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Chapter 456: The Army Departs

Chapter 456 The army sets out

As soon as the British Duke opened his mouth, several nobles around him also spoke in unison, with extremely unanimous stances, recommending Li Huan to the emperor as the candidate to lead the rebellion.

Regarding whether the rebellion can be successfully suppressed, to be honest, as the governor of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion, the few nobles present can definitely be said to be the core figures of the noble group.

And they, who are in high positions, are also more aware of how powerful the military power controlled by the Ming Dynasty is now.

If it were a few years ago, they might still be a little worried, because at that time, the combat effectiveness of the Beijing camp was really worrying, and if it were really dragged to the battlefield, the result would be really hard to predict.

But now, under Li Huan's downsizing and reforms, the Beijing camp can definitely be said to be an elite division. Especially after experiencing the Tatar invasion, Li Huan even drew a large number of soldiers from the army who have been on the battlefield.

, the elites who had seen blood entered the Beijing camp, which directly increased the combat effectiveness of the Beijing camp by a large margin.

It’s not that they looked down on King Ning who dared to raise an army to rebel. Not to mention that the few soldiers and horses under King Ning had never even seen a battle. Even if the soldiers and horses under King Ning were considered elite, I’m afraid they wouldn’t be able to defeat the imperial court.

The opponent of the army.

With this understanding, in the eyes of Duke Ying and Duke Cheng, the suppression of Prince Ning's rebellion was a great opportunity to make achievements.

In the previous battle to put down King Anhua's rebellion and resist the Tatar invasion, many of their sons and daughters became powerful men in the army with their merits in this battle.

Generals, and even a few people were knighted for their military merits.

Over the years of the Ming Dynasty, apart from the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the events of Jingnan, it can be said that there have been very few opportunities for people to be ennobled.

Now that King Ning has jumped out to rebel, in the eyes of all the nobles, King Ning is creating opportunities for the heirs of their family.

It can be said that at this time, even if Li Huan did not have the idea of ​​uniting the army to suppress the rebellion, they would still find ways to persuade Li Huan and then push Li Huan to the position of coach.

Zhu Houzhao looked at Zhang Lun, but Zhu Fu and others did not say anything, but turned their attention to Yang Tinghe, Wang Yangming and others.

The honorable side expressed its own opinions, and Zhu Houzhao naturally wanted to see what the civil servants' side had to say. Although someone had just proposed that Wang Yangming unite the army to quell the rebellion, it was obvious that that was just the opinion of an individual person and did not represent the majority of the civil servants.


It seemed that they noticed the emperor's gaze, but Yang Tinghe, Liu Yu and others did not mean to speak. They were not fools either.

Based on their understanding of the emperor, the candidate for the head coach of the counter-rebellion this time will most likely fall on Li Huan. As for sending Wang Yangming to lead the army to counter the rebellion, in their opinion, it is not realistic at all.

Even though Wang Yangming had previously served as the commander-in-chief of the three armies and successfully defeated the Tatar invasion, he was definitely one of the best candidates to counter the rebellion this time.

But don’t forget that the Ming Dynasty is now at an important juncture in implementing tax reforms, and the tax reforms were implemented personally by Wang Yangming. It can be said that once Wang Yangming leaves the central government and goes to the south of the Yangtze River to quell the rebellion, taxation will inevitably be affected.

The implementation of reforms had a huge impact.

As for Li Huan coming to preside over the tax reform, it was not that they looked down upon Li Huan, but that Li Huan really did not have the ability to coordinate the overall situation.

In addition, Li Huan's identity made it impossible to win the recognition of officials in the DPRK and China. Only Wang Yangming's own identity could truly stabilize the four parties.

Therefore, at this time and in this environment, as long as the Emperor and Wang Yangming are not stupid, they will definitely not let Wang Yangming leave the center.

After seeing this clearly, even if Yang Tinghe, Liu Yu and others want to add fuel to the flames and take this opportunity to squeeze Wang Yangming out of the center, I am afraid that the emperor will not be able to pass the test.

However, Yang Tinghe and Liu Yu did not speak, but others stood up.

Su Ping, who was the left minister of the Ministry of War, now had a serious look on his face, and he bowed respectfully to the emperor and said: "Your Majesty, I believe that in order to put down the rebellion of King Ning, we must have an important minister with both political integrity and talent, and outstanding ability.

You can only go out on horseback. After looking around our court, only Mr. Wangge has this qualification, so I think that your Majesty should worship Mr. Wangge as the commander-in-chief of the three armies and take charge of countering the rebellion."

