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Chapter 258 Give me the flag of the general

No wonder everyone reacted in a big way. Li Huan's words were really shocking. They had only thought that they could stop the Tatars.

But no one expected that Li Huan would want to keep all the 20,000 Tatar vanguard troops.

The key is that the follow-up troops of the Tatars are far away from the wooden platform, and the distance between Rudar and his 20,000 vanguard is only one day's march at most.

Whenever Mutai, Rudar and the others encounter any trouble, as long as they can persist for one day, they can wait for the reinforcements to reach Yanhan.

Under such circumstances, it is simply unrealistic to keep all the Tatar vanguard troops.

Li Huan saw everyone's reactions in his eyes, and said with a smile on his lips: "It depends on man-made things. Although it seems a little impossible, but what if it can be realized."

After speaking, Li Huan did not wait for any reaction from the crowd. He just looked at the crowd with a serious expression and said: "Rudar, the two troops from Mutai are about to approach Luming Town. Now I order everyone to be on alert and be ready to deal with the Tartars at any time."

Tartar raid."

All the generals responded solemnly. At the same time, Li Huan's eyes fell on Cao Xiong and said: "General Cao, the infantry under your command must stabilize the morale of the army. If something goes wrong, it will affect the generals."

When it comes to the overall situation, I will definitely hold you accountable."

What Li Huan was most worried about was the tens of thousands of infantry under Cao Xiong. These troops were of mixed quality, especially after the elite among them were selected to supplement the cavalry team, the combat effectiveness of these infantry can be imagined.

Upon hearing this, Cao Xiong looked straight at Li Huan and said, "General, don't worry. The general will personally lead the troops to supervise the battle. Unless the general dies in battle, no one will disturb the morale of the army."

As Li Huan made arrangements, the sentinels sent by Mutai and Rudar also got entangled with the sentinels sent out by Li Huan. The sentries from both sides fought each other. In just half a day,

, both sides easily lost hundreds of elite sentinels.

The ground shook, and Cao Xiong, who was ordered to stay within the earth wall, and the tens of thousands of infantry under his command couldn't help but swallow their saliva as they watched the torrent of Tatar cavalry roaring in from a distance.

Cao Xiong felt some inexplicable nervousness in his heart. While clenching his fists, he looked towards the cavalry team not far away.

This cavalry team was not too large in number, only 3,000 men and horses, and it was Li Huan who stayed behind to suppress the formation.

As for the remaining nearly ten thousand cavalry, they did not stay in the simple fortress formed by the earth wall, but were stationed behind the earth wall.

The appearance of such an earth wall on the vast land could not be concealed from the sentinels sent by the Tatars.

On the wooden platform, Rudar stopped the soldiers and horses behind them outside Lixu, and looked at the low earth wall in front of them in the distance. Although they had already known about the existence of the earth wall, when they saw the earth wall

When he saw it, he showed a bit of surprise.

Mutai, Rudar and the others were also quite curious as to why Li Huan and others did not hide in the high city, but instead built such an earthen wall in the wilderness that obviously did not have much protective effect.


The two looked at each other, and Mutai couldn't help but said to Rudar: "Rudar, this Ming army commander must have a broken head. He left the tall city walls unused and actually wants to use these earth walls to fight against us.

, let him see the power of my prairie warrior."

If Mutai, Rudar and others were somewhat wary of Li Huan because of the annihilation of the Suder tribe before, then when they saw that Li Huan actually wanted to use the earth wall in front of them to resist them

Attacking, the vigilance in Rudar's and Mutai's hearts immediately disappeared.

"Hahaha, I heard that Li Huan was just a young boy, that is, Darulhua was incompetent, so Li Huan took advantage of the strength of the people and killed them all. It was like a shame for me.

In terms of human dignity, today it is up to you and me to avenge our shame and teach Li Huan what it means to march and fight."

The two looked at each other, and Rudar smiled at the wooden platform and said: "I'll hold the line for you, just charge forward."

Upon hearing this, Mutai immediately let out a loud roar and waved the scimitar in his hand. Immediately, the tens of thousands of people under his command turned into a torrent and charged towards the simple fortress ahead.

Behind the earthen wall, Li Huan, wearing armor, stood there as tall and tall as a green pine, looking at the Tatars who were getting closer and closer.

Immediately in front of Li Huan were groups of archers, gunmen, and nearly a hundred large and small artillery pieces. It could be said that Li Huan had collected almost all the firearms he could collect during these days.

It has to be said that the popularity of Daming firearms is really high. Otherwise, Li Huan would not have been able to collect so many artillery pieces.

Of course, very few of them can be called cannons. After all, artillery weighing over a thousand kilograms is not easy to move. Most of them are tiger squatting cannons. Their range is only within a hundred steps, and their lethality is also very small.

It can only be considered okay.

Looking at these ancient artillery pieces, Li Huan couldn't help but secretly regret. Unfortunately, he had no knowledge of mechanical manufacturing at all, and he even had very little knowledge about gunpowder.

