reason, Li Shuang transferred two people from the Xing family class through Chen Hu to stay outside the hotel and watch Ren Yingying come out.

The two of them followed, one on the left and the other on the right.

As soon as the people from the Xingjia class followed, another group of people appeared behind them, those were the people arranged by Bei Jinlong.

Bei Jinlong suddenly received the news that Feng Sizhe had arranged to stay with Wang Zhi's family. As soon as he heard the news, he knew that Feng Sizhe wanted to bring him down. While he was angry, he also

He made up his mind to take down Feng Sizhe first, so he put more thought into Ren Yingying.

But because Feng Sizhe was too busy, the two of them had very little time to meet each other. How could he find the clue under such circumstances? For this reason, he finally made up his mind to kidnap Ren Yingying.

I believe that through her own means, she can definitely force Ren Yingying to say something. For example, if she takes the initiative to talk about what happened to her when Feng Sizhe used her power to suppress others, in that case, Feng Sizhe will be dead as soon as the matter is revealed.

Well, then no one will go looking for Wang Zhi's family, and it will be safe.

Maybe they were careless, maybe they never thought that they would be followed. In short, the two people in the Xingjia class were so vigilant that they didn't notice what was behind them, and they didn't even know that there was another person behind them.

Helpers are following them.

As soon as Ren Yingying walked out of the hotel, someone immediately reported the situation to Bei Jinlong.

Listening to the report from his subordinates, Bei Jinlong was happy when he heard that there were two people still keeping Ren Yingying. What does it mean that someone is following Ren Yingying? It means that Feng Sizhe still attaches great importance to this girl. Otherwise, how could he let people follow her?

, okay, the more you pay attention to it, the better, then the more he will know what to do next.

Bei Jinlong immediately ordered his men to spot the opportunity, create an opportunity to block the person responsible for tracking, and then kidnapped the girl. Things must be done neatly.

The people below have received the order and are now ready to implement it.

Ren Yingying, who was walking at the front, unknowingly came to the door of a vegetable market where vegetables were concentrated. Looking at the bustling crowd, she suddenly had an idea, that is, she wanted to buy some vegetables and then cook them herself.

Cooking for Feng Sizhe, think about it, it would be a good thing to be able to cook for the man you love.

Think about it, I have lived with my father since I was a child, and later I gradually learned to cook. According to my father’s feedback, my cooking is still very authentic. Even so, why are you hesitating? Just do it if you want to.


So, Ren Yingying raised her legs and headed towards the vegetable market where the crowd was gathered.

The two Xing Family disciples who were following Ren Yingying saw their target entering the vegetable market and quickly followed him. It is not easy to follow a person in a crowded place like this. If you don't pay attention, the target will be caught.

Maybe it will slip out of sight.

But sometimes the more afraid you are, the more you come. But just as you entered the vegetable market, you bumped into four people. Those four people seemed very angry and insisted on asking the Xing family class to apologize.

If this were normal, the people in the Xingjia class would just turn around and leave without caring about that. If not, they would let you have a taste of the power of their fists. Anyway, you were the one who made trouble first, but this time, because the target is in front, they can't turn around and leave.

, I had to suppress my temper and apologize to others. After saying a lot of good things, the four people gave in. It was just during this period that they were looking for Ren Yingying, but there was nowhere to be found.

When they saw that the target had disappeared, the two of them were startled. Together, they quickly guarded the two entrances of the vegetable market, thinking that they could always see Ren Yingying there. As long as they looked

Just keep following when you get there.

But what disappointed them was that it was already late in the evening and the vegetable market was closed. They still didn't see which intersection Ren Yingying came out of. Later, when they asked about the cleaning staff here, they found out that the vegetable market was not just the front and back.

There is an exit, and there are two exits on the side.

The two of them thought that maybe Ren Yingying had left through the side door, so they immediately drove towards the Lotus Hotel to see if Ren Yingying had returned to the hotel.

The answer was of course disappointment. When the two people returned to the hotel, they asked the front desk of the hotel and found out that Ren Yingying had not come back at all. At this time, the two of them panicked and wondered if Ren Yingying had gone to find the boss.

I called Li Shuang on my mobile phone, thinking about asking.

Li Shuang was waiting in the car at the gate of the city hall. Seeing that the day's work was about to end and Feng Sizhe was about to use the car to go home, Li Shuang was preparing to work here.

Li Shuang's cell phone rang while he was sitting in the car. When he saw that it was someone from the Xing Family Class, he felt that something was wrong, so he quickly picked up the call and asked what was wrong.

The people in the Xing family class told the story about Ren Yingying and Diu, and asked if she had gone to the boss's place. Li Shuang felt something was wrong when he heard it. He didn't see Ren Yingying come to the city hall, but he

Still wondering if he hadn't paid attention, he called Chen Guangming again, thinking to ask first.

Chen Guangming was accompanying Feng Sizhe from downstairs to the front door. When his cell phone rang, he saw that it was Li Shuang's. He thought he was waiting impatiently, so he smiled and said to Feng Sizhe, "Boss, it's Li Shuang who called.

Are you anxious to wait?"

"Haha, does this kid miss Susie at home again?" Feng Sizhe said with a smile.

After answering the phone, Chen Guangming smiled and said, "Li Shuang, the boss and I are walking towards the gate. We will be there soon."

"Oh, is Miss Ren with you?" What Li Shuang was worried about was not when Feng Sizhe would come out, but whether Ren Yingying was with them.

"No? What's wrong?" Chen Guangming didn't immediately come to his senses and asked casually.

"Has Miss Ren contacted the boss? Is there any agreement between them?" Li Shuang asked Chen Guangming with a glimmer of hope. He was wondering if Ren Yingying had finished shopping for the food and made an appointment with the boss somewhere to eat.


"Promise? I don't know. I'll ask the boss later." Chen Guangming felt something was wrong and turned his head to Feng Sizhe and looked at him.

Feng Sizhe also felt something was wrong at this time. He grabbed the phone first and then said into the phone, "I am Feng Sizhe. What happened to Li Shuang? Miss Ren has never contacted me."


"Ah?" Li Shuang felt bad after listening to Feng Sizhe's answer, and then said with a cry, "Boss, something may have happened. The brother I sent followed Miss Ren to the vegetable market, but because of the people

I lost track of her too much, and I haven't seen her since."


Thank you to the old third eye list leader qq139585539 for voting for a gold medal for the ghost, thank you prodigal!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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