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Chapter 452 Counter-insurgency coach

Su Ping, who frowned slightly, raised his head and said outside: "Why is it so noisy!"

At the same time, the messenger who had broken into the hall finally stopped, and several officials from the Ministry of War Yamen also came to greet him.

Anyone who stayed in the yamen of the Ministry of War did not know what the eight hundred miles urgent message meant, especially when they heard the messenger shouting about Prince Ning's rebellion just now.

Even though these officials had long experienced the impact of the news that King Anhua Zhu Zhenxiu had rebelled and that hundreds of thousands of Tatars had invaded, they were still shocked when they suddenly heard the news of King Ning's rebellion.

It is precisely because they are in the Yamen of the Ministry of War that they know better than ordinary people what the news of Prince Ning's rebellion means at this juncture and what impact it will have on the court.

An official reacted almost immediately and stepped forward to take the official letter from the courier. Then he ordered someone to take the courier down and place him there, and at the same time hurried toward the inner room.

The official heard Su Ping's voice before he entered the hall.

Stepping into the hall, the official stepped forward and saluted Su Ping: "Replying to your lord, please hurry up for 800 miles. Prince Ning has rebelled!"

Su Ping, who was holding a sip of tea, was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he couldn't help but spit out a sip of tea from his mouth. His face was full of horror and he said: "What, you said that Prince Ning rebelled?"

Su Ping's reaction was not surprising, at least in the eyes of the official, it was a normal reaction. If Su Ping looked calm and composed, it would be really strange.

The official lowered his eyebrows and handed the official letter to Su Ping and said, "Please read it, sir."

Even if Su Ping took over the official letter, he was now the chief official in the Ministry of War Yamen. When such a big thing happened, he had to confirm it as soon as possible and then decide whether to report it or not.

When he opened the official letter and read it, Su Ping felt nervous. At the same time, he also confirmed the news of Prince Ning's rebellion.

Taking a deep breath, Su Ping suddenly stood up, glanced at the officials in front of him and said, "Hurry and prepare your carriages and horses, I am going to meet some elders!"


As cabinet ministers, Yang Tinghe and Liu Yu seem to be quite leisurely these days. It is not that there is no business in the court. The affairs in the court are busy. Under normal circumstances, as cabinet ministers, the two of them should not be leisurely.


But now the cabinet is obviously dominated by Wang Yangming. Although Wang Yangming has not yet become the chief minister of the cabinet, in fact, in the cabinet, Wang Yangming, who is in charge of implementing the New Deal, has much less power than even the chief minister of the cabinet.


After all, Wang Yangming, who was deeply trusted by the emperor, was definitely in control. Even the Chief of Ceremonies had to cooperate with Wang Yangming. People were coming and going in the cabinet today, showing a busy appearance.

Wang Yangming was bending over his desk to look through the official documents submitted below, when he suddenly saw a person coming in a hurry with a panic look on his face. When he saw the person clearly, Wang Yangming couldn't help but frowned.

When Su Ping came to the cabinet, the first thing he came to look for was Wang Yangming. After all, all the officials in the court were not fools. Everyone knew that Wang Yangming was gaining the trust of the emperor, so there was no need to say who he should get closer to at this time.


"Sir, the military situation in Babaili, Jiangsu is urgent, and Prince Ning is planning a rebellion!"

Wang Yangming suddenly raised his head and looked at Su Ping. His eyes fell on the official document in Su Ping's hand. His eyes were full of solemnity and he said: "Prince Ning is rebelling?"

Su Ping saw Wang Yangming's reaction in his eyes, and saw that although Wang Yangming was shocked, he didn't show any signs of panic. He couldn't help but secretly admire Wang Yangming's courage and determination.

You must know that even he couldn't help but change his face when he heard the news, but he never thought that Wang Yangming would appear so calm and calm. He was indeed a man who could command armies, fight on the battlefield, and be a general and prime minister in the past.

With such thoughts flashing through his mind, Su Ping nodded to Wang Yangming and said, "Reporting to your lord, I have confirmed that this is indeed an urgent military intelligence document for Prince Ning's rebellion."

After receiving the official letter from Su Ping, Wang Yangming scanned it with a glance. There was not much reaction on his face, but he also sighed in his heart. Li Huan was really good at predicting things, and Prince Ning was really like him.

It's exactly the opposite of what I said.

After all, although Wang Yangming knew that with the implementation of the New Deal, there would be turmoil in the world, but as to where this turmoil came from, Wang Yangming was really not sure.

But Li Huan had told him early that King Ning would rebel.

