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Chapter 36 Ancient Corpse in Western Sichuan

Xie Yuchen continued: "I have sent people to verify that Wang Baqiu has indeed suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and was hospitalized. He is still in a coma. If he cannot wake up, he will most likely become a vegetative state."

"But the person who tames the falcon will one day have his eye pecked out by the hawk. His godson is not simple-minded."

"As far as I know, the reason why Bastard Qiu was hospitalized was because his godson Wang Baichuan had a lot of input, and Chen Yaxiang was also involved."

The fat man touched the stubble on his chin and said, "Is this Chen Yaxiang Wang Baqiu's daughter?"

"I don't know. It's very possible that Chen Yaxiang took her mother's surname. Her mother's surname is Chen, and she was once a subordinate of Chen Pi's Asi." Xie Yuchen said.

The fat man hissed, "It seems that this Chen Yaxiang and the little bastard are doing this because they want to avenge our innocent mother."

Wu Xie nodded and thought of a deeper level, "That's not all. Their purpose is not just as simple as revenge. There are no immortals in this business. Even if they want to get news about the ancient tomb, they have to deal with it."

Just swallow your anger and suffer this hidden loss."

The fat man smiled mockingly at the group of people, "You said that he is just like a horse, and he doesn't think about how to sell things to exports all day long. He is always thinking about the position of the chopsticks. I don't really think that there are a few rags.

Money can lift the treasure out of the bucket."

Ma Pan is the fourth tier in the entire tipping industry. Although these people have money, they have always been suppressed at the bottom of the supply chain and are being criticized everywhere. Naturally, they want to change the status quo.

But they don't know what kind of job a fight is. They think that as long as they have money, they can organize a team and skip the leader's iron chopsticks to get the money directly. Therefore, they secretly want to take revenge and take down the successor Wu Sanye.

Location of Wu Xie.

"Those people who were staring at the fat man in Banai are probably heading towards the Zhang family's ancient building." Wu Xie's eyes were slightly cold and he sneered lightly, "What a big appetite."

Jie Yuchen pondered for a few seconds, "Do you think, if they are really coming for the Zhang Family Ancient Building, there will be those people behind these people."

"It's hard to say, but we have to take precautions." Wu Xie's face was condensed. Before leaving for Medog, he had to deal with all the entangled matters behind him.

He looked at the fat man and said, "But it's just right. We can take advantage of this investigation into the tomb of the Yongning Chieftain King to draw their attention away from Banai and catch them all in one go."

Jie Yuchen also had this intention. Fatty knew that Wu Xie had already made an idea. The three of them got together to discuss countermeasures and rehearsed the plan no less than three times until it was confirmed.

On the second day, Wu Xie and Fatty headed to Western Sichuan first. Pan Zi stayed at the base camp to support them. Xiaohua arranged sufficient manpower for Western Sichuan in advance, and at the same time continued to counter-monitor those people in the open. They were the ones responsible for the black blind man.

One step guarantees dark chess.

We arrived at the place that afternoon. The fat man, who was familiar with the locals, took them to find a small hotel to stay. In the evening, they went to the fly restaurant downstairs for a meal.

In this kind of small shop where people are mixed, the best place to find out is hearsay. Most of it is hearsay, which is useless, but what Wu Xie wants to extract is the essence.

Among them, there was a strange thing that deserved his attention. It was said that not long ago, a herbalist who went to the mountains to collect wild medicinal herbs saw a very scary and strange thing while staying on the mountain at night.

A monkey robbed a tomb, and it was said that it was a very big monkey. He commanded his monkeys to dig up the soil among a pile of dead trees, and lifted out a wooden coffin. The monkey directly opened the lid of the coffin and took it.

I don't know what was inside.

There are different opinions, some say that the group of wild monkeys are crazy and poke the dead people's graves to eat the corpses, others say that the monkeys are spiritual and may have discovered something good, such as some weird things called Ganoderma lucidum growing on some old corpses.

It is said to be Ganoderma lucidum. In fact, when the bones of ancient corpses get wet, some kind of stone hyphae penetrate into them, multiply and expand, making the whole bone grow like a large mushroom ball, and the bones and the hyphae together become harder than stone.

This thing is relatively rare, and its effect is quite mysterious. It is like the black donkey's hooves in Taoism that can defeat zombies. It is said that if you wear something soaked in powdered Ganoderma lucidum, after entering the ancient tomb, your body will emit...

The smell of ancient corpses will linger around you even if you encounter an immortalized rice dumpling. It can be said to be a very rare treasure to ward off evil spirits.

