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Chapter 481: Li Huan Confiscated His Home Again

After sighing with emotion, Zhu Houzhao looked at Wang Yangming and others with a straight face and said: "Everyone, Li Qing is leading an army on an expedition, but the logistics required for an army of tens of thousands must not cause any surprises."

After all, Zhu Houzhao was also well versed in military affairs. He knew very well how important the security of logistics was when tens of thousands of troops were on an expedition. Historically, there had been countless major defeats caused by shortages of food and fodder.

To be honest, Zhu Houzhao was not worried at all about the combat effectiveness of the elite troops led by Li Huan. If he even doubted the combat effectiveness of this imperial army, then Zhu Houzhao really didn't know what to do.

What he was really worried about was the supply of food and grass for Li Huan's command. He should not have asked directly about the food and grass supply of the army like he was doing now, but Zhu Houzhao was staring at this matter again and again.


When Wang Yangming heard this, he also said to the emperor with a serious look on his face:

"Your Majesty, please rest assured. I will personally supervise the supply of food, grass, and ordnance. In addition, there will be guards and people from the East Factory watching over you. If anything happens, I am willing to take the blame."

Zhu Houzhao nodded slightly after hearing Wang Yangming's answer.

At this moment, a small chamberlain suddenly came in a hurry from outside and said in a sharp voice: "Eight hundred miles of urgent military information, eight hundred miles of urgent military information."

At this moment, everyone in the hall was stunned for a moment, and then all of them looked at the little chamberlain.

At this time, apart from the land south of the Yangtze River, Ming Dynasty, to be honest, they really couldn't figure out where the eight hundred miles of urgent military information came from.

If nothing unexpected happens, something must have happened during the King Ning's Rebellion in the south of the Yangtze River.

Zhu Houzhao looked at the military report in the little chamberlain's hand with eagerness and said immediately: "Send it up quickly!"

Gao Feng, who was serving on the side, heard the words and quickly trotted forward. He took the general's report from the little chamberlain's hand, then walked quickly to the emperor, and respectfully presented the report to the emperor.

The eyes of everyone in the palace also followed the military report. At this time, they were all staring at the military report held by the emperor.

Zhu Houzhao slowly opened the general newspaper and stared at the contents of the military newspaper carefully. It was obvious that Zhu Houzhao's expression was constantly changing. In the end, Zhu Houzhao seemed to have seen some good news, and he couldn't help but show excitement on his face.


Although everyone present said they did not know what the military report contained and what the current situation of Prince Ning's rebellion was, they were able to spy on the contents of the military report through the changes in the emperor's expression.

Just like the joyful look on Zhu Houzhao's face now, a fool could guess that the content of the military report must be good news. If it was really bad news, the emperor would not have such a reaction.

Seeing the joy on the emperor's face, many people present secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Almost most of them are on the side of Li Huan and Wang Yangming. Now they are branded with Li Huan and Wang Yangming. They are regarded by the court officials as reformers, and they can be regarded as one and the same with Li Huan.

If one loses, both will suffer.

This time Li Huan led the army south to suppress the rebellion. Many people in the court were secretly looking forward to Li Huan's defeat, which would not only remove Li Huan, but also depose the New Deal.

They are the ones who most hope that Li Huan can successfully put down King Ning's rebellion. However, the news coming from the south has not been very good. It has always been news that King Ning's power is growing step by step, which makes many people

A little worry arose in my heart.

Especially the news that came not long ago that the number of rebels under King Ning actually exceeded 200,000. In comparison, Li Huan only had 50,000 troops.

Fifty thousand versus two hundred thousand, this huge disparity made people couldn't help but worry that Li Huan would be defeated in this battle.

"Okay, okay, Li Qing really didn't disappoint me!" Zhu Houzhao suddenly slammed the table, stood up, and kept cheering.

Wang Yangming and others looked at the emperor. When the emperor's mood stabilized a little, he seemed to sense the gazes of Wang Yangming and others, and then he spoke to the crowd: "Everyone, Li Qing mentioned in this military report that just a few days ago

Previously, Li Qing led an army to defeat King Ning's 200,000-strong army in one battle.

, and captured all the rebels including Prince Ning, and will soon escort Prince Ning to the capital to await the imperial court’s decision.”

"Okay, that's great!"

"The champion is truly worthy of being my Ming Dynasty's number one god of war!"

"My Ming Dynasty has a champion, so I have nothing to worry about!"

After listening to the emperor's words, all the officials learned that Li Huan had actually wiped out hundreds of thousands of King Ning's troops in one battle. Each of them looked in disbelief, and at the same time they were full of praise.

