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Chapter 23 Siphon Effect

 The cloud suddenly stopped moving, and the fat man didn't notice it for a moment. When he stepped back, he twisted his buttocks and pushed the cloud away.

Yun Cai fell to the ground, recovered from the panic, quickly covered her ankles, and said "Oh!"

The fat man saw that this was something serious, and asked with concern: "Sister Yuncai, where are you injured? Let Brother Fat take a look at it."

Yuncai frowned and shook his head, "It's okay, I just accidentally twisted it."

"This sprain can be big or small. Come on, let me fat brother see if it's serious." Fatty said anxiously.

Yun Cai couldn't resist, so she had to move her hand away. She was knocked down without warning. Her ankle was indeed twisted and slightly red and swollen.

The fat man hurriedly ran to the lake with a towel, soaked the towel, and immediately ran back and folded it and applied it to Yuncai's injured ankle. He comforted her and said, "Don't worry, sister Yuncai. Apply it with an ice towel and put some more on it when you're done."

Just take the medicine and rest more. It won’t affect your ability to walk tomorrow.”

After speaking, he raised his voice and asked Zhang Zhuxun, who was standing by the lake, "Muyu, have you brought any medicine to reduce swelling and pain?"

Zhang Chuxun didn't expect that he could frighten the little girl like that just by warning with his eyes. He couldn't help but reflect on whether he had gone too far. When the fat man asked, he pointed to the backpack where the medical bag was placed.<


The little brother's sense has always been sharp. Seeing this, he glanced at Zhang Zhuxun and said, "No need."

Zhang Shuxun helplessly shrugged, "It's not that Fatty is too obsessed with that girl. I just hope the outcome won't be too bad."

What the little brother means is that he knows there is something wrong with Yun Cai, and is suspected of deliberately approaching him. Since the target of the person behind Yun Cai is him, he might as well use this opportunity to fish him out and see what the guy behind him wants to do.
But Zhang Zhuxun still wants to give Yuncai a chance for Fatty's sake. It depends on whether her kindness matches Fatty's dedication.

Hearing this, the little brother was silent for two seconds, "Who do you think it could be?"

Zhang Zhu didn't even think about it and said, "Slump your shoulders."

The little brother raised his eyelids and looked at him with questioning eyes.

Zhang Zhuxun said: "That guy's target is definitely you, and there is a greater chance that Yuncai will do something for him, otherwise Agui wouldn't be so blatantly covering for him. As for the reason, I guess it should be the one with Agui's family.

It’s related to the younger son whose identity has become a mystery."

"I also asked around from the neighbors. The Agui family does have a young son. According to the time, he is about thirteen or fourteen years old this year. However, the neighbors have only seen him when he was a child. No matter how old he is,

When I was older, I heard that I was in poor health and I never showed up again."

"If Slumped Shoulder is a threat to Agui's youngest son, Agui's family is more likely to serve him," Zhang Zhu said.

As soon as the little brother frowned, Zhang Zhuxun knew what he meant and said, "Don't worry, if they had reacted and stopped their losses in time, things wouldn't be so bad."

"But we still have to cheer up. The goal of flattening the shoulders has not been achieved yet, and it will definitely happen again." A coldness flashed across Zhang Zhuxun's face, and it was time to see when Yun Cai passed the news to him.
The little brother nodded, looked at the dark lake under the moonlight, and said no more.

On the other side, the fat man looked at Yun Cai's red eyes, feeling extremely distressed and racking his brains to think of all kinds of jokes to tease her.

"Sister Yuncai, do you know that in a battle, you kill one enemy and lose three thousand to yourself?"

Wu Xiaoxie was still afraid that Fatty would tell the little girl dirty jokes. The little girl had never seen the outside world and her thoughts were still very simple. Fatty, a guy full of trash, felt like everything he said was pollution, so he was busy using it.

His eyes condemned.

The fat man waved his hand, "Don't worry, it's definitely a serious question. Sister Yuncai, take a guess."

Yuncai thought for a moment, "dig out the ant nest."

The fat man shook his head, "No, no, guess again. If you are naive, you should also guess together."

Wu Xiaoxie was too lazy to use his brain, so he just guessed at random, "A battle between a pistol and a machine gun."

"No, no." The fat man said proudly, "Guess again, you have to answer this question in line with your daily life."

Wu Xiaoxie kicked him in annoyance, urging him to announce the answer quickly and not to offend people.

The fat man snorted, with an expression as if his IQ is crushing all of you, "Okay, for the sake of Sister Yuncai, I will reluctantly tell you ordinary people, listen up, if you kill an enemy, you will lose three thousand."

The battle is the battle between elephants and bananas."

