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Chapter 57: A Trip to the Academy (Part 2)

Although the Dao Examination and the Prime Minister of Sanyuan are beyond reach, the strange behavior of Ti Xueguan has turned Mr. Shang Ge into an important role that does not float on the surface. Therefore, his statement is very important, and everyone wants to

I know what Mr. Shangge's attitude is towards this, or I'm more looking forward to Mr. Shangge's criticism.

It’s no wonder that people are concerned about these things, famous families don’t like to have their names anonymized. You know, the names written on the top of the test paper are not just your names, but also your parents and teachers.

If the name is not hidden, then for the children of aristocratic families, showing their origins on the test paper is a bonus, and they will naturally be taken care of better than the children of poorer families. And even if you ask for a recommendation, it is easy to operate, otherwise the examiner will not be able to tell who it is?

However, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Mr. Shang remained calm and said to his old friends: "I have been tired for a long time, so I changed the name of Xianju Academy when I was a child to Juanju Academy. Today I won't talk about the annoying matters of fame and fame.

Let’s talk about romance and drink happily, and don’t be afraid that your hospitality is not good enough.”

This was a completely non-commentary attitude, and everyone couldn't see anything in Shangge's old face, so they had no choice but to give up.

Fang Yingwu secretly lamented in the corner that Mr. Shang was worthy of being a big shot in the cabinet for eighteen years. Although he was amiable and informal, after several interactions, he found that his thoughts were never easily known and were always guessed.

He can't figure it out - this may have been his habit.

The subsequent dishes came one after another, and Fang Yingwu took a quick look and saw that they were just ordinary farm dishes, very low-key and simple. If other hosts were like this, it would be a sign of being slow to treat guests, but Shangge always behaved like this because of his refined taste, frugality and self-control.

The banquet ended in the afternoon, and everyone left one after another. The drunken Shangge, with the support of his children and grandchildren, said goodbye one by one in person.

Fang Yingwu was waiting in line behind others. He was worried about not getting anything today. When he was thinking about his own problems, a young man in his twenties suddenly walked up to him and said: "My ancestors have told me that Fang's friend is traveling

It’s far away, and it would be dangerous to walk on the mountain road after dark, so please stay overnight today.”

Immediately, Fang Yingwu was led to the backyard hall of the academy. He didn't know how long he waited, but he saw Mr. Shang being helped in by his servants.

Fang Yingwu hurriedly stepped forward to greet him again. Shang Xianggong waved his hand and said, "No need to be more polite."

Shang Xianggong sat on the large Taishi chair, took the sobering tea, lowered his head and took a few sips, and then said to the other party: "I heard someone say something. In July last year, you had a discussion in a tea shop in the city.

Said: Quan Eun Wang has no ability to force me to become an official. The other elders are all in the palace. The water here is very deep..."

"This kid is frivolous and talks wantonly for a moment." Fang Yingwu's face turned bitter with embarrassment. Although he didn't say anything out of the ordinary, it was always a little embarrassing for the person involved to hear the discussion behind his back. How did these words reach Shangge?

Old ears? I don’t know whether it is good or bad. If you talk too much, you will make mistakes. If you talk too much, you will make mistakes.

Mr. Shang Ge looked noncommittal again, but he put it down gently and started another topic: "In the world's imperial examinations, the two capitals are the most important. Only the Imperial Academy cannot be promoted to academic officials, followed by Jiangxi, Zhejiang and other places.

Li Shishi, the new academic administrator of this province, is from Jiangxi. I remember that he was a doctor in the Ministry of Justice before, but his name is not obvious. He was born in the 229th place in the top three in Bingxu Branch in the second year of Chenghua."

Fang Yingwu opened his eyes wide and was at a loss, as if he didn't understand what Mr. Shang wanted to express. But his memory is really extraordinary. Who was the 229th place in the top three 12 years ago?

Remember everything.