Wu Xie remembered that he had seen that thing once in the hands of his third uncle when he was very young. It was made from the strongest part of the center of Ganoderma lucidum. It was as big as a sheep's eyeball. One piece would cost hundreds of thousands. It was valuable.


No one can say clearly what the monkey took away. Let’s not mention it for the moment. It is only said that later some curious people went into the mountain to have a look. The place where the coffin was originally placed turned into a big bottomless hole.

At night, the people Xiaohua arranged for here were also in place. There were four or five people. One of the leading guys was named Nie Xiaoba. Yes, he was the guy who killed the pigs in Siguniang Cave.

After the fat man was scratched by the monkey and returned to the capital, they had been sent to western Sichuan by Xiaohua to investigate. Naturally, they also heard about the monkey's tomb robbery, and had already gone to that place to investigate and get the equipment for the fight.


Monkey grave robbers are strange, but they are real.

Nie Xiaoba said: "Little Third Master, our people found that place and confirmed it. The coffin was washed into the deep pit below by the rain. There is a wooden tower building underneath, which has been soaked in water."

Wu Xie asked him, "Is there anything special on the coffin?"

"I went down and took a look. The coffin was indeed empty. The body inside was missing. It might have been eaten by a monkey or some other wild beast, or it might have been dragged to another place."

Nie Xiaoba showed him the photos he took after going down, "Here, mistress, take a look. I think the coffin itself is a bit weird."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! As soon as Wu Xie looked at the photo, he knew that they had found the right place by mistake this time.

The empty wooden coffin itself was not big. It was a skinny coffin with a thin skin. The walls of the coffin were so brittle that it would break apart immediately if a fat man sat on it.

Logically speaking, this should be a coffin from a poor family, but Wu Xie recognized it at a glance. The pattern on the inner wall of the coffin was an ancient picture.

It's not that people in this field can't tell, but Wu Xie and the others have seen too many coffins, and they can tell at a glance whether the door opens smoothly and whether the coffin boards are straight or not.

The photos are quite clear. The patterns on the inner wall of the coffin are very exquisite, with strong ethnic minority colors. They are not available to ordinary people. They are pattern totems that can only be used by chieftain families who have been rewarded by the emperor.

And the most noteworthy thing is that in the center of those intricate patterns, there is a scorpion sitting on a nine-petal lotus.

When the fat man saw it, he let out a yelp and laughed, "Zhen Te's mother crossed the river and met the ferryman, so she got the idea right. This little broken coffin came out just in time."

Wu Xie also smiled and said, "We need to speed up. Rumors about monkeys robbing tombs are getting more and more popular. People who know the ropes will definitely be able to detect something fishy inside. Regardless of whether it is an ancient tomb or not, people will come and take a look."

Nie Xiaoba said: "Then let someone lock the news?"

"No need for the moment." Wu Xie said to everyone, "Take the time to rest tonight and go directly to the fight tomorrow morning."

Everyone agreed and dispersed quickly, leaving a night watchman in the car outside the hotel.

After returning to the room, Wu Xie called Xiaohua to talk about what was going on here, and asked, "How are you doing over there? Is there any movement from them?"

Jie Yuchen replied to him, "The news from Beijing and Changsha is still suppressed for the time being. Those people have made some movements. After all, you and Fatty left suddenly. They will definitely react. However, they still choose to stay put until they are sure that the news is true."


"That's good." Wu Xie nodded, "After Fatty and I find out what's going on here, we will proceed as planned."

After the brief call ended, the fat man brought two bowls of noodles with double pepper mixed sauce and gave him one bowl, "Eat some, Nie Xiaoba has made a new discovery."

"What did Nie Xiaoba find over there?" Wu Xie mixed the toppings with chopsticks. When he saw the scary red chili soy sauce in the fat man's bowl, he suddenly felt a little sick in his stomach. "You should eat less spicy food, be careful not to spoil your stomach.


The fat man ate the noodles with a puff of food and said vaguely: "That can't be done. If you ask me to say that this spicy food is just an appetizer, the spicy fat sausage that the fat man ate last time was so delicious that fire came out of his mouth after eating it.


Wu Xie himself didn't like spicy food very much, but fortunately the fat man knew that he had a bland taste, so he only added a small spoonful of sharp chili peppers to the noodles he made for him. Just like that, his mouth felt numb and numb even after wiping his mouth.


"Those boys went out to eat jelly and found a place where female corpses were on display." The fat man ate shirtless and sweat broke out on his forehead.

"They sneaked in and took a look, and found that there were indeed many ancient corpses inside, and one of them was very likely to be the one lost when the monkeys robbed the tomb on the mountain."

