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Chapter 140 Corpse Music Ceremony

Wu Xie was stunned for a moment when he saw the huge twelve-handed monster wearing armor and showing its teeth and claws.

He thought of the canyon carved with countless birds that he had seen before entering the Meteor Jade Mountain, and the dream-like illusion of King Wannu climbing out of the Meteor Jade Cave.

The bronze gate, the canyon, the twelve-handed monster corpse, everything is such a familiar combination.

King Wannu - There is actually another King Wannu here.

Thinking of this, Wu Xie gradually became more confident. The last Wannu King was killed by him and Muyu Fatty three together. It seems that this thing is not as powerful as its huge body shows.


This Wannu King seems to be a wheel bigger than the one in Changbai Mountain.

Wu Xie winked at the fat man a few times, clenched the incendiary bomb in his hand, and planned to wait for Muyu's signal to act, and they would act accordingly later.

The twelve-handed monster corpse seemed to be performing a ceremony before some kind of event. It raised its head high, and all its arms started to dance together, beating the rain, and the water splashes flew wantonly. The scales on its body shook with it, as if it was struck by a mallet.

The chimes rise and fall like one another.

The sound of running water, like the sound of bells and bells, is heard, and along with the dancing of the monster corpses, it is intertwined into a piece of sacred ritual music with a hint of magic.

All kinds of weird sounds are intertwined together, and under the blessing of the open environment of the cave, echoes are constantly added and expanded. The lingering sounds collide with the stone walls, spinning and jumping, like the rapid beating of war drums.

Scales of different sizes rubbed against each other, making the sound of swords, guns, swords and halberds clashing. The heavy drumbeats struck one after another, as if they were directly hitting everyone's heart. The beating of the heart was controlled by this soul-stirring music.

Wu Xie felt it was difficult to breathe, his hands and feet were weak, and he even had an uncontrollable urge to worship the strange corpse.

Wu Xie was stunned for a few moments, and then suddenly came back to his senses. His consciousness was still entangled in the complicated music, like a ball of wool that had been scratched by a kitten, torn back and forth between consciousness and chaos.

He was cruel, gritted his teeth and used a razor blade to make a heavy cut on his hand. The pain and blood finally made him wake up completely. He turned around and looked to the side. No one was around, so he quickly lowered his head and looked for it on the ground.

They saw the fat man already kneeling in the puddle, his arms hanging straight down, his eyes straight, and his face ashen, as if his soul had been taken away by some evil thing.

The rainwater above the cave roof was shaken by the exciting music, and it was like a whip falling on a prisoner during his torture. It hit his head and face so hard that he couldn't even open his eyes and couldn't see clearly what was going on over there with Zhang Shuxun.

The black and white rain curtain separated this place into two worlds. There was only Fatty next to Wu Xie, and he didn't know where Zhang Haixing had gone.

In desperation, Wu Xie rubbed the wound hard to force out the bleeding again, then rounded his arms and slapped the fat man in the face.

After a crisp "pop" sound, the fat man fell straight back without saying a word.

"Why is there no reaction when I wipe it? Isn't there enough blood on it?" Wu Xie hurriedly protected his head, smearing the blood all over the fat man's face as if wiping his face, and then pressed on his philtrum, "Fat man

!Fat man, wake up!"

The fat man let out a loud breath, his face turned from green to white, and his eyes were wandering.

Wu Xie let out a long breath and wiped the water on his face with his sleeve, "I'm finally awake. I almost scared myself to death, thanks to my blood."

The fat man just drank a lot of rainwater, and there was a strange bitter taste in his mouth. He bent down and retched a few times. He didn't even bother to wipe his mouth and asked urgently, "What happened just now? The King of Hell brought his own disco before riding on the corpse."

Is it about music? These drums, bells, and other special things all came out of nowhere."

Wu Xie couldn't give an effective answer at the moment, so he simply suggested: "I don't know what's going on over there at Muyu. Zhang Haixing, that girl, probably ran away early because she saw something was wrong. We have to go over there and take a look. We can't just wait around."


The fat man nodded in agreement.

The two of them took all the weapons they had with them and were about to head towards the swamp when they heard a sharp and piercing sound, like dozens of whistles blowing at the same time, as if it was the prelude of something about to launch a big move.

People feel creepy and their hair stands on end.

Immediately afterwards, there was a huge earthquake on the ground. Although the light was very dim at that moment, everything seemed to have been pressed on the slow speed button, and time and space were frozen for a moment.

The first second the muffled sound started, Wu Xie saw only a column of white water as long as a semi-trailer and an area as large as a semi-trailer in the air in front of him. They were all swept in by the air waves, and even the King of Hell in the center was all disturbed by a twisted black hole.

Go in.

Explode, break, soar, and land.

Wu Xie and Wu Xie only had time to react and curl up and hug their heads before they were knocked back by the incoming heat, dart-like armor fragments and severed limbs.

The two of them, together with the large black shadow that flew out, formed a ball, rolled straight five or six meters away, and fell into a crack in the rocks.

The moment he was thrown away, Wu Xie seemed to hear the sound of the hairs on the back of his hands and arms being burned and rolled up.

Of course, it might be an illusion. His ears felt bulging the moment he received the sound, and then went blank. His brain sent a sharp tinnitus to his ears like an alarm.

When he was already lying flat on the ground, he slowly felt that the arm in front of his face was throbbing with pain, and all the soreness and pain were felt almost at the same time.

A series of explosions followed closely and resounded through the entire cave, like an earthquake. Various lights of red, white, yellow, and black colors came and went one after another. Sparks danced and rotated, and finally formed a burning flame pit - those in the swamp.

The black mud was all set on fire by incendiary bombs.

The rising wave of fire was higher than a person standing up, and chain reactions after various explosions were endless.

As soon as the fat man got out, he immediately rolled up and roared in surprise and anger. The engineer shovel in his hand directly hit the black shadow on the head, quickly, hard and accurately.

Wu Xie fell next to the mass of things and caught a glimpse of a bloody arm. He immediately called the fat man to stop, "Fat man, wait a minute, this is a human being."

With his ears still ringing, Wu Xie shouted as loud as he could. The fat man could clearly see the shape of his mouth. The shovel he swung out stopped halfway. He took a closer look and recognized the black thing, "Short Feng?"

The dwarf Feng who was the bait was blown out, but what about the wooden fish who faced the monster head on?!

Turning around and looking again, I saw a huge black shadow standing staggeringly in the sea of ​​fire ignited by the mud.

The fat man looked horrified. He buried almost all the detonators he had on hand, but the bastard was not killed by the explosion!

The black figure stood crookedly and swaying. The upper and lower parts of its body rotated almost half a circle like screws. When it exploded into the sky and fell down again, its upper body was facing the wrong direction.

The direction of the bronze door.

But it was still moving, looking like a real living organism, supported by a few incomplete arms, and trying to turn its overturned body back together with its lower half.

And after standing up crookedly, he used his two arms that were not broken in a very humane manner to cover the area around his waist.

There was a huge hole there, but no blood flowed out.

This chapter has been completed!
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