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Chapter 112: Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue, Body and Mind

As for the last four aggregates, "feelings, thoughts, actions, and consciousness" are more advanced. It is said that people who have mastered the last four aggregates will have the ability to communicate with all things, visualize all things, understand all things, and even control all things. Truly achieve the goal of all things.

I have forgotten both, things and I have merged, and I don’t know which is me and which is the thing!

From ancient times to the present, for tens of thousands of years, those who can realize that all five aggregates are empty are only the enlightened monks of Buddhism who have gone through countless experiences and tribulations to achieve the true fruition.

There are very few such people, very few.

Early the next morning, the old blind man and Chen Luo took a shower and changed clothes, burned incense and purified their hands, dressed in long robes, and sat in front of the hall. Chen Luo dressed tightly, neatly tidied up, and stood in front of the hall with his head bowed.

"Xiaoluo, the road to cultivation is long and difficult. In order to speed up the progress, starting from today, grandpas will start a new round of secret training for you. Are you ready?" said the blind grandpa.

"Ready!" Chen Luo said expectantly and firmly.

"Starting today, grandpas will take you to strengthen the practice of the five aggregates method. This five aggregates method actually represents the ability of body consciousness. After practicing the five aggregates method, people will be alert and have sharp five senses.

A clear mind and a stronger learning ability.”

"Although you have a certain foundation in the five aggregates, it is just an introduction after all. Only if you completely master the method of the five aggregates and achieve mastery of all five aggregates can your grandpas rest assured that you will go out and explore in the future."

"Grandpa, I understand. I will practice hard and try to master it as soon as possible."

"Don't be too anxious. The key to the Five Aggregates method is tempering. The so-called form, feeling, thought, action, consciousness, each represents a different kind of experience. You need to understand it with your heart and temper it, so that you can lay a solid foundation."

"Among the five aggregates, the color aggregate represents matter, so cultivation is the slowest, but the color aggregate is the basis of the next four aggregates. Let's start with the color aggregate today."

"The so-called color aggregate is not what we call lustful color, but the color aggregate is divided into five roots and five realms. The five roots are eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body; the five realms are color, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

"Environment" is all about the sensations of your body's five senses, and it is a way of cultivating your perceptual ability."

The blind grandfather took out a yellowed old book and said, "This is the annotation of the Prajna Heart Sutra that I have collected for many years. Take it back and memorize it, and then try to understand the meaning of each element in the color aggregate yourself.

.If you don’t know, come and ask me again!”

"Okay, grandpa!" Chen Luo happily took the scriptures, carried them back to his room and began to study them.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, walking in the deep Prajnaparamita for a long time, saw that the five aggregates are all empty, and endured all hardships. Relics, color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, color is emptiness, emptiness is color, feeling, thought, and awareness are also like this, relic

Son, these dharmas are empty and have no appearance, neither birth nor destruction, neither dirt nor purity, neither increase nor decrease, so there is no color in the sky..."

Chen Luo is no stranger to endorsements. In the past, Chen Luo could recite long passages dictated by the blind grandfather after listening to them twice. Therefore, for a book that is more than an inch thick, although it is obscure, it is not a problem for Chen Luo at all.


What is difficult is understanding, not reciting, and reading the Bible is even more difficult. Most people who read the profound and obscure scriptures and scriptures will not be able to understand the profound meaning, let alone have some insights. This requires repeated reading and reading over time.

Thousands of times, even millions of times, until one day, it suddenly dawned on me and I achieved enlightenment.

The reason why the great monks in the temple are so advanced is because they spend their whole lives reciting and reading scriptures. This is an advantage that ordinary people cannot match. It is difficult for ordinary people to do this due to the pressure of life and various worldly disturbances.

Like the great monk in the temple, the six roots are pure and the whole body is devoted.

A classic goes from thin to thick, then from thick to thin, then from thin to thick, and then from thick to thin again. This is repeated many times, and even if the scriptures have been turned over several times, one may not be able to master one or two of them.

It makes sense for the ancients to say that Wei Bian's three unique skills will eventually achieve positive results.

While Chen Luo was reciting scriptures, Lao Chen was not idle and began to concoct various practice props according to the old blind man's requirements. The so-called color aggregate, on the one hand, one needs to face one's own heart and correctly understand one's own abilities, because in everyone's heart

There is a universe, and there is a kind of ancient power. Therefore, it is more important to find an outlet for your own abilities, guide you to explore your potential, and develop your full abilities.

What is the potential of a person's eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body, and how high is the upper limit? On the one hand, it depends on the person's talent, and on the other hand, it is also inseparable from the hard work of the day after tomorrow. In ancient times, there was a great god named Ji Chang. In order to practice

In archery, he asked Fei Wei, a master archer, for advice. Fei Wei asked him to practice his eyesight. He stared at the weaving shuttle every day for four years, looking at small insects. When he looked at the small insects again, they had become as big as a wheel, and he shot an arrow.

, the insect passes through the heart.

For eyes, ears, nose, tongue and body, the first level is the training of vision. After Chen Luo reads the scriptures every day, he will stare at a spoon-sized prop made by Lao Chentou. Then after the spoon becomes the size of a pot lid, he changes the spoon into

He picked up the embroidery needle and let Chen drop it a few meters away. He stared at the nose of the needle until the nose of the needle was the size of a washbasin. Then he changed the still life to a moving object and threw out a handful of soybean fairy flowers.