To be honest, Wang Yangming was still a little confused about Li Huan being so sure that Prince Ning would rebel. He didn't know why Li Huan was so sure. After all, there were many vassal kings in the world, and Prince Ning was not the only one who had ambitions.

However, Li Huan was certain that Prince Ning would rebel.

Now, as Li Huan said, King Ning really rebelled.

Exhaling a filthy breath, Wang Yangming said to the officials on the side: "Invite Mr. Yang Ge and Mr. Liu Ge here, saying that we have important matters to discuss."

For such an important matter, Wang Yangming couldn't believe that even the cabinet had received the news. The emperor in the imperial city and Li Huanhui, who was in charge of the Imperial Guard, had not received the news.

It was expected that the emperor's summons might come at any time, so Wang Yangming naturally had to seize the time to discuss with Yang Tinghe and Liu Yu to come up with a result.

After all, when the emperor summoned him, he would definitely ask the cabinet for their opinions on Prince Ning's rebellion.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation and the sound of a falling tea cup coming from the next door. Immediately, Yang Tinghe and Liu Yu were seen walking over from the next door with solemn expressions on their faces.

Yang Tinghe looked at Wang Yangming and said, "Did Prince Ning really rebel?" Liu Yu also stared at Wang Yangming.

Such a big thing, if it were true, would cause a sensation in the world, and Liu Yu couldn't help but ignore it.

The most important thing is that if such a big thing happens, it is certain that the court will put down King Ning's rebellion, but when the time comes, the court will inevitably introduce someone to take the blame for King Ning's rebellion.

After all, if such a big thing happens, no matter what, the officials must give an explanation to the emperor, right?

So no matter how you look at the person who takes the blame, there is no one more suitable than these elders. Because of this, Liu Yu is quite worried.

After all, looking at the cabinet, it seems that he is the most suitable to take the blame.

Wang Yangming only felt that Liu Yu's reaction was a bit strange, but he didn't think much about it for a while. He just thought that Liu Yu was shocked by the news of Prince Ning's rebellion, so he didn't think of anything else.

Nodding slightly, Wang Yangming handed the official letter in his hand to Liu Yu and said: "You should also take a look. If nothing unexpected happens, His Majesty's decree to summon us is probably on the way. We must get it before meeting His Majesty.

Come up with an idea."

Liu Yu took the official letter and read it over, then handed it to Yang Tinghe, his eyes fell on Wang Yangming and said: "Prince Ning dares to rebel, so what is there to say? The imperial court must dispatch troops to quell the rebellion."

Yang Tinghe stroked his beard and said: "The so-called Qingjun side by King Ning is just an excuse. It is clear that he wants to rebel. My opinion is to immediately select good generals who are good at fighting and lead the army to quell King Ning as quickly as possible."

Rebellion will definitely not allow Prince Ning to enter the southern Zhili region."

After listening to the words of Yang Ting and the two of them, Wang Yangming nodded slightly. Although their suggestions were nothing new, in matters such as this, such suggestions could not be more suitable.

Just as he was about to speak, there was a sound of footsteps outside. Wang Yangming, Yang Tinghe and others all looked towards the entrance of the hall.

They saw a chamberlain coming in a hurry. When they saw Yang Tinghe, Wang Yangming and others, their eyes lit up, and they said with serious expressions: "Your Majesty has urgently summoned several pavilion elders to come to the palace to see you immediately!"

Wang Yangming and others were mentally prepared and respectfully accepted the order.

At the same time, several governors who were sitting in the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion also received eight hundred miles of urgent official documents. At the same time, the emperor's decree was also sent to the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion.

In the past, the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion had been reduced to a mere decoration, a department that cooperated with the Ministry of War and had no rights.

However, with the rise of Li Huan, a group of new nobles were born. Naturally, the commanding authority of the Five Armies, which represented the power and interests of the military, fell into the hands of Li Huan.

now in five

The several governors serving in the Military Governor's Mansion are definitely nobles close to Li Huan.

After all, the Ming Dynasty has always used nobles to serve as governors of the five armies, taking charge of the power of dispatching troops and horses, in order to check and balance the civil servant group.

It's a pity that the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion has long been out of use. Now, under the drastic reforms of Li Huan and the Emperor, the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion cannot say that it has restored its former glory, but it has gradually become more and more prosperous.

Li Zhi, Marquis of Yangcheng, Cheng Guang, Marquis of Weiyuan, Zhu Fu, Duke of Chengguo, and other nobles were the governors of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion, and controlled the interests and voice of the noble group.

The elderly Cheng Guogong Zhu Fu is now the former governor of the Military Governor's Mansion. Although he does not take care of much affairs, if there is any major matter in the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion, he must be consulted.

