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Chapter 24 Underwater Yao Village

 Yuncai said that she had seen a group of people wearing professional diving equipment salvaging something from the bottom of the lake. According to the description, Wu Xiaoxie and the others felt like foreigners.

Zhang Zhuxun frowned slightly, "If he is really a foreigner, then Jude is the one who took the exam."

Only the foreign old man would be interested in those illusory things, and judging from the time described by Yun Cai, the team should have appeared here five years ago.

At that time, only Jude Kao had the financial resources, ability, and absolute information.

In this way, Jude Kao had already been to Banai back then, but he didn't find anything at the beginning because there was no key core, so he only made a comeback this time when he learned that Wu Xiaoxie and his brother were both in Banai.<


Wu Xiaoxie also agreed with this idea, "The places we went to several times ago coincided with Jude Kao Company's actions. His data collection was more comprehensive than ours, so he would definitely not let go of the first place the expedition team went through.

One stop, we really found the right place by mistake this time."

The fat man clapped his hands and said, "That's a good relationship. Let's go back and take a nap first to recuperate and get back into the water tomorrow."

"I'm good at water, so I can help." Yuncai volunteered.

Zhang Zhuoxun turned his head, looked at Yun Cai, who was a little worried in his eyes, and smiled, "No, we thought about going into the water before we came here and brought equipment."

Yuncai was stunned for a moment, then her eyes lit up when she realized it. She was quite flattered, thinking that indeed, she had made the right move.

A night without words.

On the second day, everyone got up early in the morning. The sun had not yet come out, and a layer of mist shrouded the lakeshore.

Yun Cai and the others got up earlier. They had already cooked porridge and fried two side dishes. They ate the browned sesame cakes and had full stomachs.

The fat man devoured the food and praised Yuncai's cooking skills repeatedly, which were better than those of chefs in five-star hotels. Yuncai felt a little embarrassed by the praise.

After eating, Zhang Zhuxun dragged out a large backpack from the tent and took out the tools inside.

Two folding double-person inflatable rubber boats, some ropes, a water depth measuring instrument, four sets of diving suits, diving flashlights, masks and four small oxygen bottles with a capacity of one liter, which can last 1-0 minutes underwater, like the little brother

It is not impossible for a person with such good skills and long breath to hold on for a few more minutes.

Agui and Yuncai next to them watched helplessly as Zhang Zhuxun moved out a lot of things like a hamster, especially when the rubber boat that was originally pressed together and was as big as a basketball directly turned into a rubber boat more than two meters long after being inflated.

, was immediately shocked from ear to ear.

"Good boy, this... this, this, this." Agui poked the rubber boat tentatively with his hand, looking extremely surprised, "Such a solid thing must be worth a lot of money, right?"

Zhang Zhuxun put the ropes in bundles on the boat. He smiled and said, "It's not much. If you want it, we can leave it for you when you leave."

"Hey, you can't do it, you can't do it." Agui quickly waved his hand, "We usually fish in the stream and sit on a bamboo raft and cast the net, so we don't need this."

Zhang Zhuoxun said nothing more and asked Wu Xiaoxie and the others to lower the two rubber boats into the water.

After finishing preparations and changing into diving suits, the sun was already high in the sky.

Zhang Zhuxun and four others sat on two rubber boats and rowed the boats to the center of the lake.

"Muyu, how do you use this thing?" Wu Xiaoxie studied the water depth measuring instrument. The instructions were all in English. "Should I just turn on the switch and throw it away?"

Zhang Shuxun was on the same boat as him. He nodded, pressed the switch, and said, "Throw it away. This thing can measure three hundred meters deep."

With a pop, Wu Xiaoxie let go and threw the probe into the lake, and the rope attached to the tail of the probe sank at an extremely fast speed.

A few minutes later, the handheld instrument made a beeping alarm sound.

Zhang Zhuoxun glanced at the numbers above and said, "98.43 feet, thirty meters, temperature 3, check it a few more times."

I paddled the boat and measured a few more places. At first, it was maintained at about 35 meters. After a few times, the depth suddenly became more than 50 meters.

"Holy crap." Wu Xiaoxie yelled, "Is there a pocket version of the Mariana Trench hidden under the water? Why is the gap so big?"

The fat man heard his call and hurriedly poked his neck and asked, "Captain Innocent, what did you find out?"

As soon as Wu Xiaoxie explained the situation, the fat man yelled, "I can't guarantee that those bones have been rolled into the deepest part. This girl is almost twenty stories high. Comrade First Officer, it's a bit hanging."

Wu Xiaoxie rolled her eyes at him, "What are we afraid of with scuba gear? When the time comes, you can watch the boat from above while the three of us get off."