"Really?" This was an unexpected surprise. Wu Xie immediately lost his intention to sleep and walked to the door to change his shoes and urged the fat man to finish eating quickly, "Eat quickly. After we finish, let's go over and see what's going on."

"Why are you so anxious? Those boys are very clever. They just told me that they have controlled the owner of the shop."

The fat man finished the remaining noodles in twos and twos, grabbed his short sleeves and fanned himself while walking.

The two of them soon arrived at a place that looked like a hair salon. There were many string lights wrapped around the door number of the triangular pillar, which was dazzlingly bright.

Perhaps in order to create a scary atmosphere, two red light bulbs like ghost eyes were embedded behind the advertisement for the word "Female Corpse" in the "Millennium Female Corpse Exhibition", which looked weird and funny.

Two guys were squatting on the curb. When they saw Wu Xie and the others approaching, they came over and said, "Xiao Sanye, we've caught him. He's at the head of the house. There's an old monkey San'er in a cage in the backyard. He looks like a human."


The fat man chuckled and joked: "I guess you watch a lot of police and gangster movies on weekdays."

The little boy was surprised, "Hey, Fatty, do you really know this?"

"This execution ability is so impressive." Fatty praised him in Sichuan dialect.

When I entered the house, I saw a sign on the counter, "Monkey Head and Snake Body".

The fat man muttered, "You're not talking about the corpse of a thousand-year-old beauty. This boss is obsessed with the sun and can't tell the difference between a human and a ghost."

The store in front was very poor, and the yellow light bulbs with low wattage were intentionally lit in the room, making it so groggy that the two of them felt like they couldn't breathe easily even after standing there.

Walking around the counter and walking to the back, you can see more than a dozen mummies placed in the glass cabinets in the aisle. Each one is shaped like the screaming figures in Munch's abstract paintings, with lips pouting.


Wu Xie glanced over with a flashlight and could tell that several of the corpses inside came from dry, unclaimed graves in the desert. They were so withered that there was no moisture left at all.

The air in this place is humid. In order to preserve the corpse for a long time, a lot of caked soda lime was placed around the mummy.

Among them are four female corpses of civilians from the Qing Dynasty. They were wearing very wide cotton and linen clothes, the color of which was so oxidized that they could not be seen clearly. The women at that time were not very tall, and it can be seen that the small feet wrapped in them were deformed.

Soon after reaching the end of the glass display case, Wu Xie's eyes froze, and the fat man next to him also let out a hissing gasp. This ancient corpse looked extremely unusual.

Indeed, as the store sign says, this is an ancient corpse of a monkey and snake. The upper part of a monkey-like human corpse and the lower part of a big snake are forcibly connected together. You can see obvious traces of splicing on the waist.

, after all, pythons as thick as a human waist are rare.

The face of the ancient corpse was horribly hairy, and the head was very small. Compared with the body, the proportions were very abnormal. It was like a normal person's face turned upside down. It was narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. The forehead was deeply sunken.

It looked like a triangular hole had been cut out of the bone.

The posture of the corpse is very much like that of a monkey curled up with its arms folded, with bones protruding under the shriveled skin. Furthermore, the corpse had been carefully handled before being enshrined. Bamboo strips were woven under the skin to form many bulges for support.

According to the shape of the body, the corpse will not appear particularly shrunken and dry after drying.

The fat man squatted under the glass cabinet, tilted his head and looked in. He didn't know what he saw. He turned his head and said to Wu Xie twice, "Tianzhen, come here and take a look at this."

Wu Xie went over and squatted down. The fat man waved the flashlight and used the aperture to point to a large area on the side of the ancient corpse where the tattered clothes were exposed. Through the gap, many black and red interlaced patterns could be seen.

Because the skin is dry, it looks like twisted and twisted tree lines, densely packed together.

These totems are very complex, and they are definitely only owned by the high-class ancient ethnic minorities here. Only their wizards and priests are qualified to tattoo such large-scale patterns.

Wu Xie and Fatty looked at each other, already having an idea in their minds, and immediately got up and walked to the backyard.

There were still two guys standing in the backyard. Nie Xiaoba was squatting in front of a large iron cage, holding a bamboo pole in his hand with a few apples stuck on one end, playing with the long-haired monkey in the cage.

The owner of the ancient corpse shop fell to one side with a bruised nose and a swollen face. His eyelids kept trembling, and he was obviously pretending to be dizzy.

Wu Xie walked up to him, put his hands in his pockets, and said coldly: "Wake him up with your big mouth, I have something to ask."

This chapter has been completed!
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