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Chapter 183: Another World

Everyone looked at the logs rolling down, dumbfounded. Fortunately, Chen Luo was cautious just now and went in first to find out what was going on. Otherwise, if there were a bunch of people crowded in, the whole army would probably be annihilated.

So far, every level has been thrilling. There is an element of luck in this, but more importantly, it is inseparable from everyone's cautious attitude, as well as their ability to respond well and take care of each other at critical moments.

After this battle, Lei Ming admired Chen Luo more and more, and the way he looked at Chen Luo was different. This time Lei Ming took the initiative to propose the task of clearing the blocks. Under Lei Ming's leadership, everyone joined in.

, worked together to move the round blocks out one by one, and moved them to the back, gradually clearing a path.

Chen Luo walked into the abnormal stone slab just now, raised the ax in his hand, and brought down the ax several times, making a series of holes.

We have just experienced the four major crises of "Water, Fire, Zemu". According to the Bagua layout, there should be four remaining levels of "Heaven, Earth, Mountain, Wind". What exactly are these four levels? Where are they?

Chen Luo held on to the open hole and looked outside. A gust of cold wind blew, chilling him to the bone. Chen Luo felt as if he had entered an extremely cold external exit.

After a few more blows with the ax, it was finally possible for one person to pass through. Chen Luo carefully held the luminous pearl in one hand and the ax in the other, trying to lean out and look out.

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There is no tomb passage, no mechanism, and under the illumination of the night pearl, everything as far as the eye can see is completely black.

The end of darkness is still darkness!

What's happening here?

Chen Luo looked up at the sky, and it was pitch black. He looked down at the ground, and he saw that it was also a gray-black land. He looked straight into the distance, and there was no object in front of him. It was also a vast expanse of blackness. Only the bone-chilling wind blew through it.

.It is hard to imagine that if you are trapped in such a space for a long time, it will be difficult to survive.

Here, it's a dead-silent space.

The only thing with a little bit of vitality was the cold wind blowing by. If there was wind, it meant there was air. The air left a little space for everyone to survive.

Everyone followed Chen Luo and squeezed out of the cave entrance one after another, and were stunned by the scene in front of them. This space seemed completely different from the outside world that everyone had seen. There was no life here, except for the team that broke in.

, no living animals or even plants could be seen.

"Holy crap, where is this!" Li Zhen exclaimed, "Why is there such a big space?"

"Elder Qian, according to our previous experience, have we encountered similar situations? For example, a huge alien space suddenly appeared?" Chen Luo looked at Elder Qian and asked.

Elder Qian shook his head, "I have never encountered this in all these years. It feels like a different space in its own world!"

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"Different space? It's quite strange!" Chen Luo thought while listening to people's comments.

"Maybe this isn't real, it could be an illusion!" someone added.

"Illusion?" Chen Luo pinched his flesh and felt a burst of pain, indicating that he was not in an illusion.

If the first four levels are more traditional and everyone can guess, then after coming to this space, they are completely confused.

Before you is a problem that you have never experienced before!

Heaven, earth, mountain wind, does it mean this pitch-black sky, pitch-black earth, and biting cold wind? Where is that mountain?

Should we advance or retreat? Chen Luo and everyone were in a dilemma.

"I estimate that the president and the elders were also lost in this dimension! According to the strength of the president and the others, it shouldn't be difficult to pass the first four levels." Elder Qian analyzed.

"Could it be that the first four levels are just an introduction to lure everyone here?" Chen Luo made a bold assumption and carefully verified it.

Since it can pass through water, fire, swamp, and wood, then the following heaven, earth, mountain wind should not be a problem.

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In any case, since you are here, you have to look around. How can you enter Baoshan and return empty-handed.

Chen Luo took out the jade trace powder from the storage ring, marked it here, turned around and looked at everyone.

"Everyone, if the risks of various institutions were predictable before, then from now on, everything will become unpredictable and even more dangerous. If you want to go back now, you can retreat along the tomb passage.

.Let's discuss this matter!" Chen Luo said.

Because Chen Luo doesn't know what risks he will encounter next. All this requires everyone's collective decision-making.

"Afraid of a bird, brother Chen Luo, we will follow you to the mountains of swords and seas of fire!" Lei Ming shouted!

"Yes, now that we are here, we have no intention of going back empty-handed. We must find and rescue the president no matter what!" Lou Yun said firmly.

"Ruili Tower is here, we are here, and we will never retreat!" Several casual cultivators who came in with them also said with their chests patted. If it hadn't been for everyone's concerted efforts and Chen Luo's bravery, everyone might not have been able to leave unscathed.

Until now.

"Brother Chen, since brothers are fearless, just tell us your plan!" Elder Qian nodded.

"Okay! Since everyone is willing to work together, let's go explore this mysterious place! Don't worry, I will leave a mark every step forward to ensure that you don't get lost!"