The fat man chuckled, "Why do you look down on the fat man? Fat man can't even hold his breath for five minutes."

Wu Xiaoxie sneered and said rudely: "You can hold your breath. Holding your breath in a water basin is the same as in a lake. With your tonnage, the water pressure alone will make you breathless, and the thicker the fat, the thicker the fat."

The greater the buoyancy, the harder it will be for you to get down than for us."

The fat man was filled with resentment and had no choice but to give up.

Zhang Zhuxun threw the rope tied to the side of the boat to his brother and asked him to tie the two boats to each other. Then he put on his flippers and carried an oxygen bottle on his body. He said: "Innocent, you and Fatty are here

Wait up there. My brother and I will go down first to check out the situation. You can come down after we find the location."

Wu Xiaoxie nodded. The situation below was unclear. He couldn't keep up with the speed of Zhang Zhuoxun and the two of them, so he decided not to go down for the time being.

The fat man was nestled in another boat, winking at him, but Wu Xiaoxie was too lazy to pay attention to him.

The little brother also put on the equipment, made a gesture to Zhang Zhuxun, then leaned back, fell into the water, and dived several meters with a kick of his flippers.

Zhang Zhuxun gave a few more instructions, held the mouthpiece in his mouth, and leaned back into the water again. After the downward trend stopped, he raised his head and glanced up.

On the lake, the dark bottom of the rubber boat is soaked in the water, and the light is reflected on the water waves, making people dizzy.

Zhang Zhu looked back, turned on the diving flashlight hanging on his chest, and swam towards the brother's light spot below.

In the absolute darkness, everything underwater was silent. The two of them sneaked very fast, and soon they saw the bottom of the water.

A huge ancient Yao village building emerges from the dark gray water bottom.

The little brother was treading water on the spot, waiting for Zhang Zhuxun to come to the edge, and pointed to the Yao Village under the water, and made a few gestures, meaning to sneak in and take a look.

Zhang Zhuoxun nodded, there was still enough oxygen, enough for them to stay underwater for a while.

The two carefully avoided the sharp stones and approached the wooden buildings. The part of the wooden buildings exposed outside the sand and gravel at the bottom of the water was completely covered with sediment, and there were many dark shadows, much like part of a sunken ship. The two looked around with lights on.

After looking around for a while, I was surprised to find that the layout here was almost the same as that of the Yao Village outside.

The little brother didn't know what he saw, so he suddenly swam to the side. Zhang Zhuxun was waiting there. After more than ten seconds, the little brother swam back, holding a round thing like a furry ball in his hand.

The little brother made a few gestures to indicate that there were other discoveries over there, and asked Zhang Zhuoxun to follow him.

Zhang Zhuoxun nodded, and after following him, he discovered that there was something like a round fossil embedded in the turbid water bottom, among the black unknown water plants and rocks.

That's a skull.

Zhang Zhuoxun stepped forward and pulled it out, then dived deeper and found several bones in the same area, including leg bones and ribs.

It was inconvenient to hold it with bare hands, so Zhang Zhuxun casually took out a large mesh bag from the space and threw the bones into it. The younger brother also found some bones and put them all together, and then put them together again.<


Continuing forward, there are more bones scattered here. Some of them are standing directly outside the water plants. Zhang Zhu and the two of them are like picking mushrooms. They can be eaten. Oh, no, they are picked from people.

Put it all in the bag.

There are many things ahead, all hanging on the fence near the stilt building, including rusty guns, military kettles, and tattered tents.

The thing I was carrying just now was picked up here.

The two of them looked around while searching.

Until the alarm device made a beeping sound, reminding them that they were running out of oxygen.

Zhang Zhuoxun patted the little brother's arm, pointed upward, and made a diving gesture.

The little brother nodded in agreement, helped Zhang Zhu find the other handle of the mesh bag, and slowly walked upstream through the water.

The two of them returned home with a full load this time and received a lot of goods.

On the lake, Wu Xiaoxie and Fatty brought the boat together. Wu Xiaoxie kept looking at his watch, waiting impatiently.

"Muyu and the others have been down for seventeen minutes, why haven't they come up yet?"

The fat man lay flat in the cabin, taking advantage of the opportunity to sunbathe. Hearing this, he said lazily: "Why are you so anxious? There are still three minutes. With their skills, even if something happens, it won't be difficult to escape."

Fatty was obsessed with those two perverts named Zhang.

Wu Xiaoxie was so angry that he poured a handful of water on his face, "You know what the hell, underwater is much more dangerous than on land. Under the influence of buoyancy and pressure, any movement is soft, but there is danger.

You may not even have time to react."

