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Chapter 35 Chieftain Wang Zang

Those were two very neat "Wu Xie" figures with thin golden bodies.

The implication is that the guy got the information from Jin Wantang as Wu Xie and was active in Nepal as Wu Xie.

And after blowing up Ma's house, he openly left such obvious clues in the Buddhist temple without even thinking about covering it up. What on earth did he want to do?

Wu Xie even vaguely felt that when he came to Nepal and entered the Buddhist temple to donate money, all these experiences had been anticipated by that person. The reason why he left the name was just so that he could see it.

It can be said that that person knows me very well. He must be someone who has been around me for a long time. Who could it be?

Wu Xie recalled all the people who had been around him in his mind, but could not find anyone who met this condition.

No, it's not that there's no suitable person, it's that he doesn't dare to think about that person.

"Sir?" Someone called him, "Sir, do you have anything else to do?"

Wu Xie raised his eyes and saw that the monk was looking at him strangely, and the people in the expedition team around him were also looking at him strangely.

The person arranged by Xiaohua stepped forward to hold his arm and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, my friend is feeling a little unwell and has disturbed you all."

Wu Xie heard him urging in a very soft voice in his ear, "Go quickly, too many people are paying attention to you. If you have anything to do, we can talk about it later."

At this moment, Wu Xie wanted to tie up the monk and ask him what was going on, but his reason told him that he couldn't.

Following the support on his arm, Wu Xie turned around and left the shantang with the people arranged by Xiaohua.

When he returned to his residence, the man closed the doors and windows tightly, checked the room as usual, poured a glass of water for Wu Xie, and asked him, "Boss Wu, what did you find just now?"

Wu Xie took a sip of water, paused, and then said: "I found the name left by the person pretending to be me."

The person arranged by Xiaohua is named Peter. He often travels abroad and belongs to the category of semi-free people. He can take on jobs privately, but he must put the boss's mission first. He came to Nepal this time mainly to protect and assist Wu Xie in his operations.

After listening to Wu Xie's words, Peter immediately answered: "What do you need me to do?"

"There are several monks in charge of donations in the charity hall. There are not many Asian faces coming to Nepal, and they donated such a large sum of money at one time. The monks must have an image of that person." Wu Xie analyzed.

"Understood." Peter nodded, "Leave it to me."

Peter is worthy of being an elite subordinate in Xiaohua's hands, with strong execution ability. The next day after they went to listen to the scriptures, a young monk came to invite someone.

Wu Xie and Peter followed the young monk to a separate cubicle room at the back of the charity hall. There were already people waiting inside, it was the person who hosted the donation yesterday.

Peter thrust a small, bulging package into the monk's hands. The monk, who was originally expressionless and holding his prayer beads to pretend to be reserved, immediately smiled and said, "What does this gentleman want to know?"

The monk spoke very good English, and Wu Xie could communicate with him without any problems. He asked directly, "I want to know what the Oriental named Wu Xie in the book looks like."


The monk thought for a moment, took out the notebook from the drawer, found the page with "Wu Xie" written on it, pointed to the name and said, "Is this the person you are asking about?"

Seeing Wu Xie nodding, the monk continued: "The man is not very old, about twenty-four or five years old. Judging from the aesthetics of Eastern people, he is very handsome and has kind eyebrows. He is a very lovable appearance."

Upon hearing this, Wu Xie knew that the man was still using his face, so he asked again, "What happened to the Ma family's house and why it exploded? Have you checked it out?"

The monk shook his head slightly and said, "This is not within my jurisdiction."

"Then did that person say anything? Do you still remember the content of your conversation?" Wu Xie persisted. Even if there was only a little clue, it would be better than running around like a headless fly.

The monk recalled carefully, "The donor was quite generous, so I talked to him a few more words. After all, for a kind person like him, we will make a Buddha amulet for him, and his name will also be recorded on a separate

In the merit book."

"He asked me about the history of humanistic Buddhism in southern Tibet, and his words revealed that he wanted to go to Motuo in southern Tibet."

The feeling in Wu Xie's heart became more and more intense. He was already sure that that person was waiting for him to discover this. He knew that he would definitely come here, so he deliberately revealed this to others. He was inducing him to go to a place to hide.

South Motuo.

Regardless of whether the other party is an enemy or a friend, the trip to Medog is inevitable.

After bidding farewell to the monk and returning to his residence, Wu Xie immediately told Yuchen that he was going to Medog, "There must be something he wants to tell me in that place. Since it is known to be a bait, follow this line.