Mr. Shang Ge glanced at Fang Yingwu a few times and softly uttered three words: "Don't pretend to be stupid."

"Yes, yes." Fang Yingwu was a little embarrassed after being seen through. Mr. Ge should be more elegant. It is obvious that the three words "Don't hide your clumsiness" are more appropriate, but he insists on saying "Don't pretend to be stupid". This is too much for him.

The kids are saved.

Originally, Fang Yingwu didn't think much about the new academic officer, except that he often complained about the bizarre incident of him becoming a rebel forty years later. But after hearing what Mr. Ge said just now, he secretly realized a lot.

Zhejiang is one of the top imperial examination provinces in the world, and it is also a place where humanities gather. Although it has not reached the point where it is not necessary to use the Imperial Academy to select academic officials in the two capitals, it still requires a few brushes to select academic officials, otherwise how can it control the situation.

On the other hand, being an academic officer in Zhejiang Province is a prestigious job that everyone aspires to. The reason is very simple. Zhejiang has many talents and produces many high-ranking officials. If you go to Zhejiang to serve as an academic officer for three years, preside over a provincial examination, you will receive hundreds of jobs.

High-quality students will be a valuable asset in the future, and can even influence their descendants.

But Li Shishi was only one of the lowest among the top three Jinshis, the lowest level among Jinshis. Before, he only worked in the Ministry of Punishments, which was not a clean and tidy department. But he was able to become an academic official in Zhejiang Province in one fell swoop. The span was obviously a bit big.


Besides, Li Shishi was from Jiangxi, so it was impossible for him to go back to Jiangxi to become a scholar. Being a scholar in Zhejiang was almost the only best academic position he could get, but it turned out that he met this one. It was too much of a coincidence to say it was luck.

Reminiscent of the current dynasty, Mr. Zhongsange, I feel that there are many inside stories. Did Li Xuezheng come to Chun'an, as ordinary people think, to flatter Mr. Shangge?

Fang Yingwu didn't want to show too much scheming, so he didn't express all the analysis to his mouth. He just said briefly and concisely, "If something is abnormal, it will be a monster", indicating that after being enlightened, he already felt that something was wrong.

Seeing that Fang Yingwu dropped his cover, Shang Ren no longer pretended to be stupid, nodded and said: "You can teach me, boy. Although I don't know where you got the news, but you seem to have a lot of experience in temple matters? It can be said that:

When you are far away from the world, you worry about your master. What do you think of the world today?"

Fang Yingwu replied: "In today's world, loyal and upright people are free, and they either live in remote areas or idle in Nanjing. As for the court... they are just like the light and the dust."

"With light and dust? This word is used very well. It explains the current situation of the temple in one sentence." The boss of Shangge said.

Fang Yingwu suddenly became very enthusiastic and spoke generously: "How can you live long if you rely on favor to do evil? Justice will eventually come, and light is ahead! Winter has arrived, but spring can still be far away!"

Shang Renjie praised: "Good! We scholars should not just pile up ancient papers, but use it to help the world. When I looked at your poems, I thought that you had wisdom at a young age, so you could see through the world early, and you might live in seclusion in the mountains and forests.

The thought of escaping from the world. It seems that is not entirely the case."

At this point, Shang Xianggong is slightly proud of himself and feels that his level of Bole is really not low. In his later years, he can still dig for gold in the sand. He has a keen eye for identifying people and discovered the right things in the vast sea of ​​people. With his knowledge, talent and handling methods, his future is limitless!

So he couldn't help but take the exam further: "I'm going to take the exam, please prepare an essay here and show it to me."

An hour later, the sun set and long silhouettes of people shone through the window.

Shang Xianggong held the eight-part essay that Fang Yingwu had just answered with great expectations, but after only glancing at it briefly, he asked with confusion on his face: "How did you pass the county examination and the prefecture examination?"

Fang Yingwu, the outstanding student who was ranked first in the county examination and second in the provincial examination, lowered his head in shame and was speechless.


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