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Chapter 42: Red Flowers and Green Leaves

The "new student" met the prefect at the government office, and the process of the prefectural examination was all over. Even if there were some rumors, it could not change the facts.

All the other candidates should pack up and go home, but Fang Yingwu was asked by Magistrate Zhu to stay in the city. As a representative of the people of Yanzhou Prefecture, a representative of Jie Yuan of the Jinke Township Examination, and the government office, he will welcome the retired chief minister Shangge Lao when he returns home.

After seeing off several candidates from the same county, Fang Yingwu returned to the hotel, but was stopped by the shopkeeper, who asked politely: "Fang Xiaoguan, your guest room has expired, do you want to continue to stay now?"

When Fang Yingwu moved in, it was indeed only calculated based on the completion of the government examination. At that time, he did not expect to stay for a few more days, so when he paid the rent, the days were only counted until today.

At this time, the shopkeeper asked him if he would continue to stay. Of course, the subtext was that if he wanted to stay, he had to pay first.

Fang Yingwu touched his pocket and was very distressed. He didn't bring much money with him when he came, but now he really doesn't have much money left. After paying the rent, he has nothing to eat or drink. Even paying the rent for a few days may not be enough.

He had no choice but to salute the shopkeeper and say, "Please be patient for a few days..."

In the next two days, Fang Yingwu went to the government office every half day to check on the news. On the morning of the third day, he learned that Mr. Shang had arrived in the neighboring county of Tonglu County.

So Magistrate Zhu issued an order that spread throughout the city, summoned his entourage to meet him at the county border, and hurriedly prepared to board the ship at the pier outside the south gate.

Before leaving, many officials, including magistrates, general magistrates, officials, magistrates of Jiande County, Fuguo County, county magistrates, chief registrars, and chief officials of the government, Zhaomo, etc., all came to the dock to serve as prefect Zhu.

Send off.

The government office prepared seven or eight ships to carry people. Fang Yingwu stood on the bow of one of the ships. It was the first time he saw such a neat lineup of officials. In his eyes, it was more like the civil servants of the Ming Dynasty going from the fourth rank to the ninth rank.

The exhibition of official uniforms has gained me a lot of knowledge.

But from the pitiful eyes of these adults, Fang Yingwu could feel the deepest reluctance - probably they all wanted to follow the governor and go to the county to greet the outgoing chief minister. They would just squat at home and wait for a chance!

Shang Xianggong was the first in the civil service. Although he had the word "front", his reputation was much better than that of the new chief minister Wan An, who was a sycophant prime minister who used the back door of the imperial concubine.

But it is a pity that Zhu Zhifu cut off the hope of all officials. He loudly lectured to everyone at the dock: "My lords, it is the busy time for autumn grains. We, who have earned the emperor's salary, must not neglect the king's affairs!

Therefore, there is no need to mobilize troops, waste people and money, just go to the county to greet Mr. Shang! These days, you all must guard your own affairs, and you must be diligent in political affairs and do your job well! If there is any delay, you will be punished in front of the king.

, I will never be lenient!"

The adults were obedient and did not dare to show any dissatisfaction.

Fang Yingwu cheered in his heart, he was so powerful, he was worthy of being a fourth-rank Huangtang member who was only one step away from entering the ranks of senior officials!

Moreover, it seems that Magistrate Zhu is usually a very powerful official, so he can say the right thing at critical moments, so as to scare his colleagues and subordinates from making rash actions.

After the lecture, Magistrate Zhu boarded the largest ship, and the fleet set sail from the pier outside the south gate, heading downstream to the border of Jiande County.

If you go upstream from the provincial capital Hangzhou along the Qiantang River and Xin'an River to the west, the first county after entering Yanzhou is Tonglu County, which is where Shangge Lao is now. After that is Jiande County, the farthest west

It is Chun'an County.

Magistrate Zhu led the local gentry to the junction of Jiande County and Tonglu County, where he was going to wait for Mr. Shangge.