Wu Xiaoxie was stunned at first, and then got angry, "What the hell is your answer? Why don't you explain how three thousand bananas can beat an elephant?"

The fat man scoffed at him and said, "You still don't believe me when I say you have a poor IQ. The secret of this question can only be figured out by someone with extraordinary talent like me."

Wu Xiaoxie glared at him, "Stop talking nonsense. If you don't say you are ugly today, I will let Muyu beat you."

Yun Cai also said coquettishly: "Fat brother, please tell me quickly, I'm so anxious."

The fat man had enough trouble and said: "Actually, the answer is very simple. The elephant was choked to death by three thousand bananas."

Several people burst into laughter. Yun Cai even forgot about his foot injury and laughed so hard that he almost couldn't breathe.

The fat man said cheerfully: "Rejoice, the fat man has a lot of twists and turns, such as..."

Yun Cai stared blankly at the fat man with his brows dancing, gesticulating and making gestures, and his body movements were deliberately funny and exaggerated. She knew that the fat man was simply trying to make her happy and divert her attention.

In fact, she didn't have a good impression of this shameless man who came up to him and claimed to be her fat brother at first. Although she hadn't seen anything particularly new, she wasn't really stupid. She knew exactly what the fat man was thinking about her.

Chu, I just find it interesting to see him running forward and backward for me.

The more purpose was to stand next to the fat man and observe the cold guy at close range. She didn't know what the scary man's purpose was for asking her to pay attention to the little brother. She just followed his instructions and reported everything in detail.

In fact, she didn't even know what that person's face looked like.

But it was obvious that her hiding skills were not good enough. The beautiful brother had already warned her and her behavior had been exposed long ago. She thought that she should also think carefully about what to do next to protect herself and her family.

I know very well that seeking skin from a tiger is not a long-term solution.

Perhaps, Yun Cai glanced at Fatty calmly, maybe she could use Fat Brother's help to deal with that person.

It doesn't mean that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Fat Brother and the others are against that person, and she saw everything that happened outside the stilt building that day. That weirdo couldn't beat the cold-faced brother and the pretty brother.

Perhaps by cooperating with them, her family can completely get rid of control, and she can see that the beautiful brother who makes her a little scared cares about the other three people. The four of them have a good relationship, so she has the fat brother to protect her. I believe

No one else will do anything to her.

After thinking deeply in her heart, Yun Cai has made up her mind and will discuss it with her father later.

"Clouds?" Fatty stretched out his hand and waved it in front of her eyes, "What are you thinking about? Are you so entranced? Did Fat Brother's handsome appearance fascinate you?"

Yun Cai burst into laughter, but this time she was happy from the bottom of her heart, "Fat brother, you are so narcissistic."

She thought, Fat Brother was really nice to her, if...

Wu Xiaoxie drank more rice wine and lay on his back on the beach with his eyes half closed. At this moment, he was already feeling sleepy. He didn't even know when Zhang Zhuxun and the two came back.

Agui next to him had already fallen to the ground and was snoring.

Zhang Zhuxun took out a thin blanket from the tent and covered Wu Xiaoxie to prevent him from sweating due to alcohol dissipation and catching a cold from the cool breeze.

The fat man and Yun Cai were leaning against each other, and they knew what they were whispering. However, Zhang Zhuxun noticed that Yun Cai looked at him carefully several times, and hesitated to express anything, as if he had something to say.

Zhang Zhuoxun thought about it and guessed that Yuncai might have understood the pros and cons and was planning to abandon the dark side and join the bright side. This was a good sign. The fat man's efforts were finally not in vain.

The little brother still looked up at the scattered stars in the night sky,

The rounder and brighter the moon is, the fewer stars can be seen at night.

The air became quiet for a moment, except for the occasional sound of unknown animals coming from the woods not far behind them.

Zhang Zhuxun rested his chin with one hand, sitting by the fire, his eyes vacant, his eyelids slightly drooped. At first glance, he thought he was asleep, but in fact he was just in a daze.

Just like that, after an unknown amount of time, the dog tied next to the tent suddenly barked briefly.

Zhang Zhuxun immediately came to his senses and looked behind him, only to find that the dogs had all stood up, straightened their bodies, and their heads were all looking in the same direction.

The boy next to him also noticed something. He stood up and looked in the direction of the lake with a solemn expression.

The fat man also felt something strange, so he asked Yuncai to wake up Agui quickly, and he also quickly woke up Wu Xiaoxie, making a shushing gesture to signal everyone to be silent and listen carefully.

The wind brought a "pat-pat-pat" sound from the direction of the lake, as if someone's soles were slapping on the water and they were wading from the lake to the shallows.