Compared to those time-travelers who instantly became all-rounders once they traveled through time, who could use their hands to make muskets, artillery, and even come up with amazingly powerful aircraft and cannons in just a few decades, Li Huan felt that he was really a time-traveler.

This word is embarrassing.

These thoughts were floating through his mind inexplicably. Cao Xiong, the commander-in-chief who had been standing next to Li Huan, looked nervous and said to Li Huan: "General, it's really dangerous here, why not..."

Looking at the Tatars getting closer and closer, Cao Xiong knew that in less than a dozen breaths, the place would fall into a brutal fight, and he couldn't help but persuade Li Huan to leave this dangerous place.

Li Huan shook his head slightly, but instead of retreating, he turned to Li Guo beside him. Li Hu and others ordered: "Put up my commander's flag and tell all the soldiers that I am with them."

, for my Ming Dynasty, fight to the death and never retreat!"

"For the Ming Dynasty, we will fight to the death and never retreat!"

When Li Hu, Li Guo and others heard this, their faces showed excitement, they shouted in unison, and then raised Li Huan's handsome flag high.

As the flags were raised, the flags that rustled in the spring breeze suddenly came into the sight of the soldiers on both sides.

I was originally hiding behind the earthen wall, feeling the shaking of the earth, and watching the torrent of Tatar cavalry coming from a distance. Many of the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were a little panicked, and some soldiers even looked around subconsciously, like

Looking for an escape route.

But when the commander's flag was put up, many soldiers were stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously looked under the commander's flag, only to see Li Huan in armor standing at the forefront of the army, and suddenly an inexplicable feeling surged over him.

Come to mind.

Cao Xiong was stunned, and then he shouted: "The general is mighty, the Ming army is mighty, we will fight to the death and never retreat!"

The soldiers behind Cao Xiong also shouted loudly, and soon the roars of the soldiers of the three armies could be heard from the entire Ming army position. The sound was so loud that it only frightened the Tatars who rushed up.

However, Mu Tai and other Tatar generals also saw Li Huan's handsome flag. When he saw the handsome flag, Mu Tai was stunned subconsciously. Then he realized that excitement flashed in his eyes, and he pointed the scimitar in his hand towards

Shuai Qi pointed his finger and roared loudly: "Warriors of Changshengtian, kill them!"

Li Huan looked calmly as he got closer and closer, and could even clearly see the ferocious and ferocious faces on the horses.

Suddenly Li Huan shouted loudly: "Hit me hard!"

As the torrent of Tatar cavalry entered the bombardment range of the artillery, and with Li Huan's order, hundreds of artillery suddenly roared together.

The smoke was billowing and filled the air in an instant, and a choking smell of gunpowder hit his face. However, Li Huan stood there motionless, staring straight ahead.

The torrent of Tatars who were galloping seemed to have hit an invisible rock. In an instant, dozens or hundreds of Tatars suddenly fell off their horses, screaming and wailing for a while.

The sound came, but under the galloping of thousands of horses, the first one fell off his horse or the horse beneath him was injured. In fright, the Tatar soldier on his body was directly thrown off the horse. The Tatar soldier only had time to let out a few screams.

He was trampled into mud by the war horses rushing up from behind.

The artillery bombardment effect can only be said to be pretty good. Hundreds of cannons only had time to fire two waves and then ran out of time to fire, because the Tatars had already charged forward despite the artillery fire.

However, when these two waves of artillery bombarded them, almost hundreds of Tatars were killed on the spot. In fact, not many were killed directly, but many died because they were injured or their horses were frightened and fell off their horses and were trampled.

Although he knew that the Ming army had sharp firearms, Mu Tai never expected to encounter so many artillery pieces here. You must know that because of the inconvenience of artillery operation, they would only carry a large number of artillery pieces when encountering large groups of Ming army infantry.

of artillery.

As for cavalry rarely carrying artillery, Mutai, Rudar and even Dayan Khan had the impression that the ones commanded by Li Huan belonged to the cavalry, so the issue of artillery was not considered at all.

It was just a wooden platform, but Rudar and the others had forgotten that it was true that Li Huan commanded cavalry, and it was true that he did not bring any artillery. However, Li Huan could not withstand Anhua City and captured Cao Xiong, who was the commander-in-chief of Ningxia.

Led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to help.

Under such circumstances, it was not unusual for Li Huan to use hundreds of artillery pieces, so he was given a blow in the head and almost stunned these Tatars.

That is to say, the number of artillery is not large enough. If hundreds of large and small artillery can really be gathered together, a wave of artillery when the Tatars are unprepared may not be able to repel the Tatar offensive.

"Archers, fire cannons!"

Following the order, the gunmen and archers who had been waiting for a long time took action one after another, and the Tatar side also shot the arrows in their hands.

For a moment, both sides shot arrows at each other like rain.

