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Chapter 257 Li Huan's ambition

All the Tatars present looked at Han Yu with strange eyes after hearing Han Yu's words. They only knew that Han Yu hated Daming so much, but they did not expect that Han Yu would do such a thing to them.


If it is true as Han Yu said, Ming Dynasty will really have to repeat the battle of Tumubao.

When their army appears outside the capital of the Ming Dynasty, the entire Ming Dynasty will inevitably be turbulent. Even if they are unable to break through the capital of the Ming Dynasty, they will definitely be able to plunder countless wealth along the way.

When they thought of this, many people's eyes showed excitement and eagerness to try, and there was a hint of satisfaction in their eyes when they looked at Han Yu.

Rudar laughed loudly and looked at Han Yu and said, "Mr. Han said it well, that's how it should be, that's how it should be."

Rudar said to Dayan Khan: "Great Khan, I would like to be a pioneer and go to meet the mighty general of the Ming Dynasty for a while. After taking his head, we will then attack Shaanxi and follow Mr. Han's instructions.

As you said, how about entering the capital?"

Dayan Khan sat there quietly, his expression looking quite calm, unlike most of the Tatars present who were excited by Han Yu's words and were all clamoring to enter the capital.

Waving his hands slightly, Dayan Khan waited until everyone gradually calmed down their excitement, then slowly opened his mouth and said to everyone: "The important places in the capital of the Ming Dynasty are not something you can just go to if you want. Not to mention these, but Mr. Han

One thing is right, that is, Li Huan’s troops must be destroyed first no matter what, otherwise, my troops will be in vain.”

You must know that this time Dayan Khan sent troops under the banner of avenging the Huli tribe and the Heihe tribe that were destroyed by Li Huan.

If Li Huan was hiding in the capital and could not come out, then that would be fine. He could lead a group of people to plunder in the Ming Dynasty and return to the grassland under such a banner, which could be considered as an explanation to the various tribes on the grassland.

After all, as the co-owner of the grassland, the Huli tribe and the Heihe tribe are his people. His people were destroyed by the Ming Dynasty. He, the co-owner of the grassland, must respond, otherwise it will inevitably affect his life.


Now Li Huan is in Qingyang Mansion, and even led his troops to annihilate all the troops of the Suder tribe. This forced Dayan Khan to kill Li Huan, otherwise he would not be able to explain to everyone.

As soon as Dayan Khan said these words, everyone in the big tent said with the same hatred: "Long live the Great Khan, long live the Great Khan, I swear to kill Li Huan, I swear to kill Li Huan!"

More than a dozen people shouted in unison, which showed that the Tatars were highly unified in their opinions on killing Li Huan.

The three major tribes of Huli, Heihe and Suder were directly destroyed because of Li Huan. For these Tatars, it would be their shame if Li Huan was not eliminated.

Rudar spoke to Dayan Khan again and said: "Great Khan, let me lead the troops to find Li Huan and fight him. I will kill him."

After glancing at Rudar, Dayan Khan pondered for a moment, then his eyes fell on a big man beside Rudar and said: "Mutai, take the ten thousand households under your command and go with Rudar."

Rudar and Mutai both have ten thousand households under their command, and they command tens of thousands of horses. The two of them add up to 20,000 fine cavalry. Unless such a force directly hits most of the Ming Dynasty's troops, it will be enough to defeat the Ming Dynasty.

This northwest land runs rampant and unbridled.

Even if they encounter Li Huan's men, the 20,000 fine cavalry are still confident enough to kill Li Huan.

After all, according to the information Dayan Khan received, Li Huan only brought tens of thousands of troops when he left the capital. Counting Li Huan's defeat of King Anhua and the losses in the battle with Suder's tribe, according to Dayan Khan's estimation,

Li Huan still has at most six to seven thousand soldiers under his command.

As for Rudar and Mutai, they have a total of 20,000 troops, which is almost three times as many as Li Huan's men. If Li Huan still can't be defeated, Dayan Khan feels that he should kill Rudar.

The heads of the wooden platform and the two men were broken.

Rudar and Mutai looked at each other after hearing this, their eyes flashing with excitement.

