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Chapter 482 Left and right are dead, let's fight!

Time passed little by little. The people who came to the Duke of Wei's house to see Wei Guogong Xu Yan, trying to persuade the Duke of Wei to persuade Li Huan and stop Li Huan from arresting people wantonly in Nanjing, waited until the evening and still didn't see him.

Xu Wei, Duke of Wei.

At this time, no matter how slow the response, he could realize that it was not that Wei Guogong did not know the purpose of their coming, but it was precisely because Xu Ren knew their purpose of coming so well that he avoided seeing them.

Finally, as the first person stood up and left, the rest of the people also left one by one with a bit of disappointment.

Among these people, some were quite calm. They believed that they had no collusion with Prince Ning, so they naturally did not have to worry about being targeted by Li Huan.

The reason why these people came to see Wei Guogong Xu Yan was simply because they were overwhelmed by the depressive atmosphere in Nanjing and subconsciously wanted to seek some psychological comfort.

But except for these confident people, the rest of the people are not so calm.

He knows best what he has done. Although the connection between them and Prince Ning is very secret, there is no impermeable wall in this world.

As long as it is done, some clues will definitely be left behind. In addition, Jin Yiwei has been dispatched in large numbers in the past few days. It is obvious that those who were captured must have some information that fell into the hands of Jin Yiwei.

As far as Jin Yiwei's ability is concerned, no one can guarantee whether the things they did are also known to Jin Yiwei. If they are not aware of it, then that's fine. If Jin Yiwei already has evidence of their crimes, then those

The nobles, powerful officials and officials who were captured one by one are their best examples.

It is conceivable that under such pressure, it is strange that these people with evil intentions can feel at ease.

In front of a slightly luxurious mansion, a carriage slowly stopped. Immediately, servants guarding the door of the mansion came forward, and a figure stepped down from the carriage.

If anyone saw him, he would definitely recognize that this person was none other than the head of the Huang Mansion, Huang Wanli.

The Huang family may not be able to compare with the nobles, officials and gentry in Nanjing City, but they are definitely among the top three among the powerful.

The Huang family controls a large sea-going merchant fleet and has been engaged in maritime trade. In addition to sharing the profits with the officials in Nanjing City every year, the profits that fall into the hands of the Huang family are also an extremely astonishing figure.

It is conceivable that the Huang family can be involved in maritime trade and make it bigger and stronger. Not only does the Huang family have strong connections in the officialdom, but its own strength must also be very strong.

Apart from anything else, if you want to beg for food at sea, if you don't have strong enough force, you may have been devoured by pirates long ago.

The Huang family has maintained an elite force of hundreds of people. It is precisely because of the hundreds of elite servants who dare to fight and fight and have seen blood that they have killed. The Huang family can be regarded as a powerful family in Nanjing City.

On weekdays, by spending a lot of money, the Huang family can be said to be very successful in Nanjing City, and they are even qualified to enter the top noble families like Wei Guogong's Mansion.

This time Huang Wanli was one of the people who went to Wei Guogong's mansion to ask for an audience with Wei Guogong.

However, Huang Wanli's face looked very ugly at this moment. When he got off the car and walked into the mansion, before he returned to the courtyard where he lived, he saw a strong and muscular man hurriedly approaching him.

Before he even got close, he heard the strong man saying to Huang Wanli: "Brother, how is the matter? What does Wei Guogong say? Will he persuade the traitor Li Huan..."

This person is none other than Huang Qianli, who controls hundreds of armed forces of the Huang clan.

Huang Qianli is Huang Wanli's younger brother. However, one of them is good at financial management, while the other is fond of martial arts. The two brothers work together and have grown the Huang family into one of the most powerful in Nanjing city.

Just looking at Huang Qianli's anxious look, it was obvious that he was extremely concerned about the outcome of Huang Wanli's trip to Wei Guogong's mansion.

Under Huang Qianli's gaze, Huang Wanli slowly shook his head and said, "How could an old fox like Wei Guogong stand up and speak for us at this time?"

Huang Qianli couldn't help but frown and said: "So many people are asking to see each other, does it mean that Wei Guogong hasn't met either?"

Glancing at Huang Qianli, Huang Wanli shook his head.

Huang Qianli said with an expression of great annoyance and regret: "If I had known that Prince Ning was such a waste and that the mud could not hold up the wall, our Huang family would not have dreamed of being a minister of the dragon. As a result, just now Prince Ning was in trouble."

A bet was placed on him, and he lost the fight and became a prisoner."