It’s better than hitting the wall in vain and getting nothing.”

Jie Yuchen was silent for a few seconds and then said: "Wu Xie, maybe you can't go to Medog for the time being. Things in Banai are a bit tricky and you need to deal with them personally."

Wu Xie's heart skipped a beat, "What happened to Fatty?"

"The fat man was injured a little, and he also found some clues. We will talk in detail when you come back." Xie Yuchen said.

"Okay, wait, I'll be back soon." After Wu Xie finished speaking, he hung up the phone. Peter had already started packing his luggage.

At noon, the two said goodbye to the leader of the inspection group, saying that there was a family emergency and they wanted to withdraw from the inspection.

After paying some money, the group leader very considerately agreed to the application to withdraw from the team, and said that he would complete the subsequent procedures for both of them.

After returning to the capital, Wu Xie immediately rushed to solve Yuchen's territory.

When he entered the house, he saw something colorful hanging around the fat man's neck, and there were several claw marks, which looked like they were scratched by some ferocious animal.

"What happened?" he asked hurriedly, "How did you do this? How did it become like this?"

The fat man waved his hands in embarrassment, "It's a long story. You eat first, and we'll talk after you're done."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After dinner, the three of them sat in the pavilion, and the fat man began to tell the story of his past ten days.

After splitting up, Fatty also put on a fake face and went to various acquaintances he had interacted with before to collect clues about scorpion totems. After asking for two or three days, he actually got the information from an old leader named Cai Laojiu.

I learned a story about a scorpion sitting on a lotus.

This Cai Laojiu is an old man from Yunnan. He went in once, washed his hands in a golden basin for many years, and came to the capital with his children and grandchildren to enjoy the blessings.

The fat man found this person among a group of old men playing chess. While chatting casually, Cai Laojiu mentioned that when he was young, he once met a chieftain who was sitting on a lotus and a scorpion in the Tibetan Temple.

"The hidden temple of the chieftain king?" Wu Xie wondered, "Where is it, which chieftain king?"

The fat man bit his popsicle and said vaguely: "The one over here, the Chieftain King of Yongning, is not one of the hereditary kings in history, but a self-proclaimed Gu King in folklore."

The chieftain system was founded in Yunnan and Yunnan. It began in the Yuan Dynasty and flourished in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The chieftain of Yongning was hereditary from the A family and served 22 times. The last chieftain of Yongning was named Aminhan. By the time the democratic reform abolished the chieftain system in 1956, it had a history of nearly a thousand years.

The chieftain of Yongning is a hereditary descendant of the Mosuo people. The Mosuo people call themselves "Nari". They are an ancient and wise nation and the earliest indigenous nation in Yanyuan.

In the early days, the jurisdiction of the Yongning chieftain was very large. Later, the chieftain enfeoffed Muli to a Tibetan Buddhist lama. Later, Emperor Kangxi gave the land of Zuosuo and Qiansuo to the chieftain's relatives. After that, the jurisdiction of the Yongning chieftain was greatly reduced.

In the mid-Ming Dynasty, Yongning Mansion was subordinate to the Shuzhou Chief Envoy Department.

The place that Fatty inquired about was Muli Autonomous County in Western Sichuan, located in the northwest of Yunnan Shuzhou. As the saying goes, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. At that time, the Yongning chieftain was almost a little emperor who dominated one side, and was even in a semi-independent state. This kind of

The hereditary family system enables the rights of local chieftains to achieve a closed-loop family situation.

According to folklore told by Cai Laojiu, a strange thing happened to the A Tusi family in Yongning at that time.

"What's weird?" Wu Xie asked.

The fat man said eloquently, "That's the Gu King I told you before. It is said that he was originally a freak born to the wife of A Tusi's family. The reason was that A Tusi was attacked by the Black Yi when he was eradicating the Black Yi in his fiefdom.

The wizard's curse finally came true on his little wife's belly."

"At that time, the little wife was pregnant with a baby. Originally, the elders divined that it was the Big Dipper. After being cursed, another baby appeared in the little wife's belly for some reason. In ancient times, it was very unlucky to be pregnant with twins. It was another divination.

, the elders said that the child's soul was split in two by the curse, and Wang Xing also turned into Greedy Wolf and Lian Zhen, and one cub turned into two."

If the two stars of wood and fire originally corresponded to Lian Zhenzu Mountain hundreds of miles away, they would form a noble place. Although it is not as noble as the Big Dipper, it is still a good momentum.