It’s all nonsense, this voice sounds really penetrating.

The fat man signaled to a few people, took out a flashlight, and pretended to see what was going on.

Agui took a nap, and his confused eyes were awake. Seeing this, he quickly waved his hand to signal them to calm down and sit down and leave them alone. "It's okay. It sounded like a wild animal licking water."

"What kind of beast is it? Listening to this movement, it seems to be quite big." The fat man asked softly.

Agui shook his head, saying that he couldn't hear it either. After thinking for a moment, he took out the shotgun from the tent, told Fatty and the others to stay still, and walked towards the lake. Yuncai held a short shotgun in one hand and a flashlight in the other and followed behind.


The fat man saw that this was not possible and hurriedly said that he would follow and have a look.

When the few remaining people saw this, they followed quietly with knives in hand.

I approached the lake and looked around for traces of wild animals with a light on, only to find that the sound of "licking water" was coming from all directions.

"It's the sound of the tide." The boy said calmly.

Several people looked at each other. Such a small lake can actually ebb and flow?

I looked up at the moon. The original semicircular jade plate was mostly covered by clouds that came from nowhere. It was hazy, as if shrouded in fog.

The group of people continued to walk toward the waterline, and sure enough they saw the lake water undulating rhythmically, like small waves lapping on the beach. The sound of animals licking the water was caused by the water waves lapping against the rocks at the bottom of the shore.<


When I looked under my feet again, I found that the water level had dropped a lot, and the stone beach was all wet. Zhang Zhuxun and his brother didn't show any abnormality when they were at the lake before. In other words, the lake water had dropped a lot while they were taking a nap.

, it dropped so drastically.

The fat man bent his hands into an arch shape, put them on his forehead and looked into the distance, wondering: "What's going on? Is there a leak at the bottom of the lake?"

After Wu Xiaoxie thought for a moment, he understood what was going on and explained: "This should be a geographical phenomenon called the siphon effect."

The fat man still didn't understand, "Siphon what, siphon Erguotou?"

"This lake does seem to be connected to the underground river. There may be a larger lake nearby that is connected to it. Affected by tides or air pressure, the lake here is connected." Wu Xiaoxie explained in detail.

"For example, small lakes and large lakes are both magnets. If the siphon effect is caused by the gravity of the moon, then the moon is also a big magnet. The attraction of the big lake must be greater, so there is a pressure difference between the large and small lakes. The water in the small lake

It will be pumped into the big lake, so the water level of the small lake in front of us has been reduced."

Wu Xiaoxie looked up at the sky as he spoke, and suddenly realized something, "I understand!"

The fat man had just explained the siphon effect and the magnetism of the moon clearly, "Oh, it's just like a flush toilet, so there are eyes at the bottom of the lake, so the water is sucked away. By the way, what do you understand?"

Zhang Zhuxun spoke softly, "No wonder we can't find anything. You see, the water level has dropped by more than ten meters. If there was a siphon tide here every night, those things from back then might have been sucked to the center of the lake.

, we looked for it in the shallows on the shore, it was just a waste of effort."

Wu Xiaoxie nodded and confirmed his statement, "No wonder the area near the shoal is bare. There is nothing but stones. It turns out that everything has been sucked away."

Yun Cai listened silently and couldn't help but ask: "What are the bosses looking for?"

The fat man said "Shh" mysteriously, "Little girl, don't ask around, you will have nightmares."

Yun Cai was still unwilling to give up. She wanted to increase the weight of her cooperation with these people, "Is the thing you are looking for at the bottom of the lake? This lake is very deep. No matter how good the water is, no one can dive to the bottom, and the bottom is very dangerous.

You should find some professional salvage workers, they have professional equipment."

The fat man smiled and raised his eyebrows, "Little girl knows a lot."

Yuncai pursed her lips and smiled, "A few years ago, there were actually people here who came here to salvage things. I saw them wearing clothes as smooth as fish skin and carrying steel bottles on their backs."

What Yun Cai revealed was something Zhang Zhuxun and the others did not expect.

Then he winked at the fat man. The fat man understood what he was thinking. He came close to Yun Cai, said a few nice words, and then asked, "Sister Yun Cai, did you see clearly what they were fishing for?"

Yuncai shook his head, "There were people guarding the surroundings. I just took a look at them from a distance, but some of those people looked a little different from us."

The fat man asked, "What's different?"

"Most of those people have very white skin. Oh, no, there are a few who are as black as coal. They have set up many tents by the lake. The people guarding the edge are all armed with guns. It looks a bit scary.

." Yuncai recalled.

Wu Xiaoxie frowned slightly, why does this description sound a bit like a foreigner?


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