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Chapter 277 Political chaos

Zhu Biao almost choked when he heard this. Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and then focused on the official rank and authority of the Grand Bachelor. He knew what his son thought, although now he looked at the Grand Bachelor

They don't have much, but it's not hard to see their potential.

Being always around and being advised means that you can always accompany the king. If you are really capable, you will naturally be promoted. What's more, there are advisors who make suggestions. To a certain extent, this is the power to discuss politics.

What are the key points in the operation of political power? Decision-making power, deliberation power and administrative power. Needless to say, decision-making power must be distributed to six ministries. This deliberation power is very vague and is basically owned by all officials.

But there were only a few people who could actually discuss politics with the emperor.

Zhu Biao said softly: "Father, not everyone can compare with you. Today's official duties are enough to make us, father and son, dizzy [Jiujiu Novel www.jjxxs.cn], let alone the future."

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed after hearing this. He was the emperor, but he couldn't control that all subsequent kings would be as diligent as him, but he really didn't want any outsiders to touch the power.

But the reality is like this. It's okay to say that now, if he goes according to his plan, the number of memorials that need to be reviewed may have to be doubled in the future. By then, it is indeed not something that the father and son can handle.

What's more, what you need to do to govern the world is not as simple as reviewing memorials day and night. There are too many places to work hard, and you will indeed need a consultant department, otherwise all your energy will have to be focused on this.

Zhu Yuanzhang said in a deep voice: "Let's just stand there for now. It's a false position. Don't pay too much attention to it. Let Li Shanchang, Liu Bowen and Song Lian all have their names."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Biao immediately nodded to express his understanding. The prototype of the cabinet must be protected, not to mention that it is not really needed now. At the very least, Hu Weiyong must not be alerted, and Hu Weiyong still needs to be stable.

The next morning, a fifth-rank official from the Ministry of Rites suddenly reported to the court that the functions and powers of the imperial government offices were somewhat confusing, and asked the Holy Emperor to reorganize and clarify the functions and powers of each department so that each department could perform its duties.

Zhu Yuanzhang naturally agreed happily. As soon as these words came out, the court was boiling. Every time the court changes, there are rises and falls. Naturally, everyone is very concerned about it. No one wants their rights to be divided. After all, there are people behind the power.

represents interests.

It stands to reason that Wang Guangyang should be in charge of this matter? After all, he is the minister of the government who assists the emperor at the top, protects the common people at the bottom, treats all officials politely, and avoids all ministers? But before Wang Guangyang could say anything, the newly appointed Minister of the Ministry of Justice stepped forward and said

: "I recommend the right Prime Minister Hu Weiyong to take charge of this matter."

Before others could agree, Hu Weiyong stood up in fear, bowed to Zhu Yuanzhang above and said, "How can I, my minister, be given such a big responsibility? It is most appropriate for the left prime minister to be in charge."

Wang Guangyang hurriedly stood up and shied away. He thought to himself, don't try to do this nonsense to me. Most of the people in the court were from Huaixi, so they naturally supported Hu Weiyong. After all, they were friends? Maybe they could get some benefits.

At this moment, the Minister of Civil Affairs stood up to support Wang Guangyang? With the Tianguan of the Civil Affairs Bureau taking the lead, Wang Guangyang's voice suddenly gained momentum. Of course, the main reason was that Hu Weiyong was deliberately suppressing his own people.

He even deliberately asked people to support Wang Guangyang. Is Hu Weiyong a sensible person? He saw how Yang Xian died with his own eyes, and he knew very well what Yang Xian's momentum was back then. How dare he reveal more in the court.

Zhu Yuanzhang and his son stood on a high place and looked at the ministers below. They both narrowed their eyes unconsciously. No one came to recommend the prince to take charge of this matter. Did they really think that Zhu Biao was just here to observe politics?

I'm just pretending to be stupid.

What a pity? The final decision-making power is still in the hands of the emperor. These people can only make suggestions. Of course, there are lone ministers in the court who are completely loyal to the emperor, such as the official of the Ministry of Rites who spoke first. As long as Zhu Yuanzhang looks at him, he will immediately

Many people recommend His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

But that was just what they wanted to see. With his back pressed against the dragon chair, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes became darker and darker, and he looked silently at the courtiers coming and going below, especially those old Huaixi brothers.

They were all very cute people in the past, but now they are all very ugly. It doesn't matter if they are Hu Weiyong's, but why do you want to promote Wang Guangyang? Who are you pretending to show? In your mind, are we that easy to deceive?

Suddenly a chill ran down Zhu Biao's back, and he looked sideways at his father. Those deep eyes seemed to be filled with waves of blood. Zhu Biao felt sorry for those smart people in his heart. His father was undoubtedly the most powerful person in the world.

One of the smart people, otherwise he would not have gone from being a begging monk to sitting on the dragon throne.

What such a person hates most is that others regard him as a fool. Those below feel that they have performed well, but in the eyes of Zhu Biao, they are full of flaws, let alone in the eyes of Zhu Yuanzhang who knows them well.

Hu Weiyong kept his head down and refused, so he didn't notice it, but Wang Guangyang and Liu Bowen below had already noticed it. Wang Guangyang suddenly felt that exile was good, at least no one would die.

Liu Bowen sighed, stood up and said: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has been in the government for a while. I heard that the recent memorials were reviewed by His Highness himself. He is worthy of being the crown prince of the Ming Dynasty. I congratulate you on this. The country is Yongji. We

The Ming Dynasty will last forever!"

The rest of the people were stunned. Most of them had not yet realized why Liu Bowen, who had been pretending to be dead for many years, suddenly jumped out to praise His Highness the Crown Prince. What’s more, it was too embarrassing to do this suddenly. Can’t we all be decent people?

Hu Weiyong was shocked in vain, then he raised his head and glanced at the emperor's face, and then immediately knelt down and said: "What the imperial censor Zhongcheng said is absolutely true. It is our great fortune that your highness is a dragon or a phoenix. However, reviewing the documents is not enough to achieve the emperor's wish.

In order to be able to meet the ministers every day and practice state affairs, I thought it would be better to leave the official affairs of integrating the authority of the government to His Highness, so that His Highness can have more contact with the operations of the court."

Wang Guangyang quickly agreed: "I agree, the rectification of the functions and powers of the government offices is of great importance and has wide implications. It would be great if His Highness could come forward."

The rest of the people also reacted, especially those who were more lively. At this time, they were sweating coldly, and hurriedly followed suit. Zhu Yuanzhang, who was in charge, smiled and declined several times. The courtiers looked at the smile on the emperor's face and felt their hearts go out.

Even cooler.

In order to make up for his mistakes, he stepped up his efforts to recommend His Highness the Crown Prince. Zhu Yuanzhang finally looked at his son and ordered: "Then the Crown Prince will be responsible for this matter. The left minister will assist you. It is related to the operation of the court. You must be cautious and discuss everything with the left ministers."

Zhu Biao bowed and promised: "My son, I will obey the decree and I will live up to my father's trust."

The subsequent court meeting was nothing. Zhu Yuanzhang left directly after announcing the end of the court. The officials looked at each other. Today's events were too sudden. The more they thought about it, they felt that something was wrong. They more or less felt that they had done something wrong.


Only the generals led by Xu Da and Li Wenzhong didn't care. They shouted to go drinking and hunting and dispersed. Zhu Biao walked up to Wang Guangyang and said a few polite words.


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