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Chapter four hundred and eighty third: The true house-spying maniac

Li Huan chuckled and said: "As ministers, we all work for His Majesty. If we can get help from you two, we will definitely live up to His Majesty's expectations!" Kun

As he spoke, a stern look flashed in Li Huan's eyes. He looked at the thick stack of rosters on the table and said coldly: "These people are really audacious. They even secretly colluded with Prince Ning one by one to plot rebellion. , if we don’t bring him to justice, how can we show that the law of the country is ruthless!”

Xu Fu said without hesitation: "What the champion said is true. We must bring these people to justice and tell the world to serve as a warning to others!"

On the long streets of Nanjing City, groups of soldiers went to various mansions to pick up people according to the addresses in their hands.


Huang Wanli and Huang Qianli brothers are feeling uneasy and are now staying in the mansion. There are hundreds of figures gathered in the courtyard of Huang's mansion at this moment.

There was a faint evil aura permeating the bodies of these hundreds of people, and they were all burly men. Just by looking at them, you could tell that they were not good people.

Needless to say, these people are the basis for the Huang family to gain a foothold in Nanjing City.

But now when the two brothers looked at these subordinates in front of them, there was no joy at all in their eyes.

These people under their command would not be at a disadvantage even if they fought against the murderous pirates on the sea, but they did not think that they could fight against the imperial court with these people.

Even King Ning gathered hundreds of thousands of troops, but ended up being defeated in front of the imperial army.

In comparison, the more than a hundred people they have are nothing.

But although the truth is this, how can they be willing to be caught by Li Huan if they are forced to confiscate their homes and exterminate their clans?

Suddenly there was a noise outside, and the two brothers couldn't help but feel startled. They saw two servants guarding the door staggering into the house as if they had seen some terrifying existence. At the same time, they shouted: "Master." , Oh no, people from the government rushed in."

In fact, there is no need for the two servants to shout at this moment, Huang Qianli and Huang Wanli, they have already seen the group of people pouring into the mansion.

The leader of the team was none other than Chen Ang.

Naturally, the details of the Huang family cannot be hidden from Jin Yiwei. It is impossible for Li Huan not to know that the Huang family has a large number of desperadoes.

Therefore, when he came to arrest Huang Qianli, Huang Wanli and other direct descendants of the Huang family, Li Huan could not just randomly send some people. He specially selected Chen Ang to come with his elite.

When brothers Huang Qianli and Huang Wanli saw Chen Ang striding towards them and the soldiers behind him, a look of despair and madness flashed in their eyes.

"You damn dog officer, since you are unwilling to give us a way out, then don't blame us for trying our best!"

Huang Qianli screamed and yelled at his subordinates at the same time: "Brothers, let's fight them!"

These desperadoes are usually well fed by the Huang brothers, and their hands are all stained with blood. Even if they want to surrender, they are afraid that they will be liquidated by the court.

So now, under Huang Qianli's instigation, a group of people could not help but wave their weapons and follow Huang Qianli and rush towards Chen Ang and others.

Chen Ang looked at this scene, a cold look flashed in his eyes, and he sneered: "It's really stubborn!"

While speaking, Chen Ang waved his hand, and the next moment he saw a group of soldiers holding crossbows coming forward. With a burst of sound in the air, dozens of arrows were shot out.

Arrows were shot out continuously, and everyone led by Huang Qianli let out shrill screams and fell to the ground after being hit by arrows.

However, hundreds of desperadoes rushed forward desperately, and although most of them fell down, dozens of them rushed forward.


Chen Ang shouted, and the spear in his hand danced, directly stabbing the leader Huang Qianli. At the same time, the elite soldiers holding crossbows casually threw the empty crossbows on the ground, then pulled out the long knives from their waists and pointed at them. The desperadoes rushed forward.

Suddenly, the entire Huang Mansion fell into a fight.

It was only half a cup of tea when Huang Fu, who was originally filled with shouts of killing, fell into silence, and corpses lying limp on the ground could be seen everywhere in the huge yard.

There was a blood hole in Huang Qianli's chest, and he was leaning against the corpse of one of his men. There was still a hint of madness in his eyes.