Then he quickly grabbed a handful at random and asked Chen Luo to guess how many he had caught. The training process was boring, but the training results were still significant.

After training like this for a period of time, Chen Luo has gone from making frequent mistakes to making no mistakes at all, and has developed a piercing eye. In the end, no clues even a hundred meters away can escape Chen Luo's eyes.

Xiao Yu'er is also a very smart girl. Seeing how well brother Chen Luo practiced, she also practiced with him. Unexpectedly, she also practiced to a great extent. Although she did not reach Chen Luo's level, she was better than the average child.

In comparison, it is far ahead.

The next subject is to train the ears. Old Chen Tou covered Chen Luo's eyes with a black cloth, and then made various sounds for Chen Luo to guess. As the saying goes, listen to the sound to identify the location, and listen to the sound to identify the source. This is another training

After a month, Chen Luo felt that his hearing had become much clearer. Even if he was blindfolded, he could accurately distinguish the birds in the sky, the fish in the water, and the insects on the ground.

Then came the comprehensive training of the nose and tongue. Like a magic trick, Grandpa Chen came up with all kinds of magical flavors, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, fresh, fragrant, salty, and light. Chen Luo tasted them one by one and memorized them. This is a kind of devil training for the taste.

, because there are about 100,000 kinds of smells in the world, what Chen Luo wants to do is, as long as he smells it once, he will remember the smell in his heart, and he can name it the next time he encounters it.

Then, there is physical training. This is Old Man Chen's specialty. When training the eyes, ears, nose and tongue, Old Man Chen, the head coach, took Chen Luo to run 10 kilometers every day after finishing his homework, and went around to the iron gate on the outskirts of the city.

After closing, run back.

During the special training of the body, because of the foundation of the previous Phantom Thousand Changes, I did not expend too much effort on this training item and achieved rapid results.

The last step is the training of "consciousness". The so-called eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, the most difficult thing is the cultivation of consciousness.

The cultivation of consciousness mainly relies on feelings.

During this period of time, Chen Luo recited the Heart Sutra and studied the explanations every day without hesitation. He became more and more aware of the power of this ancient Heart Sutra. As he read it, he couldn't help but feel a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

Chen Luo felt that the person who created the Heart Sutra must be a great master, otherwise how could he summarize everything in just 260 words? Even the person who explained the Heart Sutra was an extraordinary being.

Of course, Chen Luo's level of advancement has not fallen behind. During the training period, he used a black jade pillow as a pillow every day and absorbed the jade soul intermittently while sleeping. He gradually developed a habit of absorbing the jade soul, just like

Just like breathing, there is no need to do it deliberately.

This training lasted for a year. During this year of devil training, Chen Luo felt that his skeleton had completely grown, his height had grown again, and his body was much stronger than before.

While Chen Luo was concentrating on his cultivation, Grandpa Blind came from time to time to check on his progress. During this period, he occasionally gave some pointers on problems. This was of great help to Chen Luo's cultivation of the Five Aggregates. Now Chen Luo is full of emotions all over his body.

Up and down, he exudes a keen aura. Unconsciously, he has the ability to sense all things in his movements, as if he owns the whole world.

This is the charm of all five aggregates, and it’s time to accept the lessons.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day of Chen Luo's assessment.

On the day of the assessment, Mr. Chen got a bag from nowhere. The pocket was tied and filled with all kinds of small animals. Mr. Chen left Chen Luo in the house, then opened the bag,

He closed the door and said to Chen Luo: "Xiao Luo, today's assessment is a comprehensive assessment. The method is very simple. You are required to neither destroy objects nor harm any animals while blindfolding your eyes, but you must keep all

If the animal in the pocket is caught and put back into the pocket, it is deemed to have passed the assessment." After that, Old Chen Tou took out a piece of black cloth and covered Chen Luo's eyes.

The insects were trapped in the house. When frightened, they flew around and hit each other. Some crawled, some flew, and some buzzed and buzzed. Unfortunately, the doors and windows were closed, so they couldn't fly out anyway.

Chen Luo sat cross-legged on the mat, quietly thought about it, and said, "Grandpa, there are 16 kinds of insects in total, and I'm going to start catching them."

I saw Chen Luo reaching out and quickly picking off the nearest butterfly from under the eaves. The butterfly struggled for a while, but still couldn't escape. Chen Luo gently put the butterfly back into his pocket and continued to catch other insects.

During this period, there were some moths hiding at the highest point on the roof. Chen Luo flew up and caught them accurately every time as if he could see them. There were some dragonflies flying around and Chen Luo reached out and caught them.

I got it steadily. There were also some crawling earthworms. They were so frightened that they hid in the gaps and did not dare to say a word. Chen Luo sniffed, then followed the smell and accurately located the earthworms. It took about one stick of incense, 16 kinds.

More than a hundred insects were caught and put back into the pocket.

"Grandpa, we've caught them all," Chen Luo reported, clapping his hands.

"Not bad!" Blind Grandpa and Old Chen stroked their beards and said with a smile, "When it comes to this talent for martial arts, our family ranks second, and no one dares to say it is first. Our family has not worked hard this year.

In vain.”

"Then grandpas, what should I do next?"

"Thoughts, thoughts, knowledge!" The blind man said with a smile. The last four aggregates, which are all connected to the five aggregates, may be easier for you.

This chapter has been completed!
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