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Chapter 22 Deja Vu

 (There are really no manuscripts saved, they are all published as they appear)


Yun Cai's outfit completely conquered the fat man. He stared straight at the little girl. Yun Cai glared at her angrily before restraining himself.

The fat man came back to his senses and denied again and again, "No, no, absolutely not. Sister Yuncai, please don't misunderstand me. Fat brother is mainly afraid that you will work too hard. In fact, in our hearts, you are definitely the best candidate."

Wu Xiaoxie frowned and cursed in a low voice: "Damn fat man, why did you change your mind so quickly? You asked the little girl to follow you. What if we are in danger this time?"

The fat man quickly said, "What nonsense are you talking about? It's so unlucky. Sister Yuncai, don't listen to his nonsense. Brother Fat will protect you when the time comes."

Yun Cai responded with a smile, "Then I have to thank Brother Fat in advance."

The fat man immediately felt as if he had eaten honey, it was so sweet that his soul could no longer find its place.

Wu Xiaoxie shook her head helplessly, saying she didn't see it.

"Okay, just let him go." Zhang Zhuxun smiled and patted Wu Xiaoxie's shoulder, "Our fat man has finally regained his love. Pan Zi now has a warm haven. Now, our fat man

Now that he is older, we should create more opportunities for him."

Wu Xiaoxie was helpless and lowered her voice: "I didn't mean that, but the way you look at the clouds, your attention is always on the little brother. Although you are very careful, I don't have any thoughts of a little daughter when I look inside. I feel

Her purpose seems...not pure, and the fat man seems to be serious. I'm afraid he won't be worth it in the end."

He didn't want to maliciously speculate on a little girl, but in this dangerous place, he couldn't help but relax his vigilance, and what happened before made him unable to truly feel at ease with Agui and his daughter.

Zhang Zhuxun squinted his eyes and smiled, looking at Yun Cai, "It's just because I'm worried that I keep it under my nose and watch it. Don't worry, the fat guy looks very nervous, but he's actually very careful. He's in the middle."

Just a joke, Yuncai can't focus on the little brother."

"Furthermore, if the fat man really likes me, he will be worthy even if he is not worth it. It all depends on the performance of that girl."

Wu Xiaoxie thought Zhang Zhuoxun was talking about throwing money at him, but in fact Zhang Zhuxun said it was Yuncai's own choice. He didn't know what leverage Agui's family had on Taoshou. If Yuncai's conscience was still intact,

He doesn't mind lending a helping hand to save her life.

What he cares about is not Yuncai's life, but Fatty's feelings. After all, in the original plot, after Yuncai was killed by Flat Shoulder, Fatty took a long time to come out.

Yun Cai just looked away from her little brother without leaving a trace, frowned, turned around and saw Zhang Zhuxun staring at her, her heart beat wildly a few times, she turned her eyes away, and she became worried.

She always felt that her good-looking brother was dangerous. He usually looked gentle and talkative, but whenever he looked at her, his eyes seemed to be smiling, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.


Being stared at by those eyes, she had the illusion that her hidden thoughts were being seen through. It seemed that no matter what purpose she had, she had nowhere to hide under his gaze.

Several people led their dogs, put on their backpacks, and set off with machetes, following the same route they took to find Panma Dad in the mountains, chatting while walking.

The fat man's attention was always on Yuncai. From time to time he would make witty remarks to make Yuncai happy. When he stopped to rest, he would pass out water and dry food. He also taught Yuncai how to eat self-heating rice. He was extremely attentive.

He also asked Zhang Shuxun for most of the candies in his hand, and stuffed them all into Yuncai's pocket with coaxing and coaxing. He also wanted to coax Yuncai into kissing his face. Yuncai was not that stupid. Although he was a little shy, he was still determined.

A gentle slap pushed the fat man’s big face back.

The two of them were sticky even after eating a honeydew melon. The fat man was very old, but he still acted like a coquettish fool and let Yun Cai feed him.

Agui, a cheerful father, didn't say a word to stop him.

If it were Zhang Zhuxun's place, and his daughter was pursued by a stinky man who was two or three years older than her, he would definitely chop up the stinky man who dared to covet his daughter and bury him in the ground.

Ahem, he is really a "kind" father-in-law.

The little brother remained silent along the way, holding his knife in his arms. No one knew what he was thinking.

That night they rested beside an ancient tomb at the mountain pass.

The fat man was so shameless and wanted to share a tent with Yun Cai. Agui finally couldn't bear it anymore and smiled a little reluctantly, "Fat boss, I see that you are in good spirits, why don't we keep a vigil tonight"

Zhang Zhuxun and Wu Xiaoxie laughed unceremoniously, and then quietly gave Fatty some advice, "You can stay close to some of Yuncai's tents during the rest of the night. When Yuncai wakes up in the morning, you will see that it is hers."