There may be accidents with one ten thousand households, but Dayan Khan directly sent two ten thousand households, so there is nothing to worry about.

They both stepped forward and saluted Dayan Khan: "Don't worry, Great Khan, we will kill Li Huan."

Luming Town

After Li Huan led the army to completely annihilate the Surd tribe near Luming Town, Li Huan directly ordered the army to station in Luming Town.

On the one hand, he sent someone to summon the capital on horseback, and on the other hand, he notified Yang Yiqing and asked him to lead his army to prepare to fight the main Tatar force.

At the same time, Li Huan also sent several sentinels to contact the soldiers and horses he had mobilized from various places when he sent troops.

Whether it is Sichuan, Henan, Shanxi and other places or the Guanzheng Division training troops in Xi'an Prefecture, Shaanxi Province, after such a long time, they have almost entered Qingyang Prefecture.

Therefore, Li Huan was waiting for the court's response these days while paying attention to the news of reinforcements from all parties.

Of course, Li Huan's troops were stationed in Luming Town, but they also wanted to rest.

After all, after a great battle, the tens of thousands of cavalry who followed Li Huan out of the capital now have almost 8,000 people left, which means that in that war, the Ming Dynasty suffered more than 1,000 casualties.

You must know that this was Li Huan's final victory, so many wounded soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were able to fight again after treatment. As for those who were seriously injured or died directly in battle, they accounted for almost a thousand people.

Such casualties were not light, but in comparison, all the more than 6,000 cavalrymen of Suder's tribe were killed, and only a few escaped. The Ming Dynasty's losses were nothing.

However, after a great battle, there were still more than 8,000 cavalrymen after the loss of tens of thousands of cavalry. However, after these days, the number of cavalry has once again recovered to tens of thousands, and the number has even reached as many as 12,000.

Compared to a dozen days ago, there were nearly 4,000 more people.

Needless to say, these troops were the elite drawn from Cao Xiong's local guards and border troops.

After destroying the Su'er tribe, Li Huan captured six to seven thousand war horses, all of which were the property of the Su'er tribe.

Although there are only six to seven thousand men and horses in the Suder tribe, there are nearly ten thousand war horses, some of which are directly used as pack horses. Thousands of war horses carry fodder, grain, and property looted by the Tatars.

However, all these things have now fallen into the hands of Li Huan. Although many of the horses died on the battlefield, there were still six or seven thousand horses that fell into the hands of Li Huan.

If it weren't for the inability to mobilize more elite cavalry, these six to seven thousand horses could double Li Huan's elite cavalry.

Even so, Li Huan's elite cavalry has now expanded to more than 12,000 people. After repeated training, the newly added cavalry have gradually integrated into it.

Li Huan was standing among the hills with his hands behind his back, looking at the huge tomb outside Luming Town from a distance.

The tomb looked huge, and buried in it were the people who were massacred by the Tatars in Luming Town.

After annihilating the Suder tribe, Li Huan ordered that all the corpses of the people in Luming Town be found and buried, and such a large grave was specially built for this purpose.

Just when Li Huan was looking at the grave mound from a distance, a figure walked over quickly. Who was it if it wasn't Lin Pingzhi who had followed Li Huan out of the capital?

Lin Pingzhi received Li Huan's order, entered Ningxia first, contacted Qianhu of Ningxia Jinyiwei, and was responsible for inquiring about the Tatar people.

After several years of experience, Lin Pingzhi's whole person has obviously lost the immature air of a rich man, and looks extremely capable.

Lin Pingzhi strode over, saluted Li Huan and said, "Sir, there is news about Jin Yiwei."

Li Huan turned around after hearing this, glanced at Lin Pingzhi, and saw Lin Pingzhi handing over two letters.

He reached out to take it. Under the gazes of Ren Ping and others, Li Huan opened the letter. After reading it, a smile appeared on his lips and he said: "His Majesty has appointed Mr. Wang Ge as the commander of the army. Now Mr. Wang Ge has caught up with Guan Guan.

The 50,000-strong army under our command was officially taken over and headed towards Qingyang Mansion."

Ren Ping and Lin Pingzhi were all stunned when they heard this, with surprise on their faces.