Huang Qianli gritted his teeth and said: "It's okay if he dies, but it has caused great harm to our family, especially this time I personally led the family members to help King Ning. If Li Huan and the others find out,

If so, we, the Huang family, may be in catastrophe."

No wonder Huang Qianli had such a big reaction. It turned out that the Huang family had sent people to join Prince Ning's rebel army not long ago, and Huang Qianli personally led the people.

Huang Wanli glared at Huang Qianli and said: "It's all the fault of Zheng Yang and those people. If it weren't for their repeated persuasion, how could you and I be so obsessed with trying to gain some merit from the dragon, but in the end..."

Having said this, Huang Wanli took a deep breath and said: "Fortunately, brother, you escaped in time from the chaos and did not fall into the hands of the imperial army. Otherwise, our Huang family is really doomed. Although there is a danger of being discovered now,

, but as long as there is no evidence, I don’t think Li Huan and the others will target us.”

Huang Qianli nodded and said: "Now we can only hope for this."

A few days passed by. During these days, the depressive atmosphere in Nanjing city did not lighten at all. On the contrary, it became more and more oppressive as Li Huan continued to send out groups of troops to capture people.

After all, as those people around King Ning who were captured alive were pried open by the Jin Yiwei, a large number of local powerful officials who secretly colluded with King Ning were revealed from their mouths.

The fate of these local powerful and powerful officials who were exposed can be imagined. Except for some people who are scattered all over the south of the Yangtze River, it can be said that everyone who is in Nanjing City will definitely be captured by everyone.

On this day, there was a rapid sound of horse hooves, and a group of people and horses were seen passing through the street. The clothes of this group of people were extraordinary.

Li Huan temporarily lived in Nanjing Liushou Mansion in Nanjing. The official position of Nanjing Liushou was concurrently held by Wei Guogong Xu Yan. Obviously Xu Yan could not live in Nanjing Liushou Mansion, but it was convenient for Li Huan.

Li Huan looked at Gao Feng and several eunuchs who were carrying the imperial edict and walked toward him with the imperial edict in their hands. He couldn't help but look surprised. At the same time, he came up to him and said, "I didn't expect that your majesty actually sent brother Gao here. Could it be that your majesty has something?"

Can’t you give the order?”

Gao Feng's face was filled with a smile. When he saw Li Huan, he smiled and said to Li Huan: "Brother Li, you are really unexpected. An army of more than 200,000 people actually came out in one day." , and he was defeated in one battle. This merit alone is enough to grant him the hereditary title of Duke."

Li Huan smiled slightly and said: "They are just a bunch of rabble, and the soldiers worked hard to win this battle."

The two of them greeted each other politely and walked into the hall. They saw Gao Feng's expression became serious and he immediately said to Li Huan: "The mighty general, the champion Li Huan listens to the order."

Li Huan and all the generals bowed to Gao Feng who was holding the imperial edict and said in unison: "I will listen to the edict."

"The emperor has been entrusted by heaven to carry the emperor, and the edict said: I have been away for a few months, and you may be well. I am very relieved to hear that you won the battle and made great military achievements... I now appoint you as the imperial envoy, with full power to supervise the rebellion of King Ning. You have the right to kill first and report later..."

There were hundreds of eloquent words, almost most of which were the emperor's words of praise for Li Huan. Even a fool could tell how much the emperor loved and trusted Li Huan by listening to the content of the edict.

As for Xu Ying, Chen Ang and others, when they heard that the emperor appointed Li Huan as an imperial envoy and personally supervised Prince Ning's rebellion, and gave them the right to kill first and report later, they all showed excitement and secretly secretly Breathed a sigh of relief.

Although they knew how much the Emperor trusted Li Huan, even if Li Huan went ahead and arrested a large number of officials in Nanjing without the Emperor's will, and the gentry were powerful, the Emperor might not say anything.

However, there is a saying that the master's power is great, but his heart is unpredictable. It is said that accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. Although the emperor of my own family is said to be honest and kind-hearted, no matter how you say it, he is still an aloof and lonely emperor.

If the emperor was afraid of Li Huan because of Li Huan's great military exploits, then Li Huan's arrest of officials and nobles in Nanjing without the emperor's will would be a serious crime. went.

Fortunately, the emperor was still the emperor they were familiar with. He did not have any suspicion of Li Huan because of his great achievements. Instead, he trusted Li Huan as always and entrusted him with important responsibilities.

After Gao Feng read out the imperial edict, he looked at Li Huan and said with a smile: "The champion, you haven't accepted the edict yet."