Once the jade mark is marked, it will not be blown away by the wind or dropped by the rain. It is a good tool for locating the mark. Chen Luo will mark it at intervals.

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Everyone was overjoyed when they heard this. The entire team did not separate, but hugged together. Under the leadership of Chen Luo, they walked deeper and deeper, and gradually moved away from the entrance of the cave when they came out.

You wouldn't know it if you didn't explore. After walking a certain distance, Chen Luo discovered that the space inside was unexpectedly large. It was as if there was no suppression of space, and even time seemed to stand still.

Time passed bit by bit, and no one knew how long it had passed. Chen Luo felt that he had been in this strange space for at least three days. The supplies carried by the elders of Ruili Tower were probably about to be used up.

"Look, what is that?" Suddenly someone pointed to a place ahead, which was flickering in and out of light!

On this gray and black flat ground, this place is like an unexpected small package. When the light shines on it, it casts a long shadow.

"Everyone, be careful, go and have a look personally!" Elder Qian ordered.

A helmsman stepped forward and picked it with his sword.

"It's a corpse!" the helmsman shouted.

Everyone stepped forward and found that what was wrapped in the clothes was a corpse that had been dead for an unknown period of time. Only the skeleton and some corrosive substances were left. This will-o'-the-wisp was the phosphorus fire produced by the decay of the corpse, flickering in the wind.


Next to the corpse, there was a rusty sword and some scattered tools.

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This is probably a captain from a certain dynasty who came here alone, lost his way, and could never go back.

Everyone couldn't help feeling a little cold on their backs. This was a place where people were trapped to death. After all the ammunition and food were exhausted, what was left was a dead end.

However, those who can get here are all masters, especially those who can break in alone, it is even more daring for those with high skills.

"Look, there is another corpse there!" someone exclaimed! Everyone came closer and took a look, and sure enough, it was the same corpse again. However, everything was a little old, and it was definitely not the secret of this ancient tomb.

Caused after opening.

"We should be entering the core area soon! Everyone, look carefully to see if there are any living people!" Chen Luo ordered.

The cold wind and the strange corpse made everyone feel numb. As he went deeper, Chen Luo felt that the dimensions of the world were changing slightly.

"Why do I feel like my body has become heavier?" shouted a casual cultivator.

"It seems like the gravity of the ground is increasing!" Chen Luo closed his eyes and sensed it.

"I felt it too!" Elder Qian said.

"It is indeed a different world, and it actually has its own system!" Although Chen Luo was not affected by this increase in gravity, he was still surprised by this strange phenomenon.

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Chen Luo turned on the five aggregates mode, and his five senses and consciousness more than doubled.


Suddenly, a voice came to Chen Luo's ears!

Someone is asking for help? Chen Luo rubbed his ears. It was absolutely true. This voice appeared repeatedly.

"Go over there! I seem to hear someone shouting for help!" Chen Luo said.

"Great! It's probably the president and elders!" Lou Yun was overjoyed when he heard this.

The group of people followed Chen Luo and rushed in the direction from which the sound came.

After traveling a few hundred meters, everyone saw a person lying on the ground not far ahead, with two people standing next to them.

A hundred meters away, Elder Qian called to everyone and stopped moving forward.

"Send someone up to take a look!" Elder Qian waved his hand, and a helmsman from Ruili Tower and a casual cultivator volunteered to check forward.

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The two men walked a hundred meters forward to get close to the lying person, and stepped forward to check.

"No! Be careful!" Chen Luo had an ominous premonition in his heart and couldn't help shouting, but unfortunately he couldn't hear him anymore.

I saw a flash of cold light in the distance, and the two people who came forward had fallen to the ground. Then the people lying on the ground also got up.

"Hahahaha - I'm sorry, you two, I can only borrow your supplies!" The man who got up said and took out the supplies from the two who fell to the ground.

"You - shameless!" The seriously injured helmsman yelled, but he had lost the power to resist.

Chen Luo, Lou Yun and others had rushed over quickly and surrounded the three of them.

Chen settled his eyes and looked around, only to see the three people in front of him. They were in rags and had dirty faces. The one on the left was covered in mud, and the one in the middle still had an injury on his body.

"It's you!" Although they were completely unrecognizable, Chen Luo still recognized the three of them.

The person in the middle is Wu Qingfeng, who is already walking with a limp. He may have been injured while crossing the pass in front.

The tall and thin man on the left is the old man next to Wu Qingfeng. He is covered in mud and looks like he has rolled in a swamp.

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The short, fat old man on the right is a little better. He was also burned by the fire in the corridor. His clothes were in tatters and his body was not covered.

The other companions and followers have disappeared, and they may have been sacrificed. Only these three people just managed to break in with their own cultivation.

Unfortunately, after entering, I thought it was the end, but unexpectedly I ended up in this different space. I underestimated the size of this different space and got lost in it. All the supplies I carried with me were lost while crossing the border.

, the three of them are faced with running out of ammunition and food at any time.




This chapter has been completed!
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