The fat man wiped off the water droplets on his face, sat up, and let out a tut. Just as he was about to say something, another splash of water splashed into his face, and two black figures emerged from the water and took off the masks on their faces.

The fat man was so frightened that he leaned back and almost fell down, "Damn, you two are so silent, you're scared to death."

Zhang Zhuoxun was slightly out of breath, and took a few deep breaths to calm down, "I found something big, let's go on."

As he said that, he and his brother worked hard together to throw the mesh bag onto the boat. The bones collided together, making a clanking sound.

The little brother also threw the backpack he found earlier onto the boat, then held the side of the boat with both hands, and flipped up with his arms. Then he turned around and extended his hand to Zhang Zhuxun, "Come up, that thing may still be nearby."

Zhang Zhuxun grabbed his hand, flipped onto the boat, and unloaded the empty oxygen bottle on his body.

Wu Xiaoxie and Wu Xiaoxie were shocked when they saw what they had fished out. The fat man screamed, "Grandma, why are there so many people's bones and you have picked up all the ones from the bottom of the water?"

When Wu Xiaoxie heard her brother say "that thing", she quickly asked, "What did you just talk about? Is there anything else in the water?"

Zhang Zhuoxun shook his head and frowned: "I don't know what it was. It was very fast and quite big. The black shadow disappeared in a flash. I originally wanted to chase after it to see what happened, but unfortunately I ran out of oxygen and didn't go back."

Find his traces."

"Moreover, the situation under the water is somewhat beyond our imagination." Zhang Zhuxun recounted the ancient buildings they saw under the water that were exactly the same as those in Yao Village.

The fat man looked in disbelief, "How is this possible? Who would build a tower under the water when they are full and have nothing to do?"

Zhang Zhuoxun glanced at him sideways, "You ask me, I'll ask who to go to."

The fat man scratched his head and saw that the expressions of Zhang Zhuxun and the two did not seem to be fake, but he was still a little unbelievable.

Wu Xiaoxie fiddled with the mesh bag a few times with his hands, grabbed the tool bag and tent that were soaked in water, looked at it, and said: "It seems like Panma really didn't lie. They really did it after killing the people."

Even the body and equipment sank into the lake, and were swept to the bottom by the siphon, and then they hung on the fence of the ancient building."

The fat man asked, "Are you sure that the ancient building is exactly the same as that of Yao Village?"

Zhang Zhuoxun nodded, "Why are you lying to me? If I didn't have an underwater camera, I would have photographed it for you."

Wu Xiaoxie sighed softly, "It seems that this village has more secrets than usual. The expedition team came here to salvage the iron piece. Judging from the clues we have now, the iron piece is in the underwater Yao Village, outside

That intact village must have a lot to do with this matter."

The fat man held the oar and moved the backpack that the younger brother had thrown up. "Don't worry about that for now. Let's take a look at what's in here first. The waterproofing of this bag is pretty good. There may be clues to preservation in it."

Wu Xiaoxie thought about it. There were so many bones piled on the boat, and they were just poking and poking at the shore. Agui and his daughter were so frightened that they called the police.

The quality of military products at that time was really good and enviable. This kind of bag usually used an iron buckle, but when it was turned over

Later, he discovered that the buckle was rusty and could not be opened. The fat man used a dagger to scratch the leather surface several times, and the iron wire supporting the shape of the backpack was exposed.

The fat man dug out all the things that were rotten into cotton wool like archeology and placed them in the cabin.

There are three wooden combs, two hairpins, a few hair ropes, a badge, a wooden frame and a Pechoin cream, and a tea can.

There was originally a photo in the wooden photo frame, but it was too old to be seen clearly.

Without any analysis, you can tell that this is a woman's backpack. At that time, only lesbians would be so particular about it. Each comb had three combs with different widths of teeth.

The fat man grabbed the tea can and shook it. There was a clanking sound inside, which obviously contained something.

The fat man tried his best to open it, but the lid was damp and rusted, and it didn't move at all.

"Hey? You little brat, I still don't believe that Fatty can't pry you open today." After saying that, he inserted a dagger into the side to pry open.

Several packets were pried off the edge of the lid, but the tea jar still couldn't be opened.

The fat man quickly thought of a way to tap the bottom of the tea can with the handle of the dagger. After just two taps, the rubber boat couldn't stop shaking due to his movements.

He had no choice but to go down into the water and put the jar on his chest while swimming on his back. The clear drum-like sound echoed on the lake, like a fat otter.

Every knock made the fat man's belly bulge, which made Zhang Zhuxun and others on the boat extremely happy.

Although the action was a bit funny, it did work. After a while, the bottom of the tea can was broken, and a stream of black water spilled out, emitting a smell that is difficult to describe in words.

This chapter has been completed!
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