Yang Tinghe and Liu Yu's silence does not mean that other officials will miss such a good opportunity. To reach the high position they are today, each of them can be regarded as a human being.

On weekdays, as long as their own interests are not involved and their minds are not blinded by the interests in front of them, they can definitely say that they are all human beings. They dare not say that they will take one step to see ten steps, but they will take one step to see three steps.

It's definitely an instinct.

Just like now, almost by instinct, they realized that now was definitely the best time to squeeze Wang Yangming out of the court.

It won't take long, as long as Wang Yangming leaves the central government for a year and a half, they will be able to corrupt the tax reform currently being implemented.

With Wang Yangming sitting in the center, to be honest, they have really seen Wang Yangming's methods during this period. It can be said that with Wang Yangming around, none of them really have the ability to do anything under Wang Yangming's nose.

hands and feet.

It is precisely because of this that the tax reform can really be implemented. If it had been someone else, notwithstanding the strong support of the emperor and the supervision and assistance of the Jin Yiwei, I am afraid it would not be as smooth as it is now.


Nowadays, many officials in the court are resentful towards Wang Yangming, Li Huan and others, but they can't do anything about Li Huan and Wang Yangming.

It's not just the officials below who feel this way, there are more than one or two people in the imperial study room now.

Just like Su Ping, he usually doesn't seem to have a clear stance, but now his attitude is revealed inadvertently.

When Su Ping finished speaking, he immediately saw several figures standing up. With serious expressions on their faces, they said to the emperor as if they were serving the country and the people: "What Shilang Su said is true. Among all my officials, Mr. Wangge is the most suitable person."

, I believe that with Mr. Wangge personally taking action, Prince Ning can easily capture him."

Zhu Houzhao's expression was calm, making it impossible to tell what he was thinking.

However, the emperor also nodded slightly towards Su Ping and others, looked at Wang Yangming and said with a smile: "If I worship Aiqing as the commander-in-chief of the three armies and preside over the quelling of Prince Ning's rebellion, what will Wang Aiqing think?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Yangming immediately saluted the Emperor with a straight face and said: "Your Majesty, I have received your Majesty's great love. I am very frightened in my heart. However, I know myself. Putting down the rebellion of Prince Ning has a bearing on our Ming Dynasty. I think that I should be elected as a more suitable person."

Only the candidates can be selected.”

When Su Ping and others heard this, they couldn't help but frown, and just then the emperor spoke. They thought that the emperor was going to let Wang Yangming be the commander in charge of putting down the rebellion.

But now Wang Yangming actually refused, which made Su Ping feel unhappy.

There is no such a good opportunity to squeeze Wang Yangming out of the center. If Wang Yangming is really allowed to stay in the center, won't they have to sit back and watch the tax reform continue to be implemented?

Su Ping and others couldn't help but become a little anxious when they thought of the complaints written in private letters by their disciples and former officials, and even the dissatisfaction expressed in letters written by their respective relatives and close friends.

Su Ping took a deep breath and bowed to Wang Yangming and said, "What you said is wrong, Mr. Ge. Looking at my whole government, is there anyone else who is more suitable to lead the three armies than Mr. Ge?"

As he spoke, Su Ping looked at Li Huan with a bit of distrust in his eyes. It seemed that in Su Ping's eyes, Li Huan was not a suitable candidate at all.

Wang Yangming just glanced at Su Ping indifferently and said calmly: "Wang is just a scholar. When it comes to his understanding of military affairs, how can he compare to the champion who bravely champions the three armies and never loses?"

As he spoke, Wang Yangming saluted the emperor and said: "I think that the commander-in-chief of the three armies must be a champion. Please tell me clearly."

Zhu Houzhao nodded slightly, looked at Li Huan and said, "What do Li Qing think?"

At this time, Li Huan said with a smile on his face: "Thanks to the British Duke, I am highly valued by Wangge Lao. I have recommended myself. I am willing to serve your majesty. If I cannot put down King Ning's rebellion, I am willing to come and see you!"


Before anyone else could react, Zhu Houzhao stood up suddenly and shouted with a bit of excitement on his face, while Su Ping and others felt something bad in their hearts.

He was about to speak, but at this time the emperor had already spoken: "The Governor of the Central Military Governor's Mansion, the Champion Marquis Li Huan listens to the order!"

Li Huan immediately stepped forward and bowed to the emperor: "I am here!"

