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Chapter 141 Being targeted

The half-folded, half-brushed waist was twisted awkwardly like a twist, King Wannu's iconic bronze helmet was tilted, and the neck was probably badly damaged as well.

The black mud in the swamp was blown to all directions, like half-dead loaches being slapped on the rocks. The rest was wrapped around King Wannu and got into various gaps, along with the still burning flames.

It hangs on it, but it doesn't seem to be afraid of fire.

Only a huge pit was left on the spot, trapping the twelve-handed giant corpse inside.

Perhaps the corpse holy incense was also wrapped in mud and flew to nowhere. The twelve-handed giant corpse, which had lost its guidance, slowly stood up and did not move immediately.

Wu Xie and the other two ignored the copper pieces embedded in their bodies. They stepped back and stared at King Wan Nu with vigilance. They glanced around the rocks around the explosion crater with their peripheral vision, looking for Zhang Zhuxun.

Although I don’t know how Muyu caused the detonator to explode amidst the strange sound of drums and interrupted the Twelve-Handed Monster’s spellcasting, he should have taken precautions in advance.

The only thing that worried Wu Xie was whether Zhang Haixing was secretly causing trouble in the sudden change. That woman was not someone who would give up easily.

Wu Xie didn't dare to gamble on such a pitiful chance. It was strange enough that Zhang Haixing was not affected by the sound of drums. Muyu had what she wanted, so the most likely thing was that they were hiding in the room at the moment.

Somewhere, or maybe the wooden fish is the restricted party.

Thinking of this, his heart sank uncontrollably.

Feng Huan died at their feet. He was out of breath and short of breath, and looked like he was about to die.

But suddenly, Wu Xie felt a gloomy gaze staring at him, and a cold air rushed straight into the back of his head, as if a poisonous snake was wrapped around his neck, and the hair on the back of his neck sprouted uncontrollably.

He suppressed the panic in his heart, let go of his gaze and looked back at the ominous sight, but he suddenly looked into his eyes with fist-sized, green solid sockets.

His scalp exploded in an instant. Damn it, King Wannu was staring at him!


A storm whirlpool immediately arose in Wu Xie's mind, and he racked his brains to think of the reason.

The fat man on the side also noticed something was wrong, and pulled Wu Xie tentatively to move a few steps to the side, his malicious gaze always following them.

"It's over, you've been targeted." The fat man's lips moved and his voice was low and inaudible.

Wu Xie even felt a certain sense of relaxation. Was his poor constitution already serious enough?

Their eyes met for a moment, and the twelve-handed monster corpse seemed to confirm something and started to move. The remaining seven arms began to flutter like a spider, grabbing the rocks on the shore and starting to move in the direction where they were.

"What a fool, run away!"

The fat man shouted to remind Wu Xie and dragged him back to where his backpack was. He remembered that there was still the last grenade in the backpack.

The two of them supported each other and stumbled into a trot. They quickly got their backpacks and turned around to look back, only to find that King Wannu was still struggling beside the pit.

After climbing to the shore, its upper body could not support the shore with its arms like it did in the pit just now to prevent it from falling. Therefore, its entire body was showing uncoordinated movements up and down. As soon as it stood up, it fell back to the side.

Like a big puppet that has been in disrepair and is in tatters.

Fortunately, it still had a lot of hands, so it immediately supported it. At the same time, it let go of its waist, and countless fine white gravel began to leak out of the crack in the armor that exploded.

The fat man was stunned for a moment while holding the grenade, "What the hell is going on with this thing? Why is it still filled with stuffing? It looks like a big human-shaped sandbag with the stuffing missing."

Wu Xie frowned and looked at the pile of white sand that had accumulated, and guessed, "Is it empty inside? Then what is its shell made of? There can't really be an ancient giant race that is five or six meters tall and has so many hands.

Probably hatched from a mutated pterosaur dinosaur egg."

Because the waist could not be supported, the movements of the twelve-handed monster became very weird. It could not stand up, but it kept trying to straighten its waist. At the same time, it also wanted to cover the hole in the white sand with its hands, tripping with its hands and feet.

As it kept falling, more sand leaked out, and it felt like it was about to tear itself apart.

The fat man grinned, "We might as well help it and send the King of Hell to the west."

The flashlight had already been scrapped in the shower, so the two of them rolled out a lot of half-dried black mud, wrapped it directly around the head of the engineer's shovel, made it into a simple torch, and then lit it to light the road.

He didn't know what was wrong, but as soon as Wu Xie came closer, the King of Hell began to dig at the ground as excitedly as if he had taken a stimulant, and crawled desperately in his direction.

The fat man took a look at the situation and asked him to hide behind a rock. He slowly approached, pulled out the plug, aimed at the gap where several arms were interspersed, and threw the grenade at the belly of the King of Hell.

Then he ran back and hid with Wu Xie, protecting his head.

The moment he crouched down, the grenade exploded, and shattered rocks fell all around the two of them.

Wu Xie and the other two cautiously poked their heads out like groundhogs, and saw that the waist of the King of Hell had been completely broken in one blow, and the armor on his body was shattered into pieces, revealing the skin that was protected underneath.

At a glance, Wu Xie and Fatty were both in a mess.

After the entire armor on the abdomen was blown away, the upper body of the King of Hell was completely exposed, and the mask and helmet on its face were also blown open. Looking through the cracks, it turned out that there were all large and small irregular holes inside.

Wu Xie and Wu Xie were both stunned. Under the mask of the King of Hell was actually a spherical stone, or a black stone like honeycomb coal, without even the most basic facial features.

"Is the head of the King of Hell a cinder?" the fat man asked in surprise.

The stone ball full of holes was inserted into the huge torso. What was even more shocking was that the torso was really a complete dry corpse, covered with short black hairs, as if growing in a petri dish.

Dry bread with mold spots.

A large amount of white sand flowed out from the middle of the completely severed mummy. The fat man's expression was in a daze, as if he was recalling something. Suddenly his face changed drastically, and he stepped back and said: "Mother, someone hollowed out a rice dumpling. This mother-in-law is a real person."

Corpse fight!"

Wu Xie didn't know why, "What?"

Turning back, he saw the King of Hell, who had thrown off his lower body, accurately turned his stone head in the direction of the two of them, and began to crawl over at a flying speed, several times faster than when he had legs.

"Run!" The fat man was shocked. "This is the true body of the King of Hell. Don't be caught by it. It will use you as its lower body!"

"What the hell? Your sister didn't tell me earlier!"

Wu Xie turned around and ran as fast as he could, completely ignoring whether his feet would collide with each other. He and the fat man jumped and crossed each other in a zigzag shape.

Then he collapsed and discovered that no matter how much the fat man yelled over there, the half of the King of Hell was chasing him from beginning to end.

The voices chasing behind him were getting closer and closer, and Wu Xie was going crazy.

Just when he couldn't hold himself any longer and already had a premonition of how miserable he would be next, a dark shadow swooped onto him. A light flashed in his eyes. He felt heavy, then tight, and then lightened immediately. The jacket he was wearing was being lifted.

Taken away.

Lying on his back on the ground, Wu Xie was in a daze, and he didn't even feel the pain from the fall.

The fat man ran over and helped him up, "Is everything okay?"

Wu Xie grabbed his arm, tilted his neck and looked back, "That person just now seemed... to be a wooden fish!"

This chapter has been completed!
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