Another burst of screams came. In contrast, the Ming side had already taken precautions. Even an earthen wall as high as a person could serve as a shield. In addition, the Ming side was on the defensive, and many soldiers directly put up their shields and even wooden boards.

Therefore, when this wave of arrows rained down, apart from being unlucky enough to be hit by stray arrows, very few soldiers were actually killed or injured.

But the Tatar side was different. Hundreds of them fell in one wave.

Even though these hundreds of men seemed insignificant compared to the tens of thousands of galloping troops, counting the men and horses who had died under the bombardment earlier, the Tatars had already lost nearly a thousand soldiers just before they rushed to the earth wall.

There are so many people.

Mu Tai was not clear about such losses. After all, no one was in the mood to care about how many men and horses were lost at the moment. All they could think about was how to break through the unsightly earthen wall, break into the Ming army's camp, and kill Li

Huan's head was chopped off.

With a slash of his sword, he knocked away several arrows that were aimed at him. Mu Tai took the lead and jerked the reins, causing the horse beneath him to jump up and easily cross the earthen wall as high as a person.

As Mu Tai rode his horse over the earth wall, the next moment he saw countless Tatars charging towards him on horseback.

It's just an earthen wall as high as one person. To be honest, it's not really an obstacle. For these Tatars who have been on horseback since childhood, crossing this earthen wall on horseback is as easy as eating.

However, the moment they crossed the earth wall and the horses landed on the ground, the faces of the Tatar soldiers who were originally riding on the horses changed drastically.

Those who reacted quickly enough jumped up from their horses, while those who reacted slowly let out a scream of terror and crashed to the ground with the horse under them.

About ten feet away from the earth wall, a half-man-deep trench was dug out of the ground. It was obvious that these trenches were deliberately left behind after the soil was taken to build the earth wall. There were sticks stuck in them.

A barbed stake as thick as a baby's arm.

The tops of the half-man-high wooden piles were sharply cut, and at a glance, a ditch was densely packed with wooden piles.

It is conceivable that in this situation, the Tatars who had just jumped over the earth wall with their horses could only watch helplessly as their horses or themselves were pierced by wooden stakes.

All of a sudden, the neighing of war horses could be heard incessantly, and the screams of war horses being pierced could be heard everywhere.

A group of Ming soldiers who had retreated more than ten feet away clearly saw this scene. They saw that hundreds of horses fell in the trench, so the number of Tatars killed and injured was at least several hundred.

Even Mu Tai, who was in the lead, had to abandon his mount. The moment the horse fell, he jumped up and rolled on the spot to avoid several arrows fired at him. He stabilized his body and looked around with ferocious eyes.

Searching for Li Huan's handsome flag.

"found it!"

The bodyguards of the wooden platform were all elite Tatars. There were dozens of bodyguards, but only a dozen or so unlucky ones were unable to dodge and were shot dead on the spot by the Ming army's arrows. It can be said that no one was killed because of the wooden stakes in the trench.

Lost his life.

"Follow me to get Li Huan's head."

It is obviously unrealistic to expect a trench to stop the Tatars. With the loud shouts of the Tatars, the prepared Tatars will naturally not suffer heavy losses in the trench after destroying the earthen wall.

Dozens of Tatars gave up their mounts, and then Mu Tai and the guards around him got on their horses and rushed straight to where Li Huan's handsome flag was.

Li Huan focused more on controlling the overall situation and didn't pay much attention to the wooden platform.

Mutai was not a fool. He did not raise the general's flag in an upright manner like Li Huan, but charged forward under the protection of personal guards like ordinary Tatars.

Under such circumstances, it is really difficult to find the commander of the army, Mutai, among the large army.

But now, after finding the trace of Li Huan, Mutai was extremely excited, led his bodyguards and a group of Tatars and rushed toward Li Huan's location. He roared at the bodyguards around him: "Give it to me."

Put up the flag, and save that little Li Huan who died at the hands of who knows who."

Following Mu Tai's order, Mu Tai's big flag was erected high. Originally, Mu Tai's group was quite eye-catching when they rushed to the front. As the big flag was erected,

It immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Li Huan's eyes naturally fell on the big flag.

Cao Xiong, who was standing next to Li Huan, recognized the big flag at just one glance. He couldn't help but said to Li Huan with a bit of surprise and excitement in his eyes: "General, look, that's the Tatar Ten Thousand Houses."

Big flag, the person leading it is probably the official of ten thousand households, Mu Tai, of this Tatar army."

Li Huan smiled slightly when he heard this. When his eyes fell on Mu Tai, a ray of excitement flashed in his eyes, and he subconsciously tightened the heavy spear in his hand.


Following Li Huan's brief words, a wave of arrows fell. Among the hundreds of Tatars led by Mutai, only a dozen fell down. The rest were stunned and used their scimitars to deflect the arrows away.

Showing extremely amazing strength.

[Well, a new month has begun, please ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket. 】


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