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Chapter 37 Weird Dream

 Wu Xiaoxie quickly knelt down next to him to check, "Muyu? How are you, Muyu?"

Zhang Zhuoxun shook his head and struggled to get up a little. Severe pain hit his back. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground again. A large amount of cold sweat broke out on his forehead. After several attempts, he failed alone.

She pulled Wu Xiaoxie with her hand and motioned for him to stand up, "Hurry up, those trees and vines will chase after you."

The light was insufficient, and Wu Xiaoxie didn't know where Zhang Zhuxun was injured besides his abdomen, but it looked really serious, and he was anxious and didn't dare to check randomly.

Upon hearing Zhang Zhuxun's words, Wu Xiaoxie immediately shook his head like a rattle.

There was a dragging sound above his head. Wu Xiaoxie became nervous and hurriedly threw his backpack in front. He fumbled for the flashlight that Zhang Zhuxun had thrown out and knocked it on the palm of his hand. The flashlight came back on. He gritted his teeth and turned over.

Zhang Zhuoxun put it on his back, held a flashlight in his mouth, and ran forward.

Zhang Zhu couldn't stop him in time. He lay on Wu Xiaoxie's back and was jolted so hard that he grimaced and grimaced. He had to endure not to scream and influence Wu Xiaoxie. How could he be so miserable?

There was a constant noise from behind, and Wu Xiaoxie didn't dare to stop at all. He ran nearly two hundred meters in one breath, and he didn't know where he ran in a panic.

The light of the flashlight flashed by, and Wu Xiaoxie rushed out for two steps. Suddenly, he suddenly braked and stopped. Zhang Zhuxun, who was on his back, almost fell out. He asked quickly, "What's wrong?"

Wu Xiaoxie didn't say a word, but silently took two steps back, turned his head and aimed the light beam at one place.

There was a corpse entangled with vines and tied to the stone wall. It was very impressive under the dim light. The most horrifying thing was that the face of the corpse clearly looked like Zhang Shuxun behind him—

—Exactly the same!

Wu Xiaoxie's heart skipped a beat, and the hairs all over his body stood up. He quickly closed his eyes and opened them again. The scene in front of him didn't change at all.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Wu Xiaoxie suddenly felt that Zhang Zhuxun on his back was slowly getting heavier. A wet head came closer to the side of his face with moist mist, and several strands of black hair hung down from his shoulders.

The hair is still dripping water on the ground.

Wu Xiaoxie felt as if his whole body was soaked in ice water, his body began to tremble involuntarily, and his teeth chattered together.

An indistinguishable voice came from behind and asked, "Why are you shaking? Am I so scary?"


Wu Xiaoxie squeezed out a loud shout from his voice, grabbed the unknown creature behind his back and threw it to the ground, and when it landed, he kicked it out with his feet.

There was a "bang" and he didn't know where the kick hit. Wu Xiaoxie didn't take a second look, took off the flashlight from his mouth and ran away.

But no matter how he ran, the things around him remained unchanged. The damp feeling behind him came again. When he was desperate, he suddenly felt pain on his face, and a tree vine came out of nowhere and slapped him hard.


Wu Xiaoxie screamed in pain, and his body suddenly became heavy. Something pulled his feet and he fell straight down. The feeling of weightlessness came over him, and his eyes became black and dizzy.

"Wu Xie, Wu Xie, wake up quickly."

A sound appeared in my ears, suddenly far and now near, suddenly bright and dim.

Who is calling me?

Wu Xiaoxie was confused and wanted to open his eyes to see what was going on, but his eyelids were as heavy as weights, unable to open even the slightest gap. Instead, he broke out in a cold sweat.

Damn it! Open it quickly, open it quickly!

Wu Xiaoxie was so angry that she thought to herself, "Who dares to press down on my bed? When I wake up, I will find a Taoist priest to give you salvation."

After thinking all over the place in his mind, Wu Xiaoxie cursed those damn eighteenth-generation ancestors again.

Xu Shigui is also afraid of evil people. After cursing, Wu Xiaoxie clearly felt that his body had relaxed a lot. He was overjoyed and hurriedly opened his eyes tentatively, and a golden fire jumped into his eyes.

Wu Xiaoxie was stunned, turned to look at the fire, and found Zhang Zhuxun sitting by the fire with one leg bent and staring at him with unkind eyes.

The look in his eyes made Wu Xiaoxie tremble immediately, and he was about to turn over and move away. Unexpectedly, when he was about to stand up, his head felt dizzy, his arms went limp, and he collapsed to the ground.

Zhang Zhuxun quickly stopped him from moving, "Please calm down for a while, no matter how much you torture the Great Luo Immortal, it won't save your life."

Wu Xiaoxie lay on the ground and rested for a while. Then the dizziness and nausea subsided, and his mind became much clearer.

"I...what's wrong?"

He only remembered that he and Zhang Zhuxun were chased by tree vines and fell down the fault together. What happened next? It seemed that...he hit his head somewhere when he fell, and then he didn't know anything.

Zhang Zhu saw that he had calmed down, raised his head with his left hand, and fed him some water with a water bag in his right hand. Then he said with a dark face: "You are so embarrassed to ask, after you fell from the plank road, you

You fell unconscious. I tried so hard to put you on my back to escape, but you little bastard was not honest at all. You kicked your legs and slapped your hands, and you even cursed in such a filthy way that you used a rope.

It only took a while after I tied you up, and you woke up just as I untied you, with an expression as if you had seen a ghost. If I hadn’t taken your injury into consideration, I would have really wanted to slap you."


Wu Xiaoxie looked confused, thinking that it was no wonder the ghost was pressing down on the bed. It turned out that he couldn't move because he was tied up.

Even such a good-tempered person like Muyu turned black, which shows that he was really making a lot of noise.

Wu Xiaoxie laughed twice, raised his hand and touched the gauze wrapped around his head, "I'm sorry, I dreamed about the forbidden woman in the undersea tomb, and that thing was lying on my back blowing air conditioning, I

That’s when I wanted to drive it away. By the way, you didn’t get hurt anywhere when you fell, did you?”

Zhang Shuxun's expression softened a little, "It's okay. I just twisted my foot when I hit the bottom. It's been dealt with. It's not serious."

Wu Xiaoxie breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time frowned, feeling a dull pain in the back of his head.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhuxun explained: "The place we fell down was a slope. When you rolled down, you probably hit your head on a rock. You got some skin on the back of your head, a slight concussion, dizziness and nausea. These are all normal reactions.

Wu Xiaoxie covered his head, pushed himself up with his arms, looked around, and asked, "Where is this?"

This chapter has been completed!
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