Zhu Houzhao immediately said: "I ennoble you as a mighty general, admiral of the three armies, and preside over the quelling of King Ning's rebellion!"

Li Huan raised his voice and said: "I accept the order and thank you for your kindness!"

Li Huan and Zhu Houzhao, the emperor and his ministers, seemed to have rehearsed, deciding on such a major event in the blink of an eye and completing the process.

So much so that when Su Ping and others reacted, they didn't even have a chance to speak.

At this time, looking at Li Huan who had received the emperor's decree, and then looking at Zhu Houzhao, Su Ping and others did not know what to say.

Wang Yangming did not cooperate with them at all, and even gave up on his own initiative, so that they did not have a suitable candidate to compete with Li Huan.

Among the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, except for Wang Yangming who had enough qualifications to compete with Li Huan, there was really no one else more suitable than Li Huan.

How could Su Ping and others not see through the problem that even the Xungui Group could see.

From the very beginning, they saw that the possibility of King Ning's rebellion being successful was extremely slim, so they could not say that suppressing the rebellion would be an opportunity to win military exploits.

Originally, their intention was to squeeze Wang Yangming out of the center, but they had military merit to make up for it. It was expected that Wang Yangming would not have any objections. After all, if Wang Yangming could really put down Prince Ning's rebellion this time, they would then go one step further and graduate from the position of Marquis.

Going one step further, it is not impossible to become a hereditary duke.

Knowing that it was a hereditary duke's position, they did not believe that Wang Yangming could resist such a temptation.

Because of this, even though they knew that Wang Yangming could definitely read their thoughts, they did not have the slightest worry and recommended it to the emperor in front of Wang Yangming.

Wang Yangming left the center, but he had the hereditary position of duke available. If it were them, the choice they should make couldn't be simpler.

It's a pity that they never expected that Wang Yangming would not be affected at all. As if he didn't know what presiding over the counter-insurgency meant to him, he gave up such a good opportunity without hesitation.

At this time, the fact has become a foregone conclusion. Unless the civil and military officials of the entire court stand up to oppose it, it will be impossible to make the emperor change his mind.

However, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty were not monolithic. Now Li Huan and Wang Yangming are also supported by a group of officials who are waving flags and shouting in the court. Therefore, even if the matter is made big and brought to the court, it cannot change the current situation.


Zhu Houzhao glanced at everyone and said loudly: "Since you have no objections, the matter has been settled. I hope that all the ministers can work together to help the court put down Prince Ning's rebellion. I will definitely give you a reward."

As the news spread, the news of King Ning's rebellion spread throughout the capital as if it had wings, and it became a hot topic among countless people in the capital.

At the same time, the emperor's decree to appoint Li Huan as a general, to supervise the three armies, and to preside over counter-insurgency affairs was also announced.

When many people heard that Li Huan was in charge of countering the rebellion, they all praised the emperor for his discernment in people.

In just three days, 50,000 elite troops slowly marched out of the camp on the outskirts of the capital city, with numerous banners and flags standing everywhere, which was truly majestic.

Countless people who came from all directions to watch the army set out were dumbfounded as they looked at the black mass of elite troops that could not be seen to the edge at a glance.

Whether it's the thousands of elite cavalry or the hundreds or thousands of artillery pieces, or the three thousand battalion, the Shenji Battalion, which exudes evil aura.

It can only be said that today's soldiers in the Beijing camp are really different from what they used to be. Under Li Huan's rigorous training, the Beijing camp army can definitely be regarded as an elite division. Even the common people who were watching the excitement were driven away by the tens of thousands of troops.

The scene stunned me.

Not to mention the ignorant common people, the civil and military officials of the DPRK and China who came with the emperor to see Li Huan off today were looking at the dark scene of the mighty soldiers filled with evil spirits.

At the same time, everyone was stunned, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Although it is said that many officials know that Jingying has undergone earth-shaking changes under the hands of Li Huan, hearsay is just hearsay after all. Without seeing it with their own eyes, most officials are actually skeptical about the rumors of Jingying's great changes.


After all, they know very well what the Beijing camp was like in the past.

But now, seeing that mighty and majestic elite division with my own eyes, the impact that hits my face is really shocking.

Seeing the reactions of the officials in Zhu Houzhao's eyes, it made Zhu Houzhao feel a little uplifted and proud.

[It’s two days since the end of the month. If you have a monthly pass, please buy it. Don’t let it expire.]

(End of chapter)

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