Li Huan stepped forward to receive the imperial edict, then bowed respectfully in the direction of the capital, and then stood up with everyone else.

Everyone walked into the hall and took their seats. Li Huan looked at Gao Feng and said, "Your Majesty has asked Brother Gao to help me supervise the big business as the deputy imperial envoy. Next, there will be Brother Lao Gao."

Gao Feng said with a smile: "Brother Li is out of touch when he says this. We are all doing things for His Majesty. Brother Li is the main one in our family. If you need me to do anything, just ask."

Here, the news that Li Huan received the emperor's order spread at an extremely fast speed. Not long after, everyone in the huge city of Nanjing knew the news, that is, Li Huan was named an imperial envoy by the emperor. With the power to kill first and report later, he personally supervised Prince Ning's rebellion.

It can be said that as soon as this news came out, countless people felt like mourning for their heirs. Some people even hid at home looking furious and cursed the emperor for being stupid for trusting Li Huan so much.

After all, in the eyes of some people with dark minds, if Li Huan has made extraordinary achievements this time, then his good days must have come to an end. He has reached the point of being invincible at a young age. This is already a great achievement. , it would be strange if the emperor was not afraid of him.

In addition, Li Huan wanted to arrest nobles and officials in Nanjing without the emperor's order. This definitely violated the emperor's taboo. It is impossible that the emperor would remove Li Huan's military power and call him back to the capital with a single order.

However, the emperor's will disappointed these people. Instead of having any fear of Li Huan, the emperor entrusted him with important tasks.


Brothers Huang Wanli and Huang Qianli sent away the servants who had just come to deliver the news, their expressions extremely gloomy.

"You are such a foolish king. Aren't you afraid that the traitor Li Huan will one day usurp the throne and take away his position as emperor?"

Huang Qianli shouted angrily.

Seeing Huang Wanli sitting there with no reaction, Huang Qianli couldn't help but said anxiously: "Brother, Zheng Yang was captured by Jin Yiwei not long ago. I'm afraid he will send people from our Huang family to send food to support Prince Ning's plan.

Brother, please find a way. Do we have to sit back and wait for death? This traitor Li Huan kills without blinking an eye. Think of the thousands of innocent souls in Hangzhou City..."

With a "Peng" sound, Huang Wanli slapped the table gum, his eyes were faintly bloodshot and he said: "Second brother, how many people can we gather in our house?"

Huang Qianli said immediately: "If we join together, there is no problem in gathering two hundred people."

Looking at Huang Wanli, Huang Qianli said with some expectation: "Brother, do you want to..."

"Anyway, there is only one way to die if we fall into the hands of that traitor Li Huan. Since Li Huan will not give us a way to survive, then don't blame us for fighting with him. Even if we fight to death, we will be splashed with his blood."

Hearing this, Huang Qianli gritted his teeth and said: "Then let's fight. I will gather the troops right away and let those who are lucky enough to understand that it is a joke to place their hopes on Li Huan, a traitor, who will be kind enough to spare them.


Nanjing Left-behind Mansion

Wei Guogong Xu Er, the Nanjing left-behind eunuch Feng Tai, Li Huan and Gao Feng, who can be said to be the most powerful people in Nanjing city, are gathering in the Nanjing left-behind mansion.

A thick roster was placed on the table by Li Huan and said: "Wei Guogong, Feng Dajian, this is the roster of those people who colluded with King Ning in the possession of Jinyiwei. Some of them have been taken down, but there are still hundreds of them.

Not caught."

Looking at the thick stack of rosters, Xu Chu couldn't help but shrink his eyes. Although he was in the Duke of Wei's mansion, it didn't mean that he knew nothing about the outside world. Xu Chu even knew exactly who had been arrested.


They originally thought that all those who should be arrested have been arrested, but Li Huan told them that there were hundreds of families that had not been arrested. Think about the many officials, nobles, heroes, Xu Yan, Feng and others who had already been captured.

When Tai looked at the thick roster again, he felt as if a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood were emerging in front of his eyes.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Er showed a smile on his face and said to Li Huan: "Your Majesty has you, the champion, as your imperial envoy to supervise this event. Naturally, I and Superintendent Feng will take you as the champion. The two of us will fully cooperate with the champion."

We will investigate and deal with this case."

[It’s the last day, and there are still dozens of monthly votes left, which is enough for 1,000. Brothers, check if you still have monthly votes and vote for them.]

This chapter has been completed!
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