With Huang Qianli and others being beheaded, the Huang family's resistance was completely suppressed, and then a direct descendant of the Huang family was escorted out like a heir.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen Jinyi guards and a group of soldiers rushed into the Huang Mansion and began to ransack the Huang Mansion.

The Huang family is indeed one of the most wealthy businessmen in Nanjing, and it is absolutely fitting to say that the family is extremely wealthy.

A large amount of property was found and registered under the supervision of Jin Yiwei. Soon, it piled up into a small mountain in the yard.

Especially under the intimidation of Jin Yiwei, Huang Wanli, who had already lost his soul, revealed the location of the Huang family's treasure house without any resistance.

When the Huang family's treasure house was dug out, everyone present, including Chen Ang and others, showed astonishment.

I saw huge boxes neatly placed in a huge secret room. At a glance, there were at least dozens of boxes. The most important thing was that these boxes were densely packed with gold and cast materials. Ingots made of gold and ingots made of silver.

There were even a dozen huge silver winter melons, all of which looked so delightful.

Chen Ang coughed lightly, which finally brought everyone back to their senses. He forced himself to retract his gaze, and then glanced at everyone present and said: "What are you doing here? Why don't you quickly collect the amount of gold and silver?" If anyone dares to reach out to the statistical records, even if the Marquis spares you, I, the general, will never spare you."

Even with Chen Ang's identity and determination, he was dazzled by so much gold and silver for a moment, let alone other people.

Wealth and silk are alluring. Faced with so much gold and silver, it would be a lie to say that you don't have any ideas. Chen Ang is aware of this, so he specially reminds everyone.

It must be said that Li Huan's reputation is quite intimidating. After listening to Chen Ang's words, everyone present finally suppressed their inner greed and started to do things.

Similar home raiding scenes were not only staged in the Huang family, everyone else who was on the list was arrested and temporarily imprisoned in a makeshift camp outside the city.

In fact, the prisons in Nanjing are already full. If all the relatives of so many criminals were imprisoned in prisons, even if the prisons were expanded ten times, they would not be able to accommodate so many people.

Therefore, Li Huan specially ordered people to build a temporary camp outside the city to detain the relatives of these criminals. Those who were truly qualified to be imprisoned were naturally those powerful, noble, and officials.

On this day, many people in Nanjing discovered a particularly eye-catching phenomenon, that is, groups of large trucks loaded with boxes drove out of each mansion.

Everyone is not a fool. Just by looking at the movements in Nanjing in the past few days, you will know what the champion who is already famous in Nanjing is doing.

It is said that what Li Huan, a favorite of the emperor, liked to do most was to confiscate homes and exterminate clans. Not long ago, they were discussing about Li Huan confiscating homes and exterminating clans and going on a killing spree in Hangzhou.

At that time, they talked about this kind of thing more as a topic of conversation, but they never expected that they would be able to see such a scene with their own eyes now.

In a teahouse on the street, many people were gathering in the teahouse, looking excitedly at a group of horse-drawn carriages passing by on the long street in front of the teahouse.

There were more than a dozen carriages in this group, which were filled with large sealed boxes containing gold, silver, jewelry and other property confiscated from the Huang family.

These belongings were escorted by a group of soldiers and headed towards the Nanjing Liushou Mansion.

Suddenly, a carriage axle made a cracking sound, and then the carriage collapsed, followed by several large boxes on the carriage falling to the ground.

With a crash, one of the boxes fell directly to the ground. The lid of the sealed box was blown open, and the white gold, silver and jewelry were scattered all over the floor.

This scene was very sudden, but countless people were stunned.

In the tea house, there were many people on the roadside looking towards the convoy. The vendors looked at the gold and silver jewelry scattered on the ground one by one. They were golden and white, and they just piled a small pile on the ground. They just looked at it. People swallowed hard subconsciously.

The person responsible for escorting this batch of goods was a Baihu official. Obviously, he did not expect such a change. However, this person's reaction was not slow. At the moment when the carriage collapsed and the box fell, he came to his senses. He immediately drew his sword out of its sheath and shouted: "No one is allowed to come near, but anyone who comes near will be killed without mercy!"