Even though they are stationed in Luming Town, they know the movements of the Tatars very clearly.

The Tatars moved very fast at first, but later, uncharacteristically, they did not rush southward in a swarm, but instead advanced slowly and orderly.

The nearly 100,000 cavalrymen were divided into two parts, one was rushing towards Yang Yiqing's troops, and the other was slowly pressing towards Qingyang Mansion like Mount Tai pressing down on top.

If the Tatars were scattered and looting, Li Huan could choose to defeat them one by one, but it was a pity that the Tatars did not divide their troops at all, which made Li Huan seem helpless.

Tens of thousands of fine cavalry is indeed a powerful force, but it depends on who they are compared with. Nearly 70,000 Tatar cavalry came over, which was almost a six-fold disparity. No matter how confident Li Huan was, he could not

I think I can fight against the Tatars.

Now it is known that Wang Yangming has come and taken over the 50,000-strong army of Guan Zheng and is heading towards Qingyang Mansion. Not only Li Huan, but everyone who heard this news showed a look of joy on their faces.

Li Huan opened another letter and frowned.

Lin Pingzhi, Ren Ping and others, who had been paying attention to the change in Li Huan's expression, felt their hearts sinking. It must not be bad news.

Li Huan took a deep breath and looked at Ren Ping. Lin Pingzhi and others glanced at each other and said, "The Tatars have divided their forces."

Ren Ping was stunned when he heard this, and then he realized: "Could it be that they are coming towards us?"

Li Huan nodded slightly and said: "Jin Yiwei's secret report, just yesterday, most of the Tatars suddenly separated into two families of ten thousand, commanded by Mutai and Rudar respectively, and were running at an extremely fast speed.

We are coming to Luming Town. If nothing happens, we should be close to Luming Town tomorrow evening."

Ren looked solemn and said: "Dayan Khan actually sent more than 20,000 people from 20,000 households. It seems that he wants to hit us hard."

Li Huan walked towards the war horse not far away, quickly got on his horse and said: "Go back to the camp and summon the generals to discuss matters."

Soon there was a camp, and Li Huan was sitting in the commander's tent. There were more than a dozen generals in the army gathered in the tent.

Ren Ping, Xu Ying, Chen Ang, Cao Xiong and other generals were all present. At this time, everyone also knew that more than 20,000 Tatars were rushing towards Luming Town.

Everyone's faces were full of solemn expressions. There were 20,000 Tatars, but they should not be underestimated. A single oversight would lead to a major defeat.

Previously, they had a numerical advantage, and their generals, each with one against a hundred, risked their lives and charged into the battle to kill the enemy, catching the Suder tribe by surprise.

It can be said that they relied on the right time, place, people, and various advantages to annihilate Suder's tribe. Even so, they paid a high price.

That was just a few thousand troops from the Suder tribe. Now they were about to face more than 20,000 fine Tatar cavalry, and no one dared to take them lightly.

Especially after the 20,000 fine cavalry, and most of the Tatars who were personally guarded by Dayan Khan, the whole army might come forward at any time.

Cao Xiong, as the commander-in-chief, could be said to have the highest official position besides Li Huan present. At this time, he said: "General, how should we deal with the Tatars coming?"

All eyes fell on Li Huan.

Li Huan was sitting there with a solemn expression. Hearing this, he slowly raised his head, glanced at everyone and said, "Do you have any suggestions for how to deal with this?"

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. What kind of strategy do you want them to think of? To be honest, it is really difficult for them.

More importantly, they couldn't think of any strategies. Facing tens of thousands of cavalry, the most common tactics of water and fire were simply unavailable. As for the thirty-six strategies, just think about it.

There's no use for it.

After thinking about it, it seems that there is only one possible way, and that is to confront the enemy head-on.

But all fools know that this is obviously the most unwise choice. If they are outnumbered, they can just go head-to-head. Now it is obvious that the Tatars have an advantage in numbers. Let's consider going head-to-head again, even if they don't win in the end.

As for failure, I'm afraid there will be a heavy price to pay.

Seeing the reactions of everyone, Li Huan turned to Cao Xiong and said, "General Cao, what happened when I ordered you to build twelve earthen walls on four sides?"

