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Chapter 38 Tree Group Stone Statues

 What he saw was a cave, and it was very cold inside. He had broken out in a cold sweat before, but now he felt extremely cold. Wu Xiaoxie hurriedly moved closer to the fire.

Zhang Zhuxun poked the fire with a straight knife to make the fire burn brighter, "Take it off and bake it. Wearing wet clothes will make you sick."

Wu Xiaoxie nodded and followed the instructions. After finishing his work, Zhang Zhuoxun threw him a bag of compressed biscuits.

Wu Xiaoxie's stomach was empty at the moment and he was very hungry. He opened the bag and ate it voraciously. He ate too quickly and was so angry that he couldn't stop hiccupping and beat his chest desperately.

Zhang Zhuxun looked at him speechlessly and handed him the water bag in his backpack, "Eat slowly, no one will compete with you."

Wu Xiaoxie drank happily, then put down the water bag and wiped his mouth, "Where is this?"

Zhang Zhuxun handed him the telescope and let him see for himself.

When Wu Xiaoxie took a look, he could already see the top of the giant bronze tree more than ten meters up, with a few slivers of skylight leaking through the top, which made people feel overjoyed.

"We can get out of here!"

Wu Xiaoxie turned to Zhang Zhuxun for confirmation in surprise.

If you can see the light, it means it can reach the surface. This is a natural cave. It was impossible for the ancients to come in through the mountain when they came to worship. There must be a passage above that can lead to the outside. Maybe they can get out directly from here without going back the way they came.
Zhang Zhuoxun nodded, "We will definitely be able to go out if there is light, but we have suffered so much along the way, and we are about to reach the treasure land that Lao Itch and Boss Wang talk about. Are you willing to go out in such a dejected manner?"
"What's this..." Reluctantly, Wu Xiaoxie couldn't say the second half of the sentence, because Zhang Zhuxun's expression at the moment was clearly determined to find out, so he had to swallow it silently and thought about it sooner.

The idea of ​​withdrawing people.

"That's okay." Wu Xiaoxie then thought about it, and there was nothing wrong with going to take a look. Anyway, they had plenty of food. By the way, they could see if they could come across Lao Chu's body. After all, they were brothers. Although they couldn't live and die together, they could give each other something to do with each other.

It is still appropriate to collect a body.

After the excitement, Wu Xiaoxie had time to observe the others carefully, and then he discovered that there were countless banyan tree roots getting in from the gaps at the top, twisting and spreading along the tung trees, and forming a ball in that area, which seemed to be wrapped inside.


When Wu Xiaoxie saw the tree roots and vines, he was startled reflexively, fearing that the thing would suddenly come to life and find him and Zhang Zhu.

Zhang Zhuoxun comforted him, "It's okay. Those tree roots are all dry. The main tree above died for some unknown reason. It won't suddenly burst out and hurt anyone."

It was pitch black there, and the telescope was not a special night vision goggle, so it could only be seen a little bit. Wu Xiaoxie muttered in his heart, not knowing how Muyu could see it.

However, he always trusted what Muyu said, so he felt relieved and didn't worry about it anymore.

The plank road built around the cave wall was longer than he imagined and was higher than the top of the bronze tree, which made it easier for them to leave.

Thinking of this, Wu Xiaoxie turned around and urged Zhang Zhuoxun: "Since there is a way out, let's seize the time. After exploring the treasure place, we will go back home. Even if I am beaten to death, I don't want to come back to this ghost place again.


Zhang Bo looked up, looked up, and said, "Those tree roots seem to be wrapped around a statue. It's not clear from here. We might as well get closer."

Wu Xiaoxie took a closer look with a telescope and felt that the thing in the tree roots was indeed a statue, and it was very similar to the stone statue they met when they came, whose face was blown up by tomb robbers, and he became curious.<


After extinguishing the fire, the two packed up their equipment and left the cave.

Logically speaking, the closer you get to the stone statue, the clearer it should be. However, no matter how the two of them raised their necks to look, the face of the stone statue was still unclear, which made the anxious people feel pricked in their hearts.

The two of them accelerated their pace in unison, and grabbed hold of a section of the plank road in front that broke. They grabbed the roots hanging down from the stone wall and climbed up.

The distance is getting closer and closer, and the arms of the stone statue wrapped by tree roots can gradually be seen clearly.

Zhang Zhuxun, who was walking in front, suddenly shouted in surprise and ran towards the stone statue.

Wu Xiaoxie was puzzled, and just as he was about to speed up, he heard Zhang Zhuxun waving to him from the front, "Come here quickly."

Wu Xiaoxie ran over and saw Zhang Zhuxun pointing at the mass of roots and saying, "Look, there's more than one stone statue inside."

This chapter has been completed!
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