Etiquette is the most important thing in official circles, and the distance between greetings and greetings is also very particular. Theoretically, Magistrate Zhu could go as far as the junction of Tonglu County and Hangzhou Prefecture, but that would appear to be too flattering and could easily arouse criticism from others.

And welcoming him on the outskirts of Fucheng would seem too rude. After all, the identity of the Shang Ge elder is displayed here. If he were only greeted on the outskirts of the city, the etiquette would be seriously insufficient.

Therefore, Magistrate Zhu took people to meet him at the county boundary of Jiande County, Fuguo County, which was a relatively just right distance, respectful but not overly flattering.

The reception plan was to rush to the junction of Jiande and Tonglu in advance, wait for Shang Xianggong's ship to enter Jiande County, go up to pay homage, hold a banquet on the spot to welcome Shang Xianggong, and stay for one night.

The next morning, the fleet will set off from the county boundary to Fucheng. If the journey goes smoothly, whether you stay in Fuchun Station outside Dongguan that night or in a mansion in the city depends on Mr. Shangge's choice. If the journey does not go smoothly, he will stay in the city.

On the way, we rested in the house of a wealthy family.

Fang Yingwu sat in the boat and glanced at the people traveling with him. The people in the boat were all celebrities and scholars from the province. They gathered together this time to meet Prime Minister Sanyuan again. They all looked excited and were sitting around the table.

Talking loudly and spitting all over the place.

Fang Yingwu had only been in his career for a few days and was not familiar with them. With his character, he was too lazy to put down his posture and take the initiative to curry favor with these unknown people in the history books. He sat aside silently and thought about the situation when he boarded the ship.

Suddenly I discovered a feature.

Among the welcoming team arranged by the governor to go to the county line together, excluding a large number of handymen and the like who are not included in the number, there seem to be only more than 20 local representatives. Most of them belong to two types, one is in their 20s and 30s.

One is the young scholar, who is elegant and suave; the other is the local old man, who is highly virtuous and respected.

The combination of old and young seems to be a very reasonable personnel structure, but there is something strange that cannot be explained...

Fang Yingwu thought about it carefully again, and finally he was sure that there was indeed not a single official, and there was not even a single official in his hometown who was in his prime. They were all people far away from the officialdom! Of course, most of the local candidates went to the capital to take the exam.


The only exception in the team is Magistrate Zhu himself. In this team, Lord Fu Zun is really the most popular among all the green - especially the official uniform is a crimson robe.

Thinking of this, Fang Yingwu suddenly patted his thigh and sighed, Master Zhu is worthy of the word "thoughtful", he has taken into account such small details!

This team went to greet Mr. Shangge. When Mr. Shangge disembarked, he remained calm and naturally made Mr. Zhu himself stand out.

Young scholars can only recite poems and compose essays, and at most talk about a few lines of scriptures. The local elders can only talk about the changes in local customs and customs in recent years. These things are all part of the scene, so you can just listen to them.

Shang Xianggong is a senior minister at the level of chief minister. Of course, his level and realm are not limited to the above. But in the welcoming scene, the only person who can have high-level exchanges with Mr. Shang and talk about state affairs, government affairs and officialdom, except the prince himself

, who else could it be?

At that time, the governor didn't have to worry about anyone stealing the limelight. He just had to concentrate on expressing his talents and insights in the presence of a group of old, young, sick and disabled people around him. This was the best opportunity he created for himself.

As for Yingwu from other places, his main tasks are probably to represent the Jieyuan platform and to recite poems and write lyrics, and there is no essential difference from other colleagues.

He lowered his head and looked at the coarse green robe he was wearing. It really looked like the green leaves beside Dahongpao. Fang Yingwu bent down and walked out of the cabin, stood on the bow and looked at the reflection in the water. He looked very innocent.

Innocent, obedient green leaves?


Time is so tight in the morning, so just write and post as much as you can!

This chapter has been completed!
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