Obviously these hundreds of officials are not fools. The yellow and white things scattered from the boxes are very tempting. If the scene cannot be controlled, I am afraid that in the next moment, some people around the long street will be aroused to greed in their hearts. The people will rush forward in droves.

If something like that really happened, not to mention the gold, silver and jewelry scattered on the ground, I'm afraid even the belongings on the dozen or so carriages he was responsible for escorting would have been snatched away by the crowd.

I have to say that the scene of hundreds of officials drawing their swords and shouting angrily really calmed the scene all of a sudden. Even if some people had greed in their hearts, when they saw the gleaming long sword, they were like a sword. A basin of ice water was poured down on his head, finally suppressing the greed in his heart.

Chen Ang, who quickly received the news, personally led a group of soldiers to arrive and finally stabilized the situation completely.

Of course, this is just a small episode in the entire process of confiscation. This case of Prince Ning’s rebellion involves at least hundreds of officials, gentry, and local powerful families.

It can be said that for almost a month, Li Huan focused all his energy on arresting people and ransacking homes.

After all, the families of these powerful officials and gentry are spread throughout the land south of the Yangtze River, and many of them are even rooted in the north. It is conceivable that King Ning's rebellion almost shocked the entire Ming Dynasty. People who were implicated were said to be all over the country. The same goes for the whole country.

It is already the winter of the fifth year of Zhengde, and everything in the north has withered and entered the midwinter season, but the south seems not to have been greatly affected, and the climate is still mild.

The huge Nanjing Left-behind Mansion was full of people coming and going, and there were a large number of officials, hundreds of them in total.

In several halls, there was the sound of abacuses being flipped and account books being flipped everywhere, showing a busy scene.

Li Huan, Xu Yan, Feng Tai, and Gao Feng walked among these officials, urging them to compile various statistics.

Needless to say, what these people are counting now is naturally the property data obtained from the homes of the criminals involved in the Ning Wang rebellion case when Li Huan ordered the liquidation.

You must know that this data can be said to have been collected from the beginning, but who made this case involve too many people and a wide range of people.

In the past, Li Huan's home raids, even the largest ones, only involved dozens of houses, but this time the number increased by at least ten times.

In addition, the confiscated property included gold and silver jewelry, antique calligraphy and paintings, acres of land, shops, manors, grain, livestock, mines, etc.

It can be said that there are countless types of valuable items involved, which shows how troublesome it is to count the proceeds from house confiscation.

In order to be able to tally up the results of this house raid in the shortest possible time, Li Huan mobilized hundreds of officials who were proficient in numerology.

Even so, a month has passed, and in the face of the massive amount of property, there is still no specific number.

In a side hall, Li Huan, Xu Er, Feng Tai, and Gao Feng returned from patrolling several halls. After sitting down, Gao Feng said with a hint of joy on his face: "Brother Li, Wei Guogong , After all, hard work pays off. From our perspective, it won’t be long before we can make a rough estimate of the amount of property recovered from this house raid." Kun

The other people also had a bit of smiles on their faces.

Xu Yan, who was stroking his beard, sighed softly and said: "I didn't expect that it would take so long just to calculate the results. I don't know how much the proceeds from this house raid will be!"

As he spoke, Xu Yan looked at Li Huan who was sitting there.

Until now, Xu Yan had only heard about Li Huan's ability to confiscate his family and exterminate his clan. Rumors said that Li Huan was the best at confiscating his family and exterminating his clan. In the past, he had only heard about it, but this time Xu Min really saw Li Huan's ability to confiscate his family. That can really be said to be digging three feet into the ground without leaking even a hair.

Under the interrogation and torture of the Jin Yiwei, no matter how closely those people hid their belongings, they were eventually revealed one by one.

Hearing this, Gao Feng couldn't help but look at Li Huan and said, "This time involves at least hundreds of families. Brother Li, in your opinion, how much property can be confiscated this time?"

[Well, please ask for the guaranteed monthly pass at the beginning of the month!]



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