Fat brother will definitely be very moved as he watches over her all night."

The fat man thought this was a good idea and went to watch the night happily.

Wu Xiaoxie looked at his cheerful back and shook his head speechlessly, "Sure enough, love makes people stupid. Our fat man used to be such a shrewd person."


They continued on their way early the next morning and walked in the forest for two days. The trees in front of them became increasingly sparse. Agui said that the lake was almost there.

Sure enough, after walking for two or three minutes, a few people saw the lake on the ridge from a distance. Probably due to the heavy rain for days, the lake was larger than expected.

The lake is surrounded by vast mountains in the center. Tall and precipitous peaks are continuous. The mountains are towering into the clouds, and the vegetation is very lush. Even the cliffs in the mountains are dark green. The name of Shiwan Mountain is indeed well-deserved.

Approaching the beach, it is true as Panma said, the shore around the lake is full of stones, and there is no trace of anyone stationed here. Presumably, it has been many years, and the traces of the original have long disappeared.

In the passage of time.

The water on the lake is calm and calm like a mirror, reflecting the clear blue sky on the lake, which is particularly beautiful.

When there is a breeze blowing, the water surface sparkles, like fleeting silver foils. It is really beautiful when the water is shining, and the mountains are empty and rainy, which is also strange.

After driving for a long time in the dense forest, several people were sweating. They dropped their backpacks and jumped into the water. The cool lake water was refreshing in these dog days, and it was cooler than eating iced watermelon.
Wu Xiaoxie scooped up some water and poured it on his face. Suddenly, he felt that the landscape in front of him seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before. He turned to look at his brother and Muyu, but saw that their expressions were different.

I was a little confused, but I knew this was not my own delusion.

Zhang Zhuoxun frowned, stood up from the water and walked back to the shore.

The younger brother was squatting on the shore and just splashed a few handfuls of water on his face. Seeing that Zhang Zhuoxun seemed to have thought of something, he got up and walked back to the beach.

Agui, who was setting up a tent on one side, saw this and asked the two bosses what happened.

Zhang Zhuoxun waved his hand, said it was okay, got into the tent that had been set up, changed into dry clothes, and took out his camera from his backpack.

The younger brother also changed his clothes and came out. Zhang Zhuoxun waved to him, "Brother, come and see."

He turned over some of the scenery they had taken when they were wandering around the village in order to hide it from others, and found one of the photos taken by the stream next to the village, and let the little brother take a closer look.

"Does it look familiar?" Zhang Chuxun said, flipping through a few more photos. They were photos he found in his brother's stilt building. To avoid damage, he took them on his camera.

"Look at these pictures again, especially the one with the box. The scenery above is almost exactly the same as the mountains in our three o'clock direction. Although there are changes, the general layout is the same."

"Do you think this could be a coincidence?" Zhang Zhuxun asked softly.

The little brother shook his head, took the camera, and turned to the photo of the stream in front of him. He compared it with the scenery not far away. The more he looked at it, the tighter his frown became.

Wu Xiaoxie, who was soaking in the water, had obviously thought of something, and felt a chill in his heart. He couldn't stand it any longer. Seeing what Zhang Zhuxun and the two were discussing, he hurriedly climbed ashore, got close to the two of them, and told them what he had discovered.

Said it once.

Zhang Zhuoxun also showed him the photo, "There are also weird things in this Yao village."

"If all this is not a coincidence, then the secrets hidden in this Yao village are more complicated than we imagined." Wu Xiaoxie's expression

A little dark.

Zhang Zhuoxun patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Don't worry, we still have more time. Let's do it one by one. First, we should figure out what happened to the expedition team back then."

Wu Xiaoxie nodded and raised his voice to call the fat man over who was swimming on his back in the water, "Young man, can you be more attentive? Don't just think about your sister Yuncai. We have other business to do."

The fat man grinned, "I know, I know, look at the position in the photo, aren't there already some signs of this?"

Wu Xiaoxie had no choice but to say: "Then just watch Agui and I, Brother Muyu and I go around the lake a few times to observe the environment around the lake and see if we can find some reasonable places to dump the body."
"No problem." Fatty agreed.

After Yuncai and the others set up their tent, they began to prepare pots for cooking. On the way here, they also picked many edible mushrooms and wild vegetables, which were just in time for dinner.

The lake was the size of two football fields, and Zhang Zhuxun and the others deliberately slowed down their pace.

The water surface near the lake shore is crystal clear, and the bottom of the water is full of irregularly shaped stones, whose edges have been worn away by the erosion of water all year round.