Throughout the ages, it can be said that there are only a handful of commanders who can annihilate hundreds of thousands of troops in one battle. Even Prince Ning's rebels are mostly a ragtag group, but even if they are a ragtag group, they are still hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses. In the case of huge disparity in numbers.

Understandably, ordinary generals may not be able to destroy hundreds of thousands of troops in one battle, but Li Huan did it.

Wang Yangming stroked his beard, suppressed the turmoil in his heart, took the battle report results from Gao Feng's hand, and then read it carefully, with a smile on his face.

Wang Yangming casually handed the general's report to the officials around him, and then bowed to the emperor and said: "Congratulations to your majesty, congratulations to your majesty. After this battle, King Ning's rebel army was destroyed, and King Ning was captured alive by the champion.

The king's rebellion has been put down!"

The other officials reacted at this time and all congratulated the emperor.

Zhu Houzhao smiled and said: "This is my great fortune, the great fortune of the Ming Dynasty, and the great fortune of all the people in the world!"

If King Ning's rebellion is protracted and the war really lasts for several years, I'm afraid that even if King Ning's rebellion is finally put down, the whole of Jiangnan will be destroyed, and Ming Dynasty will definitely be severely weakened by then. I don't know how long it will take.

Only then can we recover.

Although it took Li Huan a while to put down the rebellion, in reality, the land south of the Yangtze River was not affected much by the military disaster.

After all, wherever King Ning went, many officials simply surrendered. As for some resisting cities, in order to capture Nanjing as early as possible, King Ning directly chose not to attack those cities and rushed all the way.

Heading towards the city of Nanjing.

Therefore, King Ning's rebellion seemed to last for a long time, but in fact, there were only a few real wars. Naturally, there was no rebellion or collapse of the army that harmed the people.

In particular, Li Huan cut through the mess with a quick sword, annihilating King Ning's rebels in one battle in just one day, and minimizing the damage of the war to the people. If you really want to talk about it, it is really as Zhu Houzhao said.

This is the blessing of the Ming Dynasty and the people of the Ming Dynasty.

All the officials left, and then the news that Li Huan destroyed hundreds of thousands of King Ning's rebels in one battle, captured King Ning alive, and put down King Ning's rebellion spread like a gust of wind in the capital.

For a moment, countless people who heard the news were stunned and stunned.

I don't know how many people were waiting to see Li Huan's joke, but in the end they were waiting for such a great victory. How could these people not be shocked?

In the imperial city and the main hall, Wang Yangming did not leave with the officials, but was stayed by the emperor.

At this moment, only the Emperor, Wang Yangming and his attendants Gao Feng were left in the palace.

Zhu Hou looked after Wang Yangming and said with a bit of solemnity: "Li Qing secretly asked Ying to supervise the follow-up matters of Prince Ning's rebellion. I wonder what Wang Qing's family thinks?"

Wang Yangming couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this, and he couldn't help but show hesitation on his face.

To be honest, Wang Yangming knew Li Huan very well. Originally, Li Huan was the general who countered the rebellion and the commander-in-chief of the three armies. Now that King Ning's rebellion has been decided, Li Huan should return to the court as the leader and accept the imperial reward.

As for the follow-up matters, the handling of those local officials who had connections with King Ning, the gentry and others should be personally supervised by officials sent by the imperial court.

However, Li Huan took the initiative to report and hoped to personally supervise this matter.

Wang Yangming didn't even have to think about it. If the imperial court sent a team of officials from the third department to personally supervise this major case, there would definitely be many people who slipped through the net. If this major case was handed over to Li Huan to supervise, I'm afraid the whole of Jiangnan would be destroyed.

The heads of those who were killed were everywhere, and Jiangnan was stained with blood.

Thinking of Li Huan's killing spree in Fuzhou, Wang Yangming couldn't help but sigh in his heart, looked at Zhu Houzhao and said, "Your Majesty,

, this matter is of great importance, I dare not make any false claims and ask Your Majesty to make your own decision."

In fact, Wang Yangming is very hesitant. He knows very well that the best candidate to supervise this case is really Li Huan. Only Li Huan personally takes action can those who colluded with Prince Ning be punished.

Punishment, but Wang Yangming just thought that once this case was handed over to Li Huan, he was afraid that countless people would be killed because of it.

After glancing at Wang Yangming, Zhu Houzhao sat there and tapped the table gently. After a while, he seemed to have made a decision and then slowly said: "To convey my will, the mighty general and champion Hou Li Huan will be the imperial envoy.

Minister, personally supervise the case of Prince Ning’s rebellion and allow him to be executed first and then reported!”