The bad thing is that the fates of the two children are unbalanced, one is strong and the other is weak, and the greedy wolf is stronger than Lian Zhen. In other words, if the baby is born after ten months of pregnancy, the greedy wolf will swallow Lian Zhen.

Even if they both survive, if these two children are born in the future, Lian Zhen will not be able to defeat Greed Wolf, and will be suppressed by Greed Wolf. At the same time, Greed Wolf will also harm all living beings because of his greedy desires.

A Tusi knew the power of Black Yi witchcraft, so he discussed with the elders and planned to kill the one with the Tanlang zodiac sign at birth. Tanlang's five elements belong to wood, and metal defeats wood.

But by chance, Tanlangxing was so cunning and cunning that when she gave birth in October, only one child was born from the belly of Atusi's little wife, and the other one disappeared.

After hearing this, Wu Xie already understood that this was a story about twins competing for nutrition in the mother's body. The stronger one absorbed the weaker one. This kind of thing is actually not that rare.

But looking at the fat man's expression, it seemed that things were not that simple.

The fat man said slowly: "Although only one was born, the two are actually here."

As mentioned before, Tanlang is cunning and cunning, and he hides himself. In other words, what is born is the shell of Lian Zhen, with the soul of Tanlang still inside.

Tanlang was so well hidden that neither Atusi nor the others noticed anything strange, until a Tibetan lama and Buddhist god came to that place one day. He saw the difference in the child, and discussed it with his father.

, took the child to Muli, built a Chuanzang temple there, and used good deeds and merit to restrain the evil nature of the child.

"What happened next?" Wu Xie asked.

"Later, of course, I couldn't control it. Not only did I fail to control the child's murderous nature, but I actually turned him into a monster." The fat man said.

"Monster?" Wu Xie was surprised, "What kind of monster?"

The fat man lowered his voice, "According to folklore, the little prince turned into a snake man with two heads and four arms."

Snake man?

Wu Xie was a little confused, "Didn't you say that Cai Laojiu told you about the Tibetan Temple of the Scorpion King with the Lotus Sitting? Why is it related to snakes again?"

"I haven't finished speaking yet, don't interrupt." The fat man glanced at him, "That Gu King is a snake man, and the worship totem he got for himself is a lotus and scorpion. I also showed the photo to the boss.

He said that he had seen such a pattern in the Tibetan temple, and I guess it is very close."

Wu Xie frowned and thought for a moment. The scorpion pattern in the snow beads must not be accidental. It seemed that he had to take a look at this place in person.

"You haven't said what happened to your neck yet." He looked at the fat man and said.

The fat man coughed and said, "I didn't look at the almanac when I went out. Mercury was retrograde. After I found out the news, I went to western Sichuan and found out about the place. I originally planned to explore the mountains first, but I bumped into a monkey and had my paws scratched.


Wu Xie pulled down his collar and looked at it. The wound was not deep, just a little bit of skin, so he felt relieved.

He asked Jie Yuchen, "Xiaohua, how is your investigation going? What is the specific situation at Banai? Whose person is monitoring Fatty?"

Jie Yuchen nodded, "You know that part of Guangxi used to be Chen Pi's A Si's territory. I asked someone to check the signal of Fatty's mobile phone and A Gui's landline, and locked the approximate range of the monitoring signal, and then asked people to disguise themselves.

I went over to check and found out that the man was one of your third uncle's subordinates, Basiqiu."

"Young Basiqiu!" Wu Xie's voice rose slightly and he frowned, "Didn't this grandson have a cerebral hemorrhage and was hospitalized some time ago? Pan Zi had someone go and see it with his own eyes. How could he sneak out and make trouble while he was half-dead in the intensive care unit?"

"I remember that after that guy got sick, all his stores were taken over by his godson. The junior seemed to be ruthless, but it was a pity that he was foolhardy. Why did he suddenly have connections with the remnants of Banai Chen Pi Asi?


"This is what I want to tell you." Xie Yuchen said, "Not only are there people from Wang Baqiu, but also his concubine A Hong who was tricked by you and died in the tomb. His daughter Chen Yaxiang is Chen Pi Asi.

People of the same lineage.”

Wu Xie used the help of his second uncle to deal with those people who had different intentions in the handicap of his third uncle. That Ahong was the big chess piece thrown by the bastard Qiu Qiu Baoshuai. Wu Xie also took advantage of the situation to win over Ahong's handicap. Then

Once, Bastard Qiu's vitality was seriously injured and he was inactive for a long time.

Now it seems that the old guys from Ma Pan who are closely related to Bastard Qiu still don't give up.

This chapter has been completed!
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