Stretching further in, the bottom of the lake suddenly disappeared into darkness. It seemed that the drop at the bottom of the lake was very large and the water was very deep.

Panma said at the beginning that the shape of the Demonic Lake was like a sickle stuck at the bottom of the mountain, but the lake they saw now was very different from what Panma described.

As the saying goes, there are no dragons hidden in shallow water, but there must be monsters in deep water.

They slowed down and walked around, but found nothing in the shallows. The bottom of the water was clean without any impurities, not even common floating objects in the water such as duckweed. This was obviously abnormal.

You must know that this is wild water and there is no special person to take care of it. How can it be kept so clean and immaculate?

From the analysis of the photos, the place where the archaeological team was originally stationed should be the same as where they are currently camping, on the south side of the lake bank. Panma and the others killed someone, and in panic they wanted to quickly dispose of the body, so they must have chosen the nearest place.

Zhang Zhu and three others came to the southern shallows and rummaged under the rocks. The body had been soaked in water for so many years and had turned into bones. It was not necessarily different from the stone. Just relying on the three of them to rummage by hand, this was undoubtedly a dead body.

Huge project.

So the dogs we brought came in handy.

Living in Agui's house these days, they have become familiar with these dogs. Zhang Zhuxun took out a few vacuum-packed chicken legs from the space, tore them open, fed the dogs to make them comfortable, and then led the dogs.

Use their keen sense of smell to search.

Towards evening, they actually found a human skull under a rock. It was probably because rocks were squeezed in and buried over time that it was not washed away by the water.

The fat man happened to come to ask them to eat. When he saw this, he said: "When the corpse was thrown away, it was not tied up. It would first turn into a floating corpse, and then sink to the bottom of the water for fish and shrimp to eat it clean. The bones must be scattered. The head is here, and the thigh bone is here."

It's thousands of miles away, and some may have been dragged away and eaten by animals in the forest. The range is too large, and we definitely can't search like this."

Although Wu Xiaoxie was a little discouraged, he was not impatient, "Don't be anxious, let's take our time, there's no way we won't leave any clues."

"Let's go, let's go eat." The fat man pulled one with each hand.

Agui used a shotgun to shoot two wild game in the woods. He used unknown seasonings and put them on the grill. They were very fragrant.

Several people sat around the bonfire, drinking rice wine, eating barbecue, chicken stewed with mushroom soup made by Agui, cold wild vegetables, and blowing the night breeze. It was extremely comfortable.

After dinner, Yun Cai suddenly expressed his desire to dance for everyone. As he said this, he clapped his hands to make time, walked to the open space illuminated by the bonfire, and began to dance.

There are many movements of circling and back kicking in the Yao people's dance. Yun Cai has a good-looking figure, with long and straight legs. When she twists her waist, the fat man's jaw will almost drop.

The fat man was so mesmerized that he jumped up and shouted that he wanted to learn the same thing. He crowded around Yun Cai and twisted his fat waist. It was obviously the same movement, but when he did it, his posture was the same as that of a great dancer, which made a few people laugh.


"Sister, you sit on the bow of the boat, brother, let me walk on the shore, love each other, and swing on the rope for a long time~"

The fat man showed off his broken gong voice again, and Yun Cai laughed so hard that he almost forgot his dance moves.

"It sounds awful." Wu Xiaoxie covered one ear and cursed with a smile, "Shut up, please."

Zhang Zhuoxun smiled and said, "Let me accompany you two."

As he spoke, he took out a harmonica from the side pocket of his backpack, tried a few notes, and then started to play "Peacock Flying".

Yun Cai was stunned for a moment, and while spinning in circles, she glanced at the little brother sitting next to Zhang Zhuxun without leaving a trace, and then continued dancing to the beat.

After playing the song, the fat man asked for the harmonica and actually played Liuyang River.

Zhang Zhuoxun and others were shocked, "Oh, I didn't expect our fat man to still have this trick."

The boy on one side was a little out of sorts, staring blankly at the dancing flames above the bonfire.

Zhang Zhuoxun patted him and said, "Let's go for a walk by the lake, it's just in time to eat."

The younger brother nodded, stood up, and the two of them walked towards the lake.

The dancing clouds turned around and came back to find that there was no one there where the little brother was sitting. He hurriedly stopped and looked around anxiously, but when he turned his head, he looked at Zhang Zhuxun.

Zhang Zhuxun looked at her coldly, the gentle smile of the past completely gone from his face.

For a moment, Yun Cai felt as if he was being targeted by some kind of gloomy poisonous snake. His scalp was numb, and his whole body seemed to be trapped by magic, unable to move.

This chapter has been completed!
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