Wang Yangming's heart trembled when he heard this, and he bowed his hands and said, "Old minister, I accept your order."

In front of a majestic mansion in Nanjing City, a group of soldiers smashed open the extremely thick gate of the mansion like wolves and tigers.

Xicheng Bo Xu Mingliang was currently surrounded by a group of servants and more than a dozen generals, looking at the collapsed gate of the mansion with a frightened and ugly expression.

When he saw the leading figure, Xicheng Boxu Mingliang couldn't help but swayed and almost fainted.

Li Huan strode forward and looked at Xu Mingliang, the uncle of Xicheng, who was mourning for his heir, with a bit of ridicule, and sneered: "Uncle Xicheng, you colluded with Prince Ning to plot rebellion. Now that the incident has happened, do you know your guilt?"

Behind Xu Mingliang, a young man couldn't help but said to Li Huan: "You... you are slandering. Why bother to accuse me? My Xu family has been injured and shed blood for the Ming Dynasty. How dare you live with the country?"


Li Huan just glanced at the young man indifferently, waved his hand and said: "I will take him down. No one from the Bohe Mansion in Xicheng is allowed to escape."

"As you command!

Immediately, a group of soldiers came forward with shackles in hand, and the huge Xicheng residence was filled with cries and pleas. However, in the face of these vicious soldiers, they either resisted and were killed, or they were captured without mercy.

Not only in the West City Prince's Mansion, but also in the city of Nanjing, at least dozens of officials and noble families have soldiers and horses blocking the gates of the mansion to arrest people. It can be said that the imperial soldiers and horses can be seen everywhere in the huge Nanjing city.

The situation of taking someone with cooperation.

Most of the noble and powerful officials from South Zhili were gathered in the city of Nanjing. At this moment, I don’t know how many people were hiding in their mansions and shivering, fearing that the closed door of the palace would be broken open by the wolf-like and tiger-like soldiers and horses of the imperial court at the next moment.

The whole family was put in shackles and taken away.

It can be said that Nanjing, which used to be bustling and bustling, and full of decadence, is now filled with depression and fear.

As the head of Nanjing's noble family, the Duke of Wei's residence now has many people gathered at the residence.

These people are all nobles, officials and even gentry in Nanjing City. The purpose of these people gathering at the Duke of Wei's mansion is self-evident. Naturally, they came to see Duke Xu of Wei.

However, when they arrived at Duke Wei's mansion, there was no sign of Xu. They stayed in the living room for most of the day. Except for the fact that people came from time to time to bring news from outside, they could not do anything at all.

In the study, Wei Guogong Xu, who was being asked to see by everyone, was sitting there leisurely sipping tea, while Xu Pengju stood aside and made tea for Xu Chu.

At this moment, Xu Pengju looked at his grandfather, listening to the noisy sounds coming from the direction of the living room not far away, and couldn't help but said: "Grandpa, are you really not going to meet those people accurately?"

Xu put down the teacup in his hand, glanced at Xu Pengju and said, "Grandpa, do you think I should go see them?"

Xu Pengju was stunned for a moment and then shook his head and said: "That shouldn't be the case!"

Xu Wenyan nodded with a smile and said, "It's not in vain, grandpa, that I will take you with me to teach you. Who knows if there is anything unclean about these people? If they really have any collusion with Prince Ning in private, grandpa, if I meet them then,

, who knows what the champion Hou will think."

Hearing Xu mention Li Huan, Xu Pengju couldn't help but said:

"Grandpa, although Li Huan is said to be the commander-in-chief of the three armies, after all, he only has the command of the entire army. He is not the imperial envoy to supervise the case of Prince Ning's rebellion, nor is he the chief officer of the third division sent by the imperial court. But now he is the commander of the army.

Searching the whole city and arresting Prince Ning's accomplices everywhere, this...isn't this a bit...

Overstepping your authority..."

Xu nodded slightly, looked at Xu Pengju and said: "You can see that this is not bad. Li Huan has indeed overstepped his authority, but you have to be clear. Li Huan is arresting people under the banner of clearing away the remnants of Prince Ning.

Yes, although everyone knows what is going on, you have to admit that Li Huan was right to arrest people under that banner."

As he spoke, Xu looked at Xu Pengju solemnly and said: "The most important point is that Li Huan is already deeply trusted and relied upon by the Emperor. In addition, with such unparalleled achievements this time, his status in the Emperor's mind will inevitably be even greater.

It is stable, let alone just sending troops to capture Prince Ning’s accomplices, even if he doesn’t arrest people casually under such a banner, the emperor may not say anything.”

[It’s the last two days, big guys, if you have a monthly pass, please give it a try.]



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