Cao Xiong was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he reacted and said: "Back to the general, the construction has been completed according to the general's instructions."

As he spoke, Cao Xiong seemed to have come to his senses, remembering that Li Huan had ordered him to supervise tens of thousands of troops under his command more than ten days ago. He also summoned many young men from the common people from all over the world, and forcibly built a series of buildings one person high and three feet tall.

Wide earthen walls, these earthen walls are divided into four sides, with three lines built on each side, covering a radius of more than ten miles.

If he hadn't taken out a large amount of food to summon the young men according to Li Huan's instructions, he really wouldn't have been able to build it in more than ten days with his troops and horses alone.

Thinking about it now, Cao Xiong suddenly understood that when Li Huan ordered him to supervise the construction of these earth walls, it was most likely to deal with the Tatars.

Cao Xiong could think of this, and so could Chen Ang, Xu Ying and others.

I heard Ren Ping say with some surprise: "Does the general mean that we can use these earth walls to resist the Tatar cavalry?"

However, Xu Ying frowned slightly and said with a bit of confusion on his face: "General, how can the earth wall be compared with the city wall? We can completely retreat to the city."

After all, Wanning County, the nearest town to them, was only a few dozen miles away. It would take at most one morning for all of them to enter the city. Even the walls of the county town would not be able to be breached by the Tatar cavalry.

Therefore, Xu Ying was quite puzzled. If Li Huan was to defend against the Tatars, why did he abandon the city wall and let Cao Xiong spend so much manpower and material resources to build such earthen walls that obviously had poor defensive capabilities?


After all, in Xu Ying's view, the function of those earthen walls was at best to slow down the Tatar cavalry charge. Even if the Tatars were willing to fight hard, it was not impossible to destroy those earthen walls.

The words of Ren Ping and Xu Ying made many Ming army generals in the tent show curiosity and confusion.

Li Huan glanced at Xu Ying and said: "The city wall is indeed extremely safe. With the help of the city wall, we can even defend it for several months, and the Tatars are unable to break the city."

Everyone nodded in agreement. With their combined strength of more than 20,000 cavalry, if they had sufficient food and grass to defend a city, even if 100,000 Tatars came to attack, they would be confident to defend it for several months.

However, after Li Huan finished speaking, he immediately said: "Then Dayan Khan is not a fool. We hid in the city. Do you think the Tatars will attack the city?"

Cao Xiong said meaningfully: "Unless their heads are broken and the cavalry attacks the city, what price will they have to pay to break the city?"

Cao Xiong said, "If it were me, I would never attack the city."

Li Huan looked at Cao Xiong with a smile and said: "If we don't attack the city, General Cao, tell me, what will there be so many Tatars?"

Cao Xiong said without thinking: "What else can we do? Since the Tatars see no hope of breaking the city, they will definitely detach some of their troops to stare at us and block us in the city, while at the same time detaching some of their troops to scatter.


Li Huan looked straight and said: "What General Cao said is true. The reason why I did not retreat into the city was to let General Cao build this simple earth wall fortress. This is to let the Tatars see the fortress being breached."

, take our hope.”

Xu Ying reacted immediately and said: "Do you want to contain the Tatars and prevent them from harming the people of Ming Dynasty?"

Hearing this, Li Huan had a slight smile on his face, nodded slightly, and then shook his head.

Amidst everyone's confusion, Li Huan's eyes flashed with a cold look and said: "I want to keep them all, and then find a way to eat them."

Everyone looked at each other in shock when they heard this. You looked at me, I looked at you, a hint of disbelief flashed in their eyes.

No one expected that Li Huan actually wanted to eat all the Tatars who would be invaded in the future.

Gulu swallowed his saliva, and Cao Xiong looked at Li Huan and said: "General, this... I'm afraid it's a little impossible. That's 20,000 Tatar cavalry. We're fully prepared. The total number of infantry and cavalry is only more than 20,000.

Just rely on these earthen walls, just like leaving these Tatars behind?"

[Well, it’s the last twenty-four hours. Brothers, you can vote for monthly tickets, but they will expire soon.]

This chapter has been completed!
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