At this time, Zhu Fu looked at the urgent military situation in front of him with a look of astonishment on his face. He was obviously shocked by the news of Prince Ning's rebellion.

Li Zhi, Cheng Guang and other nobles looked at Zhu Fu one by one and said: "Old Duke, Prince Ning is rebelling, we"

Before the others could finish speaking, Zhu Fu waved his hands and said calmly: "Isn't it just King Ning who rebelled? A mere King Ning can't stir up any trouble. Everyone, follow me into the palace to see His Majesty, and let's see what His Majesty orders."

That’s it.”

These people are all human beings. Just listening to what Zhu Fu said, they understood it from their heart. They are where they are today entirely because of the emperor's support and respect. Therefore, after meeting the emperor, they only need to obey the emperor's orders.

That is, as for their opinions, they must be based on the emperor's will.

In the imperial city

As the emperor's summons came out one after another, whether it was the cabinet, the governor's office of the five armies, or the chief ministers of various ministries and yamen, they all entered the palace immediately.

At this time, more than a dozen figures had gathered in the originally spacious imperial study room. Although it was not as powerful as the dozens or hundreds of officials during the court meeting, the dozen or so people present were the real core decision-makers of the Ming Dynasty.

At this time, the imperial study room was in chaos. Everyone had entered the palace in a hurry after receiving the emperor's order. Some people had learned the news about Prince Ning's rebellion in advance, while others only learned such shocking news from others after they arrived.

Faced with the news of Prince Ning's rebellion, before the Emperor appeared, everyone was naturally talking about it. Just as everyone was talking about it, Qiu Ju's sharp voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately, the emperor's figure appeared in everyone's sight. The emperor slowly walked into the imperial study, walked up the imperial steps and sat down, while everyone paid tribute to the emperor.

After taking a look at the crowd, Zhu Houzhao waved his hand to signal that everyone would be exempted from the ceremony. Then he looked at the crowd solemnly and said, "Dear lords, why have I summoned all the lords here today? I think everyone knows by now.


Wang Yangming took a deep breath and bowed to the Emperor: "Your Majesty, I would like to inform you that the lax supervision of these ministers caused the catastrophe of Prince Ning's rebellion. Please punish me."

Everyone followed Wang Yangming to plead guilty to the emperor.

Regardless of whether Prince Ning's rebellion has anything to do with the Hundred Officials or not, when a vassal king rebels, no matter what the reason is, someone has to take the blame, but the emperor cannot take the blame, so it can only be done by the Hundred Officials.

After all, the emperor cannot make mistakes. The only ones who are really at fault are the sycophantic women in the court.

Zhu Houzhao's expression was calm and he said calmly: "This is not the time to hold people accountable. I have called all the ministers here to discuss with them and come up with a strategy to put down Prince Ning's rebellion."

As he spoke, Zhu Houzhao looked at everyone and said, "Do you have any suggestions?" For a moment, everyone was silent, and no one was in a hurry to speak.

Wang Yangming subconsciously looked towards Li Huan standing aside, as if he wanted to see what Li Huan had to suggest, but Li Huan stood there motionless, which made Wang Yangming very confused. After all, in Wang Yangming's view, this

At that time, Li Huan was definitely the first one to stand up.

Seeing that Li Huan was not moving at this time, Wang Yangming, who felt that he could not figure out what Li Huan was trying to do, took a deep breath, stepped forward and said proactively: "Your Majesty, I thought that King Ning's rebellion was causing great harm, so in order to prevent it,

The rebellion is getting more and more intense. The imperial court should quickly select a capable minister and carry out the rebellion as quickly as possible.

Put down the rebellion."

"What Mr. Yang Ge said is true!"

"Yes, you must choose an important minister with both moral integrity and outstanding ability to suppress the rebellion."

"Old Wang Ge once led an army to defeat the Tatars. In terms of prestige and ability, he is the best candidate to be the commander in charge of countering rebellion!"

Some people recommended Wang Yangming without hesitation.

However, as soon as this man finished speaking, Zhang Lun, Duke of Cheng, who had been silent on your side, opened his mouth and said: "If you want me to speak, there is no more suitable candidate than the Champion."

Perhaps Li Huan and Wang Yangming had a very harmonious relationship and were even regarded as a party. However, in the eyes of nobles such as Cheng Guogong and Ying Gong, Wang Yangming was too imprinted with the civil service group, so when they saw someone recommending Wang Yangming, Cheng Guogong and others subconsciously

They stood up and recommended Li Huan. After all, in their view, only Li Huan could represent the interests of their Xungui Group.


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